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This paper is concerned with explaining the relationship between land prices and subdivision activity in Madina, Saudi Arabia. This article is not concerned with the effect of land prices on individual landowners, but rather on the supply of land in general. First it is necessary to explain the increase in land prices and why they have risen in real terms over time, what are the periods of growth and decline and what effects have they had on the supply of land for subdivision. This paper then explains the geographical variations in land prices and their influence on the distribution of land subdivision throughout the Madina area, especially in inner city areas and suburban areas.  相似文献   

Microeconomic models posit that transaction costs isolate subsistence producers from output market shocks. We integrate microeconomic models of many heterogeneous households into a general equilibrium model and show that supply on subsistence farms may respond, in apparently perverse ways, to changes in output market prices. Price shocks in markets for staple goods are transmitted to subsistence producers through interactions in factor markets. In the case presented, a decrease in the market price of maize reduces wages and land rents, stimulating maize production by subsistence households; however, real incomes of subsistence households fall.  相似文献   

This article proposes an innovative methodology to compute economic rents of land designed to current or potential offices uses. It consists in the establishment of a cause-and-effect relation between offices’ price levels and correspondent levels of land rent, considering the main factors that influence property prices, the ones that guide public and private activities’ location decisions and the inter-dependencies between land and real estate property markets. The rationale subjacent to this research is that land economic rent is determined by the difference between offices market price and a set of costs correspondent to land acquisition, planning and building processes, and a profit margin. An assessment of surplus values is provided in order to compute it as the difference between total land market value (land economic rent plus economic return on land use) and correspondent tributary patrimonial-value according to legal valuation proceedings (settled on property law). In order to reach these goals, variables that exert influence on urban planning and municipal management were identified, an urban management information system was designed and implemented, and an integrated and interactive model to support decisions in urban planning – concerning real estate offices and land prices and characteristics – was developed. These tools were applied as a case study to Oporto city (Portugal). They embody updating functionalities, setting up as an on-going support to policies of municipal land use management (particularly applied to offices uses). A proposal is made to integrate similar models in territorial plans as valuation tools to support better approaches to assess the impact of planning decisions on real estate and land values, thus informing a more equitable, efficient and local-based tax basis. Implications of this analysis for urban planning and fiscal settings are proposed.  相似文献   


Many earlier studies have provided useful statistical information on the extent of vacant land in British towns and cities, but few have attempted to relate land vacancy to the wider development process. This paper presents recent evidence from Inner Manchester which suggests that valuation practices operate to prevent inner city land prices from falling even in areas of apparent over‐supply. This creates a blockage in the development process. It is shown that asking prices for vacant sites currently on the market are often substantially in excess of the level of prices achieved in recent transactions. As the great waves of compulsory acquisition in Manchester are now over, the statutory rules of valuation do not account for this difference, although historic levels of value have been supported by recent local authority acquisitions by agreement. It is evident that the comparative method of valuation is unable to cope with few transactions or a declining economy, both of which characterize the inner city land market. As a result, inner city land prices appear to be revised downwards only slowly and reluctantly in response to lack of demand or excess supply.  相似文献   


Most attempts to increase agricultural production rely on incentives to the farmer, especially regarding market prices, and a positive response by him. In this paper the latter is analysed with reference to two major oilseed export crops in the Sudan, groundnuts and sesame, under small peasant farming conditions. The methodology used to study the behaviour of farmers is based on Rational Expectations techniques and the data used are drawn from official time series material. The results obtained show that small farmers are responsive to price changes for these crops by adjusting crop areas. The implications of the results are of importance to policy makers in that peasant production can be stimulated by ensuring that the producers obtain sufficient price incentives to do so. An immediate priority is an in‐depth study of the competitiveness of the marketing system to provide adequate information on which to base remedial measures to ensure that the price mechanism transmits the appropriate signals to the farmers. A further important policy aspect is the need to change the reliance of the small peasant sector on shifting agriculture to maintain soil fertility, because of the increasing population pressure on land. In the longer term farmers should adjust to real price rises not by increasing the amount of land cultivated but by raising the productivity of their holdings in a new system of sedentary agriculture.  相似文献   


Because of pressures on the countryside by private housing development, the Government and the planners have become increasingly involved in planning policy issues and in forecasting land requirements. The forecasting techniques used are examined, and their translation into local allocations through structure and local plans and land availability studies are looked at. The demand for more land releases is attributed more to structural changes in the housebuilding industry and local land shortages in the south‐east than to real shortfalls in housing provision. There is a need for improved monitoring systems for land resource management, particularly in balancing ‘green‐field’ releases against development/redevelopment in existing urban areas.  相似文献   

Historically, the Japanese farmland market has been strongly regulated, although fundamental changes in policy were introduced in 1967 and 1980. This article examines the relationship between farmland prices and rents in Japan for 1955–2000 using the cointegration procedure of Johansen et al. (2000) , which admits structural breaks. Results show the presence of a cointegrating relationship with a significant break in 1980. There is Granger‐causality from prices to rents, which suggests that rents are determined within an institutional setting according to farmland prices. The rent–price elasticity is unity, which supports the notion of efficiency in the farmland market.  相似文献   


Institutions which own and develop property are just beginning to recognize that they are offering a product which no longer enjoys a guaranteed market with ever increasing returns. In the increasingly difficult and discerning letting markets of the 1980's they are having to accept that the price (both in rental and capital terms) of the product they own and offer will depend entirely on how it meets the needs of their customers, the tenants. Like many other quasi‐monopolists used to operating in protected markets in the past, they may find the process of adjusting to this new world goes further, last longer and hurts more than they expect. Against that background, the traditional distinctions between ‘prime’, ‘secondary’ and ‘tertiary’ property in the investment market, as well as the old dividing lines between the office, industrial and retail categories are beginning to break down. Hillier Parker, for example, have published research suggesting that rents of secondary shop properties grew much faster than ‘prime’ rents over the past five years. The lowest yields, and highest prices, rents and investment ratings must eventually come together to produce an explosion of relative value in the locations and buildings with the best record and prospect of growing tenant demand.  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical and conceptual insights in analysing the factors that determine the prices of farmland within Protected Natural Areas that are close to densely populated urban areas, the changes in land use experiences as well as the additional control policies needed to curb this unsustainable trend.The Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve nearby the metropolitan area of Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain) is the case study considered and its bordering non-protected rural area is used as a reference for comparison. A spatial hedonic farmland price model is estimated and the willingness of land purchasers to pay for different farmland characteristics quantified both inside and outside the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve. The main results are that: (1) residential development is taking place in all categories of farmland, (2) aside from neighbouring prices, farmland prices depend on different factors depending on whether the marketed plots stand inside or outside the Protected Natural Area, (3) the “reserve effect” on land prices is less powerful than the “proximity to the metropolitan area (and motorway) effect” observed from villages of the non-protected area located in the 3rd crown of Bilbao, (4) the reasons for farmers non-compliance with policy regulations is the necessary knowledge base for the farmland conservation policy design and (5) in the light of the results, three development-control policy instruments such as Payments for Ecosystem Services, Tradable Planning Permits and development-taxes are discussed considering the factors that could improve compliance.  相似文献   

We investigate the applicability of the present-value asset pricing model to fishing quota markets by applying instrumental variable panel data estimation techniques to 15 years of market transactions from New Zealand's individual transferable quota (ITQ) market. In addition to the influence of current fishing rents, we explore the effect of market interest rates, risk, and expected changes in future rents on quota asset prices. The results indicate that quota asset prices are positively related to declines in interest rates, lower levels of risk, expected increases in future fish prices, and expected cost reductions from rationalization under the quota system.  相似文献   

基于机器学习方法的城市社区尺度商铺租金空间布局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:通过引入机器学习方法,利用地理时空大数据研究精细尺度的商铺租金分布,以弥补传统基于计量模型的租金分析中样本量不足、要素量化方式主观、模型形式僵化等问题。研究方法:研究利用网络爬虫技术获取相关时空大数据,随后采用密度制图、空间句法分析等量化相关指标,并通过LASSO模型筛选影响因子,最后采用机器学习方法对社区尺度商铺租金进行空间布局分析。研究结果:基于机器学习方法的广州市中心城区社区尺度商铺租金布局分析能较好拟合估计值和观测值,其分析结果显示广州市中心城区中荔湾区、越秀区、天河区和海珠区各自形成了成熟的高租金核心,商铺租金从高值区域向外逐渐下降。研究结论:该研究方法可以应用于房租、房价空间分布估计等领域,研究成果可作为基准地价更新、城市异值空间发现等的参考。  相似文献   


A common puzzle in economics is whether natural resources are a ‘curse’ or a ‘blessing’ for economic development. Previous studies have suggested that resource booms can promote growth, but private rent-seeking can turn these booms into a curse if institutions are weak. We argue that private incentives differ depending on whether rents are diversified across different commodities or concentrated in a few of them, because greater diversification implies higher appropriation costs. By using SITC-4 level of export disaggregation to measure within-sector concentration in 131 countries during 1991–2015, we show that the effect of mining rents on economic growth is conditional on the level of concentration within the mining sector. Mining rents enhance growth for economies with low concentration and strong institutions but reduce growth for economies with high-concentration and extremely weak institutions.  相似文献   

This article explores the extent to which payments under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) are capitalized into land rents in Ireland with implications for the transfer efficiency of such payments, since subsidies may not benefit targeted recipients if they are capitalized into input prices. Capitalization in the years preceding and following the "decoupling" of agricultural support payments from agricultural production is explored. In the period prior to decoupling, direct support (Pillar 1) payments were highly capitalized into Irish agricultural rents (67–90 cents per euro of subsidies), while in the post‐decoupling period capitalization appears to have declined somewhat.  相似文献   

通过对我国近年来房价不断攀高现象的分析与研究,发现当前由于缺乏闲置土地的界定标准和处置方法,直接导致了房地产开发商囤地、地价飞涨、房价居高不下的现象出现。经研究分析,认为完善相关法律法规及执法结构的建设、开展闲置土地利用评价、征收土地闲置费、加强建设用地的批后管理,建立土地市场的动态监测体系是解决此类问题的根本方法。  相似文献   

Since the early 1950s, Japanese farmland rents have been regulated and a consensus emerged that rent control led to market failure. Hypothesising a rent‐formation model where rents are determined by prices, this paper estimates a threshold autoregressive model which integrates three tests of market failure, namely, inefficiency, bias and asymmetry. There are four results. First, a long‐run relationship exists between rents and prices, and the Japanese farmland rental market is efficient. Second, the rent‐price elasticity is unity and the market is unbiased. Third, rents are Granger‐caused by prices which supports the rent‐formation model. Fourth, asymmetry exists where more rapid error‐correction occurs immediately after policy reform when rent growth exceeds price growth by 3.6% or more, and rent control has benefitted tenants.  相似文献   

研究目的:研究工业地价对工业扩散的影响作用变化及对不同行业工业扩散的空间影响差异。研究方法:基于成绵乐发展带2008—2017年工业用地出让信息,利用工业地价变动指数与工业扩散规模指数来量化工业地价变动和工业扩散规模变化,通过地理加权回归模型分析工业地价变化对不同行业工业扩散规模的空间影响。研究结果:(1)研究区内工业扩散具有显著的空间和时间差异;(2)工业地价变动指数是影响工业扩散的重要因素,但呈现波动下降趋势;(3)工业地价变动指数对不同行业工业扩散具有明显的行业和空间差异。研究结论:基于工业地价对工业扩散和不同行业的影响差异,应进一步完善工业地价市场机制,充分发挥地区比较优势,形成区域产业协调发展的良好格局。  相似文献   

Markov decision process (MDP) models generalize Faustmann's formula by recognizing that future stand states, prices, and interest rates, are not known exactly. Buongiorno (Forest Science 47(4) 2001) presents a dynamic programming and a linear programming formulation of the MDP model with a fixed interest rate. Both formulations are generalized here to account for a stochastic interest rate. The objective function is the expected present value of returns over an infinite horizon. It gives, like Faustmann's formula, the value of the land and the eventual standing trees. The changes between stand states, prices, and interest rate, are represented by Markov chains. Faustmann's formula is a special case where the change from one state to another has 0 or 1 probability, and the interest rate is constant. The MDP model applies to any stand state, even- or uneven-aged, and the best decisions are tied uniquely to the current system state. An example shows the effects of recognizing variations in interest rate on the land expectation value, and the cost of ignoring them.  相似文献   

Finland is the most sparsely populated country in the European Union. Finland's northern location presents special challenges for the profitability of agriculture. At the same time Finland has a fragmented property structure which means that each farmer cultivates a number of separate fields that are scattered into small parcels located around the village. The situation came into being because of land reforms whose purpose was to handle socio-political issues and not to improve the feasibility of farms. It is obvious that this inefficient property structure increases the cultivation costs but what is often forgotten is that it also increases the harmful emissions to the climate.The purpose of this article is to present the property structure of arable land and its development in Finland until 2020. The main objective is to estimate the monetary value for those climate impacts that the development causes. The study was set up to analyze land management tools and their capabilities to handle the future challenges. First, the study estimates how much petrol consumption increases because of the increased need for agricultural traffic due to the forecasted development of property structure. Secondly, the study estimates a monetary value for the increased emissions to the climate due to the changes in petrol consumption. To estimate the monetary value of the climate effect a substitute cost method is used.It was estimated that by year 2020 the agricultural working hours will increase by almost three million hours per year from its current level because of the expected changes in property structure. By using the information about petrol consumption and emission rate of petrol, it was calculated that the total increase in CO2-emissions will be more than 200 000 tkgCO2 per year. By using the information about the level of increase in CO2-emission and their shadow prices, it was calculated that the changes in property structure will cost 37 million euros until year 2020 and 544 million euros until year 2050. The sensitivity analysis showed that the results are strongly dependable on shadow prices of CO2-emissions, property structure's development scenarios and the expected fuel efficiency of agricultural machinery. On the other hand it also showed that the impact will be remarkable especially in the long run if the changes in property structure cannot be prevented.The study showed that there is a massive potential for land management activities. But since the current land management tools that are utilized in Finland are not efficient to handle the future problems the toolbox should be renewed. As the renewing work requires both legislative and organizational changes the progress will take time. This means that the harmful impacts that the development of property structure causes will be realized in the upcoming decades. The study concludes that the increase in CO2-emissions doesn’t concern only Finland but also other EU countries and that is why the matter should be investigated in other countries as well.  相似文献   

研究目的:基于2008—2019年长三角城市地价数据,实证分析地价增长及空间分异格局、机制。研究方法:计量经济和社会网络分析方法。研究结果:(1)长三角城市地价历经复苏增长、相对企稳、快速增长和平稳增长4个阶段;(2)城市间地价差异整体缩小,并且呈现出一定的空间依赖性;(3)不同层级城市地价受到核心城市地价变化影响而呈现出相似变动和关联特征;(4)长三角区域地价空间关联格局成因主要是要素流动聚集效应与市场联动。研究结论:当前一体化发展背景下,长三角城市地价一体化效应还不强,应进一步出台区域协调发展政策,促进土地要素流动、土地市场整合与地价协同发展。  相似文献   

The empirical literature suggests that farmland prices and rents capitalise agricultural subsidies and that the 2003 reform of the EU Common Agricultural Policy, which decoupled subsidies from production and attached them to land, may have increased the extent of the phenomenon. Employing a farm‐level dataset, the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) for Italy, we investigate this issue while accounting for selectivity, endogeneity and unobserved individual heterogeneity. To understand the impact of the reform we compare the estimates of capitalisation rate for decoupled payments with those for coupled payments. After correcting for unobserved individual heterogeneity and selectivity, our results reveal no capitalisation of coupled payments and only limited capitalisation of decoupled area payments into farmland rents in Italy.  相似文献   

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