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We examine entrepreneurship practice and identity work in a rural small town in New Zealand. Once prosperous, the town suffered economically and socially as old industries closed. Recently the town was rejuvenated, largely because of Linda's entrepreneurial activities. Our findings demonstrated conflict between her entrepreneurial identity and local sense of place. We theorize Linda's entrepreneurial identity in her business practice; where she experienced controversy, despite economic success. We argue that a complete understanding of identity and entrepreneurship practices requires attention to social and spatial processes, not just economic processes.  相似文献   

中国人在使用英语时常要面对语境和身份的冲突问题.英语的混合性和变异性是其历史演变的结果,这使它在中国语境下的使用也会有各种“内卷化”的发生;英语在使用功能上适应了全球化发展的趋势,但是,中国语境下的英语使用并不等于接受西方文化霸权,英语也会在本土文化语境下产生文化身份的变化.  相似文献   

This exploratory study appraises the limitations and process of African food/restaurant enclave ventures by examining issues around immigrants’ economic empowerment and inclusion. Using the platform of Sub-Saharan Africa gastronomy, identity, and multicultural practices, 35 semi-structured interviews with British-Black African restaurateurs and ethnic/nonethnic clientele were conducted. Through grounded theory methodology, the study contextualizes the broader discourse of ethnic enclave to capture an evolving and under-researched phenomenon. Findings indicate that prejudice, socio-cultural issues, financial limitations, lack of awareness, and image and perception of Africa are critical factors working against the acceptability of Black African food in Britain. The implication for continuous development of competencies and skills of African entrepreneurs in a multicultural British society is enormous. Also important is the intervention of African governments in developing their tourism sector. The value of the article resides in its explanations of the process of break-out and the fundamental factors inhibiting break-out/diffusion of ethnic enterprises from the standpoint of ethnic gastronomy. Thus, the article contributes to discussions on aspect of immigrants’ embeddedness in host country by identifying the image and perception configurations of Black Africa as preventing Black African cuisine break-out into the British mainstream’s consciousness.  相似文献   

随着中国每年出境人数的急剧增加,海外华人利益的保护就逐渐成为中国政府高度关切的课题。中国作为国籍国对海外华人利益的保护包括外交保护、领事保护和应急保护机制。这3种既相互联系但又有区别,而在最近发生的国际重大事件中,应急保护机制不断显现出其现实性和实用性。本文从应急保护机制及其相关概念的深入剖析入手,结合目前他国和我国应急保护机制的做法,提出了完善我国应急保护机制的重大意义和相应做法。  相似文献   

Traditionally, U.S. firms have successfully used American appeal (hard-sell approach) as a unique selling proposition in Europe, Japan and in the developing world. However, the anti-American sentiments around the world due to the Iraqi and Afghan wars and recent upheavals in the Middle East and North Africa have negatively influenced consumer judgments about American-labeled global brands in international markets during the last decade. Such consumer perceptions may lead to a favorable environment for new competitors to emerge in specific markets, and these products may take significant market share away from global U.S. brands.  相似文献   

中国人口迁移研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对本世纪以来 ,特别是自 70年代末期以来我国人口迁移研究文献进行了量化分析 ,描述了我国人口迁移研究的大致情况  相似文献   


This paper examines the role of popular music performance in a context of urban change, globalization, and gender. Through an in-depth examination of the Malian music style Wassoulou and its reigning star Oumou Sangaré, issues of gender, interpretation, and cultural production are discussed. Ethnographic data presented indicate that wassoulou performance provides much needed space for Malian youth to negotiate changing notions of identity and community without openly challenging the status quo of women and youth in traditional Mande social hierarchy. These new identities convey multiple and sometimes paradoxical symbolic meaning for Malian and world-music listeners. Viewing vocal performance in Mali as a verbal mode of communication and social display, wassoulou divas are particularly excellent sites for the study of emergent identities in the context of globalization.  相似文献   

张博  范辰辰 《财贸经济》2021,42(6):71-86
中国的企业家精神呈现南盛于北的特征.基于2017年全国流动人口卫生计生动态监测调查和266个地级及以上城市数据,本文以1957年和1995年水稻播种面积占比衡量稻作方式,利用流行病学研究方法检验其对家庭创业选择和创业企业后续发展的影响.研究表明,水稻种植方式有利于推动家庭从事创业活动,但对企业雇员规模及其成长性的消极影响并不确定,其中的作用机制是,稻作有利于强化基于亲缘和地缘形成的熟人社会关系,为创业者提供物质资源、市场信息和情感支持,从而推动家庭开展创业活动.这意味着大众创业、万众创新政策落实过程中,应该考虑南北地域的差异性,实现地域文化与政策激励的良性耦合,同时应健全和完善法律法规等正式制度保障,推动创业企业向现代企业转型.  相似文献   

鉴于中国企业海外并购频频遇到东道国的合法性问题质疑和限制,本文采取多案例探索性分析方法对中国企业海外并购进行动态分析,发现中国企业海外并购合法性在各阶段先后呈现出信息型合法性、身份合法性以及规制合法性的演化特征,这种演化现象的内在逻辑在于中国企业的整体赶超改变了与东道国企业的身份落差,东道国社会的群体认知也发生了相应的改变,从而造成合法性性质的周期性变化。上述结论表明中国企业海外并购呈现出由微观到宏观、由简单到复杂的演化特点,中国企业获取海外并购合法性的难度不断加大,东道国相关组织认知的变迁在于身份落差的改变以及认知心理的变化。  相似文献   

中国企业境外上市的反思及策略建议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国企业境外上市在数量上和融资规模上均呈现持续、快速的上升态势。当前,中国企业境外上市存在的主要问题包括拟上市企业信息披露不规范、缺乏境外市场的选择经验、对境外融资代价缺乏充分认识和内部控制机制薄弱。文章进一步就中国企业的国际资本市场进入现存问题给出了相关的策略建议。  相似文献   

Based on GEM data this paper explores whether significantly different growth aspirations of early stage entrepreneurs in Slovenia, compared to those in Hungary and Croatia, are also accompanied by significantly different opportunity recognition, cultural support for entrepreneurship and self-efficacy. Our results suggest that a higher degree of alertness to unexploited perceived opportunities, and cultural support for entrepreneurial motivation may be the cause of higher growth aspirations of Slovenian early stage entrepreneurs, while self-efficacy with regard to entrepreneurial skills, knowledge and experience was not found to be crucial.   相似文献   

后危机时代的贸易竞争将更趋激烈,贸易摩擦已从传统的商品贸易摩擦转向了广义的经济摩擦。发达国家重振制造业的进口替代新战略直接对我国目前大批量产品出口战略造成冲击。解决这一问题的根本办法就在于将商品出口为主的贸易方式逐步转向对外直接投资,而对外直接投资的关键又在于准确把握国际产业结构调整的趋势,进行全方位的对外直接投资战略设计。  相似文献   

中国企业文化营销模式探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈树文  隋振杰 《商业研究》2004,(18):138-141
化是经济活动的内力,化创新是市场创新的有效途径。商品营销的实质是化营销,把化融入到营销理念中,包含于营销战略之中,使之成为具有全新意识的营销,是有意识的通过发现、甄别、培养或创造某种核心价值观念来达成企业目标的一种营销方式,这是当前中国企业开展化营销时所采用的模式。  相似文献   

台湾地区对外投资、侨外投资的发展探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新世纪以来,台湾地区的对外投资、侨外投资都呈现出不同以往的变化特征。这些变化有世界经济大环境的影响,但更主要的是台湾地区经济结构性问题、岛内政治因素以及海峡两岸经济整合之市场规律的作用。从发展趋势看,祖国大陆仍将主导台湾地区的对外投资格局。  相似文献   

近几年,中国企业海外扩张提速,但企业海外扩张具有很大的不确定性。本文从新的角度出发,将企业海外扩张看作是对海外当地市场体系的一种扰动,并在此基础上结合生态学Tilman多物种共存模型提出企业海外扩张干扰模型。数值模拟发现,企业海外扩张具有明显的不确定性。市场占有率小的企业在海外当地市场中由于不能适应新环境无法成功扩张,被排斥在市场之外;若市场占有率足够大,在几年或几十年时间内就会在新环境中以指数增长形式扩张,致使当地企业倒闭,扩张成功;海外扩张企业不一定会一直持续下去,或许在百年或几百年时间内突然倒闭,当地市场体系又恢复到原来水平。本文的模拟同样也揭示了并购七七定律,显示了企业海外扩张中的不确定性。  相似文献   

近年来,我国机床制造企业所进行的14次并购大多取得了成功。本文在总结现有并购成功因素的相关理论基础上,对我国机床制造企业这14次海外成功并购的关键因素进行了案例研究,以期对我国其他制造企业的海外并购有所启示。  相似文献   

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