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Since 2000, children working in the cocoa sector of Côte d'Ivoire have found themselves in the media spotlight. This situation has assumed particular importance because approximately 40% of the world's cocoa production occurs in Côte d'Ivoire. Concerned parties have since taken great interest in this thorny issue. There is a need to better understand the reality of child labor utilization in this sector. This article investigates child labor issues in the cocoa sector of Côte d'Ivoire in conjunction with schooling status of children. The study is based on a survey done in 2002, over a representative sample of more than 11,000 members of cocoa households. The multinomial logit model is used to capture choice probabilities across work and/or school options. The results reveal that child labor in cocoa farms and nonenrollment in schools are significant. Moreover, many children are involved in potentially dangerous and/or harmful tasks. Data also highlight gender and age dimensions in the participation of children in tasks and the way labor is allocated. Econometric results generally indicate that the gender and age of children, whether or not the child is the biological child of the household head, parents' education, the origin of the farmer, household welfare, household size, the household dependency ratio, the size of other perennial crop farms, the number of sharecroppers working with the household head, and communities' characteristics are all pertinent in explaining the child work/schooling outcome in the cocoa sector of Côte d'Ivoire.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relative economic efficiency of small and large rice farms in Côte d'Ivoire using a profit function approach. No differences in the relative economic efficiency of small and large farms were found. This conclusion is robust under alternative model specifications. Agrarian reforms directed towards further concentration of landholding for large farms in Côte d'Ivoire cannot be justified based on economic efficiency. Results show that access to credit and use of modern rice varieties significantly increase profits. To improve technical efficiency of rice farms, an accelerated program to provide information, credit, improved seeds and other inputs is needed. When all the farms (i.e. large and small) are taken together, there is evidence of allocative inefficiency. Strategies are needed to remove such management related inefficiencies in rice production either through the development of a better market price information system or effective farmer-oriented technical training programs by rice extension workers.  相似文献   

Over the past four decades, many countries in sub-Saharan Africa have undergone different waves of mining sector reform in a bid to catalyse growth. The focus of these exercises has been mainly to attract foreign investment to develop and at times, rejuvenate, export-led large-scale mining and accompanying mineral exploration activity. This despite yielding disappointing improvements, developmentally and economically of the sector. Perhaps even more significantly, however, is that under reform, most of the region’s governments have overlooked the importance of formalising and supporting artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM), which, by comparison, has a much greater impact locally and in many instances, developmentally. This article contributes to the body of literature on mining sector reform in sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on the case of Côte d'Ivoire. Drawing on findings from an extended period of fieldwork, the article examines critically how a large scale mining bias in Côte d’Ivoire has contributed to the marginalization of ASM. Consistent with most analysis of mining sector reform in sub-Saharan Africa, in Côte d’Ivoire, the government has successfully established an attractive investment climate and put aside vast parcels of land for multinational companies while simultaneously neglecting the needs of artisanal and small-scale operators.  相似文献   

A good deal of research has highlighted the surge and development of rural land sales and tenancy contracts in West Africa. However, the commoditization of land, especially through sales, does not appear to be obvious, as land transactions appear to be a major source of tenure insecurity and land conflicts. This issue is linked with the broader issue of identification and recognition of both the land rights that are being transferred and people holding them. This article deals with tensions and conflicts in land transactions in Côte d’Ivoire and discusses how these transactions might be secured in a context where most transactions occur outside the legal framework. The 1998 Law aims to organise a rapid transition towards private property rights through a nationwide certification and titling program. Due to the socio-political situation, it was only in 2010 that the first certificates were issued and even independently of current political turmoil, there are grounds for doubting the effective implementation of the law. The objective of this article is to consider the issue of securing land transactions in the pre-certification/titling context, drawing from the author's intensive field research on land transactions in Côte d’Ivoire. A first section describes the main types of rural land transactions in Côte d’Ivoire. The second section outlines the sources of tensions and conflicts arising from these transactions. The third section assesses the practices that have emerged spontaneously in rural areas to secure transactions. The fourth section considers the needs and conditions for a public intervention regarding the security of land transactions.  相似文献   

Manual weeding is the predominant weed control practice and the most labor‐consuming activity in smallholder, rainfed rice systems in sub‐Saharan Africa. This study investigates the technical inefficiency of weeding labor, other labor, and overall inputs, and identifies sources of technical inefficiency of weeding labor in the context of parasitic weed infestation. The analysis applies a two‐stage approach. First, a directional input distance function DEA approach was used to compute input‐specific technical inefficiencies. Second, sources of technical inefficiency of weeding labor were identified using a truncated bootstrap regression. Data from 406 randomly selected smallholder farmers from Benin (n = 215) and Côte d'Ivoire (n = 191) were used. The technical inefficiency of weeding labor was high in both countries (58% in Côte d'Ivoire and 69% in Benin). This implies that a substantial fraction of weeding labor could be saved without reducing rice productivity or increasing the use of other inputs. A decrease in the technical inefficiency of weeding labor with an increase in production scale was observed. In addition, weeding regime and education level were each associated to significant changes in the technical inefficiency of weeding labor.  相似文献   

This paper tackles the broad issue of agrarian contracts, property rights and conflicts in the context of rural Côte d'Ivoire. Since the beginning of the 2000s, a new type of contractual arrangement has been developing rapidly: the ‘Plant & Share’ contract. Through such a contract, a landowner provides the land to a farmer who develops a perennial tree crop plantation; when production starts, the plantation, the plantation and the land, or the product is shared. The aim of the paper is to discuss the conflictive features of the arrangement. I argue that this contract, in spite of its potential for tensions and conflicts, constitutes an alternative to the much more conflictive land sales that currently dominate extra‐familial land transfers in the country.  相似文献   

This study measures the economic impact of the first phase of the Cocoa Livelihood Program (CLP‐I), a current World Cocoa Foundation (WCF) project, sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and aimed at improving the livelihood of over 200,000 small cocoa producers in sub‐Saharan Africa via training, crop diversification, and farmer‐based organizations. Using data collected from 2,048 pre‐ and post‐CLP‐I interviews of cocoa producers in Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, and Cameroon, the results show that yield enhancements attributable to CLP‐I are 32%, 34%, 50%, and 62% in Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria, and Cameroon, respectively. Using a total program cost of $151–$200 per beneficiary and estimated annual benefits of $109–$322 per beneficiary over 25 years, the benefit‐cost ratios are estimated to range from $18 to $62 for every dollar spent on human capital development. These results suggest the WCF should endeavor to increase the number of farmers who receive all, not some, of the components of the program. This would not only help ensure that each producer obtains as much human capital as possible from each of the training programs but increases the probability of reaching the CLP goal of doubling the income of cocoa‐growing households.  相似文献   

This article introduces a method for estimating structural labor supply models in the presence of unobservable wages and deviations of households' marginal revenue product of self‐employed labor from their shadow wage. This method is therefore robust to a wide range of assumptions about labor allocation decisions in the presence of uncertainty, market frictions, locational preferences, etc. We illustrate the method using data from rice producers in Côte d'Ivoire. These data, like previous studies, reveal significant systematic differences between shadow wages and the marginal revenue product of family farm labor. We demonstrate how one can exploit systematic deviations, in the present case related to household characteristics such as the land/labor endowment ratio, to control for both unobservable wages and prospective allocative inefficiency in labor allocation in structural household labor supply estimation.  相似文献   

Apple maggot is an economically important apple pest that is native to the East Coast of North America, including Canada and the United States. Introduced to the West Coast of the United States in 1979, the pest is spreading rapidly in the region, threatening the major apple production area of Washington State, as well as British Columbia. A dynamic simulation model for perennial fruit production is developed to study the potential economic impact of a pest species, such as apple maggot. The model is designed to provide essential information, including the intertemporal distribution of welfare, to aid the design of effective and efficient policy response to pest outbreaks. This model is used to simulate the economic impact of apple maggot spread in Washington State on apple price, trade flows, and welfare changes. La mouche de la pomme est un ravageur originaire de la côte Est de l'Amérique du Nord (canadienne et étatsunienne) qui cause des pertes économiques considérables. Ce ravageur, qui s'est introduit sur la côte Ouest des États‐Unis en 1979, se propage rapidement et menace les principales zones de production de pomme de l'État de Washington et de la Colombie‐Britannique. Nous avons élaboré un modèle de simulation dynamique pour la production pluriannuelle de fruits afin d'étudier l'incidence économique potentielle d'espèces ravageuses telles que la mouche de la pomme. Le modèle a été conçu pour fournir de l'information essentielle, dont la distribution du bien‐être intertemporel, en vue de contribuer à l'élaboration d'une réaction politique efficace de lutte contre les pullulations de ravageurs. Ce modèle est utilisé pour simuler l'incidence économique de la propagation de la mouche de la pomme dans l'État de Washington sur le prix des pommes, le flux des échanges commerciaux et les changements touchant le bien‐être.  相似文献   

The efficiency of women farmers in the agricultural sector of developing countries is passionately debated. Very few studies have examined this issue in African agriculture. All previous studies were based on production functions, but have been criticised as suffering from simultaneous equation bias because the input levels are endogenous. The profit function method avoids these problems. No previous study has used the profit function method to lest for technical, allocative and economic efficiency differences between women and men farmers. The objective of this paper was to determine whether women rice farmers are less efficient than men rice farmers in Côte d'Ivoire using the restricted normalised profit function method. Our results show that the relative degree of efficiency of women is similar to that of men. The paper provides empirical support for efforts to eliminate bias against women farmers in African agriculture.  相似文献   

Logistics management in grain marketing has become very important with the maturity of the industry. This is particularly critical in the Canadian grain marketing system, which has experienced disruptions for various reasons over many years. These problems have been the topic of numerous industry evaluations, have resulted in a complaint about service obligations during the 1996–97 crop year, and were addressed by the Estey Commission. A detailed model of the Canadian grain logistics system is developed in this paper to evaluate factors that cause disruptions, as well as the effect of several important logistics and marketing strategies on system performance. The results illustrate that there is sufficient randomness throughout the various functions of the system that it is expected that demurrage at the west coast would periodically be an important cost. The frequency of service disruptions and demurrage are affected by several factors, including the distribution of tough and damp grains, mis‐graded grain and the level of exportable supplies. Several strategic variables affect system performance. These include the aggressiveness in selling relative to capacity and the level of beginning port stocks. La gestion de la logistique dans le commerce des céréales a acquis une grande importance maintenant que ce secteur a atteint la maturité. C'est particulièrement important dans le système canadien de mise en marché des céréales lequel, pour diverses raisons, a essuyé bien des perturbations ces dernières années. Les problèmes en cause ont fait l'objet de nombreuses évaluations du secteur. Ils ont même abouti au dépôt d'une plainte sur les obligations de service dans la campagne agricole 1996–1997 et ont étéétudiés par la Commission Estey. Dans la présente communication nous avons construit un modèle détaillé du système canadien de logistique du marché des céréales ainsi que de l'effet de plusieurs stratégies importantes de logistique et de commercialisation sur la performance du systeme. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu'il y a suffisamment d'aléatoire dans les diverses fonctions du systeme pour conclure que les frais de séjour à quai sur la côte ouest seraient périodiquement un important poste de dépense. La fréquence des perturbations des services et les coûts a quai sont associés à plusieurs facteurs dont la livraison de grain gourd et humide, de grain mal classé et le niveau des disponibilités exportables. Plusieurs variables stratégiques influent sur le fonctionnement du système, notamment l'agressivité manifestée dans la vente par rapport aux stocks disponibles et le niveau des stocks disponibles dans les ports au début de la campagne d'exportation.  相似文献   

This paper examines agrarian issues in civil wars in Côte d’Ivoire and Sierra Leone. Attention is paid to two different ways in which lineage society evolved during the colonial and post‐colonial periods. The motivations of fighters are related to these different trajectories of agrarian social change. In Côte d’Ivoire youth militia fought to uphold a lineage‐based social order, but in Sierra Leone a comparable group of young fighters sought to overturn it. Large migrant populations on a forest frontier are an important factor in Côte d’Ivoire, while in Sierra Leone significance attaches to an excluded agrarian underclass. Not all African conflicts are ethnic conflicts; autochthony is shown to be a factor in one conflict and class in the other. Approaches to post‐war reconstruction based on undifferentiated notions of community should be resisted.  相似文献   

Determinants of World Wheat Trade Flows and Policy Analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The conventional gravity model is revised for a single commodity and applied to wheat markets to determine factors affecting trade flows of wheat. This study demonstrates the gravity model can be parameterized more effectively by using time series and cross-section data rather than cross-section data alone. The study reveals that all independent variables, including production capacities, income, import and export unit value indexes, and trade policies used in wheat trade play an important role in determining trade flows of wheat. Long-term agreements achieve highest performance toward enhancing international wheat trade. Credit sales also contribute to increased wheat movements. The U.S. Export Enhancement Program and the EC Export Refund program are less effective in stimulating the world wheat trade. On the import side, protectionist policies of supporting domestic prices greatly impair wheat trade. Le modèle gravitationnel classique, adapté ici à un produit particulier, est utilisé pour cerner les facteurs influant sur les courants d'échanges internationaux du blé. L'étude démontre que le modèle de gravité peut être paramètrisé plus efficacement si on utilise à la fois les séries chronologiques et les données transversales, plutôt que ces dernières seulement. L'étude révèle que toutes les variables indépendantes, y compris les moyens de production, le revenu, les indices de valeur unitaire des importations et des exportations et les politiques d'échanges extérieurs ont une action déterminante sur les courants d'échanges internationaux du blé. Les accords à long terme sont les facteurs qui contribuent le plus à stimuler les échanges internationaux. Les ventes à crédit ont également un effet stimulant. Le programme américain de subvention aux exportations et le programme de restitution a l'exportation de la CE sont moins efficaces à cet égard. Côté importation, les politiques protectionnistes de soutien des prix intérieurs sont une grave entrave au commerce du blé.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates that Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) price pooling provides an important function in western Canada, which is to redistribute returns from the scarce resource of west coast capacity to all western grain producers. The manner in which this distribution occurs has equity implications. A corollary is that the need for prairie wide price pooling by the CWB for distributional considerations diminishes as the west coast export constraint is eliminated. The analysis suggests another conclusion which is that the current set of grains should continue to be exported through only the CWB. Failing that, non-CWB grain exports through the private market should share in the export constraint. Another distributional implication is that reductions in the capacity constraint disadvantages the western livestock industry. Cette étude démontre que l'établissement de la tarification par la Commission canadienne de blé exerce une fonction importante dans l'ouest canadien, qui est de redistribuer les revenues tirés des ressources réduites de la côte du ouest à tous les producteurs de grain dans l'ouest. La manière que cette distribution a lieu a des répercussions en matière d'équité. Un corollaire est que le besoin d'un établissement de la tarification dans les prairies par la Commission canadienne de blé pour des considérations de distribution diminue à mesure que la contrainte d'exportation de la côte de l'ouest est éliminée. L'analyse suggère une autre conclusion selon laquelle les variétés de grains actuelles devraient continuer à être exportées a travers la Commission canadienne de blé seulement. Sinon, les exportations de grains qui ne sont pas visées par la Commission canadienne de blé et que passent à travers le marché privé devraient assumer leur part dans la contrainte d'exportation. Une autre implication sur la distribution est que les réductions dans les contraintes de capacité désavantagent l'industrie d'élevage de l'ouest.  相似文献   

This analysis provides a theoretical framework for a tax policy to reduce farm output, stabilize prices, and improve farm income. It is a policy that does not require production or marketing quotas, support prices, government subsidies, or commodity storage. It is proposed as an optimal supply-restraining, income-improving policy in terms of administrative economy and absence of treasury payments. The mechanism could be applied by the farmer's own marketing board or by government. It leaves freedom of decision (except for the payment of the tax that later increases income) to farmers. It eliminates restraints on intraregional efficiency and intercommodity barriers inherent in traditional supply control programs such as the administration of marketing quotas. The revenues from the tax collection, after expenses were paid, could be used in various ways to improve welfare and income distribution within the sector, thus improving the level of living of all farmers individually and as a group Cette analyse foumil une structure théorique d“un système ?impôts destinéà ralentir la production agricole, à en stabiliser le prix et à augmenter son revenu. C'est un système qui n'exige ni quotité (soit de production, soil de marché), ni support de prix, ni subvention fédérate, ni entrepôt de surproduction. On propose ce système comme le meilleur moyen de réaliser les buts ci-dessus mentionés, en dépit des économies administrates et du manque de subvention du Ministère des Finances. Ce procédé peut être mis en pratique, soit par le gouvernement, soit par la commission mercantile de ?exploitani agricole même, à qui reste seul la liberté de décision (sauf quand il s'agil du paiement de ?impôt qui sen plus lard à?ac-croissement des revenus.) Ce sont des restrictions à la compétence intrarégionale qui sont éliminées ainsi que des obstacles entre produils de consommation: obstacles particuliers aux plans traditionnels de contrôle de production, lets que ?institution de quotités de marché. Les revenus des impôts, les dépenses réglées, peuvent s'utiliser de plusieurs moyens à contribuer au bien-être général et à accroitre les revenus dans la région mème, améliorant, de cette façon, la condition du fermier: celle de ?individu ainsi que la condition collective du groupe  相似文献   

Rapid expansion of foreign agricultural aid to developing nations has emphasized the important role which agricultural economists can play in this complex field. individually, or as a member of a team, the Agricultural Economist can contribute by applying sound economic principles to policy and project evaluation within the socio-economic and political setting found in the recipient nation. Experience gained in foreign advisory work can also be usefully applied to the career positions occupied in Canada. Therefore, Agricultural Economists are urged to actively participate in Canadian technical aid to developing nations. LE RÔLE DE L'ÉCONOMISTE AGRICOLE EN FUNCTION À L'ÉTRANGER L'extension rapide qu'a prise l'aide agricole aux pays en voie de développement met en relief le rôle que peuvent jouer les économistes agricoles en ce domaine complexe. Seul ou en équipe, l'économiste agricole peut contribuer par l'application des sages principes de l'économie, à l'analyse des politiques et des plans, à la lumière du milieu socio-économique et politique du pays récipiendaire. L'expérience acquise comme conseiller aux affaires extérieures peut toujours venir à point même aux carrières intérieures, c'est pourquoi les économistes agricoles sont instamment priés de participer au programme d'assistance technique du Canada aux nations en voie de développement.  相似文献   

Taking into account both bilateral and multilateral programs, Canada's contribution to external aid, which in 1967–68 amounted to 0.65 per cent of our national income, now compares favorably with most other donor countries and by the early 1970's is expected to reach the target of one per cent recommended by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Initially concentrating on the Colombo Plan countries, in recent years Canada's bilateral aid program has been broadened to include the Commonwealth Caribbean countries and the Commonwealth and French-speaking African countries. Until recently Canada's principal approach to assisting developing countries to increase their food supplies has been indirect, through capital projects designed to develop the general economic infrastructure, as well as through food aid. Food aid, which has been devoted mainly to meeting emergency food shortages, has been the largest single item in the Canadian aid program. Recognition of the urgency of developing indigenous agricultural production, as an essential means of meeting the emerging food crisis and of stimulating overall economic growth, is being reflected to an increasing degree in Canada's current aid program by a greater emphasis on carefully planned integrated agricultural programs, involving both capital and technical assistance inputs. L'APPORT DU CANADA À L'AIDE AGRICOLE À l'ÉTRANGER: Si I'on tient compte des programmes bilatéraux et multilatéraux, la part du Canada à l'aide à l'étranger représentait, en 1967–1968, 0.65 p. 100 de notre revenu national, ce qui nous compare honorablement avec la plupart des autres pays donateurs. Vers le début des années 1970, on compte atteindre l'objectif d'un pour cent recommandé par la conférence des Nations Unies sur le commerce et le développement. Le Canada a commencé d'abord par concentrer son assistance sur les pays du Plan Colombo mais plus récemment le programme bilatéral d'assistance du Canada s'est élargi et embrasse les Antilles anglaises, de même que les pays africains du Commonwealth et l'Afrique francophone. Jusqu'à ces derniers temps, l'aide canadienne destinée à augmenter les ressources alimentaires des pays en voie de développement s'est manifestée autant de façon indirecte, par des plans d'aménagement visant à développer l'infrastructure économique générate, que par de l'assistance alimentaire directe. L'aide alimentaire, destinée surtout à pallier les situations urgentes de pénurie, occupe la principale place dans le programme canadien d'aide à l'étranger. On reconnaît aujourd'hui qu'un des moyens essentiels de fairs face à la crise alimentaire imminente et de stimuler la croissance économique globale est d'encourager le plus tôt possible le développement de la production agricole des pays en voie de développement. Cette prise de conscience se traduit de plus en plus, dans les programmes canadiens actuels d'assistance, par l'importance accrue qu'on accorde à la préparation méthodique de plans agricoles intégrés, combinant à la fois l'aide financière et technique.  相似文献   

Stochastic weather and soil conditions are the suggested reasons why farmers tend to apply more than the recommended levels of nitrogen. This study found that uncertainty plays a role in the application decision of farmers but not in the manner typically assumed. Using a time series of field trials of corn yield to nitrogen for the same site, nitrogen was found to be a risk‐increasing input suggesting that uncertainty should decrease, rather than increase, a risk‐averse farmer's rate of nitrogen application. Similarly, viewing risk as a profit shortfall, in which fertilizer acts in the role of insurance, was also not supported with the empirical results. Instead, the key role of uncertainty is its impact on expected profits. Increasing application rates leads to lower returns in most years but the increase in profits generated under favorable growing conditions results in greater expected profits with a high application strategy. Les conditions météorologiques et pédologiques aléatoires seraient les raisons pour lesquelles les agriculteurs tendent à appliquer des doses d'azote supérieures aux doses recommandées. Selon la présente étude, l'incertitude joue un rôle dans les décisions d'application des agriculteurs, mais d'une façon différente de celle généralement supposée. À l'aide d'une série chronologique d'essais en champ mesurant le rendement du maïs en fonction de l'azote dans le même site, nous avons trouvé que l'azote était un intrant qui augmentait les risques, ce qui laisse supposer que l'incertitude devrait faire diminuer, plutôt que de faire augmenter, la dose d'application d'azote dans le cas d'un producteur qui craint les risques. De même, considérer le risque de baisse des profits où l'engrais assume le rôle d'assurance n'a pas été appuyé par les résultats empiriques. Le rôle clé de l'incertitude est son impact sur les profits prévus. L'augmentation des doses d'application entraîne une diminution des rendements la plupart des années, mais l'augmentation des profits générés dans des conditions de croissance favorables entraîne des profits prévus plus élevés grâce à une meilleure stratégie d'application.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and its predecessor, the Canada‐United States Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA), on agricultural trade flows at disaggregated product categories. The empirical analysis is implemented through gravity models using different econometric methods. It accounts for the baseline NAFTA/CUSFTA‐unrelated magnitudes of trade between member countries throughout the assessment of the NAFTA/CUSFTA trade effects. The benchmark estimates show considerable differences across agricultural product categories. The net post‐NAFTA/CUSFTA magnitudes of trade between member countries are found to be markedly low in some cases, underlining missed regional trade opportunities. The empirical analysis proceeds to estimate the NAFTA/CUSFTA trade effects by time period and by bilateral trading partnership, revealing important variations. Cet article examine les effets de l'Accord de Libre‐Échange Nord‐Américain (ALÉNA) et de son prédécesseur, l'Accord de Libre‐Échange entre le Canada et les États‐Unis (ALÉCÉU), sur les flux commerciaux agricoles au niveau des catégories ventilées. L'analyse empirique est mise en ?uvre grâce à des modèles de gravité en utilisant une variété de méthodes économétriques. Elle compte pour la ligne de base des magnitudes non‐reliées à l'ALÉNA/ALÉCÉU du commerce entre les pays membres à travers l′évaluation des effets de l'ALÉNA/ALÉCÉU sur le commerce. Les estimations de référence montrent des différences considérables entre les catégories de produits agricoles. Les magnitudes post‐ALÉNA/ALÉCÉU nettes du commerce entre les pays membres se trouvent d′être considérablement faibles dans certains cas. Ces résultats soulignent des opportunités commerciales régionales manquées. L'analyse empirique procède à estimer les effets de l'ALÉNA/ALÉCÉU sur le commerce par période et par partenariat commercial bilatéral, et elle montre des variations importantes.  相似文献   

Generally speaking, human beings dislike admitting flaws in their actions. The complexities of regional development provide ample opportunity for flawed action. As public intervention in the process of economic and social development is on the upswing, serious attention must be paid to evaluations in order to minimize flaws in the programs. This paper examines three constraints to evaluation: friction generated by data collection; absence of precise goals and modus operandi coupled with continuous program modification; and role conflict within the evaluation team. The difficulties with data lie in the definition of regional boundaries and hostility of the people resulting from normlessness and government involvement. Regional survey research centers are suggested to mitigate the problem. The second conistraint exists because of the sensitivity of program administrators to critical evaluation. They react with vague, general, and illusory goals, discounting and negation of results, and the concept of a pilot study from which “lessons learned always justify a program.” Long-run conditioning and public relations may be the only effective policies to relieve this constraint. The third constraint of role conflict has always existed but is particularly important when changes in programs derive from their evaluations. The solution is for our professions to insist on full public disclosure of results coupled with triyearly turnover of evaluation personnel. De façon générale, les humains détestent avouer leurs fautes. he dévelop-peraent régional étant trés complexe, beaucoup ?actions enterprises pourront s'avérer défectueuses ou néfastes. intervention publique dans le processus de développement économique et social se faisant peu fréqtiente, une attention spéciale et constante doit être apportée aux évaluations visant. à minimiser les erreurs dans les programmes. Cet article eiamine trois contraintes propres à?évaluation: obstacles crées par la cueilette des données; absence de buts prés et de modus operandi joints à une modification continuelle du programme; et conflit de rôle dans ?équipe ?évaluation. Les difficultés avec les données sont liées à la délimitation des régions et à?hostilityé des gens résultant de ?absence compléte de normes et de ?ingérence gouvernementale dans la vie privée. Pour résoudre le probléme, on suggére des centres ?enquétes et de recherches régionaux. La seconde contrainte vient du fait que les administrateurs de programme sont sensibles à une évaluation critique. lis répondent avec des buts vagues, généraux et illusoires; Us ne nient pas les résultats mais n'acceptent pas le concept ?une étude pilote óu “Les resultats obtenus justifient toujours un plan ?amélioration.” Un conditionnement à long terme et des relations extérienres peuvent être les settles politiques efficaces pour parer à cette contrainte. La troisiéme, due au conflit de rôle, a toujours existé mais elle est particu-liérement importante quand les modifications de programme dérivent de leurs évaluations. La solution serait que les associations professionnelles insistent sur une divulgation compléte des réstultats au public ainsi qu'un renouueUement du personnel ?évaluation tous les trois ans.  相似文献   

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