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国际金融危机与世界经济前景   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
国际金融危机目前已经发展到第二阶段,其影响从发达国家扩展到发展中国家,从金融领域蔓延到实体经济。2008年发达国家经济已经陷入衰退,全球经济增长率大幅放慢。鉴于国际金融危机还在继续恶化,2009年全球经济增长率会进一步降低。但我们认为,房地产市场2009年下半年可能会趋于走稳,油价下跌,通货膨胀压力减轻,由于主要大国采取政府干预措施以及经济政策的国际协调,全球经济发生20世纪30年代那样大萧条的可能性不大。除了短期内经济衰退之外,这场国际金融危机的中长期影响将是深远的。  相似文献   

The financial crisis led to a deep recession in many industrial countries. While large emerging countries recovered relatively quickly, their performance deteriorated in recent years, despite the modest recovery in advanced economies. The higher divergence of business cycles is closely linked to the Chinese economy. During the crisis, the Chinese fiscal stimulus prevented an abrupt decline in GDP growth not only in that country, but also in resource‐rich economies. Due to lower commodity demand, the environment became more challenging for many emerging markets in recent years. This view is supported by Bayesian structural VARs specified for the individual BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries. The results reveal a strong impact of the international economy on GDP growth. However, in contrast to the other countries, China plays a crucial role in determining global trade and oil prices. Therefore, the Chinese economy exerts significant spillovers to the other countries under analysis. The change in the Chinese growth strategy puts additional reform pressure especially in countries with abundant natural resources.  相似文献   

Since the mid‐1990s and prior to the financial crisis external balances of systemically important economies widened significantly. This paper takes a long‐run perspective and reviews the main determinants of widening global imbalances. To this aim, we first provide a set of newly derived statistical measures: while large external imbalances are not new in economic history, their persistence, their concentration on one economy (the United States) and the specific role of emerging market economies make the present episode rather unique. Second, we argue that the observed pattern of imbalances can be mostly understood as a result of various structural changes in the global economy, which have allowed a widening trend of external positions. Three main features set the most recent period apart from past episodes of growing external imbalances: (i) the emergence of new players, in particular emerging market economies such as China and India, which are quickly catching up with the advanced economies; (ii) an unprecedented wave of financial globalisation, with more integrated global financial markets and increasing opportunities for international portfolio diversification, also characterised by considerable asymmetries in the level of market completeness across countries; and (iii) the favourable global macroeconomic and financial environment, with record high global growth rates in recent years, low financial market volatility and easy global financing conditions over a long period of time, running until the outburst of the financial crisis during the summer of 2007. These structural changes that have been supplemented by cyclical or policy‐induced factors ultimately facilitated the sudden, disorderly unwinding of global imbalances that is reflected in the current financial crisis.  相似文献   

2010年全球经济的主题名为“复苏”,实为“调整”。金融危机的冲击让各经济体开始质疑现有的“游戏规则”,为恢复和加快自身发展速度,金融体系、关务规则、市场政策以及贸易保护等各方面均有所调整,这使得中国企业在2011年的全球投资与贸易中,必须面对许多全新的、更复杂的变化。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the degree of real economic interdependence between emerging East Asian and major industrial countries to shed light on the heated debate over the ‘decoupling’ of emerging East Asia. We first document the evolution of macroeconomic interdependence for emerging East Asian economies through changing trade and financial linkages at both the regional and global levels. Then, by employing a panel vector autoregression (VAR) model, we estimate the degree of real economic interdependence before and after the 1997/98 Asian financial crisis. Empirical findings show that real economic interdependence increased significantly in the post‐crisis period, suggesting ‘recoupling’, rather than decoupling, in recent years. Output shocks from major industrial countries have a significant positive effect on emerging East Asian economies. More interestingly, the reverse is also true. Output shocks from emerging East Asia (and China) have a significant positive effect on output in major industrial countries. The result suggests that macroeconomic interdependence between emerging East Asia and industrial countries have become ‘bi‐directional’, defying the traditional notion of the ‘North–South relationship’ as one of ‘uni‐directional’ dependence.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to establish a typology of entrepreneurship for OECD countries over the 1999–2012 period. Our aim is to draw a distinction between managerial and entrepreneurial economies, to identify groups of countries with similar economic and entrepreneurial activity variables, and to determine the economic and institutional drivers of entrepreneurial activities in each group. We show that the level of development, sectoral specialization, and institutional variables related to entrepreneurship, functioning of the labor market, and openness of the country are decisive to understand differences in entrepreneurship activity across countries. Results show that the pre-crisis period, from 1999 to 2008, is a period of growth favorable to entrepreneurship. The financial crisis involved a break in entrepreneurial dynamism, with agricultural economies withstanding the financial crisis better. The 2010–2012 period of recovery is a period of a sharp slowdown in entrepreneurial activity, during which the countries that are less dependent on the financial sector proved to be the most resilient in terms of entrepreneurial activity. Nevertheless, it is the advanced knowledge economies with developed financial markets, fewer institutional regulatory constraints, and greater scope for qualitative entrepreneurship that show lower unemployment rates. These findings have important implications for the implementation of public policy in order to promote entrepreneurial activity and reduce unemployment.  相似文献   

During 2001–2010, increases in mature market volatility were associated with declines in forex returns for East Asian economies, consistent with an overall ‘flight to safety’ effect. Estimates from GARCH models suggest that a 10 percentage point increase in mature market equity volatility generated an exchange rate depreciation of up to 3/4 percent. This sensitivity rose during a more tranquil subsample for some countries, reflecting their greater integration with global financial markets. Long‐run forex volatility increased in Asian economies after 2008, reflecting the global reach of the financial crisis in mature markets. Unconditional standard deviations estimated from these models provide operational measures of ‘long‐term’ and ‘excess’ volatility in forex markets.  相似文献   

With the interest rate hike in the US and, more recently, in the UK, sudden stops in investments and capital reversals are apparent in the Asian emerging economies. A modelling approach is taken, using the G-Cubed model, to simulate the potential global economic impacts, with a focus on Asia. The results demonstrate that myopic fiscal interventions in Asian emerging economies could result in short-term stimulus, at the expense of long-term growth. The stimulus in advanced economies too would be short-lived, diverting the benefits to unintended fractions in the global economy. Advanced economies that minimally change their trade and investment patterns tend to avoid distortionary impacts of the crisis.  相似文献   

This study investigates the rising role of China's domestic market expansion from 1995 to 2011 in the world economy's growth. China maintained high domestic expenditure growth during the entire period, with even bigger increases in the last years, when the global financial crisis and subsequent economic recovery occurred. The expenditures facilitated rapid growth through high demand for durable goods, which are produced across widely fragmented Asian channels. At the same time, China integrated further into the global economy and imported intermediate goods increasingly became embedded in goods for domestic sale. These two forces combined to magnify the impact of China's market expansion on foreign economies but disproportionately more on its neighbouring countries and sectors related to durable goods production. Specifically, our estimates suggest that the expenditure growth in China over the 2009–11 period added about 1 percentage point to the annual GDP growth rate in Taiwan, Malaysia and Korea, while the NAFTA and EU member countries typically benefited by less than 0.1 percentage point.  相似文献   

伴随金融危机,全球经济处于一个艰难的调整期。在这一时期中无论是发达经济体和新兴经济体经济都遭受巨大冲击,甚至不同程度陷入衰退;中国的经济也受到很大不利影响。为了应对金融危机,保持经济增长,中国应积极调整对外开放政策。  相似文献   

Prior to the Asian crisis, easy liquidity conditions contributed to credit expansion and overinvestment in the East Asian economies until they were hit by a deep recession. Similarly to the developments in the tiger economies in the 1990s, Central and Eastern European (CEE) grew rapidly from 2001 to 2007, due to foreign capital inflows. But the current global financial turmoil and economic downswing pulled the CEE economies into the maelstrom of the crisis. With the Asian experience in mind, the aim of this paper is to analyze whether overinvestment due to easy liquidity conditions possibly emerged and contributed to the crisis in CEE.  相似文献   

张燕生  逯新红  刘向东 《全球化》2021,(2):43-55,133,134
国际金融危机以来,世界经济格局东升西降趋势显著。亚洲经济在全球经济中的地位不断上升,特别是新冠肺炎疫情之下,东亚经济率先复苏,已成为世界经济重心。亚洲始终是中国经略周边外交的重点地区,如何经略好这一地区,积极营造繁荣稳定的周边环境和发展机遇期,对中国塑造发展全球伙伴关系和深化同周边国家的关系具有重要现实意义,有助于发挥中国作为大国领导力和提升国际影响力。特别是在中美贸易摩擦加剧、新冠肺炎疫情全球大流行背景下,探讨分析亚洲经济发展的战略和政策动向,探索亚洲经贸合作的新思路新路径,对赢得中美战略博弈主动、推动高质量发展具有特殊意义,也有利于推动区域各国加强互信互利合作和维护亚洲稳定繁荣。自贸区战略已成为大国竞争的战略制高点之一,提高自由贸易区标准和质量是大势所趋。分析各区域经贸协定、亚洲产业链转移趋势及对中国的机遇和挑战,有助于未雨绸缪,早有预案,争取主动。在分析这些重大问题的基础上提出亚洲经贸合作发展中亟需解决的重大问题与合作的新思路,给出中国方案和建议。  相似文献   

全球金融危机余波未退,欧洲债务危机波澜又起。2011年以来,伴随着全球经济的不断起伏、局地政局的风云突变,国际贸易各层面的风险明显上升。贸易保护、通货膨胀、债务压力、融资难题、社会动荡,各色问题在危机挤压下露头、集聚、深化,然后将压力集中传导到企业和投资者身上。对于深度依赖外部市场的中国出口企业和走出国门未久的中国投资商,这种压力犹为深重。  相似文献   

国际金融危机对全球经济格局的影响是广泛而深远的。正确判断后危机时代全球经济格局的变动趋势,及金融危机对我国经济结构的动态性长远影响,对于我国在外贸出口锐减、国际贸易壁垒高企、发达经济体"制造业回归"等不利因素冲击下更好地参与经济全球化具有重要的意义。本文对扩大内需突破口的寻找、内需主导型经济模式的创设、奢侈品消费市场的回流、一般生活必需品的必须消费逐渐向非必须消费转变、非生活必需品的个体消费逐渐向群体消费转变等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

全球性的金融危机已经开始对我国实体经济产生较明显的影响,代表我国四大区域经济发展模式的苏州地区、温州地区、泉州地区及东莞地区经济也在此次危机中遭受了不同程度的冲击。本文依据此次金融危机前的数据,从人均经济指标、经济活动主体特征、贸易方式、经济开放度等方面综合比较了四种模式的异同,并利用2008年的数据,通过比较外贸出口额、失业率等八个经济指标的变化,分析了各地区在金融危机下的经济稳定性和抗风险能力,进而对我国区域经济发展模式的转型和调整提出建议。  相似文献   

目前,欧美的经济形势并不乐观。美国经济泡沫破裂之后,至今仍然没有恢复,增速非常缓慢,失业率居高不下,贫富不均现象越来越严重,很多美国人将失去自己的房屋。欧洲经济衰退的危机和风险也非常严重,前景也比较悲观,且目前欧洲普遍采用财政紧缩政策,会产生负面影响。而新兴市场特别是中国很有可能保持增长,当然为保增长,中国必须转变发展方式,实现经济增长的转型。文章认为,美国最严重的问题并不是金融和赤字问题,而是没有增量的需求问题,是严重的失业问题。为更好地应对危机,恢复经济,应充分发挥政府的作用,正确处理储蓄及储备之间的关系,让市场更加高效、稳定运行。文章指出,2012年全球经济增长的水平和稳定性将比2011年进一步提升,但长期来看,全球经济的稳定性在一定程度上取决于国际社会是否有能力对全球货币和经济系统进行相应的改革。当今世界,需要一个全新的经济政策、经济秩序来更好地反映经济力量再平衡的过程。新兴市场将在全球治理以及全球机构重组的过程中发挥重要作用。中国应在创建新的全球经济秩序和推动全球货币与经济体系改革方面发挥更为积极的作用,要在关注全球经济动荡的同时,更多关注全球变暖问题。  相似文献   

We examine how the productivity of different industries changes over the course of a financial crisis by exploiting cross‐firm, within‐industry differences in productivity resulting from the Asian financial crisis of 1997. We show that the crisis coincided with dramatic changes in productivity and that many of these changes were sustained in the long run. In particular, an increasing number of industries experienced decreases in average firm productivity during the crisis and did not recover. Further, we find that changes in industrial productivity in the recovery period are driven not by increases in the productivity of existing firms, but rather by the entry of new firms and changes to the reallocation of market share. Finally, we find that foreign exporters' productivity was the least impacted by the crisis, suggesting that only access to alternate forms of both capital and international markets can help to smooth investment and maintain productivity over a financial crisis.  相似文献   

Asian equity markets have been hot for some time and they show no dramatic signs of cooling. The economies of the region have moved towards greater economic and financial integration while opening their capital markets to foreigners. Attracted by strong economies, credible reforms and further intentions of liberalization, global investors have made significant investments. However, the stability promised by a financially strong Japan is diminishing, and the region as a whole faces a variety of political and financial challenges.  相似文献   

国际金融危机后,新兴经济体成为世界经济复苏及其持续发展的主要动力来源。以IMF界定的26个新兴市场国家为范围,通过东莞外向型企业拓展新兴市场的情况调研,发现新兴市场需求具有进口规模不大、增速快、市场需求差异比较大等特征,对中国企业拓展新兴市场具有一定挑战。中国企业必须转变对新兴市场的观念,采取多路径进入新兴市场,并加强对新兴市场的维护。  相似文献   

In the 15 years leading up to the recent crisis, the world economy's exceptional performance was driven by globalisation, rapid, export-driven growth in emerging markets, debt-fuelled consumption in major advanced economies, and a benign financial and macroeconomic environment. These, however, sowed the seeds for the financial crisis by creating unsustainable imbalances and distortions. Obstacles to future growth are likely to be retrenchment in consumption, dampened investment, and unsustainable fiscal balances. Going forward, there must be a renewed commitment to medium-term, rule-based, policies for maintaining fiscal sustainability, price stability, and financial stability. The international imbalances between savings and consumption must also be addressed through a global reform agenda discussed in the paper. Even with reform, the challenges to growth will be daunting. Without reform, however, it is likely that the global economy will suffer a lost decade.  相似文献   

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