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合资企业“独资化”的博弈分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
外商在华投资出现的独资化趋势,是基于中国加入WTO后国内投资环境和投资前景的变化、中外合资双方核心优势的得失变化等多种因素促成的结果,并不以东道国单方面的意志为转移。分析决定外商投资者在投资过程中采取何种投资形式的决定因素,并结合博弈论分析这些因素的变化是如何影响投资者对其投资形式的选择,从四个角度解释了合资企业的不稳定性原因,针对这一情况提出了积极的应对措施。  相似文献   

《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(1-2):107-124
American advertising agencies have been rapidly expanding their operations abroad in recent decades. During this time, they have taken adtvantage of foreign experitise by acquiring local agencies or establishing joint venture arrangements. In other cases they have gone abraod by boldly setting up their own operations. This 15 agency - 344 subsidiary survey of agencies' abilities and performances shows that in general, wholly-owned subsidiaries have outperformed joint venture arrangements in terms of market rankings and total billings. While wholly-owned subsidiaries performed more multicountry campaigns, in terms of their operations, no differences were found concerning their service offerings of number of global campaigns performed.  相似文献   

<正>With air travel now commonplace,most of us are familiar with airline food.But how many people know that many years ago,the main product of China's first join...  相似文献   

According to the report from the Zero2IPO ,a wellkonwn venture capital research and consultancy instititure in Chian,China‘s investment from venture capital fell greatly in the second season in 2003.For only 21 venture capital institutes invested in 28 enterprises,totalling US$93 million ,about 61% falling as compared whit US$240 million in the first season this year.For the first half of this year,venture capital from Chinese and overseas instititutes invested 66 domestic and domestic-related enterprises with the amount at US$332 million,witnessing 30% up as compared with the same period of last year,accounting for 79% of the total amount for last year.Such momentum is still encouraging for recovery of venture capital.  相似文献   

In November 1994, the Claimant and the Respondent signed an agreement to establish a limited liability entertainment company (the joint venture). The contract required both parties to contribute capital, including a one-time payment of registered capital made within five months of acquiring the necessary license to conduct business. The joint venture obtained a copy of this license on November 30, 1994. The Claimant argued that it provided capital in full within the time limit specified by the contract and alleged that the Respondent was unable to fulfill its obligations because the property it intended to provide as capital had already been mortgaged to another party. Negotiations conducted by the parties concerning this dispute failed to produce a result. In 1996, according to the terms of the contract, the Claimant referred the matter to CIETAC for arbitration.  相似文献   

Lu Hao, Vice Mayor of Beijing Municipal Government, Zhang Xiaoyu, Vice Chairman of the China Machinery Industry Federation, An Qingheng, Chairman of the Board of Beiqi Foton Motor Co., Ltd., Wang Jinyu, General Manager of Beiqi Foton Motor Co., Ltd., Zhou Liang, Vice General Manager of Beiqi Foton Motor Co., Ltd., Steve Chapman, Vice President of American Cummins Inc..  相似文献   

A Learning-Based Theory of Joint Venture Life-Cycles   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We provide a two period, learning-based model of joint venture formation and breakdown. We show that depending on parameter values different dynamic patterns emerge. If the rate of learning is low, then a joint venture forms in both the periods. If the rate of learning is large, then the outcome may either involve joint venture breakdown, or delayed joint venture formation.  相似文献   

合资企业的管理蕴含着文化的交流、冲突与碰撞,以及文化的摩擦、融合与再生。因此,以文化为视角披露合资企业在经营管理时所面临的文化冲突,揭示文化冲突的根源,讨论消除文化冲突的有效途径,探讨中外合资企业管理的文化整合框架,从而提出合资企业的新文化思路。  相似文献   


International Joint Ventures (IJVs) have become an important means of market entry for many firms, particularly those seeking entry into Asia (Lin and Germain, 1999 Lin, X. and Germain, R. 1999. Predicting international joint venture interaction frequency in U.S.-Chinese ventures. Journal of International Marketing, 7(2): 523. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). As such, it is important to understand what causes some IJVs to fail and others to succeed. This study examines the relationship between partners' needs, commitment, control, and conflict between the IJV partners in a developing country of South East Asia. The findings revealed that IJV inter-party conflict was significantly influenced by all three variables, namely, partners' needs, commitment and control thereby providing support for previous research in a different national setting.  相似文献   

Venture capital is produced as hi-tech booms.In China,venturecapital,to be a fledgling sector,also developed rapidly to meet demands ofhi-tech development.In China,privateventure capital began to emerge in 1999.After three years,it shares 2-3% of the totalof venture capitals in China.For moreinformation about private venture capital inChina,our reporter visited the  相似文献   

张华 《市场研究》2010,(1):56-58
<正>一、东风汽车合资化概况中国很多汽车业,因为资金有限、规模较小,为了达到汽车生产的规模效益,纷纷走上合资化道路,而东风汽车公司在这条路上走的最远。早在1992年,东风公司便有了资产重组以走上国际  相似文献   

基于中国大陆31个省份截面数据,分析农民专业合作社及其联合经营对农业经济增长的影响及机理.结果显示:农民专业合作社对农业经济增长具有显著的正向影响,但效应微弱;农民专业合作社的联合经营对农业经济增长的影响显著为正,且效应显著提升.农民专业合作社联合经营通过促进纵向一体化进程、有效缓解快速城市化中农业主体流失对农业生产的冲击、整合优势人力资源实现人力资本积累等方式促进农业经济增长.  相似文献   

当前借鉴国外为推动创业投资发展创造有利环境的经验 ,来分析我国创业投资宏观环境体系的构成 ,从中发现我国创业投资所处宏观环境中还存在着种种问题 ,所以必须采用层次分析法对我国创业投资的宏观风险度进行评价 ,为解决我国创业投资发展的环境障碍问题找出方向  相似文献   

As a multi-cultural country with a British colonial past hosting many different ethnic groups including Westerners, Singapore juggles with the often conflicting forces of Westernization (holding the promise of economic prosperity) and Asianization (holding the promise of a distinct cultural identity). Although the endorsement of ‘Asian values’ by Singapore political leaders such as Lee Kuan Yew may be seen as a mere rhetoric device to either explain ethnic Chinese business success or the Asian crisis, the question needs to be raised as to the ways in which the Asian Values discourse affects both Western and Asian MNCs operating in Singapore. In order to address this question, this article investigates the participation of a European–Japanese joint venture in a large government-sponsored reclamation project in Singapore. It is a rather unique situation in which the state as paymaster has the upper hand over the partners. The investigation shows that reference to ‘Asian values’ is a significant boundary-marking strategy used by both the Singapore government and the joint venture partners to manipulate the power balances in this triangular relationship. The outcome is more often than not advantageous for the Singapore state.  相似文献   

琚向红  张明泉  王宁 《商业研究》2004,(20):131-133
风险投资又叫创业投资,它是一种高风险的资本运作过程。在我国,风险投资起步较晚,与其相关配套的措施和法律法规还不完善,因此在发展风险投资中难免会出现一些问题。如何有效地发展、规范我国的风险投资是很多学、专家所关注的。风险投资的发展,不仅可以带来技术上的创新性,而且对整个国民经济的发展起着极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

Empirical studies in family economics usually rely on questionnaires, statistical data or panel data. Here we try to study experimentally some crucial aspects of engaging in a marriage. The female partner can end the relationship or suggest one of two forms of joint venture where more labor division makes her more exploitable by her partner. More specifically, the random profit of the joint venture is allocated by ultimatum bargaining in the case of a full engagement whereas marriage bargaining is procedurally fair in the case of a low engagement. Our treatment variables are her and his outside options representing different attitudes to investing in human capital.  相似文献   

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