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Analysis and case studies have indicated that intervention by the Singapore government in fostering economic development has not always been successful. In particular, past intervention in the labour market like the high wage policy of the early 3980s has proved to be an unmitigated disaster. However, interventions that lead to the direct creation of national competitive advantage, like the information-telecommunications infrastructure, R & D subsidy and manpower development, have proved t o be more successful. A strong, non-corrupt and market-oriented public sector appears to be crucial t o ensure that interventions are market facilitating, correcting and enhancing rather than distorting.  相似文献   

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: THEORY, POLICY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, by I.M.D. Little THE POVERTY OF ‘DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS', by Deepak Lal, Hobart Paperback No. 16 THE THEORY AND EXPERIENCE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Essays in Honour of Sir W. Arthur Lewis, edited by Mark Gersovitz, Carlos F. Diaz-Alejandro, Gustav Ranis and Mark R. Rosenzweig  相似文献   


Japan has derived a reputation as a market that is extremely difficult to enter. However, this belief tends to promote neglect of the study of other factors—important among which is that of the competitive styles of Japanese companies. An issue that is particularly germane is that of product strategy. This article reports on research that was performed among a sample of foreign consumer products' companies in Japan. The article explores the theme that effectiveprodud strategy in Japan requires cultural sensitivity, as well as an ability to cope with the aggressive, technical led approaches of Japanese companies that comprise the competitive set.  相似文献   

Are currency crises caused by manias and panics in financial markets, or by unsustainable deteriorations in domestic macroeconomic conditions? This question is explored in the context of the recent Asian currency crisis. The theoretical concept of vulnerability is used to identify three early‐warning indicators of susceptibility to a currency crisis: rapid accumulation of mobile capital; domestic lending booms; and overvalued exchange rates. It is shown that the crisis and noncrisis countries of Asia may be distinguished empirically, using these indicators, over the decade preceding the crisis. This exercise provides convincing evidence that the crisis emanated largely from domestic macroeconomic conditions.  相似文献   

Experience and socialization are key factors in customer commitment and defection decisions. To study the effect of experience and social relationships on customer retention, we analyze a reality-mined co-presence network of health club members over a period of 4 years. Since central customers in the network have more social ties they will lose if they defect, we use centrality as a proxy for customer relationship switching costs. We find that long-standing customers do have a lower chance of renewing their contracts. However, in line with theoretical predictions (Burnham et al., Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 31(2):109–126, 2003), the consumer’s centrality in the network (reflecting a social cost of defection) reduces customer churn rate. This study’s results indicate that the inclusion of social effects increases the predictive power of the customer churn model (Nitzan and Libai, Journal of Marketing 75(6):24–38, 2011), thus contributing to our understanding of the role social networks play in customer decisions.  相似文献   

侯东岳 《中国市场》2010,(46):84-87
从原则上讲,适度的衍生金融产品有价格发现的功能,可平抑市场供求的波动,有利于市场稳定与经济发展;而过度的衍生金融产品会扭曲价格形成机制,导致投机盛行乃至形成市场的脆弱性与宏观经济的非稳定性。  相似文献   

Critical costs and benefits of creating an EMU-like structure in Asia are identified. Analyzing the EU, we pay particular attention to two kinds of economic benefits and costs that do not appear much in conventional economic analysis. First, there are benefits and costs of harmonization in different areas including the monetary area. Second, giving up sovereignty within a policy area can provide many countries with a kind of insurance against domestic institutional, legal, and political weaknesses. Although we emphasize economic arguments it is necessary to recognize that the EU is very much a politically motivated project. Politics may well be the biggest obstacle to an EMU-like monetary system in Asia. Conditions in Asia require consideration of alternatives to a monetary union since there exist disparate economic and political systems that may well prove impossible to fully integrate.  相似文献   

黄亚生 《中国市场》2010,(16):23-26
"中国制造"的标签比"印度制造"的标签更为普遍,但在中国制造并不一定是由中国制造。用不了多久,"印度制造"将成为"由印度制造"的同义词,印度人不仅会从全球化中获得工资收益,还会把利润也留在手里。除非中国着手进行大胆的制度改革,否则印度在今后20年的表现也许会大大超过中国。  相似文献   

The impact of crises on a national economy can be severe and it is essential that recovery is rapid and complete. This article argues that tourism may be an ideal focus for the recovery effort, as it is resilient and has many links into other sectors. Based on data collected from interviews with senior policy makers in Malaysia, the performance of tourism in four key areas is explored in the context of the Malaysian response to the Asian financial crisis. It is concluded that on balance, tourism is worthy of special consideration as a vehicle for post-crisis recovery.  相似文献   

This article recounts various Japanese business approaches touted in the 1980s as “Lessons from Japan” for U.S. managers. The logical expectation, given the sheer bulk of the literature, was that U.S. managers would become more “Japanese” in their business strategies and goals while the Japanese would have become more entrenched in their approaches. Questionnaire responses from 95 Japanese and 70 American firms suggest, however, that U.S. managers tend to make few shifts from the strategies and goals they emphasized in the 1980s. Meanwhile Japanese managers report that they expect to move toward more “American” business practices. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Theextentoftheopeningofacapitalprojectforacountryisdeterminedbyitsbasiceconomyandfinancialsituation.shortterminternationalidlecapitalwillneverbecomethefoundationfortheeconomicdevelopmentofacountry.RecentlyIhaveoftenaskedmyself.whetherChinashoulddrawsomelessonsfromthesevereeconomiccrisisthathasaffectedsomecountries.Theanswerisaffirmative.Therearelessonsinthefollowingsixfields.Lessonone.Effortsshouldbemadetocontrolthestructureandgrowthrateofthetotalamountofforeigndebts.Attentionshouldbepaidtoi…  相似文献   

根据浙江省与日本枥木县友好交流计划,浙江省供销考察团于1999年1月18日至24日,对日本枥木县农协进行了访问考察。考察时间虽短,但所见所闻,对我省供销社进一步深化改革,加强为农服务很有借鉴意义。(一)日本农协在日本农业现代化中的重要作用日本农协是一...  相似文献   

当今世界的博彩业合法化浪潮,把这个在争议中快速发展的新兴产业,推入了社会科学的殿堂。博彩业在一定条件下、一定意义上对旅游业的发展所具有的正面促进作用,作为一个不可否认的经济史实,正在引起越来越多的国家和地区的旅游学界、商界乃至政界的注意。文章在较为系统地、实事求是地分析博彩业对于旅游业所具有的正面价值同时,也明确地、客观地分析了其负面的局限性,指出博彩业并不是在任何历史条件下都有旅游价值,并不是任何博彩彩种都有旅游价值。  相似文献   

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