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在我国建立社会主叉市场经济的今天,建设社会主义法治国家和实施依法治国已成为我国首选的治国方略。然而,人们在强调法治的同时,却叉弱化了道德对社会的引导调节作用。加之,新的社会道德体系还未充分建立起来,使得道德对社会的引导调节功能弱化的问题就更加突出。因此,本文从社会学的角度,阐释了德法结合的必要性和可能性。以期在当前大力实施依法治国的背景下,强化道德对社会的调节和引导作用,加速新的社会道德体系的构建。  相似文献   

政府财政层级改革探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着市场经济体制改革的深入发展,我国现行的政府层级与之相对应的财政层级构架已不符合市场经济体制的要求,阻碍了我国经济的发展和经济体制改革进程。然而政府层级改革,关系到国家政权的稳定,只能循序渐进稳步推行。目前试行的"省管县"财政体制和"乡财县管"财政管理方式的改革,为我国政府层级改革创造了条件,加快了我国构建三级政府的步伐。  相似文献   

技术作为生产要素向西部地区的转移有着消除区域经济发展差距,促进西部国民经济增长的重要作用。由于我国目前尚处于市场体系不够完善的“转轨”阶段,因此技术转移过程必然是政府干预下的“自觉”转移,与市场资源配置下的“自然”转移的结合。文章从动态比较优势的发展战略出发,在技术转移方与接受方的博弈和成本分析中,讨论如何合理有效的发挥政府作用。  相似文献   

China has conducted six government reforms over the past three decades to separate government functions from the major industries. These reforms enabled a number of national oil companies (NOCs) to be established in the 1980s, and the NOCs were further listed in the international stock markets in the new century. However, due to the incomplete government and enterprise reforms, the government has not been very successful in playing a role as the ‘principal’ to make the NOCs as an ‘agent’ to manage China's petroleum industry on its behalf. A sensible government–NOCs relationship may be created by either further removing the NOCs’ political functions, and strengthening China's energy market mechanism, or by establishing a Super-Energy Ministry that can assert fundamental authority over the NOCs, and manage the energy sector.  相似文献   

余英 《商业研究》2006,2(17):121-125
根据民航业的内在发展要求以及“小政府、大市场”经济理念和政府的财政预算压力的推动,使世界机场业逐渐发展到商业化管理阶段。实证研究表明,国有部门的商业化能显著改善国有企业的效率。属地化前,我国机场经营效率普遍不佳的深层次原因是在非商业化管理体制下的管理者没有效率改善的动机。为了提高效率,推进管制和产权改革,我国国有机场的管理形式必须从事业型的公共管理逐渐向商业定位的市场化管理转变。实行商业化需要改善机场经营环境,建立和完善机场的公司治理结构。  相似文献   

中国金融体系的脆弱性与道德风险   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
道德风险行为就是当签约一方不完全承担风险后果时所采取的自身效用最大化的自私行为.中国金融体系存在严重的脆弱性,根本原因也在于道德风险.政府不仅对银行提供了担保,也认为证券市场"太大而不能失败".证券市场危机往往是金融危机的先行指标,随之而来的银行危机和货币危机将决定金融危机的深度和广度.中国金融体系的道德风险已经深入到最基层的代理人,其代价将是非常惨重的.  相似文献   

目前,国家正在积极对房价进行调控,并出台了一系列调控政策。但由于中央政府和地方政府在双方调控收益方面的差异,使得调控政策执行还未完全发挥其最大效果。通过博弈论的方法分析在不同信息条件下中央与地方政府对房价政策的博弈可以看出,中央政府对地方政府规制的成本过高,是我国高房价难以制止的原因;通过引入公众参与机制,同时加强制度约束等方式可以降低规制成本;通过减少中央政府调控成本、合理建立中央对地方政府的激励和约束机制等途径,可以改善我国现有房地产市场的调控效果。  相似文献   

管理层收购 (ManagementBuy -outsMBO)是近期市场所关注的一个热点话题。在我国 ,它被作为国有股减持、明晰企业产权结构、提高企业治理结构效率的一种方式。但是 ,由于我国特殊的产权结构 ,相关法律法规还不健全 ,资本市场并不成熟 ,运用基金方式进行MBO会带来加重企业的负担、令企业家误入歧途、造成国有资产流失、MBO基金套牢等问题。  相似文献   

We investigate the internationalization of firms with ownership links to the state from the perspective of resource dependence theory, and argue that internationalization can reduce dependence on the home country government, but, paradoxically, this strategy also creates additional dependences, shifts the power balance, and provides rationales for increasing government control. Utilizing a ‘critical’ case – Vale from Brazil – we analyze different conditions that enable greater autonomy for and greater government control over multinational state hybrids in the context of internationalization. We contribute to the international business literature by generating a novel framework that considers the effects of market trends (extractive industry) and non-market trends (home country policies) on the internationalization of state hybrids.  相似文献   


Leadership studies on public TV companies are few and far between due to their peculiar status as a monopoly in the market. TV leadership has been deemed less important than the government that regulates it or the corporate advertisers who buy its air time. Using the theory of environmental threats and leadership evolution, this study analyses the personal data of CEOs at the Korea Broadcasting System (KBS), which is owned and controlled by the state from its conception in 1961. This contribution finds that different types of CEOs were favoured for each evolutionary stage with dissimilar environmental threats. Over the years, CEOs at KBS have become much more professionalized and were selected from inside rather than from the government. However, CEOs continue to pursue their political, rather than professional, roles to neutralize its external threats. It continues to be genuine that the most critical environmental threat for KBS is the state itself. The continuous political nature of KBS leadership makes it very difficult for the organization to be free from internal and external crises, including general strikes by employees and the sweeping layoff of key decision-makers in the firm by the government. It is expected that new CEOs at KBS should play professional roles for their long-term survival.  相似文献   

<正>古人云:器大者声必闳,志高者意必远。从环渤海到京津冀,从东北振兴到中部崛起,从西部开发到中亚合作,从北部湾再到泛北部湾,每一个区域的繁荣都迫切需要金融业的支持。在此背景下,在地域面积等同整个欧洲的中国大地上,出现多个金融中心并不为奇的看法正在形成共识。而在此间,经由各地经济发展所支撑的中国经济总体复兴,亦正呼唤一个与之地位相  相似文献   

本文认为,市场制度演进过程中出现的“市场失灵”不是市场本身造成的,而是市场背后的权力主体制度缺位造成的,从根本上讲,是政府、厂商与个人三者之间的权力错位造成的。价格信号表面看是在市场上进行,但资源配置却在市场背后进行。政府、厂商和个人作为资源的拥有者和配置者,他们的权力边界应当是明晰的,如果企业代替个人(如阻止人力资本流动)或政府权力代替或直接干预个人和厂商权力(如计划经济),市场的价格信号便发生扭曲,扭曲的信号必然导致“市场失灵”。文章提出,只有政府、厂商和个人之间建立有效的制度约束,市场机制的作用才能最大化地去引导资源配置,实现帕累托最优效率。  相似文献   

鲍睿  严江平  李巍 《江苏商论》2012,(2):133-135
旅游业是甘南着力培育发展的新型支柱产业。近年来,甘南旅游事业发展十分迅速,国内游客人数迅猛增长。国内旅游市场已成为甘南旅游市场的一个重要组成部分,为甘南旅游业带来了可观的旅游收益。  相似文献   

谭袁 《商业研究》2012,(9):201-205
主流经济法学观点认为经济法是在市场存在缺陷的情况下由政府对经济进行干预的过程中产生的,但其在对现实经济生活进行解释时存在局限。对经济进行干预是政府经济职能最本质的要求,这种干预的正当性主要不是来自于"市场失灵"理论,而是政府经济职能。厘清这一点有助于人们把握经济法学的任务,放弃"法学家的幻想",从现实出发发挥经济法学的功能。经济学为经济法学的进一步发展提供了动力,经济法学应当大胆吸收经济学的研究成果,将其转化为法律的语言并应用于法律实践,这也是经济法学面对经济学不断发展,并在各学科全面渗透形势下的重要任务。  相似文献   

韩永文  梁云凤  郭迎锋  崔璨 《全球化》2020,(2):5-24,134
近年来,国际社会对我国政府补贴的质疑甚嚣尘上,政府补贴特别是对国有企业的补贴,在世界贸易组织(WTO)规则下面临变革。党的十九大明确提出,要清理废除妨碍统一市场和公平竞争的各种规定及做法。推进经济高质量发展对政府补贴提出了进一步规范的要求。本文通过梳理分析世界主要经济体的补贴情况,从理论和实践角度讨论补贴在国际范围内所具有的客观性和普遍性,得出补贴是政府支持产业发展,激发市场活力的重要政策工具。对我国政府补贴和对国有企业补贴的情况进行梳理研究,结合国际实践经验,探索符合WTO规则的,促进我国市场经济健康快速发展的补贴政策体系,并针对补贴中存在的问题提出深化改革的对策建议。  相似文献   

Government policies are integral to the internalization theory of foreign direct investment (FDI). However, the role of government policies in affecting FDI as a strategic choice of firms has not been fully explored. This article therefore expands the analysis of the role of government policy in the internalization theory of FDI. Some government policies reduce market imperfections while others create them. Some of those policies and their effects on market imperfections furthermore make FDI less attractive as a strategic alternative, while other policies and their effects on market imperfections make FDI more attractive. This study also argues that a comprehensive integration of political variables in FDI theory requires several levels of analysis of both political and economic variables.  相似文献   

Using unique data from an internet-based foreign-exchange trading platform, we show that the black market efficiently incorporated public information on the state of the Belarusian economy during the Balance of Payments crisis of 2011. Between May and October 2011, the government repeatedly devalued the Belarusian ruble and eventually abandoned its fixed exchange rate regime. Measures derived from black market transaction data have significant predictive power for these devaluations. The significance of these black market measures survives even when we include standard macroeconomic indicators in our forecasting model. In line with standard economic theory, activity in the black market has dried up subsequently.  相似文献   

房地产调控政策失效的原因探究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
"国六条"出台已经一年,我国房地产价格不跌反涨,中央政府稳定房价的调控目标并未实现。从我国房地产立法滞后、存在调控时滞、房地产宏观调控中地方政府与中央政府及开发商之间的博弈、房地产市场供求矛盾突出等四个方面分析了调控房价政策失效的深层次原因。  相似文献   

孙慧玲 《商业研究》2005,(4):113-114
市场经济条件下,政府与市场的关系决定了政府的职能,但在我国经济转型时期,政府职能还没有转变,政府失职的地方还很多,这成为市场经济发展的障碍。因此,要规范政府的行为,完善政府的职能,以促进国民经济稳定健康的运行。  相似文献   

The prohibition of state aid in an integrated market such as the European Community is analyzed in a model where firms produce differentiated products and market structure is either Cournot or Bertrand oligopoly. State aid is financed by distortionary taxation so the opportunity cost of government revenue exceeds unity. Under both Cournot and Bertrand oligopoly, if products are sufficiently close substitutes then there exists a range of values for opportunity cost where governments give state aid and where the prohibition of state aid will increase aggregate welfare. With sufficiently differentiated products, the prohibition of state aid will reduce aggregate welfare.  相似文献   

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