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区域一体化、经济增长与政治晋升   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
我国市场分割问题比较突出,但区域经济一体化的出现以及增多已成为一个重要现象.为什么有些省区选择市场分割,而有些却致力于区域一体化?地方政府在处理区际关系上的迥异行为是否具有内在一致性的解释?我们从中央政府按照经济绩效晋升地方政府官员的假设出发,构造一个地方官员晋升博弈模型,证明了,为了政治晋升最大化,地方官员选择地方市场分割还是区域一体化因条件而异.实证分析支持模型的预测.  相似文献   

We develop a model of “intrinsic” cycles, driven by the decentralized behavior of entrepreneurs and firms making continuous, divisible improvements in their productivity. We show that when the introduction of productivity improvements is endogenous, implementation cycles arise even in the presence of reversible investment and consumption smoothing. The implied cyclical equilibrium is unique within its class and shares several features in common with actual business cycles. In particular, its predictions are qualitatively consistent with the joint behavior of the investment rate and Tobin's Q during U.S. recessions.  相似文献   

本文旨在研究地方政府的相机抉择政策对经济增长和产出波动的实际影响。本文首先从预算软约束和晋升激励的角度分析这一政策的作用方式,然后用模型测度出相机抉择政策,并以2000—2013年的省际面板数据进行实证检验。研究表明,相机抉择的确刺激了地方经济增长,但却带来了明显的产出波动。不过相机抉择政策具有明显的时滞,其真实效果集中凸显在政策实施的两年后。因此,我国应加强公共财政制度的建设,使相机抉择政策在规则的框架下更为合理地使用。  相似文献   

We integrate a monetary search model into open‐economy macro to analyze the gains from coordinating on inflation. Search frictions and local congestion lead to a determinate exchange rate between two currencies. Relative prices deviate from the law of one price. Because the deviations depend on the cross‐country differential in money growth, each country is tempted to inflate to exploit the deviations. Policy coordination reduces inflation and improves welfare for all countries. In contrast to traditional models, the gains from coordination continue to exist even after each country optimally sets a direct tax on the foreign use of the country's currency.  相似文献   

We consider an economic geography model of a new genre: All firms and workers are mobile and their agglomeration within a city generates costs through competition on a housing market. In the case of two sectors, contrasted patterns arise. When one good is perfectly mobile, the corresponding industry is partially dispersed whereas the other is agglomerated, thus showing regional specialization. When one sector supplies a nontradeable consumption good, this sector is more agglomerated than the other. The corresponding equilibrium involves an urban hierarchy in that a larger array of varieties of the two goods is produced within the same city.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the problems that arise in the regional allocation of public sector accounts. These problems arise mainly in connection with the regional allocation of government expenditures on a governing rather than a procurement basis, and in the derivation of a meaningful surplus or deficit. The latter in turn requires an examination of the real geographic incidence of government revenues—to avoid, for instance, the assignment of the whole tobacco tax to Virginia and North Carolina. The use of a procurement basis for government product and the real geographic distribution of direct tax incidence for government revenue would produce a more complete and meaningful regional surplus or deficit measure, and gross regional products will not be as subject to spurious inter-regional variation.  相似文献   

This paper extends Kiyotaki and Moore's (1997 ) to an endogenous growth model and investigates the dynamic properties of a growing economy with binding credit constraint when land is used not only as an input of production but also as collateral. There exists a balanced growth path in an economy with binding credit constraint. In response to a once and for all productivity shock, the developed model shows the propagation mechanism among output, capital, bank credit and the land price in terms of the growth rate. The model's tractability allows us to derive interesting qualitative and quantitative findings on business cycles.  相似文献   

国家重点高校在各个省市的招生配额极不平衡,这不仅有失公平,也会扭曲人力资本的培养,从而影响经济增长。但改变现有的配额方式势必给配额较多的省市造成福利损失。本文建立了内生增长模型来估算取消这种不平衡配额会如何影响现在受惠省市的经济发展,以及会给受惠省市考生造成多少福利损失。文章的数值模拟给出了重新配额对经济增长速度的影响和对受惠者造成的、以现值货币衡量的福利损失,并讨论了社会福利问题,从而为中央政府是否改变现有的招生政策提供经济学上的理论依据。  相似文献   

Economies that lack well‐developed markets for mobilizing household savings may, in some instances, grow faster than those that are financially more developed, provided that their labour markets are also characterized by seniority rather than spot wages. This occurs because of a Kaldorian redistribution effect in a model where households have finite‐horizons and where older workers, as an endogenous feature, have higher saving rates.  相似文献   

This paper compares the growth accounting approaches to aggregate productivity measurement and analysis of three major researchers: E. F. Denison, D. W. Jorgenson, and J. W. Kendrick. The investigetors are compared in terms of their treatment of a number of crucial elements, including measurement of output and of capital and labor inputs (including composition or quality changes), total factor productivity growth, economies of scale, and intensity of demand (for output). Judged by the standard of the neoclassical economic theory of production-the only generally accepted basis for input aggregation-Denison departs significantly from the production theory framework in his measurement of output and capital input, Kendrick to some degree in his measure of capital input, and Jorgenson not at all. The effects of these departures are illustrated with reference to the recent productivity slowdown. The probable near-term future utility of growth accounting methods for productivity analysis is assessed, and some related econometric modeling issues are noted.  相似文献   

Productivity dispersion across firms is large and persistent, and worker reallocation among firms is an important source of productivity growth. An equilibrium model of growth and firm evolution designed to clarify the role of worker reallocation in the growth process is studied. We show that it explains the correlations between size measures and labor productivity found in Danish firm data. Conditions under which the reallocation of workers from less to more productive firms contributes to aggregate productivity growth in the economy modeled are derived. Finally, a proof of existence of an equilibrium solution to the model is also provided.  相似文献   

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