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胡国柳  蒋国洲 《财贸研究》2004,(4):83-89,98
在充分考虑股权替代变量之间可能存在多重共线性问题的基础上 ,本文对股权结构在公司治理中作用的各种理论假设进行了检验。研究发现 ,经理人员持股比例与上市公司业绩相关性不显著 ;国有股比例与上市公司业绩显著负相关 ;法人股比例与上市公司业绩正相关 ;社会公众股比例对公司财务业绩的影响虽然是负面的 ,但极不显著 ,而与公司市场业绩显著正相关 ;股权集中度与公司业绩显著负相关。  相似文献   

Vertical relationships with the government, particular relational capital and organizational social network capital, constitute corporate social capital (CSC). Using the empirical data of 97 listed companies in China, this paper examines the impact of CSC on corporate performance, finds that CSC has a positive impact on sales revenue but an insignificant impact on the improvement of ROA. More specifically, when a firm enlarges its sales revenue, the function of organizational network capital is stronger than that of a particular relational capital and that of governmental connections. The paper also finds that state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have more advantages in using governmental connections, therefore leading to better social status than non-SOEs do, who have fewer advantages in using any particular relational capital. The article suggests that managers should appraise carefully the effectiveness of CSC, and combine it with other resources; firms should distinguish the structure of the impact of CSC on performance improvement in a dynamic way. With respect to the implication of this paper, it could help in analyzing firm behaviors in the transitional China. Translated from paper in International Symposium on Entrepreneur Research and Education, 2006, April (in Chinese)  相似文献   

Using the agency and institutional perspectives, this study advances several hypotheses about the board structure–firm performance relationship within Russia. We tested these hypotheses using survey data. Despite a relatively small sample size, predictions from both theoretical perspectives were supported. Specifically, we found a negative relationship between “informal” CEO duality and firm performance. This finding is noteworthy given the 1996 Russian Federal law which prohibits the CEO from also serving as board chair. Also, we found that the more vigorously the firm pursues a retrenchment strategy, the more negative the relationship between proportion of inside directors and firm performance. Overall, these findings suggest that effective corporate governance may be essential to firm performance in Russia.  相似文献   

In the present paper, based on samples of 2003, empirical analyses of Corporate Governance Index (CGI NK ) and its six dimensions of listed companies in China, the index of controlling shareholders’ behaviors, board governance index, top management governance index, information disclosure index, stakeholders’ governance index, and supervisors committee governance index, are carried out and the results show that CGI NK is positively associated with the return on assets (ROA), net assets per share (NAPS), earnings per share (EPS), operating cash flow per share (OCFPS), total assets turnover (TAV), rate of total assets growth (ITA) and Z-score. These indicate that good corporate governance mechanisms improve profitability, stock expansion ability, operating efficiency, growth and development potential, as well as financial flexibility and safety of listed companies. Corporate governance mechanisms of controlling shareholders, board of directors, top management, information disclosure, stakeholders and supervisors committee are largely responsible for decision-making and decision-execution mechanisms, and furthermore, they have direct and profound effects on the performance and value of listed companies. Translated from Zhongguo Gongye Jingji 中国工业经济 (China Industrial Economy), 2006, (4): 98–107  相似文献   

This article investigates the relationship among ultimate ownership, risk-taking and firm value using firm-level data from Chinese companies. The results indicate that dominant ultimate controlling shareholders exacerbate the agency problem. The larger the divergence between ultimate shareholder’s control rights and cash flow rights, the stronger motivation is to reduce corporate risk-taking (CRT) to safeguard private benefits. Furthermore, the presence of a dominant ultimate controlling shareholder is harmful to firm value, and the divergence between its control right and cash flow right has a significantly negative effect on firm value. Corporate risk-taking plays a significant mediating effect between ultimate controlling shareholder and firm value. Based on these results based on theory and practice, we propose a number of practical implications for managers.  相似文献   

秦学斌 《北方经贸》2012,(7):112-115
我国家族企业数量众多,其发展状况直接影响着中国的经济。本文分析了我国家族企业目前的治理结构具有的特征,在对目前治理模式的优、劣势进行了剖析后,本文认为,随着企业的发展,家族企业治理模式面临转换和创新,需要对所有权与经营权进行合理安排,并使之制度化、系统化。  相似文献   

运用深沪两市126家竞争性行业上市公司2002年的数据,从股权结构、董事会结构和高管激励等内外两种治理机制综合考虑了我国公司治理与公司绩效之间的关系。认为多元化股东、外部董事比例和高管激励是公司治理最为重要的三个因素,是影响公司绩效最为显著的变量;第一大股东是否为法人股、独立董事的作用、是否在国外上市对公司绩效没有显著的影响作用。  相似文献   

本文以我国部分上市公司为样本实证研究了公司治理机制对公司现金持有量的影响。结果表明,公司治理机制并未对公司现金持有量形成显著影响,从公司现金持有量的视角为我国上市公司治理机制的不完善性提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

A board of directors forms one of the pillars of a robust corporate governance framework. Board diversity can offer both challenges and opportunities for a company. In this article we investigate whether diversity of a board influences company performance as well as the change in company performance for the Top 100 South African companies listed on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange in 2013–2015. Tobin’s Q and Return on Assets are used as performance measures. Our findings show that the proportion of women on a board, the number of directors with a business qualification and board size are significantly positively related with the performance of South African companies, whereas the ethnic diversity of a board is significantly negatively related with the performance of South African companies.  相似文献   

股权分置的制度缺陷导致了上市公司治理缺乏共同的利益基础,扭曲了资本市场发挥作用的机理。股权分置改革有利于上市公司逐步形成共同的治理基础。从股权分置改革对上市公司治理优化的影响关系框架可以看出,指出股权分置改革通过上市公司股东行为、董事会作用及经营者激励约束机制等内部治理因素和资本市场定价机制、控制权市场并购重组机制及监督约束机制等外部治理因素影响着上市公司整体治理的优化,从而使后股权分置时代促进上市公司治理优化。  相似文献   

崔学刚 《财贸研究》2004,15(2):71-79
董事会是公司治理系统的核心 ,其运作效率对于公司业绩与持续发展具有决定性作用。本文提出了董事会治理的概念框架 ,并运用中国上市公司数据进行了实证研究 ,试图揭示董事会治理的效率成因与效率特征 ,为中国上市公司改善董事会治理提供经验参照。  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the evolution of corporate governance reforms in the emerging economies of China and India. We first describe the two major driving forces behind governance reforms in these countries: privatization and globalization. After summarizing the evolution of governance reforms in each context, we identify four major obstacles that impede their implementation in both countries, namely: (1) lack of incentives, (2) power of the dominant shareholder, (3) underdeveloped external monitoring systems, and (4) shortage of qualified independent directors. Next, we highlight practical implications of these governance challenges for foreign firms contemplating, or already involved in, major investments in these emerging economies. We emphasize that foreign firms that are sensitive to context-specific challenges are more likely to put in place appropriate contractual or other safeguards, as well as identify more practical and meaningful forms of participation in the governance of their ventures. Finally, we conclude with some implications for future research.  相似文献   

基于内生性视角的股权结构与公司绩效关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现有股权结构与公司绩效关系的研究,大都不考虑内生性问题,先验地假定股权结构为外生变量.文章以我国1999-2008年沪、深两市370家上市公司为研究对象,发现股权结构是内生的,它与公司绩效之间是一种互动的双向作用关系,即除了股权结构对公司绩效有显著的促进效应外,公司绩效对股权结构也有着强烈的反馈效应,并且这种反馈效应会随着股权结构指标选取的不同而相差明显.  相似文献   

我国中部地区上市公司治理结构与公司绩效的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
汪金龙  李创霏 《财贸研究》2007,18(2):109-115
公司治理与公司绩效之间的关系一直是公司治理研究中一个备受争议的课题,实证研究并未得出一致的结论。本文以我国中部地区上市公司为样本,选择董事会规模、独立董事比例、股权集中度等若干研究变量,对董事会结构与股权结构和公司绩效的关系进行实证分析。研究结果发现独立董事比例、机构投资者持股比例、高管人员持股比例和股权集中度与公司绩效存在正相关关系;董事会规模、国有股比例与公司绩效负相关。  相似文献   

张冬梅 《商业研究》2006,88(13):7-11
经营者人力资本是企业人力资本中高价值的人力资本,通过深入分析经营者人力资本提升企业核心能力,优化企业所有权安排,是影响企业绩效的重要因素,因此,经营者人力资本是企业治理中的一个核心资本。如果把企业中的人力资本划分为四种,那么经营者人力资本是企业中最高层次的,属于异质性的经营型人力资本。  相似文献   

我国资本市场的一个重要特点是企业债券融资发展速度缓慢,其主要原因在于政府政策和制度的管制以及企业自身产权制度不合理、治理机制不健全。尽快形成以市场机制为主导的企业债券管理制度,加强企业产权制度改革,塑造真正的企业债券市场主体,提高全社会资源配置效率,改善资本市场融资结构,是保证国民经济健康发展的当务之急。  相似文献   

文章以我国流通服务业上市公司为研究样本,分析了上市公司资本结构和股权结构对公司绩效的影响,以及成长机会在其中的调节作用.研究结果表明流通服务业上市公司第一大股东持股比例、第二到第十大股东持股比例、长期负债资本比对公司绩效存在显著正向影响;国有股持股比例、高管持股比例、资产负债率对公司绩效存在显著负向影响.随着公司成长机会的增加,第二到第十大股东持股,非国有法人股持股对公司绩效正向影响作用增强;而第一大股东持股比例、国有股持股比例、高管持股比例、资产负债率与长期负债资本比对公司绩效的影响并不随着公司成长性的变化而变化.文章研究对于流通服务业上市公司股权结构和资本结构优化提供了有益的启示.  相似文献   

贺建刚 《财贸研究》2007,18(2):116-123
本文基于杜邦分析体系(DuPontAnalysis),以我国资本市场在2002-2004年期间的上市公司年度数据为研究样本,实证检验了公司治理水平的提高对促进企业绩效增长的实现路径。研究表明,上市公司的治理水平越高,高管人员也就越加重视通过公司内部资源整合、完善营销策略和客户管理等方式提高资产营运效率。而且公司治理水平对改善企业绩效的影响并没有突出体现在努力提高主营业务收入或降低生产成本环节,而主要是通过加强资产管理和提高营运效率来实现的。  相似文献   

Most evidence regarding the determinants and effects of corporate governance practices is based on large firms. Herein, we explore these issues in the context of small publicly traded Canadian companies. We exploit the fact that such firms were not subject to corporate governance guidelines prior to 2005 and thus analyze the determinants of voluntary governance practice choices, as well as the effects of those practices on firm performance. Using a unique data set, we construct a corporate governance index for each firm. We measure performance by two variables: quality of accounting earnings and financial performance. The results indicate that corporate governance does matter for smaller traded Canadian firms. We find that both accounting and financial performance are positively related to corporate governance; however, their underlying mechanisms may differ somewhat. Given this result, it would be natural to expect all firms to choose higher levels of governance. However, our results also suggest small firms face resource constraints that limit their choices. We conclude that good governance is an important driver of small firm performance that cannot be neglected by the owners and managers of these firms.  相似文献   

This is a study of the relationship between context, internal corporate governance and firm performance, looking at the case of Turkey, an exemplar of family capitalism. We found more concentrated ownership, often in the hands of families, led to firms performing better; concentrated ownership means that controlling families bear more of the risks of poor performance. Less predictably, given that the institutional environment is so well attuned to family ownership, we found that mechanisms that accord room for a greater range of voices and interests within and beyond families – larger boards and foreign ownership stakes – seem to also make for positive performance effects. We also noted that increase in cross ownership did not influence market performance, but was negatively associated with accounting performance. Conversely, we found that a higher proportion of family members on boards had no discernable effect on performance. Our findings provide further insights on the relationship between the type of institutions encountered in many emerging markets, internal corporate governance configurations and firm performance.  相似文献   

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