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One issue that has attracted considerable attention recently among scholars interested in inequality and conflict is polarization. We analyze polarization in India over roughly the past three decades using consumption expenditure data. We show that both bipolarization and multidimensional polarization (on several dimensions: rural–urban, state, region) have increased since the 1990s. In the case of bipolarization, this is a reversal from an earlier trend (in the 1980s). Overall, our results suggest that the high growth that India has witnessed since the 1990s has been associated with widening disparities. Comparing polarization and inequality trends, we find similarities, but also some differences; we also show how the study of polarization can provide different insights. Our results therefore underscore the importance of studying polarization as distinct from traditional inequality.  相似文献   

Under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, all member-countries of the World Trade Organization are required to provide an " effective" system of plant variety protection within a specific time frame. In many developing countries, this has led to a divisive debate about the fundamental desirability of extending intellectual property rights to agriculture. Empirical studies on the economic impacts of plant variety protection, especially its ability to generate large private sector investments in plant breeding and to facilitate the transfer of technology, have been very limited. This paper examines two aspects of the international experience of plant variety protection: ( a ) the relationship between legislation, research, and development expenditures and plant variety protection grants, i.e., the innovation effect and ( b ) the role of plant variety protection in facilitating the flow of varieties across countries, i.e., the transferability effect.  相似文献   

研究目的:探索高质量发展目标与空间规划的逻辑关联,明晰空间规划引领高质量发展的响应路径,提出高品质空间规划应当注重的若干关键维度。研究方法:文献梳理法和归纳演绎法。研究结果:(1)阐明高质量发展的政治经济学要义在于提升社会总生产的使用价值,相应要实现空间使用价值的有效提升与交换价值的合理增长。(2)指出高质量发展对空间规划的需求,以及空间规划在要素配置、空间协同、创新引领、场景营造和政策供给等方面的总体响应路径。(3)提出高品质空间规划尤其要重视若干关键维度,包括尊重科学规律、前瞻战略引领、主动弹性应变、以人为本、价值活力提升等。研究结论:空间规划是统筹发展要素配置与实体空间建设的公共政策,将多维度的高质量发展理念融入空间规划,有利于形成理想主义、理性主义和现实主义紧密融合的高品质国土空间规划体系。  相似文献   

Bequest Intentions of Forest Landowners: Theory and Empirical Evidence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article studies in an overlapping generations forest economy the conditions under which money and/or timber bequests occur across generations, assuming the usual case of one–sided altruism. We assume nonindustrial landowners have preferences for consumption and for amenities from unharvested forest stock. Within this framework, we examine conditions under which landowners choose to leave timber or money bequests, and we show how taxation is important to these conditions. Empirical evidence from bequests decisions for a cross–section sample of nonindustrial landowners in Virginia is then used to investigate the hypotheses suggested by the model with regard to the motive to leave bequests. The results are broadly consistent with the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

研究目的:实证检验国土空间规划管制对区域经济发展的影响及其作用机制。研究方法:在对国土空间规划管制影响区域经济发展机理分析的基础上,提出本文的研究假说,并基于湖北省82个县(市、区)域单元2002—2015年的统计数据,运用中介效应模型加以检验。研究结果:国土空间被管制强度越高的区域,其地方政府可以运作的土地要素就越少,则该地区地方政府在发展区域经济竞赛中的竞争力就越弱,进而其经济发展水平就相应较低,与国土空间被管制强度较弱区域的经济发展差距逐渐拉大。研究结论:在中国把国土空间规划上升为国家战略的时代背景下,为协调区域经济的均衡发展,应建立起管制弱化区域和管制强化区域之间的横向财政转移支付机制和土地发展权交易市场,使不同区域均能享受到国土空间优化带来的福利提升。  相似文献   

研究目的:实证检验地方政府土地供给结构对区域房价的影响。研究方法:在分析土地供给结构影响房价机理的基础上,提出本文的研究假说;基于广东省21个地级及以上城市2009—2015年的统计数据,运用面板数据模型加以检验。研究结果:土地供给结构显著影响房价水平,静态和动态面板数据模型估计表明住宅用地供给比例提高1%,房价分别下降0.126%和0.103%;基础设施用地供给比例提高1个百分点,房价分别上升0.062%和0.051%;工业用地供给比例提高1个百分点,房价则分别上升0.116%和0.110%。地方政府财政压力在土地供给结构与房价的因果链条中起到重要的调节效应,即财政压力越大的地区,提高住宅用地供给比例对房价的抑制效果微弱,而基础设施和工业用地供给比例的增加则对房价的抬升效应更大。研究结论:为抑制过快上涨的房价,保障城市居民住有所居,在加快土地供给侧结构性改革,优化土地供给结构,加大住宅用地供应的同时,也应深化财税体制改革,使地方政府对土地财政的依赖逐步向持有环节的房地产税转变,以降低财政压力对土地供给侧结构性改革抑制房价过快上涨的扭曲效应。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the long run determinants of wage inequality in the manufacturing sector for a group of East Asian countries that have experienced rapid structural transformations in recent decades. In line with the skill biased technological change hypothesis, our results show that within manufacturing structural change which fosters the participation of higher skilled workers is a strong determinant of the wage premium. However, the paper also highlights an unusual feature of the East Asian model, showing how well-designed education policies, prudent macroeconomic management and selective policies towards foreign capital can help to buffer the pressure of structural change on wage inequality, even in an open economy context.  相似文献   

This study examines whether household access to microfinance reduces poverty in Pakistan and, if so, how and to what extent. It draws on primary empirical data gathered by interviewing 1132 households, including both borrower and non-borrower households, in 2008–2009. Sample selection biases have been partially controlled for by using propensity score matching. The study reveals that microfinance programmes had a positive impact on the participating households. Poverty-reducing effects were observed on a number of indicators, including expenditure on healthcare, clothing and household income, and on certain dwelling characteristics, such as water supply and the quality of roofing and walls.  相似文献   

本文利用最新中国家庭收入调查数据,分析2013—2018年我国农村居民收入分配的新状况,使用无条件分位数回归方法,讨论农村收入差距变化的主要原因。研究发现,2013—2018年我国农村居民收入显著增长,农村内部收入差距呈现一定的扩大趋势。市场化收入贡献率下降是农村内部差距上升的主要原因,低收入群体市场化收入增速下降、高收入群体要素回报率上升,导致这一时期农村收入差距有所扩大。本文建议加大政策扶持力度,稳定农产品市场价格,促进低收入群体收入稳定增长。要充分发挥农村高收入群体的作用,带动低收入农民致富增收,并有效缩小农村收入差距。  相似文献   

A general theory of cross-subsidization due to inframarginal support is developed. Two sources of output distortion are identified: exit deterrence and extramarginal output. Some firms would not be in business without the subsidy. Cost savings due to declining average costs are always greater than the losses incurred where price equals marginal cost. Moreover, it is theoretically possible for inframarginal subsidies to expand output more than equivalent fully coupled subsidies. Empirical analysis of U.S. dairy subsidies isolates these components of cross-subsidization and finds distortions from inframarginal support to be substantial, with implications for trade negotiations, dispute settlement, and policy formulation.  相似文献   


Using the maximum likelihood method of cointegration, this paper empirically evaluates intra-state and inter-state spatial integration of wheat markets in India. The cointegration tests provide strong evidence in favour of spatial integration of the regional wheat markets. Even though the regional markets are geographically dispersed, the prices across different market centres within and across the selected states have exhibited long-run spatial linkages, suggesting that all the exchange locations are integrated and the prices provide relevant market signals. There are several implications of these results for agricultural price policy and food market liberalization programmes.  相似文献   

Although the advent of genetically modified (GM) foods changed the agricultural scenario in developed countries, existing research confirms that consumer perception about the consumption of the same is often distorted. GM foods entered the Indian market amid widespread controversies and criticisms. There exists a host of studies that tried to establish the factors that shape favorable consumer perception toward GM foods indeed, but evidence from developing countries like India is still missing. The article undertakes an exploratory investigation of the factors that shape consumer perception about the consumption of GM foods in India and subsequently confirms the same with the aid of a measurement model. The study provides important implications for managers in directing efforts toward influencing consumer perception and instigating positive attitudes toward GM foods so that the benefits of their use can be extended to the masses in relatively nascent markets.  相似文献   

本文在对小农户和现代农业发展有机衔接这一命题进行理论论证的基础上,剖析了新时代中国小农户和现代农业发展有机衔接所面临的突出矛盾,提出了实现两者有机衔接的制度路径以及相关制度创新的目标和任务。发达国家农业现代化的历史经验和实证研究结果表明,小农户和现代农业发展之间不存在实质性矛盾,在小农户经营的基础上实现农业现代化,不仅得到了日本、韩国等东亚发达国家和地区的经验支持,而且具有广泛的实证依据。小农户经营是由中国人多地少的基本国情和小农户的组织特性所决定的现实选择,也是中国现代农业建设与发展的必然选择。由于小农户自身存在某些先天缺陷以及体制障碍等原因,实现小农户和现代农业发展有机衔接将面临一系列矛盾,包括小农户分散经营与农业规模化标准化发展的客观要求之间的矛盾、小农户的商品农产品增长与市场交易成本居高不下之间的矛盾等。正确认识和有效化解这些矛盾,是实现小农户和现代农业发展有机衔接的客观要求和迫切任务。实现两者有机衔接的关键是要遵循结构主义范式,按照"产权清晰可靠、生产安全高效、交易便捷顺畅、收入持续稳定"的目标要求,全面推进产权制度、生产耕作制度、交易制度和收入分配制度等与小农户经营相关的制度创新,以有效化解两者有机衔接所面临的诸多矛盾和体制羁绊,加快小农户经营基础上中国农业现代化的历史进程。  相似文献   


Consumer organic food choice motives and purchase preferences were studied in a structured quantitative survey (N = 201) in Bangalore, with the aim of identifying consumer segments based on these motives and preferences. Further, sociodemographic differences between the clusters were studied. Face-to-face interviews were used to sample the data, which were analyzed with factor and k-means cluster analysis (SPSS 16.0). Five latent factors were identified based on the motives, representing a set of consumer concerns labeled here as “food phobia” (health),” “environment,” “humanity,” “healthy eaters,” and “control.” Further, three clusters emerged from these motives representing 38%, 37%, and 25% of the sample size. The factors differ in terms of variance. Here, the records of perceived healthiness (food phobia) were the most important element, explaining 18.37% of the total variance. These clusters were differing in terms of the level and order of motivations. The health factor was a most important motive in two clusters, followed by environment. Further, humanity was the most important motive for the third cluster. This may reflect a heterogeneous nature of consumers in study area. Additionally, five clusters were identified based on the preferences, and profiles of these clusters differed in terms of sociodemographic factors and consumption pattern. Segments were identified based on motivating factors and preferences, and linking them with food choice motives and products preference provides the input needed by marketing professionals and policy makers to calibrate more efficient marketing strategies to better focus and position their products and design their communication strategies for target segments.  相似文献   

现有研究普遍认为城市创新只是区域创新地理边界的缩小,忽略了城市的空间特性——城市的关联和互动作用,这一缺陷随信息和交通技术的发展而凸显。以2006—2013年长江经济带126个主要城市的面板数据为研究样本,利用空间面板模型对长江经济带城市创新的收敛性和溢出性进行实证检验。结果表明长江经济带各城市的创新活动存在显著的空间相关性,均质性突出;长江经济带城市创新条件收敛却不强收敛,收敛速度为7.274%;同时,城市创新还存在着空间溢出效应,人力资本、教育投入、信息化、工业化水平对本城市创新有正向促进作用,其中,工业化水平的贡献率最大。但除了工业化水平之外,其他3个影响因素空间锁定效应极强,对其他城市并不存在空间溢出作用。  相似文献   

Farmers in developing countries can dramatically improve their productivity by adopting new plant varieties. Yet, informational barriers often mean adoption rates remain low. In this study, we focus on how learning from others represents one means of removing informational barriers. We capture the effect of social learning through an explicitly spatial econometric model applied to farm‐level maize adoption rates in Mozambique. We find that social learning is significant and can help explain the apparent clustering of adoption among farmers. Agencies interested in promoting variety adoption, therefore, would be well served to leverage the strength of existing information networks, rather than imposing solutions that work against interfarmer information flow.  相似文献   

基于2003—2014年中国31个省级行政区域的面板数据,运用空间杜宾模型(SDM)和空间自回归模型(SAR),实证分析了碳排放权交易、经济增长与环境污染的关系。研究结果发现:各地区的环境污染存在显著的空间相关性;经济增长对环境污染的影响为"N"型效应,预示着经济增长并不能解决环境问题,还需要从其他方面加以应对。碳排放交易市场的建立有利于环境保护,降低环境污染;此外,因单纯为了引资,对环保要求的门槛过低,外商直接投资加重了环境污染;资本密集程度越高,环境污染越低;相对于第三产业,第二产业规模越大,环境污染越低。  相似文献   

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