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一国的货币国际化首先是市场自由选择的结果。人民币国际化进程迟滞于中国外贸、金融发展的主要原因,并得出当前阶段中国应主要通过增强外贸企业国际竞争力、稳定人民币币值、完善金融市场三大途径以提高人民币国际化水平的结论。  相似文献   

This paper differentiates order imbalances based on trader categories. The daily order imbalances are highly persistent, especially for the number-measured imbalances. That the price pressure caused by imbalances cannot last beyond a trading day indicates that China's stock market is efficient enough to absorb the imbalances. We find that large individuals, small individuals and small institutions act frequently as market makers by submitting non-marketable limit orders, and the market making activities are profitable for small individuals and institutions. The evidence indicates that individuals are noise or liquidity traders, while institutions are more likely to be informed traders.  相似文献   

When Canadian hospitality managers were asked about management-development programs, their answers revealed that they want relatively brief and inexpensive programs.  相似文献   

Do market participants evaluate the credibility of a firm's share repurchase announcement based on the firm's share repurchase history? Using a sample of 1,507 share repurchase programs for firms listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange from 1994 to 2005, we find that 69% of firms fail to acquire the target number of shares specified at announcement and many firms fail to repurchase any shares. We develop credibility indices and find a positive relationship between current announcement abnormal returns and completion credibility of previous announcements. We conclude that the market prices completion credibility of past share repurchase announcements in reacting to current repurchase announcements. Copyright © 2010 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Are celebrity endorsements worthwhile investments in advertising? To answer this question, we analyze a unique sample of 101 announcements made between 1996 and 2008 by firms listed in the USA. Internet is the main medium of communication for these announcements. We employ event study methodology and document statistically insignificant abnormal returns around the announcement dates. This finding is consistent with the notion that the incremental benefits from celebrity endorsements closely match the incremental costs due to such contracts. Further, we investigate if the announcement date return depends on a number of characteristics that are often used in the endorsement literature. As a result, we find that endorsements of technology industry products coincide with significant positive abnormal returns around the announcement dates. Finally, we find weak support for the match-up hypothesis between celebrities and endorsed products.  相似文献   

We construct a multilayer network to study the interconnectedness between convertible bonds and underlying stocks in China by using the high-frequency data of 43 publicly listed firms. Most of convertible bonds have conspicuous cross-market influence on underlying stocks, especially on their corresponding underlying stocks. Traditional service firms are susceptible to the price fluctuations of other firms, whereas the high-tech firms are likely to cause the fluctuations of others. Global connection density increases after positive events but decreases after negative events. Our study provides useful information for regulators to formulate supervisory policies and help investors to optimize investment portfolios.  相似文献   

Reshoring is the company decision to relocate activities back to the home country. Our study complements the existing research in IB by adopting a demand-side perspective. We identify new, demand-based drivers for reshoring that integrate with the firm-based ones, thereby further informing the company decision process in this context. We develop a Consumer Reshoring Sentiment (CRS) scale through multiple studies conducted on consumers (total = 1149) in two countries. Our findings reveal: six demand-based drivers that compose CRS; a link between CRS and consumer willingness to reward the reshoring company; and the effectiveness of CRS in segmenting and targeting the market.  相似文献   

This study examines commercial rumors from the perspective of marketing managers. American and French respondents (N = 133) completed a rumor questionnaire intended to assess the prevalence and types of commercial rumors that reach their ear, the severity of rumor effects, the effectiveness of rumor control tactics, and the psychological and situational variables associated with rumor onset and spread. Based on a variation of the critical incidents technique involving recalled commercial rumors, the results conform to rumor theory in terms of the psychological and situational factors (i.e. anxiety, importance, credulity, and uncertainty) underlying rumor transmission, and offer support for our proposed rumor model. The findings also highlight the prevalence and potentially negative impact of rumors in marketing sectors. As an initial attempt to discern cross-cultural differences in commercial rumor activity, preliminary findings suggest differences in effectiveness of marketing communication tactics for rumor control across the two country samples studied. Overall, the provision of requested information and attempts to increase trust emerged as the most effective rumor control tactics.  相似文献   

当今中国股票市场真可谓牛气冲天! 2006年股指从1月4日1160多点,涨至12月29日收盘2675点,离2700点仅一步之遥,全年上涨1500多点;进入2007年后更是高潮迭起,并在春节前最后一个交易日再创历史新高——沪指一举突破3000点整数大关。中国股市为何一反常态,“二八现象”大行其道而技术分析连连失效?一言以蔽之,中国股市怎么了?不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中  相似文献   

We examine whether firms switching listings from the Korean growth market (KOSDAQ) to the main board (KOSPI) experienced improved trading-related market quality. We focus on market macrostructure and use a difference-in-difference technique with nearest matching. Contrary to previous research and practitioners' opinions, we find that trading-related market quality mostly deteriorated or remained unchanged following the switch, indicating that the specific market macrostructure of a country matters. Listing switches produce a negative externality by weakening KOSDAQ and thereby impairing funding for innovative new firms, suggesting that policymakers should encourage firms whose characteristics fit the standalone growth market to remain listed there.  相似文献   

The question has been raised of whether UK consumers have benefitted or suffered a decline in standards as a result of the UK's membership of the EC. Additionally some have queried whether the UK itself has fulfilled its obligations of implementing European Community law in this field. This article addresses these questions, concentrating on areas the authors deem to be of specific relevance to UK consumers, namely, product liability, package holidays, misleading advertising and enforcement. The treatment of these areas is preceded by a discussion of the basic philosophies underlying UK and European Community consumer protection policies.
Zusammenfassung Die Vollendung des gemeinsamen Marktes und der Verbraucherschutz aus englischer Perspektive Es ist eine Diskussion darüber entstanden, ob britische Konsumenten als Folge der Mitgliedschaft Gro\britanniens in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft eher einen Vorteil erzielt oder eher einen Nachteil erlitten haben. Zusätzlich wurde gelegentlich in Zweifel gezogen, ob Gro\britannien selbst bei der Einführung europäischen Gemeinschaftsrechts in diesem Bereich überhaupt seine Verpflichtungen erfüllt hat. Bei der Behandlung dieser Fragen konzentiert sich der vorliegende Beitrag vor allem auf Gebiete, die nach Meinung der Autoren für englische Konsumenten von Bedeutung sein dürften, nämlich Produkthaftung, Pauschalreisen, irreführende Werbung und Rechtsdurchsetzung. Die Behandlung dieser Bereiche wird eingeleitet durch eine Diskussion der gedanklichen Grundlagen, die einerseits der britischen und andererseits der europäischen Gemeinschaftspolitik im Bereich des Verbraucherschutzes unterliegen.

Joan Hunter was formerly a Lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the University of Dundee; she is now a trainee solicitor.  相似文献   

Using Bakshi et al. (2000), and Bakshi and Kapadia's (2003) methodology, this paper studies the Chinese equity index options market that has been developing since 2015. Empirical evidence shows that the market price of call (put) option is generally lower (higher) than their Black-Scholes prices with historical volatility. The prices of the options do not support the one-dimensional diffusion model properties. We find 61.79% (63.25%) of delta-hedged gains in call (put) options to be negative. The analysis of the non-zero delta-hedged gain suggests that the investors are mainly trading on additional volatility risk in the options market in China.  相似文献   

This empirical study contributes to the extant literature by investigating the relations among market orientation, managerial ties and innovation simultaneously and interactively, from an Asian perspective. Our findings reveal that customer orientation and interfunctional coordination have a positive impact on innovation. Moreover, managerial ties play a moderation role in the market orientation–innovation linkage. Business ties enhance the relation between customer orientation and interfunctional coordination and innovation. On the other hand, business ties and competitor orientation have a negative interaction effect on innovation. In addition, political ties also dampen the relation between interfunctional coordination and innovation. Such results add new insights to the extant literature and provide implications for future research and marketing practices in Asia.  相似文献   


The paper explores the market-oriented behaviour and performance consequences for firms operating in a market characterised by national heterogeneity. Through a case-study design, a posteriori propositions based on interview data from six multinational firms operating in a polyethnic market are developed. Findings indicate a positive relationship between the need for responsiveness and a market's polyethnicity with firms customising elements of their product strategy to ethnic segments or European consumers at large. Moreover, findings indicate that market-oriented firms that customise their product strategies to the cultural idiosyncrasies of the Greek market enjoy the highest market share among foreign consumers. As a result, the paper opens up a discussion on the performance implications of adopting a market-oriented approach in polyethnic markets, which are, increasingly, a feature of our globalised world.  相似文献   

Based on the special separated equity management structure of the listed companies in China and using a sample of the listed companies with distributed dividend in 2003 and 2004, this paper tests the shareholder wealth effects of dividend policy in Chinese separated equity market. Results show that shareholders of non-circulating stock get a high return rate by cash dividends, and circulating shareholders obtain a high short-term return rate by stock dividends. Translated from Nankai Guanli Pinglun 南开管理评论 (Nankai Business Review), 2006, 9(2): 4–10  相似文献   

刘传 《大经贸》2001,(8):4-8
入世后,在人力资源上,中国公司与跨国公司各自的竞争力将出现一场大比拼.而个中焦点,当汇聚于各层级职业经理人上.……  相似文献   

A long literature in empirical finance has isolated both a “value” and a small-capitalization effect in asset pricing. This study confirms the existence of these “style” effects both in new types of equity indexes and in the stocks of Chinese companies traded in international markets. We then present a new nonparametric method of portfolio construction that enables investors to extract the predictive power of these style effects, without diluting their efficacy through an unintended weighting distribution that closely resembles capitalization weighting. We then develop a simple method to isolate periods where style tilts are likely to be particularly effective.  相似文献   

近来市场不断传出一些船东开始订造新船的消息。那么,这究竟是压低船价的烟雾弹,还是意味着船市抄底时机已经成熟呢?从目前形势推断,欧洲主权债务或将引发欧洲经济危机。由于航运市场复苏在2010年下半年具有不确定性,  相似文献   

Institutional theory emphasizes the relationship between organizations and the environment. Institutions consist of political, cognitive and sociological elements that form the external and internal environment of a firm. Both external and internal environments affect firm decisions and behaviors. This paper introduces institutional theory as a complementary framework to explain international retailers’ foreign market entry choices and suggests propositions for further research. We also consider managerial implications in relation to this theoretical perspective as an explanation for retailers’ internationalization.  相似文献   

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