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在21世纪和谐理念在城市规划领域不断渗透的背景下,社区作为城市的基本地域单元,可以为建设和谐社会提供了微观层面的支持.本文基于社区视角,探讨适于中国城市的面向和谐、多元参与的合作型社区规划途径.本文提倡从以民为本等和谐理念以及全面发展的多元目标出发,寻求社区多元主体共同参与的协调合作机制,并提倡最终目标的和谐与规划过程的和谐并重.结合在北京市交道口的实践案例,通过建立"三层次-九阶段"合作过程模型,明确社区多元主体在各参与阶段的角色,突出顺序参与、损益评价、利益补偿等具体方法在规划过程中的运用.最后,强调通过社区集体行动将规划成果付诸实施,同时并注重社区后评价和反馈,维护和谐成果的可持续性.  相似文献   

随着城市转型深入,中国城市社会治理面临新挑战,作为城市治理起点的社区治理成为研究焦点,不仅需要针对城市化引致的城市人口“增量”建设城市社区,还需要对原有的单位社区“存量”进行转型设计,以推动城市社会的健康发展.然而单位社区治理模式受到单位制残留因素影响而经历了不同的转变路径,遇到了不同的障碍.本文采用质性研究方法,通过对北京毛纺南社区治理模式演变的剖析,展现了单位社区向城市社区转变的过程中治理主体多元化趋势,但社区资源的积累不足导致了单位组织退出曲折化、“治理空缺”出现并伴随社区环境快速恶化等特点.进而提出,在衰退型单位社区转型过程中,外部力量的介入尤为重要,需要通过资源转化、培育社区治理主体,帮助社区实现平稳过渡,构建完善的治理结构.  相似文献   

abstract From a narrative perspective, organizations' identities are discursive (linguistic) constructs constituted by the multiple identity‐relevant narratives that their participants author about them, and which feature, for example, in documents, conversations and electronic media. By defining collective identities as the totality
of such narratives I draw attention to their complex, and often fragmented and heterogeneous nature. My approach contrasts with much of the theorizing in this field which has tended to homogenize collective identities by emphasizing what is common
or shared, failed to capture the interplay between different communities within organizations, and produced bland, undifferentiated empirical research. In particular, the theoretical framework that I outline focuses attention on the importance of reflexivity, voice, plurivocity, temporality, and fictionality to an understanding of collective identities as locales for competing hegemonic claims. In combination, these notions form a unique conceptual model for theorizing and researching collective identities. This said, a narrative approach also has its limitations, and is proposed as an additional, not exclusive, interpretive lens.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that there is a strategic reason why software firms have followed consumers' desire to drop software protection. We analyze software protection policies in a price-setting duopoly software industry selling differentiated software packages, where consumers' preference for particular software is affected by the number of other consumers who (legally or illegally) use the same software. Increasing network effects make software more attractive to consumers, thereby enabling firms to raise prices. However, it also generates a competitive effect resulting from feircer competition for market shares. We show that when network effects are strong, unprotecting is an equilibrium for a noncooperative industry.  相似文献   

论城市改造的谨慎更新理论与实践——以柏林为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阎明 《城市发展研究》2012,19(7):112-117,122
城市改造是城市研究与实践中一个极具争议性的论题。本文以德国首都柏林市的城市改造为例,梳理、分析了"谨慎更新"理念形成的脉络及其实践含义,着重考察了从大拆大建向谨慎更新转变过程中所蕴含的有关城市发展理念和政治经济格局等多重因素的相互作用,以期对我国的城市改造有所启示。  相似文献   

Consistent specifications of the allocative inefficiency function in ‘cost plus input share equations’ systems may be difficult, if not impossible, to find because most plausible ones violate certain reasonable a priori conditions. Moreover, the models to which they lead give rise to highly non‐linear likelihood functions that are very hard to estimate. In an effort to confront these difficulties, this paper adapts an idea first suggested by Greene (1993) that allocative inefficiency ought to be related to input prices and allocative distortions in the input share equations. The system of ‘cost plus input demand equations’ that emerges is estimated by standard seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) techniques using data from private and state firms that operated in Greek manufacturing during the 1979–88 period. Among other findings, the estimates show that overall inefficiency for private and state firms was 63.5% and 102.2%, respectively in comparison with the least inefficient firms in their class. In relative terms these figures imply that state firms were almost 61% less efficient than private firms were. Technical and allocative reasons amounting to 64% and 36%, respectively, accounted for this excess inefficiency of state firms, in addition to differences in the utilization of labour, capital and debt. Lastly, it is found that the magnitudes of technical and allocative inefficiencies depend critically upon a self‐consistent specification of the allocative inefficiency function.  相似文献   

社区生活圈的界定与测度:以北京清河地区为例   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在对人居环境关注的宽度与深度发展之下,居住区规划正在向注重社会生活质量的社区规划转变。在中国,社区存在概念不清,边界不明的问题,亟须从生活空间视角,对社区的概念和空间进行重构。在梳理了国内外社区建设模式、生活空间、生活圈等相关研究的基础上,以北京清河地区为案例,采用GPS数据和活动日志数据,基于个体行为方法,依照功能和可达性两个维度提出日常生活圈的基本概念;并运用Alpha-shape方法,选择18个社区进行社区生活圈的实证测度。研究结果表明,较之以往居住小区,社区生活圈更能反映居民真实生活空间。研究还证明,Alpha-shape方法较之传统方法在测度生活圈方面更具优势。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the Nigerian situation regarding the private provision of infrastructure services by manufacturers with a focus on electrical power generation. While private provision occurs also in water supply, intraurban freight and worker transport, telecommunications, and waste disposal, the degree of its occurence in electrical power generation, a relatively expensive manufacturing input, has the largest economic implications for the firms and the country. The policy framework developed in this paper, however, is applicable to these other subsectors. Manufacturing firms' private provision responses are identified, analyzed, and grouped into seven regimes, four of which are currently observed to occur, and three are precluded from occuring due to existing regulations. A model of public infrastructure supply that is pertinent for developing countries is proposed and discussed. Policy options which could improve the current situation are also examined and discussed. It is argued that the most promising options are likely to be those which encourage new modes of cooperative private provision among manufacturers, accompanied by deregulation, privatization, contestability, modern pricing, and selective maintenance in the public agencies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The strategic importance of managing organizational culture has been a central theme in organizational literature over the past two decades. But relatively little attention has been given to the impact of culture change initiatives on managers. This paper reports on the impact of a programme of culture change on managers at one of Britain's leading grocery retail chains. Based on a series of detailed interviews with managers together with examination of company documents and an understanding of trends in grocery retailing, we explain the purpose and content of change, and document and analyse the reactions of those managers who are expected to change their own cultural orientations as well as persuade their subordinates to change. We conclude that in this case at least changes in managerial behaviour, as with previously documented changes in the behaviour of shopfloor workers, are related more to surveillance, direct control and the threat of sanction than any transformation of managerial values. Indeed, the situation and experiences of managers – one of reduced autonomy, close monitoring and control, and perceived career insecurity – are explained less in relation to ‘organizational culture’, more in relation to organizational (re‐)structuring intended to create a more centralized form of organizational control.  相似文献   

Using frequency domain techniques, a cycle of 6‐year duration at the aggregate level and coherent sectoral cycles of average 5‐year duration are found in UK merger activity between 1969 and 2005. It is shown that business and capital market cycles jointly are causal for the merger cycle but the capital market cycle alone is not, suggesting that merger cycles may reflect disequilibria and/or market mis‐valuation. Although the possibility of disequilibrium or strong behavioural influences will complicate social evaluation, no reason is found to advise against the current UK policy stance upon mergers.  相似文献   

Geoffrey Broad, who is Lecturer in Comparative Industrial Relations in the Department of Business and Management Studies, University of Salford, reports on his detailed longitudinal study of the views of British and Japanese managers introducing a ‘high-involvement management’(HIM) strategy in a Japanese electronics plant in Wales. He suggest that the formal arrangements for activating such a strategy – extensive information sharing, team briefing, consultation and quality improvement teams – raised fundamental issues for power sharing and control between the two groups, as well as having significant implications for shop floor relations. In particular, the employee involvement actively encouraged by Japanese managers contrasted markedly with the preferred ‘traditional’ prerogatives of the British managers. In the circumstances, he challenges the popular stereotype of ‘Japanisation’ and points to a range of implications for management development in such initiatives.  相似文献   

面对城市社区生活中出现的复杂矛盾,寻找治理机制成为基层政府亟待解决的难题。从"互构型"社区治理视角来检视城市社区的治理机制。从业主组织治理到业主的冲突再到多元协商社区治理,在社区互构域中制度主体与生活主体互构共变,形成了一个新的相互适应的社区治理模式。社区治理并不是单向度的线性链条,而是多主体多层次反复协调与整合,不断建塑与型构的过程。"互构型"社区治理视角对加强和创新社会治理,构建全民共建共享的社会治理格局具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Road and transport service improvements are widely recognized as important catalysts to economic development in most third world countries. When integrated with other programs which create new employment opportunities, roads and bus services enable subsistence farmers to seek off-farm salary-earning jobs. This paper examines the relationship between accessibility and economic well-being using data from rural Sumatra in Indonesia. The research relies on multiple indicators of both measures. Households in more remote rural villages are found to average appreciably lower levels of consumption expenditures. When isolated from subregional market and trade centers, consumption levels fall dramatically. The research also shows that the average value of farm produce increases with road quality, frequency of bus service, and close proximity of commerical centers. Thus, agriculture productivity is linked to both transport supply and spatial proximity factors. Additionally, the analysis shows that off-farm earnings increase when migrant households have access to both motorcycles and bicycles. Loans and subsidies for purchasing such “low tech” vehicles as bicycles, scooters, and micro-buses could prove more beneficial to many rural villagers than capital-intensive road projects. Lastly, the research suggests that the siting of transmigration settlements within reasonable proximity to regional and subregional market centers is important if the planned villages are to develop trade linkages and experience sustained economic growth.  相似文献   

基于模糊评价法的宜居社区评价研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郑童  吕斌  张纯 《城市发展研究》2011,18(9):118-124
在21世纪人本主义回归的思潮下,“宜居”成为城市发展的关键词,而社区在宜居城市建设中发挥着越来越重要的作用.探讨宜居社区的评价指标,目的在于基于地方尺度和居民视角,识别社区发展面临的关键问题,并在为社区规划提供参考依据.采取强调居民主观感受的模糊评价方法,在北京市交道口街道通过分层抽样的问卷调查获得数据.结果表明,社区...  相似文献   

一方面,城镇化的不断推进引发商业空间价值快速提升,另一方面,中央为改善城市交通释放出推进小区开放的强烈信号,小区空间形态转变带来的治理问题成为学界与社会的关注焦点。基于边界的分析工具,将领域理论引入小区开放的研究,通过分析多元利益主体争夺空间配置权的博弈过程,剖析小区开放过程中多主体冲突的根源。研究选取广州市六运小区作为研究对象,根据边界重构的动因将小区边界演变划分为市场经济改革引发的经济边界重塑阶段、市场政府共同带动的空间边界演变阶段和上级政府介入引发的权力边界碎化阶段。发现小区开放过程中,存在去领域化、再领域化和民间领域化等过程。研究指出治理冲突的根源在于主体的边界和领域之间异步性,提出多元利益主体间的协调是解决冲突的关键。  相似文献   

近年来,随着租赁市场的发展,集中式青年公寓迅速发展。这些公寓的主要特点是营造社区文化,鼓励人们沟通,形成比传统居住区更密切的关系。他们非常重视青年群体的需求。目前国内对集中式青年公寓的研究主要集中在投资分析和行业发展前景,对使用评价和改进策略的研究尚属空白。以北京"YOU+国际青年社区"为研究对象,通过问卷调查及模糊综合评价法探讨青年群体的租赁需求,并以此分析集中式青年公寓的社区文化,发现其对于目标群体的核心吸引力和存在的问题,并提供发展的参考与建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper identifies influential, but previously unrecognized, subtexts in the writings of Frederick Winslow Taylor. Working with analytical methods developed from reader‐response theories of literary criticism, we look at the words of the text as we share the standard meaning‐making of the management community, as well as through the words of the text searching out the worldview that emerges from our particular reading of the subtext. We have described our approach to reading as ‘toggling’: that is, switching between reading text ‘rhetorically’ and reading it ‘philosophically’. We conclude that reader identification with textual voices may appear in philosophical as well as rhetorical reading outcomes – that Taylor's text may inveigle readers into accepting a moral worldview wrapped up in a seemingly rational argument – and that ‘toggling’ would empower management theory readers.  相似文献   

电力改造是建设工程的一种,其目的是为了节能减排。电厂改造项目功在当代,利在千秋。与此同时,其改造项目的方案选择也显得十分重要,但相比于其它建设项目,电力建设周期较长、投资金额较大、技术要求较高,所以在进行方案选择时要更加慎重。文章把价值工程的思想运用于项目方案的优化之中,以包头市某热电厂节能改造项目为例,结合价值工程的相关理论方法。在方案选择的过程中,首先进行功能分析,然后用层次分析法确定功能要素的权重,逐步计算出价值系数,最后选择出最优方案--省煤器改造。文章为今后类似的热电厂改造方案的优化提供了相应的参考依据,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

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