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David Wan 《Asia Pacific Business Review》2013,19(4):129-146
This essay traces the development of human resource management (HRM) in Singapore from the mid 1990s until the present day, with particular reference to the impact of the 1997 Asian financial crisis. In particular, it explores the changes in employment relations since the publication of Yuen (1997). National HRM concerns and strategies to maximize human capital as Singapore transforms itself and the knowledge economy is highlighted. The issue of convergence versus divergence in the management of human resources (HRs) will be touched upon. Current and future HR challenges that are most likely to impact on the country's competitiveness and economic performance are also explored. 相似文献
Tan Kong Yam 《Asia Pacific Business Review》2013,19(3):55-75
Analysis and case studies have indicated that intervention by the Singapore government in fostering economic development has not always been successful. In particular, past intervention in the labour market like the high wage policy of the early 3980s has proved to be an unmitigated disaster. However, interventions that lead to the direct creation of national competitive advantage, like the information-telecommunications infrastructure, R & D subsidy and manpower development, have proved t o be more successful. A strong, non-corrupt and market-oriented public sector appears to be crucial t o ensure that interventions are market facilitating, correcting and enhancing rather than distorting. 相似文献
Chen Shyh-Jer 《Asia Pacific Business Review》2013,19(4):152-169
Small and medium-sized, mostly family-owned, enterprises employ more than 60 per cent of paid employees in Taiwan; however, these enterprises traditionally do not have distinct human resource management functions. In contrast, state-owned and large-sized private enterprises have gradually established their human resource systems and learned HRM techniques from foreign-owned companies. The article first examines employment structure and labour market development in Taiwan, then evaluates employment legislation and the development of HRM functions, and finally identifies several major future challenges, such as employee participation and employment security. 相似文献
Kym Anderson 《The World Economy》2009,32(3):351-384
Earnings from farming in many low‐income countries have been depressed by a pro‐urban bias in own‐country policies, as well as by governments of richer countries favouring their farmers with import barriers and subsidies. Both sets of policies reduce national and global economic welfare. The rapid development of many Asian emerging economies has been accompanied by a gradual reduction in their anti‐agricultural policies, but many distortions remain and some countries have moved from negative to positive assistance for farmers, following the earlier examples of first Japan and then Korea and Taiwan. Drawing on results from a new multi‐country research project, this paper examines the extent of these changes relative to those of other developing countries over the past five decades. It concludes by pointing to prospects for further policy reform in Asia. 相似文献
在可持续发展经济条件下,需要明确可持续发展经济学的基本逻辑起点是什么、在可持续发展经济中如何界定人类与自然的关系、经济可持续增长与可持续发展有何区别。并且在这种新的经济发展模式下,需要重新审视定位和充分发挥政府的功能,政府应在提高公众的可持续发展意识与理念、建立绿色GDP体系以及完善有利于经济可持续发展的产权制度、产业政策和法律法规体系等方面大有作为。 相似文献
This article discusses the human resource implications of' business readjustment and advances in Hong Kong as its economy is restructured into a post-industrial centre of tertiary service industries. Corporate reforms are benchmarked against Western practices of exploring flexibilities and competitiveness which emphasize labour performance and cost savings. However, job security does not appear to have been eroded, possibly betraying an Oriental importance placed upon trust and commitment between employer and employee. As a meeting-place where Eastern and Western cultural practices interface, Hong Kong probably remains economically resilient by keeping its normative and institutional permissiveness in a hybrid mix of Western and Oriental practices. 相似文献
This paper reviews the literature related to internalethics audits and describes a class project thatinvolves the preparation of an external ethics auditvia web-based self-directed student inquiry. Theactivity promotes higher level thinking includingcritical exploration, analysis, synthesis, andevaluation. The assignment includes the followingcomponents: (1) consideration of ideas concerningcomponents of successful ethics programs, as presentedin identified background readings (available infull-text over the Internet); (2) identification ofrecommended elements for building a successful ethicsprogram and an ethical corporate culture; (3)location, via the Internet, of the corporate code ofethics of a selected organization; (4) analysis of theadequacy of the ethics program of the selectedorganization as compared to recommended elements; (5)investigation (through additional reading, interviews,etc.) of the corporate culture of the selectedorganization; and (6) preparation of an ethics auditinvolving the comparison of the selectedorganization's code of ethics to its actual corporateculture and behaviors, and including the areas thatare well addressed by the organization and those thatneed further attention. 相似文献
Strategic human resource management (SHRM) theory is predicated on the assumption that effective human resource management (HRM) processes have the capacity to contribute significantly to organizational effectiveness, expressed in terms of productivity, flexibility, effectiveness, efficiency, return on investment, competitiveness, and ultimately, profitability. Earlier research studies have explored the overall value-adding potential of HRM processes as a whole. Few have focused on the links between strategic HRM, performance management systems and organizational effectiveness, and even fewer have examined these relationships in Southeast Asia. This paper addresses this gap in the literature by examining the perceptions of a split sample of senior managers in Singapore. It reveals an interesting gap between their rhetoric and the realities of their performance management systems, and suggests future research directions. 相似文献
Vijay Sethi Anand Jeyaraj Kevin Duffy Berkwood Farmer 《Journal Of Asia-Pacific Business》2017,18(4):262-274
Educators continue to utilize add-ons, extensions, or replacements to traditional Learning Management Systems (LMSs) to supplement capabilities and improve the classroom experience. This work resulted in the design and development of the Education Dashboards for Enhanced Learning (EDEL) template. The EDEL template enables faculty members to create dynamic web spaces called Knowledge Portals (KPortals). A semester-long introduction of KPortals proved to be positive and useful. Students tended to view the KPortal as a “go-to” webspace. The authors hope to refine the template in future studies and examine its usefulness in other countries. 相似文献
随着外部政策环境的变化、资源环境的日益短缺以及开发区自身的成长,转型升级成为开发区不可逾越的阶段之一。在对灌云经济开发区经济总量、主导产业、地均效益、就业密度等现状情况定量分析的基础上,提出了在江苏沿海开发新形势下转型升级的总体路径以及产业发展的对应策略,旨在为类似开发区提供借鉴。 相似文献
Business Under Threat, Technology Under Attack, Ethics Under Fire: The Experience of Google in China
Although not frequently regarded as controversial, digital communications industries continue to be sites of CSR conflicts, particularly internationally. Investigating CSR issues in the digital communications industry is pertinent because in addition to being one of the fastest growing industries, it has created a host of new CSR issues that require further attention. This case study examines an incident in early 2010, when Google Inc. China and the Chinese government reached an impasse that produced a large-scale, transnational conflict that reached a head ostensibly over state-mandated censorship, ultimately prompting Google to withdraw from the mainland Chinese market and redirect its activities to Hong Kong. We track Google’s experience in China, both to explore its strategies and to consider the implications for corporate social responsibility. We situate Google’s drastic decision to withdraw entirely from mainland China in the complex multiplicity of ethical, cultural, and political conflicts that affect this particular case. On a broader level, the incident raises the question of how multinational corporations (MNCs) can achieve corporate growth while negotiating the highly sensitive sociopolitical and institutional environments of foreign nations. 相似文献
韩国曾经是一个十分落后的农业国,然而经过战后30多年的发展,一跃跨入新型工业化国家的行列,创造了"江汉奇迹"。总结与借鉴韩国经济起飞的经验,提出中国走新型工业化道路的十六字方针:政府主导、教育为先、产业促进、自主创新。 相似文献
Song Kim 《Asia Pacific Business Review》2013,19(3):1-20
This article reconsiders the problem of over-expansion of which many business groups in South Korea and other Asian countries have constantly been accused and concludes that their over-expansion had no direct bearing on the recent crisis. If these business groups have problems, they are, for example, poor management, weak governance and deficient accountability rather than over-expansion. In this regard the reformminded government is justified in taking restrictive measures against the big groups to deal with such problems. Nonetheless, it is suggested that the government would be ill-advised to seek the ultimate dissolution of such groups. 相似文献
Guo Yan 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2006,(20)
Recently, Singapore Airlines launched its latest suite of cabin products designed to deliver the most luxurious and stylish travel experiences. The suite of products and services include new Singapore Airlines First, Business and Economy Class seats,the next generation Kris World inflight entertainment system and an enhanced service delivery. These next generation products will set new standards of excellence for premium air travel, and reinforce the Airline's product leadership in the airline industry. 相似文献
随着社会的转型,社会价值观越来越多样化,不同价值观之间的相互冲突在所难免。当前,价值冲突表现出普遍化、尖锐化、复杂化的态势。因此提出相应对策,努力构建“代表先进生产力发展要求,代表先进文化前进方向,代表最广大人民根本利益”的社会主义市场经济价值观体系,是全面建设小康社会、实现中华民族伟大复兴的迫切需要。 相似文献
云计算是近年来最为热门的IT技术,也被认为是互联网乃至IT行业的未来发展趋势,是一种新的网络计算模式。云计算的特点决定了电子商务的发展方向,云计算下的电子商务强调的是资源的可伸缩性和服务的自主性,是一种全新的电子商务模式。本文通过对云计算概念和特点的描述,讨论了云计算对企业电子商务系统应用的促进和发展。 相似文献