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理论和实践已证明:私有化——市场、中央集权——利维坦作为环境问题的解决方案均已遭遇失败,从而产生对多中心环境治理的制度需求。目前,建构环境公共事务的多中心合作治理模式应简化政府环境管制、构筑公众参与的基础、推行环境管理的地方化及区域合作、建立政府与企业的合作伙伴关系。  相似文献   

本文描述了村级组织和村庄公益事业发展状况,用计量分析的方法研究了村级民主选举制度建立等因素对公益事业发展的影响。基本结论:在过去村庄公益事业投资中,政府投资居主导地位,村集体和农户投资也是不容忽视的力量;基层民主制度的建立和运行,有助于提高村级组织的效率,有助于动员更多的社区资源发展村庄公益事业。  相似文献   

At various points in its existence, the Indian state has deployed technologies to govern the nation. Recently, the state has undertaken a number of large-scale projects to make use of digital technology. The most controversial of these is the Unique Identity (UID) project, which is registering biometric, along with demographic, information about residents. This paper seeks to understand what is at stake politically in this technological intervention. It aims to explore the political logics and consequences of such a biometric system. It argues that UID re-imagines the economy and the state–citizen relationship as a series of transactions. Theoretically, the main thrust of this paper is to understand the “general economy of power”, as Michel Foucault calls it, which is unfolding in India around the issues of capitalist growth, inequality, social protection and terrorism—and UID signals the technological potential for the convergence of these concerns.  相似文献   

The impact of multinational firms on the domestic agricultural sector in developing countries is controversial, in particular in India. Relying on a unique set of household‐level data from the state of Punjab, we study the biggest dairy company in the world (Nestlé) in India and compare its vertical spillover effects on upstream suppliers to other market channels (informal sector and cooperatives). We find that farmers that supply informal channels are less efficient and earn lower profits per dairy animal than farmers supplying the cooperative and the multinational sector. Furthermore, we find that farmers using the multinational channel are more efficient than farmers in the cooperative channel, but equally profitable. Hence, we do not find that supplying the cooperative channel is more beneficial for local dairy farmers than supplying the multinational channel. Overall, however, dairy productivity and profitability levels are still dramatically low, with substantial scope for dairy development.  相似文献   

Contrary to the general view that communal riots in India are urban‐centred, the rural areas of Muzaffarnagar in the state of Uttar Pradesh were the site of a major communal riot in September 2013. The majority of victims in the riot were Muslim labourers from the lower‐caste groups, and the alleged perpetrators were members of the relatively prosperous Hindu Jat households. This paper deals with how the leadership and membership of a ‘new farmers’ movement’ – the Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) – actively internalized, and helped entrench, a communal discourse that preceded the riots. It argues that the reasons for why the identity of a ‘Hindu’ prevailed over the class‐neutral identity of a ‘farmer’ during the riots can be traced to the ways in which the BKU has historically sought to culturally construct the identity of a ‘farmer’. The political intermediation of the traditional institution of khaps is highlighted as central to this process. Khaps played a major role in spreading and sustaining a communal discourse and preparing the ground for the Muzaffarnagar riots of 2013.  相似文献   

The adoption of more efficient farming practices and technologies that enhance agricultural productivity and improve environmental sustainability is instrumental for achieving economic growth, food security, and poverty alleviation in sub-Saharan Africa. Our research examines the interaction between public investments, community health, and adoption of productivity and land enhancing technologies by households in the northern Ethiopian state of Tigray. Agricultural technology adoption decisions are modeled as a sequential process where the timing of choices can matter. We find that time spent sick and opportunity costs of caring for sick family members are significant factors in adoption. Sickness, through its impact on household income and labor allocation decisions for healthcare and other activities, significantly reduces the likelihood of technology adoption. Our findings suggest that agencies working to improve agricultural productivity and land resource conservation should consider not only the financial status of potential adopters, but also their related health situation.  相似文献   

新公共管理与我国的乡村治理   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文在分析了我国乡村治理的现状和新公共管理产生的背景后认为,应该借鉴和运用新公共管理思想来开展我国的乡村治理,重点是要大幅削减政府管辖的事务,让政府把不该管的事情放手、把该管的事情管好;大幅精简乡镇及其机构,减少政府行政支出,缓解基层财政压力;通过加大财政投入、加强资金监管、吸引社会资金参与、探索公共事业合同承包等办法,提高乡村公共服务的质量和水平;通过界定村级自治权限、明确村党支部与村委会的关系、保证村级自治必要的经费等措施,切实推进基层自治工作。  相似文献   

This article contributes to the literature on the finance–growth link by presenting new findings based on a new, larger dataset that is an improvement on earlier studies due to its greater coverage in terms of time periods and countries, as well as the incorporation of additional control variables such as institutional quality and the investment rate. Our results demonstrate that financial development does not have a statistically significant effect on economic growth, a finding that is robust to different model specification and estimation techniques. This suggests that the finance–growth link is not as strong as portrayed in the literature, being dependent on the sample of countries and time periods considered.  相似文献   

作为"送法下乡"活动在新时代的改进升级,乡村公共法律服务体系的政策构造与社会治理的多元合作、互惠共享等理念高度契合,其治理价值体现在保障村民权利、推进乡村法治、助力乡村振兴等方面。但当前乡村公共法律服务体系的建设还面临"环境—制度—主体"的三维困境,"半熟人社会"的现实环境将其限制在乡村治理外围;制度系统中互动机制缺失使多元主体协同无法实现;法律服务组织与政府行为失范制约了体系运行效率。文章认为:在社会治理创新背景下,乡村公共法律服务体系建设的优化,需要激活乡村内生力量,促进"三治"真正结合;构建良性互动机制,形成法律服务共同体;加强政策引导与激励,提升服务主体的服务意愿与能力。  相似文献   

文化产业:我国乡镇经济发展的战略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一文化产业作为一个明确的范畴 ,是法兰克福学派的代表人物本雅明在《机械技术复制时代的艺术作品》一文中首次提出来的。一般来说 ,文化产业是指以工业化和商业化方式所进行的文化产品和文化服务的生产、再生产、供应、传播和消费 ,包括媒体、娱乐、出版、影视等类型。因此 ,文化产业既具有明显的文化属性 ,又具有明显的经济属性。它的文化属性表现为具有较高的文化含量 ,能满足人们的精神需求 ;而其经济属性则表现为文化产业在给人们带来精神享受的同时 ,还能带来经济效益 ,并且在市场经济条件下形成自我积累、自我发展的良性循环。总之 ,…  相似文献   

乡村公共文化空间的培育和发展是实施乡村文化振兴的重要抓手,但已有研究对其生成机制和发展路径缺乏统一的理论框架。本文基于文化参与的视角,采用扎根理论的研究方法,以云南和顺图书馆为案例进行分析,构建乡村公共文化空间生成机制与发展路径的理论模型。研究发现:(1)在自发生成阶段,乡村公共文化空间依赖于乡土社会的内部资源网络及其调适能力,主要是立足乡土服务乡邦。(2)在政府主导阶段,政府逐步加强对乡村公共文化空间的管控,并按照事业单位体制建立起科层式公共文化生产分配体系,资源向上集中。这虽然从体制上保障了其有较稳定的经费来源,但同时导致其"悬浮"于乡土社会,与当地居民的文化生活脱节。(3)在共建共享阶段,以农村居民文化需求为导向,政府不断优化体系建设,鼓励社会参与,重视各方力量的汇入与整合,建立各方联动的协同机制,提升了综合效益。本文指出,乡村公共文化空间的建构基于乡土社会、政府行为、社会资源、功能转型、民众参与等要素。本文所建构的理论框架为乡村公共文化空间重塑提供了参照,并对相关政策实践进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The doctrine of 'improvement' has often been identified with the introduction – and presumed failure – of the Permanent Settlement in Bengal in 1793. Although recognized as central to British agrarian policies in India, its wider impact and significance have been insufficiently explored. Aesthetic taste, moral judgement and botanical enthusiasm combined with more strictly economic criteria to give an authority to the idea of improvement that endured into the middle decades of the nineteenth century. Concern for improvement also reflected dissatisfaction with India's apparent poverty and deficient material environment; it helped stimulate data-collection and ambitious schemes of agrarian transformation. A precursor of later concepts of development, not least in its negative presumptions about India and the search for external agencies of change, improvement yet shows many of the false starts and intrinsic limitations early attempts to transform rural India entailed. This article reassesses the significance of improvement in the first half of the nineteenth century in India, especially as illustrated through contemporary travel literature and through the aims and activities of the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India.  相似文献   

This article uses auction theory to analyze wholesale markets for wheat in Northern India. This approach enables us to characterize the market in terms of buyer asymmetries, to detect the existence of collusion, and to quantify its impact on market prices. We show that buyer asymmetries exacerbate the downward impact of collusion on prices. The article also considers whether the government paid too much for the wheat it procured at the minimum support price, and shows that for our sample it did not. The article is based on a primary survey of two wholesale markets in North India.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the rapid expansion in outflows of foreign direct investment from India and the spurt in foreign acquisitions by Indian firms, during the past decade, situated in the wider context of international investment from developing countries. Much of the investment was in manufacturing activities and most of the acquisitions were in industrialized countries. The economic stimulus and the strategic motive for the internationalization of firms from India were provided by a range of underlying factors driving the process, which differed across sectors and firms. The rapid growth in investment and acquisitions by Indian firms were partly attributable to factors implicit in the liberalization of the policy regime and the greater access to financial markets; but it must be recognized that Indian firms could not have become international without the capacity and the ability to compete in the world market. The attributes of Indian firms, which created such capacities and abilities, are embedded in the past and have emerged over a much longer period of time.  相似文献   

北宋时期的秦州,自然环境、民族聚居使其农林牧业发达,成为西北富庶之地。然而,受军事地理环境诸多复杂因素的影响,秦州经济又呈现出自己的特点:一方面,吐蕃诸族和西夏的侵扰,抑制了秦州农业的可持续发展,大量采伐破坏了秦州的林木资源,土地的开垦削弱了畜牧业;另一方面,军民屯田使秦州的荒闲土地得到了开发和利用,官私贸易使秦州的商业一派繁荣景象,大量驻军使秦州酿酒业极其发达。  相似文献   

研究目的:从国家治理转型的高度,剖析耕地保护制度的初心与使命,为实现生态文明、粮食安全与乡村振兴的协同发展提供借鉴。研究方法:文献研究法,综合分析法。研究结果:在中国耕地保护治理的转型中,政府、市场、社会三类行动主体相互嵌入形成动力机制和制衡机制。政府和市场主导的供给治理导向的耕地总量动态平衡制度虽然规定了框架规制,但地方政府的执行偏差、社会公众的参与缺位造成了“占优补劣”的后果。政府和社会主导的管制治理导向的永久基本农田保护制度严格保护了优质耕地,维持粮食生产能力不减弱。政府、市场和社会共同主导的赋能治理导向的耕地休养生息制度完善了“占补平衡”的政策目标,加强了生态修复,建立了市场化、多元化生态补偿机制。通过供给治理、管制治理与赋能治理的协同组合可以实现耕地数量、质量、生态“三位一体”保护的多重平衡。研究结论:建立政府、市场与社会多主体参与的互动性连结,供给治理导向的耕地总量动态平衡与管制治理导向的永久基本农田保护奠定了耕地保护治理的基石,赋能治理导向的耕地休养生息制度是在改进的耕地占补平衡和加强的永久基本农田保护基础上的嵌入性治理,与前两者形成合力,高效推进中国耕地保护治理转型。  相似文献   

自然村小型公共品由村民自主治理可能是行之有效的办法,自主治理的关键在于能否有效协调个体与集体行动,能否实现个体和集体利益的兼容。处于制度变迁中的宗族社会网在自主治理中仍发挥独特的作用,把村庄公共品嵌入宗族社会网可能是解决自然村公共品治理问题的一个好办法。  相似文献   

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