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1992年巴塞罗那奥运会,李宁体育首次被选为中国体育代表团专用领奖装备,成为新中国运动员在奥运赛场上穿着国内体育用品,开始与奥运结缘。从巴塞罗那、亚特兰大、悉尼到雅典,“李宁”四次伴随中国奥军团出征奥运。  相似文献   

Much online shopping research has been viewed from the seller׳s side, i.e., volume, timing and the like. This paper looks at online shopping/buying from the buyer׳s view. Based on 285,000+ individual responses from an online U.S. panel, the questionnaires, gathered between 2006 and 2013, form the analytical base. Findings include an increase in online shopping volume among a declining customer base. Consumer reported details such as leading online retailers (Amazon.com), online product preferences, comparisons of online and fixed location research and buying scenarios, buying influences and the like are discussed. Managerial implications and suggestions for future research are included.  相似文献   

从三星堆遗址中出土的许多考古材料都与古蜀人的太阳崇拜和历法有关,而作为典型器物之一的青铜“太阳神树”,就是古蜀人太阳崇拜和使用太阳历法的最佳体现。它不仅具有“日、鸟、天、龙、树”等宗教崇拜的象征意义和神话色彩,又是古蜀时期历法等科学知识的结晶,它克分反映了三星堆文化中辩证、和谐的思维和审美意识,内涵极为丰富,极具研究价值。  相似文献   

On the morning of August 15, 2007,with a clear ring of gong, Wuxi Sunmart Holdings Pte Ltd officially got listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange.From this moment, a new member joined in"Jiangyin block"in Singapore.Following the successful listing of Yangtze Shipping and  相似文献   

On the morning of August 15, 2007, with a clear ring of gong, Wuxi Sunmart Holdings Pte Ltd officially got listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange. From this moment, anew member joined in "Jiangyin block" in Singapore. Following the successful listing of Yangtze Shipping and Junxin Science & Technology respectively in Singapore Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchange, Wuxi Sunmart entered the stock market full of completion as a dark horse. The major leaders of Wuxi government, Zhu Minyang, Gao Pei and Zhang Shixian, all attended the Wuxi Sunmart's listing ceremony.  相似文献   

Ma and Sun have recently argued that some forms of insider trading are ethically acceptable. We argue that the authors fail to prove three key premises of their argument, which is therefore unsound.  相似文献   

外交是主权国家的政治活动,随着中国外交全面进入世界舞台的中央,涉及不同行为主体和不同领域的各种形式的外交应运而生,其中,科技外交备受关注,特别是全球科技治理中的矛盾和问题日益凸显,有关科技外交的战略、政策、规则、方式、风险防范等逐渐成为热点,亟待跨学科融合研究科技外交问题。本文基于现有文献和现实资料,对科技外交的内涵、制度规范、方式方法等进行了初步探讨,以期为相关实践和理论研究提供参考。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2019,62(3):383-393
Strategy is an important tool for competitive success and how firms formulate and implement strategy is widely discussed in both the academic and practitioner literature. Historically, there has been a divide between strategy formulation and execution. Strategy formulation has largely been associated with top management teams, while implementation was assigned to middle and lower-level managers. Organizations can benefit from broadening the strategy formulation process to include a range of both external and internal stakeholders. In this article, we explore the promise and risks associated with open strategy and offer some suggestions for overcoming associated dysfunctions.  相似文献   

Of markets,products and prices: The effects of the euro on European firms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The introduction of the euro was initially expected to boost trade by an enormous percentage. Following many downward revisions of original estimates the current consensus estimate amounts to an increase of about 5 per cent. In view of the initial high expectations this is often seen as a dismal result. It is, however, based on aggregate data and may therefore hide important microeconomic gains that arise even for a given level of trade fl ows. This paper uses detailed product and firm level data to shed light on these hidden gains. This paper is based on the EFIGE Report 2008, issued under the same title as Bruegel Blueprint Series Volume VIII. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement No. 225551 and from the Bank of France. The views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission or the Bank of France. We are grateful to Andrew Fielding for editorial support. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors alone.  相似文献   

This special issue of the Journal of Business Research features eleven articles selected from the papers presented during the fifth meeting of the Royal Bank International Research Seminar which took place in Montreal at the John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, September 25 and 26, 2009. They cover topics related to globalization, cultural values, global consumer behavior, market segmentation, marketing strategies of emerging economies, consumer socialization, materialism, service quality, and government actions.  相似文献   

This article builds a model to answer a critical but unsolved research question: What are the resources and/or the resource portfolio firms need to achieve the performance implications of entrepreneurial strategy making (ESM)? Based on a survey of Chinese firms, we find that ESM has a significant positive influence on firm performance. In addition, to accomplish the performance implications of ESM, firms need both flexible employed resources and unabsorbed slack, while just one of them does not work. Thus, a resource portfolio composed of high flexible employed resources and unabsorbed slack is the appropriate one to achieve the value of ESM.  相似文献   

This study examines differences between independent ventures (IVs), which are established by individual entrepreneurs, and corporate ventures (CVs), which are controlled by larger companies. It focuses on differences between these ventures related to the resources, strategies, and performance of firms in the computer and communications equipment manufacturing industries. Thus, the findings increase the understanding of the different challenges faced by each venture type and provide insight into how each venture type should be managed.The study finds that managers of CVs and IVs emphasized different resources and strategies. Specifically, CVs emphasized the following resources: internal capital sources, proprietary knowledge, and marketing expertise. IVs emphasized external capital sources, technical expertise, and development of brand identification. They also differed in their strategies; IVs pursued greater strategic breadth, more customer service, and focused more on specialty products. The findings that CVs had less strategic breadth was surprising in that CVs emphasized resources, such as internal capital sources, which could make pursuing broad strategies more feasible for CVs. It is possible that some CVs do not pursue broad strategies because they may be “infringing upon someone else's turf” within the corporation and thus may be discouraged.In spite of finding significant strategy and resource differences, the study found that IVs and CVs did not differ in performance and that resources were not directly related to performance. Based on the concept of equifinality, it follows that both venture types can be equally successful, even if they follow different roads to success. Success may be less a function of the different resources IVs and CVs have and more a function of what strategies the firms choose based upon their resources.Strategy variables did relate to performance: a low cost strategy lowered performance regardless of venture type and the influence of an aggressive strategy (i.e., wide strategic breadth) on performance depended upon venture origin. Managers pursuing a low cost strategy may have had lower performance if they became penny wise and pound foolish, missing opportunities in their efforts to lower costs. This suggests that regardless of venture type, managers of new ventures in these industries and perhaps in other volatile industries may need to be opportunistic.This study indicates that pursuing broad strategies increased the performance of IVs and decreased the performance of CVs. This finding was surprising in that CVs had greater resources, which one might think would lead to successful implementation of aggressive strategies. In securing enough resources to pursue aggressive strategies from their parents, CVs may lose the freedom of action they need to cope with the dynamism of high technology industries. This suggests that managers of CVs within the computer and communications equipment manufacturing industries should either not pursue broad strategies, or if pursuing broad strategy, they should maintain their flexibility. In contrast, IVs that pursued broad strategies achieved higher performance, indicating that perhaps IVs, unencumbered by the bureaucracy that characterizes CVs, may be able to pursue aggressive strategies while simultaneously maintaining flexibility.Thus, this study offers IV and CV managers several valuable insights. First, it argues that managers of each type of venture may need to pursue different strategies to increase venture performance and make optimal use of their unique resources. Furthermore, it suggests that CV managers encounter difficulties in applying resources to strategies and not in accessing resources. Whereas political obstacles may occur, CV managers may primarily encounter these difficulties when trying to implement strategies rather than when accumulating resources from the parent, suggesting a pitfall that managers of CVs and their parents need to avoid. Although this study has indicated that both venture types can be equally successful, it suggests that they may face different obstacles and follow different roads to success.  相似文献   

Luca Zan 《Business History》2016,58(4):571-596
The focus of the article is the relationship between history and strategy. Although little interest can be found in mainstream management journals, the hidden relationship between history and strategy is looked for here in a double sense. On the one hand, the article will try to historicise strategy, questioning the alleged discontinuity that is normally used to explain the emergence of the notion itself. More than changes at the ontological level, it is changes at the perspectival level that explain the establishment of the new area of research. The article also discusses possible implications for broader historical research when taking into account some of the hidden distinguishing features of strategy studies and strategising history.  相似文献   

The authors investigate the relationship between board ethnic diversity, ethnicity and market, and book measures of firm financial performance using Malaysian data. This represents a departure from prior studies that focused on White countries whose people remain culturally indistinct. Ethnic diversity is measured by the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index; ethnicity is the largest representation of a single race. Controlling for firm- and board-specific attributes, the authors find a significant positive relationship between ethnic diversity and firm financial performance and that financial performance of companies differ between ethnicities. The results suggest that despite modernization and homogenization, corporate Malaysia is still divided along racial lines.  相似文献   

Why do investments in certain places yield jobs, growth, and prosperity while similar investments made in seemingly identical places fail to produce the desired results? Starting with the observation that innovation clusters spatially across a broad spectrum of industries, my work seeks to understand the mechanisms and institutions that promote the creation of useful knowledge. In my conceptualization, entrepreneurs, as the agents who recognize opportunity, mobilize resources, and create value, are key to the creation of institutions and the building of capacity that will sustain regional economic development. Entrepreneurs benefit from location. But entrepreneurs are also pivotal as agents of change that can transform local communities. The initial event or entrepreneurial spark that gives rise to prosperous regions is not deterministic nor do they automatically set in motion path dependencies that automatically yield successful places. What matters most is human agency—the building of institutions and the myriad public and private decisions that determine what I call the character of place—a spirit of authenticity, engagement, and common purpose.  相似文献   

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