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The Danish fishing industry has gone through a turbulent period of declining catches and modest economic performance. In order to address these concerns, capacity reduction initiatives, mainly through vessel decommissioning, have sought to relieve pressure on fish stocks and improve the profitability of fishing vessels that remain in the fishery. It is the main purpose of this paper to analyse the capacity utilization trends of the four main commercial fleet segments of trawlers, netters, Danish seiners and industrial (fish for reduction) vessels. Annual cost and earnings data (1996-2002) for fishing vessels of the various fleets are applied to three data envelopment analysis models, which evaluate capacity utilization in terms of catch volume, catch revenue and short-run profit. Results suggest that considerable cutbacks in fleet capacity are required, in the range of 30-50%, if full capacity utilization is to be achieved. A preliminary discussion with respect to the impact of fleet capacity reduction initiatives on fleet performance concludes the paper.  相似文献   

Individual transferable quotas (ITQs) are to be introduced into Australia’s Northern Prawn fishery in the near future. Total allowable catches (TACs) are to be set with the objective of maximising economic efficiency in the fishery. Under ITQs, vessel owners have the ability to adjust their fishing activities to maximise profits and changes in fleet structure resulting from management changes need to be considered when determining TACs. A restricted profit function for the fishery was estimated to determine the optimal vessel characteristics and output levels as a guide to how the fleet may adjust under an ITQ system. Vessels were found to be currently close to their optimal size given average historic prices and current stock conditions. However, higher tiger prawn stocks are expected to result in the average size of vessels increasing, with rising fuel prices also likely to result in capital being substituted for fishing days. Optimal average vessel‐level catches of the main species are lower than current average vessel catches for a wide range of input and output prices. These changes in vessel characteristics and behaviour need to be incorporated in the derivation of the optimal TACs if economic efficiency objectives are to be achieved.  相似文献   

As with many shrimp fisheries, the North Sea brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) fishery has been characterised by by‐catch and discarding of juvenile fish species that are of value to other fleet segments. To offset this externality, the mandatory use of veil nets or separator panels was introduced in 2003 for all vessels using an aggregate beam length of more than 8 m. Sea trials prior to this date suggested that retained catch might be reduced by between 8% and 35%, depending on the area and season. These studies, however, do not consider the behavioural response by fishers to reduce this impact. In this study, the actual impact of the restrictions on the productivity of UK Crangon vessels was estimated using a production frontier approach. The ex post analysis suggests that a productivity decline of around 14% has been experienced by UK vessels adopting this gear.  相似文献   

Limited-Entry Licensing: Insights from a Duration Model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Limited entry is used to manage many fisheries. Effectiveness depends on a program's ability to control aggregate fishing power, which fleet size and composition both affect. This article analyzes fleet composition and attrition in a limited-entry fishery, the California red sea urchin fishery. It explores the dynamics of heterogeneity in catch and revenue and applies duration analysis to study individual fisherman attrition using both individual-level and time-varying covariates. The results show that the fleet is becoming more homogenous but also more potent and spatially mobile. Regulations such as size limits and season restrictions tend to increase attrition.  相似文献   

Capacity reduction programmes, in the form of buybacks or decommissioning, have had relatively widespread application in fisheries in the US, Europe and Australia. A common criticism of such programmes is that they remove the least efficient vessels first, resulting in an increase in average efficiency of the remaining fleet, which tends to increase the effective fishing power of the remaining fleet. In this paper, the effects of a buyback programme on average technical efficiency in Australia’s Northern Prawn Fishery are examined using a multi‐output production function approach with an explicit inefficiency model. As expected, the results indicate that average efficiency of the remaining vessels was generally greater than that of the removed vessels. Further, there was some evidence of an increase in average scale efficiency in the fleet as the remaining vessels were closer, on average, to the optimal scale. Key factors affecting technical efficiency included company structure and the number of vessels fishing. In regard to fleet size, our model suggests positive externalities associated with more boats fishing at any point in time (due to information sharing and reduced search costs), but also negative externalities due to crowding, with the latter effect dominating the former. Hence, the buyback resulted in a net increase in the individual efficiency of the remaining vessels due to reduced crowding, as well as raising average efficiency through removal of less efficient vessels.  相似文献   

基于我国沿海11个省份2008-2011年近海捕捞业投入产出数据,利用随机前沿分析方法研究了渔船"双控"政策、生产补贴、渔船吨位、近海污染等各种政策、技术与环境因素对我国近海捕捞业技术效率的影响。发现渔业生产保障能力和捕捞渔船纳入双控比例与技术效率正相关,户均补贴收入、捕捞渔船吨位、省域近海污染比例等与技术效率呈倒U型关系,农村人均收入与技术效率负相关。提出了切实消减过剩捕捞能力、严控近海污染、控制成本类补贴增长、完善近海捕捞业保障基础等政策建议。  相似文献   

渔船作业效率及政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用随机前沿生产模型研究了沿海某市渔船的作业效率,结果显示:抽样渔船的平均作业效率只有33%;渔船出海频率过高和性能落后是导致其效率低下的主要原因;船员工资的增加则提高了生产效率。为了提高渔船作业效率,建议采取以下措施:保持和增加资源存量,进一步降低捕捞强度,提高渔船的准入门槛、进行技术扶持、引入外部资金以及帮助渔民转产转业等。  相似文献   

Fish populations are examples of open-access renewable resources, and they are harvested by hunting. Fishery management is analogous to the management of the cropping of a wood, in which the trees are invisible, and keep moving around. Economic factors drive fishing fleets to a state of excess capacity and zero return to capital employed. Some form of regulation seems to be essential to enable a viable fishing industry which can regenerate its own capital to survive. The problems of management are exacerbated by excess capacity: it would be desirable if the size of the fishing fleet were matched to that required to catch the fish available. A novel method for estimating the size of fleet for which full-time fishing opportunities exist has been developed, but no mechanism exists to stimulate the development of the fleet towards that size. This, and the absence of a proper system of enforcement of internationally agreed quotas are the principal problems of fishery management.  相似文献   

本文分析研究了2014年4月和10月青岛斋堂岛海域张网渔业的经济效益。结果表明:(1)张网渔业渔获物中不同种类价格差异极大,且多为低经济价值渔获种类。(2)4月甲壳类(三疣梭子蟹等)和软体类(短蛸)的捕获量决定了张网作业的经济效益;舒氏海龙、玉筋鱼等小型、低值种类的经济价值不足以弥补其上岸成本,可以适当增加网囊网目尺寸来释放这些低值渔获;(3)10月平均网产比4月高142.2%,但渔获上岸价格低于4月,导致10月张网作业经济效益为负值,处于投入大于产出的亏本状态。研究结果为选择性渔具的开发和张网渔业的"减船转产"提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

本文分析了北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼的渔业现状和国际组织对该渔业资源的管理措施。目前,长鳍金枪鱼已经处于充分开发状态,2004年总渔获量已达到86073t,主要捕捞国家是日本、美国、中国台湾、加拿大等,主要捕捞渔具是延绳钓、曳绳钓等。在此基础上,本文分析了中国的渔业现状,并从政府支持、捕捞技术、渔场开发和渔业统计等方面提出了我国在北太平洋发展长鳍金枪鱼渔业的对策。  相似文献   

印度洋金枪鱼渔业概况及中国金枪鱼船队发展对策分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
印度洋是世界上第二大金枪鱼产区,同时日益成为中国重要的金枪鱼作业渔场。基于印度洋金枪鱼委员会提供的数据,本文分析了印度洋金枪鱼渔业的发展概况及主捕鱼种的利用情况。同时,本文简要分析了中国金枪鱼船队在印度洋的发展概况,并对中国金枪鱼船队的发展前景作了简要探讨。加强渔业管理、完善渔业管理措施、加大研究投入等将是中国政府发展印度洋金枪鱼渔业的重要任务。  相似文献   

在渔业资源衰退、渔船节能减排、渔业产业结构调整等多重压力下,短期内海洋捕捞业经济增长日趋困难。渔业技术效率是评价渔业经济增长质量的重要指标,界定其影响因素有助于促进资源优化配置,提高渔业经济增长水平。单拖网作业是中国近海一种重要捕捞方式,本文以海州湾70艘单拖网渔船为研究对象,利用DEA-Tobit模型,分析其技术效率及其影响因素。结果表明,仅有20.0%的海州湾单拖网渔船处于技术有效状态;渔船主机功率、渔船船体长度、渔船船龄以及燃油补贴对其技术效率的影响不显著;年出海天数、船长从业时间和年总成本对其技术效率有显著影响。  相似文献   

中国南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼业发展对策的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过回顾南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼渔业的发展情况,特别是中国1999-2001年间在南太平洋捕捞长鳍金枪鱼的状况,指出我国在此项渔业发展中存在的问题,并提出相应对策.  相似文献   

The harvesting capacity of the European fishing fleet far exceeds the reproductive potential of the resource base. As a result, most European Union fisheries are both biologically and economically over‐exploited. A series of fleet‐reduction policies have been introduced in order to bring the harvesting capacity in line with target output levels. However, the existence of unutilised capacity may reduce the effectiveness of these schemes as the remaining vessels may increase their individual capacity utilisation (CU), thus offsetting the effects of fleet reduction. In this paper, the effects of stock abundance, output prices, fuel prices and fleet size on the rate of capacity utilisation are examined for a range of UK fleet segments operating in the English Channel. Estimates of CU are derived using data envelopment analysis. Results indicate that the average beam trawl vessel, using existing physical inputs, could potentially increase its revenue by a further 50%, assuming current fish stock levels and unrestricted access to resources. The average gill net vessel could similarly increase its output by 43%, scallop dredge by 28% and otter trawl by 14%. The results suggest that changes in stock abundance are the main factor affecting CU, with no significant trends being observed for the economic variables.  相似文献   

An understanding of the link between the level of inputs and resultant level of outputs is of considerable importance when trying to manage fisheries through input controls. To this end, studies of several fisheries have been undertaken to examine this relationship through the estimation of production functions and frontiers, using either catch weight or revenue as the dependent variable. The choice of the appropriate output variable to use in the analysis will depend on the objectives of the fishermen. Maximisation of catch weight is often proposed as an objective of fishermen rather than maximisation of profits. In this paper, the technical efficiency scores of vessels operating in the Spanish south‐Atlantic trawl fishery are estimated using the stochastic production frontier approach. The production frontiers are estimated with both the weight and the value of the catch as the dependent variable. The results of the analysis suggest that fishermen adopt a range of strategies but relatively few aim to maximise catch weight only. The differences in strategies may reflect heterogeneous attitudes towards risk, with more risk averse fishermen aiming to trade‐off some potential catch value for a more certain quantity of catch.  相似文献   

海洋生态系统是非常复杂的,而且海洋生物种类之间也是相互依存的。相应的如果一个物种消失就会对其它物种产生一种级联效应。鱼类科学家倡导一种基于生态系统的手段来进行渔业管理,以满足长期可持续发展的目标。本论文对种类之间相互依存的复杂关系和生物总量与生物表现型多样化之间的关系进行模拟建模。结果表明,如果不考虑生物多样性,平衡的储备量和捕捞或生产量水平就会被高估。相应的如果鱼类种类是不同的,建立在单一渔业资源管理上的渔业政策往往会过高的估计捕获潜能,结果导致过度捕捞和鱼类资源储量的崩溃。  相似文献   

"渔民、渔业、渔村"问题,随着渔业生产力发展,渔区体制改革,捕捞渔区的渔民就业结构、渔业的产业升级、渔村的新社会主义农村建设等,发生了根本性的变化。以历史唯物主义的观点来考察新渔区的一系列生产力基础变化,厘清"渔民、渔业、渔村"逻辑关系,对于渔业现代化的政策选择是很重要的。本报告以福建省龙海市浯屿村渔业为例,进行社会学调查,分析了渔民与渔业、渔业与渔村、渔村与渔民之间的关系,讨论了渔业劳动者称谓,渔区阶层分化,新一代捕捞劳动者的断裂和捕捞业渔区的孤岛现象。研究结果认为,社会主义市场经济进程中,渔民、渔业、渔村这三者的逻辑关系已明显断裂,政府作为弥补市场经济的缺陷,要重视新渔区出现的社会微观基础变化,以政府导向,政策取舍,进一步不断探索出台适合现阶段渔区发展中渔民、渔业、渔村非必然逻辑关系的政策与措施。  相似文献   

Illegal foreign fishing for sharks in Northern Australia has increased substantially over the last two decades. This has likely resulted in declines of shark species abundance, with potentially far‐reaching impacts on the ecosystem. This, in turn, could also have indirectly affected the legal prawn, shark, and other fisheries in the region through changed predation patterns and direct removal of targets. The prawn fishery in Northern Australia is currently one of Australia's most valuable fisheries. Sharks themselves are also a major target species by many Queensland and Northern Territory fishers. In this article, an ecosystem model developed in the Ecopath with Ecosim framework is used to estimate the impacts of illegal shark fishing on the remaining system, and the potential economic impacts on commercial fisheries in the region.  相似文献   

关于加强渔船登记工作的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
当渔船发生所有权转让时,原所有权人要办理注销登记,新所有权人要申请新登记。实务中,渔船登记机关因没有仔细区分渔船国籍注销登记和所有权注销登记的性质,《登记办法》对渔船注销登记规定不明确,不时发生登记渔船权属争议,导致登记机关工作处于被动状态。本文作者通过陈述渔船不按规定办理注销登记的情形,分析了渔船不按规定办理注销登记的主、客观原因,论述了渔船不办理注销登记的法律后果,并就如何加强渔船注销登记工作,实现对渔船登记的全程监管,提出了具体的设想。  相似文献   

对渔获量实行总量控制,是保障渔业可持续发展的需要。作者认为应通过严格执行捕捞许可制度、配额捕捞制度、鱼货统营制度等,对渔获量实行总量控制  相似文献   

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