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This study applies Granger causality tests to examine the relationship between attendance, admission prices and real income at the Melbourne Cup, which is Australia’s premier horseracing event and one of the world’s leading handicap races. The motivation for the paper is that while market demand suggests that causation should run from admission price to attendance, it is equally plausible that sporting authorities could alter admission prices in response to a change in demand reflected in attendance. The main findings are that in the short-run there is unidirectional Granger causality running from income to attendance, attendance to admission price and income to admission price, while in the long run both admission price and income Granger cause attendance.  相似文献   

The authors test hysteresis versus the natural rate hypothesis in unemployment using panel data for transition countries covering the period 1991:1–2003:11. The advantages of the stationarity tests applied is that they exploit the cross-section variations of the series and, additionally, allow for a different number of endogenous breakpoints in the unemployment series. They do not impose independence on the panel members, so that the critical values are simulated based on their specific panel sizes and time periods. The findings stress the importance of accounting for exogenous shocks in the series and give support to the shifting natural-rate hypothesis of unemployment for all the countries analyzed.  相似文献   

International Advances in Economic Research - This paper investigates the relationship between fiscal and external deficits in five European Union countries (Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, and...  相似文献   

Although the long–run purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis is expected to hold across tradable goods, all price indices available to researchers for testing the validity of PPP contain some proportion of non–tradable goods prices, which may generate substantial persistence in the real exchange rate. We construct time series for quarterly price indices that minimize the presence of non–tradable goods for six major economies. Applying recently developed nonlinear econometric techniques to the resulting five US dollar real exchange rate series for the recent floating exchange rate regime, we provide evidence that the nonlinear mean reverting properties of these real exchange rate series are stronger than the mean reverting properties of real exchange rate time series constructed using the consumer price index (CPI). In turn, these results have a natural economic interpretation.
(J.E.L.: F31).  相似文献   

Non‐linear pricing, the fact that prices do not necessarily change in proportion to size, is a ubiquitous phenomenon. However, it has been neither particularly well understood nor well measured. Non‐linear pricing is of practical importance for statistical agencies who, in constructing price indexes, are often required to compare the relative price of a product‐variety of two different sizes. It is usually assumed that prices change one‐for‐one with package and pack size (e.g. a 1‐liter cola costs half as much as a 2‐liter bottle). We question the wisdom of such an assumption and outline a model to flexibly estimate the price‐size function. Applying our model to a large U.S. scanner dataset for carbonated beverages, at a disaggregated level, we find very significant discounts for larger‐sized products. This highlights the need to pursue methods such as those advocated in this paper.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is the analysis of stochastic and β‐convergence in the relative regional per capita outputs using different unit root tests both with and without structural breaks and using a further test that is robust to the presence of I(0) or I(1) errors. It allows robust inference on the estimates of the initial per capita output (intercepts) and the respective growth rates (slopes). The results of the application of unit root tests without structural breaks show the absence of stochastic convergence. However, by incorporating the presence of endogenous breaks, the results are reversed for all regions. In the case of β‐convergence, the results of the robust test WRQF show that all regions have a structural break at some point during the period 1970–2010. We find different behavior for different regions. There is a catching‐up process and a lagging‐behind process for different groups of regions towards more negative or more positive paths.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the Garbade and Silber (1983) model with the objective of finding out if the crude oil futures market performs the functions of price discovery and risk transfer. The model is estimated, using daily data, as a system of two seemingly unrelated time series equations allowing the coefficients to be time-varying. The empirical results reveal that the futures market performs about 60 per cent of the price discovery function, and that the elasticity of supply of arbitrage services is adequately high for the market to perform the risk transfer function.
(J.E.L: G13, C22).  相似文献   

International research collaboration has become important in recent years. This paper analyzes what gains drive the expansion of international research collaboration and what costs prevent it, with a special focus on the incidence of international co‐inventions (ICIs) in Asia and major Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. The major findings are as follows. ICIs become more prevalent in those technology sectors where scientific literature becomes important as prior art, inventor team size increases, and the relative inventor resources of the own country in the world declines. Thus, ICIs allow a country to exploit more efficiently the world stock of new knowledge and to realize the gains from combining diverse sources of knowledge and skills. Moreover, the results of estimating a gravity model centered on the USA and Great Britain suggest that language differences measured by Test of English as a Foreign Language scores matter significantly. The results also suggest that exporting from these two countries are significantly and positively associated with ICIs.  相似文献   

We show that estimates of the half‐life of deviations from the law of one price are biased when their precision is not taken into account when aggregating data for different types of goods. Using a comprehensive dataset with monthly price data for 124 homogeneous products across regions in Denmark over the period 1997–2010, we find a large positive aggregation bias. On average, we find that the half‐life is 8.4 months when taking the bias into account, compared with 28.7 months when applying the standard method. The heterogeneity in the estimated half‐life can be explained by price stickiness, distance between regions, and whether the good is traded or non‐traded.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the role of crude oil spot and futures prices in the process of price discovery by using daily data over the period from January 1992 to September 2012. We provide evidence that futures markets play a more important role than spot markets, but their relative contributions turn out to be highly unstable, especially for the most deferred contracts. Furthermore, considering the time‐varying dynamics provides evidence of a smaller role for futures markets and a greater role for fundamental factors in driving oil prices during the global financial turmoil of 2007–2008. The implications of the main results for hedging and forecasting crude oil spot prices are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the pricing behavior of exporting firms exhibits a “forward‐looking” nature with sticky prices. As a result, the expectations of future exchange rates affect current prices at both the product level and firm level. We find evidence by employing both highly disaggregated Harmonized System (HS) 10‐digit product‐level import data of the USA and firm–product level customs data on China's exports to the USA. These findings provide evidence for a previously unexplored micro‐level forward‐looking nature of trade price adjustment as response to future exchange rates, and suggest a potentially important factor in helping explain incomplete exchange rate pass‐through.  相似文献   

International Advances in Economic Research - The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of oil price shocks on economic activity. A dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model was applied...  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between two inflation indices, consumer price index (CPI) and producer price index (PPI) for Mexico, a case study country which has successfully implemented inflation targeting after the economic crisis and high inflationary situation in 1995. Since the causality running from PPI to CPI exemplifies the cost push nature of inflation and the opposite is the indicator of demand pull inflation, this analysis could provide significant policy implications. We contribute to the literature by decomposing the time–frequency relationship between CPI and PPI through continuous wavelet approach. Our results indicate a bidirectional relationship between CPI and PPI. In short periods (1 to 7 months scale) CPI is leading PPI, while for longer periods (8 to 32 months scale) PPI is the leading variable.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an alternative approach under which to examine the source of the increased wage gap between skilled and unskilled workers in US manufacturing. Rather than imposing the assumptions inherent in a given structural form, we posit a long‐run equilibrium relationship between international trade, technology, and the wage premium using a vector error‐correction model. We first test for the existence of a long‐run relationship using cointegration tests. If a cointegrating relationship is found, we then conduct tests on the direction of the long‐run relationship and of Granger causality. We apply our approach to each two‐digit and four‐digit SIC industry and find evidence in support of international trade being an important source of the wage gap. Our results suggest that it is premature to dismiss international trade as a possible suspect behind the rising wage premium.  相似文献   

Journal of Quantitative Economics - This paper investigates the long-run and short-run relationship between WTI crude oil consumption and economic growth, covering the US economy for the period...  相似文献   

The export-led growth hypothesis is tested using monthly time series data for Shanghai (one of the major exporting provinces in China) using the Granger no-causality procedure developed by Toda and Yamamoto (1995) in a vector autoregresion (VAR) model. This paper builds on the existing literature in three distinct ways. This is the first study of the export-led growth hypothesis which employs a regional dataset (Shanghai). Second, the paper follows Riezman et al . (1996) in controlling for the growth of imports to avoid a spurious causality result; and finally, the use of the methodology by Toda and Yamamoto is expected to improve the standard F -statistics in the causality test process. The research finds one-way Granger causality running from GDP to exports  相似文献   

We develop an index measuring the three main dimensions – prosecution, protection, and prevention – of the anti‐trafficking policies of the governments of up to 180 countries over the 2000?2010 period. Overall, developed countries perform better than the rest of the world; compliance with prosecution policy is highest, while governmental efforts to protect victims of human trafficking remain weakest. We employ the new indices to investigate which factors determine anti‐trafficking policies. We find that compliance with anti‐trafficking policies significantly decreases with corruption and is higher in countries that also respect the rights of women. We also find some tentative evidence for spatial dependence in anti‐trafficking policies.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between housing wealth and consumption using postcode‐level variation in house prices and administrative data on new passenger vehicle registrations as a proxy for consumption. We find a robust cross‐sectional relationship, and in our preferred specification estimate an elasticity of new passenger vehicle registrations with respect to gross housing wealth of 0.4–0.5, which based on our preferred calibration implies a marginal propensity to consume for total consumption of less than 0.5 cents. Notably, we find evidence that the relationship between house prices and new vehicle registrations is heterogeneous in income.  相似文献   

The real interest rate parity hypothesis is tested using data for the group of seven industrialized countries (G7) over the period 1970–2008. The contribution is two‐fold. First, the paper utilizes the bounds approach in order to overcome uncertainty about the order of integration of real interest rates. Second, a test is made for structural breaks in the underlying relationship using a multiple structural breaks test. The results indicate significant parameter instability and suggest that, despite the advances in economic and financial integration, real interest rate parity has not fully recovered from a breakdown in the 1980s.  相似文献   

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