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《Economic Systems》2020,44(1):100731
We have incorporated a financial accelerator mechanism operating through investments in the business sector in a dynamic macroeconometric model of the Norwegian economy. In this new and amended model aggregated credit and equity prices are determined simultaneously in a system characterized by a two-directional contemporaneous causal link, which has been designed and estimated by a new procedure for simultaneous structural model design. Combined with a mechanism where credit and asset prices are mutually influenced by real investments, this creates a financial accelerator amplified by a credit-asset price spiral. Simulations illustrate how the introduction of a financial accelerator significantly reinforces and extends the economic cycles in projections and forecasts, in particular when confronted by a severe shock. Furthermore, monetary policy has a markedly stronger effect in the short and medium term, while the impact of fiscal policy is affected to a relatively small degree as it is more remotely linked to financial markets.  相似文献   

Understanding the system of financial control in the pre-existing régime of classical socialism is a key to understanding what might go wrong in the transition. Accordingly, this paper proceeds in four steps by examining:
(1)  how domestic fiscal and monetary processes complement central planning in the classical socialist economy;
(2)  why this mechanism for securing domestic financial control under classical socialism tends to break down naturally into inflation when decentralization begins and central planning though direct materials balancing is weakened;
(3)  how, in a more deliberate transition, domestic tax and monetary arrangements might be better managed to keep the price level stable as prices of individual goods and services are freed; and
(4)  how, in moving toward free foreign trade, explicit policies governing tariffs and foreign exchange convertibility could best parallel and complement the evolving restraints on money and credit in domestic commerce.
In effect, moves to dismantle the apparatus of central planning, decontrol prices, privatize property, and so on need to be supported by a proper sequence of fiscal, monetary and foreign exchange measures-as analyzed more fully in the author's new bookThe Order of Economic Liberalization. In this short essay, a summary outline of such a financial order is provided.  相似文献   

We analyze an economy with inside financial assets and outside money. Households have differing restricted access on both types of assets and, according to a well-known approach, they use money to pay taxes. Since competitive equilibria are generically inefficient, we perform a Pareto improvability analysis through a monetary intervention. It results that, if the government modifies the amount of money endowments for just one consumer in period one, then Pareto improvements upon the market equilibrium are possible.  相似文献   

This paper presents an agent based model which underlines the importance of credit network and leverage dynamics in determining the resilience of the system, defining an early warning indicator for crises. The model reproduces macroeconomic dynamics emerging from the interactions of heterogeneous banks and firms in an endogenous credit network. Banks and firms are linked through multiple credit relations, which derive from individual target leverage choices: agents choose the more convenient leverage level, according to a basic reinforcement learning algorithm. Simulations are calibrated on balance sheet data of banks and firms quoted in the Japanese stock-exchange markets from 1980 to 2012.  相似文献   

Which are the main frictions and the driving forces of business cycle dynamics in an open economy? To answer this question we extend the standard new Keynesian model in three dimensions: we incorporate financing frictions for capital, employment frictions for labor and extend the model into a small open economy setting. We estimate the model on Swedish data. Our main results are that (i) a financial shock is pivotal for explaining fluctuations in investment and GDP. (ii) The marginal efficiency of investment shock has negligible importance. (iii) The labor supply shock is unimportant in explaining GDP and no high frequency wage markup shock is needed.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2023,47(2):100999
One relevant issue for the management of financial stability is the monitoring of the credit market. In this sense, Basel III proposed the credit gap as the most appropriate measure to anticipate financial stability issues. However, the adoption of the credit gap has been criticized, especially for emerging markets. Through panel data analysis, this study investigates the effect of the credit gap and the credit growth rate on financial stability in Brazil, which represents a relevant emerging economy. For this purpose, we use a set of financial stability measures traditionally found in the literature: the z-score, regulatory capital and credit risk. The results suggest that the credit gap and credit growth rates are adequate metrics to indicate the sustainability of credit growth in Brazil. However, credit growth rates are more attractive, since they indicate a threshold for credit growth in the Brazilian economy concerning financial stability.  相似文献   

The role of financial capability in the consumers' financial behaviour has been widely analyzed by the literature. The same happened for the relationship between debt and financial capability. The consensus about the benefits of an increase in the levels of financial literacy collides with a diversity of opinions on what the best solutions to increase financial capability. While methods based on traditional teaching may not be an effective solutions and they could not provide results in the short term, solutions oriented to support consumers in important financial decisions (requests for funding, choice of retirement solutions, etc.) may show greater effectiveness. Studies in literature have shown the tendency of subjects with high levels of financial capability to adopt a long term view and to upgrade their daily financial behaviour with attitudes and practices related to self-finance (budget, financial check-up, saving for goals, etc.) The paper focuses on the relationship between financial capability and self-accounting practices, interpreting the latter as evidence of conduct financially aware. After a review of the literature designed to emphasize the role of self-accounting in the context of personal finance, a financial check-up based tool is proposed, pointing out how the financial accounts' schemes and logics (regular budget, estimates and forecasts checking targets) may find useful application in the context of personal finance.  相似文献   

We develop a multi-tier supply network model, rooted in social network theory, to evaluate the effect of bargaining power on trade credit and to track the effect of buyers' trade credit on suppliers' trade credit. We apply social network analysis to measure companies' bargaining power in the supply network of Hennes & Mauritz AB (H&M, the Swedish clothing retailer). The results show that the buyer's bargaining power significantly affects the choice of trade credit, and that the supplier's “upstreamness” is significantly associated with its trade credit. We find limited evidence to support the notion of a financial bullwhip effect, a result that merits further research, since this study is limited to the network of one company up to its fourth tier of suppliers in one financial year. Our results can be applied by companies seeking to control their cash flow and, therefore, the financial pressure within their supply network. This study contributes to the literature by bringing social network measures into the buyer–supplier financial flow, as well as offering one of the first empirical examinations of the propagation of financial pressure in a multi-tier supply network.  相似文献   

This study examines the asymmetric adjustments to the long-run equilibrium for credit default swap (CDS) sector indexes of three financial sectors – banking, financial services and insurance – in the presence of a threshold effect. The results of the momentum-threshold autoregression (M-TAR) models demonstrate that asymmetric cointegration exists for all pairs comprised of those three CDS indexes. The speeds of adjustment in the long-run are much higher in the case of adjustments from below the threshold than from above for all the pairs. The estimates of The MTAR-VEC models suggest that the dual CDS index return in each sector pair participates in the adjustment to equilibrium in the short- and long-run taken together. But in the long-run alone, only one of the two spreads in each pair participates. Policy implications are also provided.  相似文献   


Interbank lending and borrowing occur when financial institutions seek to settle and refinance their mutual positions over time and circumstances. This interactive process involves money creation at the aggregate level. Coordination mismatch on interbank credit may trigger systemic crises. This happened when, since summer 2007, interbank credit coordination did not longer work smoothly across financial institutions, eventually requiring exceptional monetary policies by central banks, and guarantee and bailout interventions by governments. Our article develops an interacting heterogeneous agent-based model of interbank credit coordination under minimal institutions. First, we explore the link between interbank credit coordination and the money generation process. Contrary to received wisdom, interbank credit has the capacity to remove the inner limits of monetary system capacitance. Second, we develop simulation analysis on imperfect interbank credit coordination, studying impact of interbank dynamics on financial stability and resilience at individual and aggregate levels. Systemically destabilizing forces prove to be related to the working of the banking system over time, especially interbank coordination conditions and circumstances.


美国经济学家托宾的货币经济增长模型在传统的货币定义的基础上,分析了追加的实质货币在引入经济增长模型后对个人可支配收入的影响,得出货币对经济增长是不利因素的结论.随后,有些学者按照托宾的方法和思路修补了托宾模型.笔者认为,托宾及其模型的修补者的根本问题是忽略了货币与信用一体化下的金融内涵与功能的质变、信用货币对传统货币的根本质变.笔者对托宾模型提出了进一步修正的方法和展望.  相似文献   

Credit network configurations play a crucial role in determining the vulnerability of the economic system. Following the network-based financial accelerator approach, we constructed an agent based model reproducing an artificial credit network that evolves endogenously according to the leverage choices of heterogeneous firms and banks. Thus, our work aims at defining both early warning indicators for crises and policy precautionary measures based on the endogenous credit network dynamics. The model is calibrated on a sample of firms and banks quoted in the Japanese stock-exchange markets from 1980 to 2012. Both empirical and simulated data suggest that credit and connectivity variations could be used as early warning measures for crises. Moreover, targeting banks that are central in the credit network in terms of size and connectivity, the capital-related macro-prudential policies may reduce systemic vulnerability without affecting aggregate output.  相似文献   

We study market perception of sovereign credit risk in the euro area during the financial crisis. In our analysis we use a parsimonious CDS pricing model to estimate the probability of default (PD) and the loss given default (LGD) as perceived by financial markets. In our empirical results the estimated LGDs perceived by financial markets stay comfortably below 40% in most of the samples. Global financial indicators are positively and strongly correlated with the market perception of sovereign credit risk; whilst macroeconomic and institutional developments were at best only weakly correlated with the market perception of sovereign credit risk.  相似文献   

Over the past decade or so, many examples of the charity affinity credit card have been launched in the UK. This paper reports the results of a survey of charities that collected quantitative data on the characteristics and progress of more than 20 such cards. The survey also found that several other charities were contemplating following their example, and the paper goes on to identify and discuss some of the issues that should be addressed by any charity thinking of launching its own affinity card. Copyright © 2000 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

This paper develops a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model which includes a financial sector to analyze the effects of liquidity shock and credit risk in the Brazilian economy. Banks use equity capital and deposits from agents to finance investments of the productive sector. The sources of financial frictions are default rate and liquidity shock, due to deposits withdrawn in advance. The banking supervisor injects liquidity in the deposit market. Using data for the Brazilian economy in the period from 1995 to 2009, the structural parameters are estimated by Bayesian methods. Impulse response functions are computed to describe the dynamic effects of exogenous shocks. The major results show that credit risk is pro-cyclical and default risk depends on structural features. The banking regulator is able to set up a policy to promote financial stability and efficiently reduce fluctuations in the output.  相似文献   

周文燕 《企业技术开发》2004,23(5):40-41,57
网络经济作为一种全新的经济形态,正在深刻地影响着世界经济的进程。文章分析了网络经济下企业管理的核心内容,并对网络经济时代的企业组织形式,企业管理的特点进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new mechanism able to explain the occurrence of credit crunches. Considering a credit market with an asymmetry of information between borrowers and lenders, we assume that borrowers have to pay a cost to reveal information on the quality of their project. They decide to be transparent if it is necessary for getting a loan or for paying a lower interest rate. Two types of competitive equilibria may exist: an opaque equilibrium in which all projects receive funding without revealing information; a transparent one in which only the best projects reveal information and receive funding. It is also possible to get multiple equilibria. Incorporating this microeconomic mechanism in an OLG model, the economy may experience fluctuations due to the change of regime, and indeterminacy may occur.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of contingent convertible (CoCo) bonds on systemic risk using Eisenberg-Noe’s financial network method, in which the network is linked by debt relationships. As an efficient method for addressing the problem of “too big to fail,” CoCo bonds have received widespread attention, particularly because the trigger for CoCo bonds is a systemic risk event. Thus, the impact of CoCo bonds on systemic risk needs to be addressed. To solve this problem, we adopt default contagion and loss amplification due to network linkage to measure systemic risk, from which we can ascertain the potential impact on it of CoCo bonds. The results show that CoCo bonds enhance the spillover effect of the issuer’s default; meanwhile, sufficient CoCo bonds partly offset the impact of default contagion from other banks. Furthermore, CoCo bonds enhance the amplification effect of loss due to network linkage, but the amplification effect diminishes after the bankruptcy cost is considered. Finally, the numerical test provides some insight into how the issuance of writedown (WD) bonds influences commercial banks in China. Our study not only offers suggestions to the regulators of CoCo bonds but also contributes to related studies.  相似文献   

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