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由于受历史遗留等诸多因素的影响,我国的企业界普遍存在着高估资产价值的现象。因而,进行相应的资产减值会计研究,对提高我国企业资产的利用效率,降低不良资产比例,防止经济风险,提高企业的资产管理水平;对提高企业自身抵御风险的能力,减少当期应纳税额,增加自身积累;对确保国有资产的安全、完整和增值,以及提高国有资产营运效益,增加资本积累都有一定的现实意义。本文结合我国国情对资产减值会计问题进行了相应的研究。  相似文献   

从系统论角度看商誉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

随着经济体制改革的深入,国有资产流失的渠道越来越复杂,手段越来越隐蔽,花样层出不穷.给国家造成了巨大的损失。据国有资产管理局粗略统计,每年国有资产的流失达1000个亿,国有资产的严重流失成为我国经济生活中的一大难题。本文试从会计角度,对国有资产的流失作一探讨,以期采取有效措施,遏制住国有资产的流失。一、国有资产在会计领域流失的现象1.资产计价中的流失。(1)合资时的流失。国有企业在中外合资时,企业领导、地方政府为了吸引外资,增强引资竞争力,不惜牺牲国家利益,对中方资产以帐面价值折股;对企业无形资产、非…  相似文献   

企业资产证券化会计处理问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国企业资产证券化自2005年试点以来,由于秉持"先试点、后立法"的原则,在会计处理方面一直缺乏有针对性的会计规范,给实务处理带来了较大困难。本文试图在分析我国企业资产证券化会计处理存在主要问题的基础上,找出合理的解决方法,从而完善现有会计规范的不足,推动我国企业资产证券化业务的发展。  相似文献   

企业合并的会计处理初探上海财经大学储一昀企业合并的会计处理是当今会计理论与实务上十分重要且又引人入胜的课题之一,也是会计中最复杂、争论最多的领域之一。由于企业合并涉及巨额的财务交易和有关庞大企业的经营成果、经营智慧和管理得失等,因此,它显得如此重要,...  相似文献   

财政部有关国有资产管理办法规定,企业用实物、无形资产投资必须进行资产评估,并按评估确认的价值进行投资。在《企业会计制度》(新制度)未颁布前,《股份制有限公司会计制度》(原制度)对这类投资的会计处理做了较详细的规定。  相似文献   

The optimal portfolio as well as the utility from trading stocks and derivatives depends on the risk factors and on their market prices of risk. We analyze this dependence for a CRRA investor in models with stochastic volatility, jumps in the stock price, and jumps in volatility. We find that the compartment of the total variance into diffusion risk and jump risk has a small impact on the utility in an incomplete market only. In contrast, the decomposition of the equity risk premium into a diffusion component and a jump risk component and the compartment of the latter into its various elements has a huge impact on the utility in a complete market. The more extreme the market prices of risk, i.e. the more they deviate from their equilibrium values, the larger the utility of the investor. Additionally, we show that the structure of the optimal exposures to jump risk crucially depends on which elements of jump risk are priced.  相似文献   

Asset spanning tests are very useful tools for the determination of which asset classes belong to an investor's portfolio. There are numerous applications of such tools in the finance literature. What is not so obvious is the proper decision an investor should make if the extra asset classes are spanned by some existing assets. Should the investor make a conscious decision not to invest in them as they add no value? Should the investor invest in them anyway as they do no harm? This study provides an analytical solution to the puzzle and also offers an economic rationale.  相似文献   

四、单位资质在企业产权交易中的实现形式及其披露虽然单位资质作为一种能为其所有者或控制者获取未来收益的权利具有无形资产属性,但在现行的企业产权交易实践中,对资质类无形资产进行界定和披露还存在许多认识误区和障碍,所以有必要讨论单位资质在现行企业产权交易中的实现形式和信息披露方式。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the size-related anomalies in stock returns reported by Banz (1981) and Reinganum (1981). They showed that small firms have tended to yield returns greater than those predicted by the traditional CAPM. We find that the size effect is linear in the logarithm of size, but reject the hypothesis that the ex ante excess return attributable to size is stable through time. We briefly analyze the Seemingly Unrelated Regression Model (SURM) and a two-step procedure as two alternative estimators of the size effect. Due to the instability of the effect, we find that the estimates are sensitive to the time period studied.  相似文献   

Dodd D  Favaro K 《Harvard business review》2006,84(12):62-74, 160
Of all the competing objectives every company faces, three pairs stand out: profitability versus growth, the short term versus the long term, and the whole organization versus the units. In each case, progress on one front usually comes at the expense of progress on the other. The authors researched the performance of more than 1000 companies worldwide over the past two decades and found that most struggle to succeed across the three tensions. From 1983 to 2003, for example, only 32% of these companies more often than not achieved positive profitability and revenue growth at the same time. The problem, the authors discovered, is not so much that managers don't recognize the tensions--those are all too familiar to anyone who has ever run a business. Rather, it is that managers frequently don't focus on the tension that matters most to their company. Even when they do identify the right tension, they usually make the mistake of prioritizing a "lead" objective within it-for example, profitability over growth. As a result, companies often end up moving first in this direction, then in that, and then back again, never quite resolving the tension. The companies that performed best adopted a very different approach. Instead of setting a lead objective, they looked at how best to strengthen what the two sides of each tension have in common: For profitability and growth,the common bond is customer benefit; for the short term and the long, it is sustainable earnings; and for the whole and its parts, it is particular organizational resources and capabilities. The authors describe how companies can select the right tension, what traps they may fall into when they focus on one side over the other, and how to escape these traps by managing to the bonds between objectives.  相似文献   

《票据法》和中国人民银行《支付结算办法》都规定 :出票人不得签发空头支票 ,否则 ,银行可以对其处以罚款。本文就商业银行有无罚款权及对签发空头支票的行为如何处罚才合法的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

文章研究商业银行贷款保全措施的代位权和代位申请执行权的选择问题。  相似文献   

审计的本质是审计区别于其它学科的根本特征,体现了在审计实务中不以人的主观意识为转移的客观规律,对整个审计理论体系起着非常重要的作用.本文通过对当前审计本质认识的集中主流观点进行评述,提出审计本质的新观点--信任鉴证论.  相似文献   

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