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This study applies the concept of job specialization and job rotation based on early principles of job design in solving employees' perception of job burnout, using employees of Taiwan's high-technology industry as targets for re-examination. In past management systems of traditional industries, job rotation was adopted to address employees' feelings of monotony, boredom and fatigue as a result of job simplification and specialization. However, with the advancement of technology, shortening of technical life cycles and changes in job characteristics, the relationship between job rotation, job specialization and job burnout is now different from in the past. The results from 304 valid samples collected from employees of Taiwan's high-technology industry reveal that the adoption of job specialization in high-tech industry in fact raises professional efficacy and reduces employees' feeling of job burnout, which is opposed to the benefits of job design purported in past management systems. Therefore, this paper seeks to re-examine the relationship between the three variables. By implementing job rotation or job specialization systems as means to address issues related to employees' job burnout, organizations should not only consider the benefits to job management, but also adjust according to technology and environmental changes. Only by doing so could organizations release the maximum potential from human resources management systems.  相似文献   

Five hundred Thai organizations (from both public and private sectors) were surveyed to learn how decision criteria were weighed when conducting job rotation. The organizations were categorized into three groups, namely, government agency (GA), private service company (PSC), and private manufacturing company (PMC). Three purposes of job rotation were considered: (1) restructuring of the organization, (2) periodic reshuffling of employee-job assignments, and (3) efficiency/productivity improvement. The findings from responded questionnaires (with a response rate of 41.40 per cent) show that the criterion weights are significantly dependent on both the organization type and the purpose of job rotation. It is found that organizations from both sectors considered ‘knowledge, skills, and abilities’ as a predominant decision criterion, irrespective of the purpose of job rotation. For the organizations that periodically reshuffled their current employee-job assignments, ‘job seniority’ was also considered as an important criterion. Regarding the other two job rotation purposes, organizations from the public sector consistently gave more attention to ‘job seniority,’ ‘years of service,’ and ‘age’ than did those from the private sector.  相似文献   

Prior research on information technology (IT)-enabled supply chain management (SCM) has primarily focused on macro-level issues (e.g., IT capabilities related to SCM, and SCM design and optimization) and outcomes (e.g., firm performance). There has been limited research that focuses on micro-level outcomes related to employees who actually execute SCM processes in organizations. These employee-level outcomes are important because successful implementation of SCM systems and processes hinges on SCM employees’ support and commitment. I develop and test a model positing that SCM employees’ perceptions of changes in their work process characteristics, i.e., process complexity and process rigidity, following a new SCM system implementation will influence their job outcomes, i.e., job performance, job satisfaction, job anxiety, and job security, and their perceptions of process outcomes, i.e., process performance and relationship quality. The model incorporates a holistic appraisal of the extent of change—change radicalness—as a mechanism between work process characteristics and outcomes. The model is supported in three studies conducted in the context of three different SCM system implementations (N = 278, 282, and 304, respectively). In particular, I found that individuals perceived a significant change in their work process characteristics following an SCM system implementation, and changes in work process characteristics had a significant impact on job and process outcomes. These findings contribute to the information systems and operations management literatures and their intersections by offering insights on challenges related to IT-enabled SCM innovation implementation in organizations.  相似文献   

从理论上叙述了产业发展推动城市化发展,城市化反过来促进产业发展的良性互动规律,并对时间和空间数列做了实证。以横向空间数列分析了欠发达地区城市化与产业发展中存在的问题:一是城市化与产业发展水平不足,经济增长极能力不足;二是欠发达地区城市化效益偏低,经济增长极作用有限;三是欠发达地区的产业发展效益不高,阻碍了本土的经济扩散,并且同时存在着发达地区产业发展效益不高、难以发挥扩散效应的问题;四是距离和区位因素未成为发达地区向邻近欠发达地区经济扩散的优势。据此提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

杨树青 《物流科技》2008,31(2):48-52
现代物流是实现中小企业产业集聚进一步升级的重要外部条件。泉州现代物流建设尚处于初级阶段,其现行的物流运作体系已成为制约泉州产业积聚进一步升级的重要原因。论文分析了泉州现代物流业发展的现状及问题,对泉州现代物流体系构建的模式及政策进行了研究。  相似文献   

赵丽 《当代会计》2021,(3):18-20
在我国,高新技术企业是推动国家科技发展的核心力量.在国民经济发展环境日趋复杂的今天,高新技术企业为了获取更为广阔的发展空间,必须重视业财融合的作用,通过将高新技术企业中的业务、财务相结合,促进企业经济管理的合理化.文章结合实际,对业财融合在高新技术企业中的应用提出了个人观点,希望为关注业财融合的人群提供参考.  相似文献   

我国有大量大型建设项目,并在建筑与装修过程中产生大量固体建筑垃圾。建筑垃圾约占我国城市垃圾总量的40%,许多建筑垃圾被直接运往郊区,在不做任何处理的情况下投放至露天垃圾场,对自然环境直接产生恶劣影响。目前,我国非常重视生态环境,并正在对建筑垃圾处理与回收进行科学研究。论文首先对建筑垃圾处理现状进行分析,之后基于建筑垃圾的合理处理与回收方式,指明有利于西咸新区建筑垃圾处理及利用方式发展的策略。  相似文献   

企业基层党组织是党在企业中开展工作的战斗堡垒和基础。企业基层党组织建设直接影响党在经济领域中的执政能力。文章针对一些企业基层党组织存在不能把握好自身在企业中的定位和职责范围等问题,提出加强和改进企业基层党组织建设要做到“三个同步”的观点。  相似文献   

美国企业员工健康管理研究与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在美国,大多数企业都开展了员工健康促进与管理项目,进行员工健康管理,而目前我国员工的健康状况并不乐观,很多企业对于员工健康的关注也还远远不够。  相似文献   

刘全喜 《企业活力》2012,(10):59-62
长株潭地区是湖南省最具经济活力的地区,在我国的中部崛起战略中发挥着承东启西的脊梁作用。物流信息化对于加快该地区的社会商品周转速度,降低社会商品库存总水平,提升该地区的经济运行质量有着非常重要的意义。由于物流企业投资能力不足、政策支持力度不够等多方面的原因,长株潭地区物流信息化水平还比较落后,需要物流企业和地方政府共同努力来寻找问题的解决对策。  相似文献   

当前,大众创业、万众创新已是时代最强音,论文通过对俄罗斯政府推进中小企业发展相关做法的得失进行评析,提出河北发展民营经济的路径和方法,力求为河北省民营企业高质量发展提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

邢雅菲 《价值工程》2012,31(34):179-180
中小企业是我国经济的重要组成部分,它们在扩大经济总量、缓解就业压力、拉动民间投资、促进市场繁荣、维护社会稳定等方面发挥着十分重要的作用。但是长期以来我国中小企业的发展存在很多问题,融资面临很大困难。经济学界对此的讨论研究从未停止过。文章另辟蹊径,从金融排斥这一新兴的金融经济学理论的角度分析了我国中小企业融资难的形成原因,并有针对性的提出了解决中小企业金融排斥的对策和建议。  相似文献   

沈爱荣 《价值工程》2014,(32):200-203
本文以宁波高新技术企业为研究对象,利用因子分析得到综合财务绩效指标,以研发投入强度为自变量以综合财务绩效指标为因变量,构建研发投入与财务绩效的线性回归模型,分析研发投入与财务绩效之间的关系。研究结果发现,宁波高新技术企业的研发投入与其财务绩效显著正相关且没有明显的滞后性,研发投入产出的影响期在3年以上。  相似文献   

孙静 《价值工程》2011,30(30):109-109
本文在基于对相关概念加以阐释的基础上,对当今民营高科技企业中知识型员工管理沟通所存在的问题进行了分析,并最终提出了一些看法和建议。  相似文献   

由于民营企业与国有企业之间的文化差异,文化融合成为影响企业并购成功与否的关键.本文以民营企业并购国有企业后的企业文化冲突为切入点,通过对民营企业和国有企业文化的特征识别,剖析二者融合后企业文化存在的关键问题,识别出民营企业并购国有企业后影响企业文化融合的关键要素为文化特质、领导行为与员工行为.并以东方希望集团为案例,通过对东方希望集团并购莲威石化后产生的一系列企业文化冲突进行分析,揭示这些要素对企业文化融合的作用机理,为提升民营企业并购国有企业的文化融合提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

论文分析了人力资源管理中激励的有效作用,结合薪酬福利激励作用的影响因素,得出有效运用措施,全面阐述了薪酬福利的激励在国企人力资源管理中的重要性。  相似文献   

吴宗翰 《物流技术》2011,(11):83-85
回顾了中国台湾地区物流业发展历程,并以台湾地区零售行业的物流业务为例,研究了台湾地区物流业发展现状,并与海外发达地区物流产业发展现状进行了比较,提出了台湾地区物流产业发展中存在的不足与改进方向。  相似文献   

曾朝晖 《物流技术》2005,(10):193-199
总结了对中美两国汽车行业中流通网络相比较时所得到的初步结果。美国的汽车业历史悠久、呈发展缓慢趋势,而中国的汽车业正蓬勃兴起,通过比较分析找出了两个汽车市场在成品流通网络上的相似与不同,目的是想提出一个基于系统工程原理的、能够有效考虑不同市场情况的汽车流通网络的设计和评估框架。  相似文献   

随着产权制度的深入改革,中小企业的产权制度改革的不彻底性全面暴露,引起人们不断地思考熏文章指出了目前中国中小企业产权制度改革中存在的主要问题,并分析了产生这些问题的成因,进一步提出解决问题的对策及其改革方向。  相似文献   

In this article, the authors used a within‐person design to examine the relationship between job insecurity and employee in‐role and extra‐role performance, and the buffering role of time‐varying work‐based support (i.e., supervisor and colleague support) in this relationship. Weekly diary data gathered over the course of three weeks from 56 employees confronted with organizational restructuring and analyzed with a hierarchical linear modeling approach showed that weekly fluctuations in job insecurity negatively predicted week‐level in‐role performance. As predicted, supervisor support moderated the intra‐individual relationship between job insecurity and in‐role performance, so that employees' in‐role performance suffered less from feeling job insecurity during weeks in which they received more support from their supervisor. No relationship between job insecurity and extra‐role performance was observed. This within‐person study contributes to research on job insecurity that has primarily focused on inter‐individual differences in job insecurity and their associations with job performance. Theoretical and practical implications for human resource management are discussed. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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