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随着经济的发展,会计服务业务已成为会计师事务所的重要业务,在其业务收入中所占比重不断加大。文章在阐述会计服务业务范围及作用的基础上,分析了北京地区会计师事务所会计服务业务现状及其存在的问题,提出了北京地区会计服务业发展的对策。  相似文献   

近年来,资本市场并购重组一直较为活跃,对国内产业调整、结构升级起着重要推动作用,海外并购也积极促进了境内企业"走出去"战略的落地实施.并购重组多为溢价交易,为企业带来巨额的商誉资产,高额商誉减值将对上市公司未来经营业绩产生严重影响.本次调查选取了北京地区商誉金额较大的17家上市公司,共涉及112家并购对象,商誉账面价值总额为280.28亿元、商誉减值金额为5.22亿元,研究分析其商誉会计处理及信息披露情况;同时面向12家会计师事务所了解实务情况和存在的问题,听取意见和建议.调研发现,上市公司商誉会计处理和信息披露存在的问题较多,需要进一步完善.  相似文献   

张红琴 《会计之友》2012,(15):50-53
文章选择北京地区20家中小会计师事务所,运用DEA分析法对这20家事务所的相对运营效率、规模效率和标杆学习对象进行了实证分析,提出了其改进的潜力,以期为北京地区中小会计师事务所的运营管理提供参考。  相似文献   

2014年,财政部陆续新增或修订了八项新企业会计准则,对上市公司会计信息披露影响重大.恰当运用会计准则、提供有效的会计信息披露,是资本市场良好运行的基础.对新准则应用情况进行研究,有利于及时发现上市公司会计处理的相关问题,推动会计准则的进一步完善,利于新会计准则全面和准确运用.本次调查面向北京地区240家上市公司、36家证券资格会计师事务所(含总分所)下发调查问卷并座谈部分会计师事务所,共收到204家上市公司、31家会计师事务所的有效问卷回复.调查结果反映,受新准则实施影响上市公司调整会计分录或者年报信息披露的有192家,其中涉及会计分录调整的(含当期及追溯调整)共171家,主要为重分类调整,对公司当期损益影响金额并不显著.  相似文献   

阿纳尼亚斯·查尔斯·利特尔顿(Ananias Charles Littleton,1886-1970)既是美国著名的会计学家,也是世界上最杰出的当代会计学家之一。利特尔顿一生著述甚丰,其思想对现代会计思想的发展、会计历史研究的深化、会计实务的完善、现代会计准则理论的创新,以及对会计理论结构体系的创建方面均作出了重要贡献。由于他对会计理论和会计教育发展所作出的巨大贡献,  相似文献   

黄芳 《物流时代》2008,(4):59-61
3月6日,中国国际货运航空有限公司(以下简称国货航)召开2008年北京地区代理人年会。27家代理、6家合作伙伴参加,其中11家国际、国内优秀代理及优秀合作伙伴受到表彰。  相似文献   

佩里.伊姆帕.莫斯(Perry Empey Mason,1899-1964)是一位杰出的会计学家,不仅对会计理论有一定的贡献,而且通过美国会计协会的公告对会计实务产生了很大的影响。1964年,莫斯被选入俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)为美国著名会计学家设立的专门纪念厅——会计名人堂(Accounting Hall of Fame)的两位会计大师之一。  相似文献   

埃里克·路易斯·柯勒(EricLouis Kohler,1892-1976)是美国历史上的杰出会计学家之一,曾有会计巨人之称,他在会计理论与实务方面对会计界的重要影响得到了业界的普遍认可,并于1961年入选为俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)为美国著名会计学家设立的专门纪念厅——会计名  相似文献   

佩里·伊姆帕·莫斯(Perry Empey Mason,1899-1964)是一位杰出的会计学家,不仅对会计理论有一定的贡献,而且通过美国会计协会的公告对会计实务产生了很大的影响.1964年,莫斯被选入俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)为美国著名会计学家设立的专门纪念厅--会计名人堂(Accounting Hall of Fame)的两位会计大师之一.  相似文献   

阿纳尼亚斯·查尔斯·利特尔顿(Ananias Charles Littleton,18861970)既是美国著名的会计学家,也是世界上最杰出的当代会计学家之一.利特尔顿一生著述甚丰,其思想对现代会计思想的发展、会计历史研究的深化、会计实务的完善、现代会计准则理论的创新,以及对会计理论结构体系的创建方面均作出了重要贡献.  相似文献   

This study simultaneously distinguishes between private family firms, private nonfamily firms, public family firms, and public nonfamily firms. We show that private family firms avoid taxes less than public family firms and public nonfamily firms; however, we do not find a difference between private family firms and private nonfamily firms. Therefore, building on family firm heterogeneity, our results indicate that tax avoidance in private family firms differs depending on the involvement of nonfamily owners and/or managers. We find that private family firms that are wholly owned and managed by family members indeed avoid taxes less than private nonfamily firms.  相似文献   

Whether vertical integration between a downstream oligopolist and an upstream oligopolist is profitable for an integrated pair of firms is shown to depend on whether one means by this that profits increase no matter what other firms do, that all integrated firms are better off when all firms are integrated than when none are, or simply that no downstream-upstream pair of firms has an incentive to deviate from a situation where all firms are integrated. It is also shown to depend on the number of firms in each oligopoly and on the type of interaction that is assumed between firms that are integrated and firms that are not. In particular, it is shown that if no restriction is put on trade between integrated and nonintegrated firms, integrated firms may continue to purchase inputs from the nonintegrated upstream firms, with the goal of raising their downstream rivals' costs. Furthermore, even though firms are identical, asymmetric equilibria, where integrated and nonintegrated firms coexist, may actually arise as an outcome of the integration game.  相似文献   

论文根据中国所有的上市公司在2004——2008年的数据分析了中国公司的增长策略。根据研究结果,发现近75%的中国上市公司都没有足够的内部资源来保证其按照行业平均增长率来实现增长,这些公司的财务绩效(ROE和ROA)都显著地劣于其他公司;只有3%的中国上市公司的增长率落在精明增长区间(Raisch & Von Krogh,2007)内,这些公司可以凭借内部资源的支撑以高于行业平均增长率的速度来实现增长,其ROE显著地优于其他公司。论文并根据实证的结果对中国公司的增长策略提出建议。  相似文献   

This paper explores the effect of software intellectual property rights (IPRs) on the performance of software firms in South Korea using the statistics of software copyright registrations and patent applications along with the financial statements of firms. According to our empirical results, R&D and software R&D input has a strong positive effect on the production of software copyrights and patents, and large firms exploit software IPRs better than small firms. We also found that there are quite different trends in the selection of the legal means of protection; firms in the software industry prefer to copyrighting, whereas firms in the manufacturing industry prefer to patenting. In addition, software copyrighting has a positive effect on software revenue and total revenue of firms, but software patenting fails to show a positive effect on software revenue. Consequently, in contrast to the prevailing consensus indicating a high preference for patenting, it is obvious in our analysis that software copyrighting is more beneficial for software firms.  相似文献   

The spokes model allows to address nonlocalized spatial competition between firms. In a spatial context, firms can price discriminate using location‐contingent pricing. Nonlocalized competition implies that neighboring effects are not relevant to firms. This paper analyzes spatial price discrimination and location choices in the spokes model. Highly asymmetric location patterns are one outcome if the number of firms is sufficiently high: in that case, one firm supplies a generally appealing product whereas others focus on a specific niche. Moreover, multiple equilibria arise for intermediate values of the number of firms. In this case, the location patterns do not always globally minimize the sum of transport costs: asymmetric configurations distribute more efficiently the cost between firms.  相似文献   

Pay determination in small firms is widely expected to follow the dictates of the market. Research on 81 firms in three competitive sectors finds, instead, loosely defined and variable pay structures. This variability is explained in terms of the interplay between labour and product markets, firms’ own choices, and ‘shocks’ such as the National Minimum Wage. This analysis thus contributes to developing institutional theories of labour markets and pay systems.  相似文献   

针对我国会计师事务所做大做强的战略目标,借鉴平衡计分卡的思想,初步构建我国会计师事务所核心竞争力的评价指标,采用因子分析法修正该评价指标并对其测度进行研究。研究发现,我国本土会计师事务所核心竞争力现实水平不高,但极具潜力,发展空间很大。  相似文献   

Despite the growing scholars' attention toward green innovation, on the one hand, and family firms, on the other hand, there is still limited attention toward the intersection of these two streams of literature, because very few studies deal with green innovation in family firms. This paper aims at comparing family and nonfamily small firms in their approach to green innovation. To this aim, a multiple case studies methodology was used to understand whether and in which aspects family firms and nonfamily firms differ. In particular, a sample of 14 small enterprises (seven family and seven nonfamily firms) operating in the agri‐food industry and located in Italy was studied. Results suggest that family and nonfamily firms are similar with regard to green innovation characteristics, features of the green innovation process, faced challenges, and achieved outcomes. On the contrary, family firms differ from nonfamily firms in three key areas: firm's motivations, most relevant pressures, and green innovation view.  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical evidence on the effects of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 on the value of firms and on the cross-listing choice of firms destined to three major markets in North America, Asia and Europe. We use dynamic panel data methods and treatment effects methods and find that Sarbanes-Oxley has had a negative impact on the value of firms worldwide. Our evidence indicates that Sox may have segmented markets, with many lower valued firms destined to Hong Kong, thus crowding out the market where regulation is more stringent.  相似文献   

Operations strategy and its development have received a lot of attention in the operations management literature. However, as noted by Ward et al. (1995), an understanding of the factors that influence operations strategy development has not been widely studied. Further, how managers of firms in underdeveloped countries develop operations strategy has yet to receive any significant attention among researchers. This paper takes a look at the development of operations strategy in an underdeveloped economy, Ghana. Specifically, the paper examines the relationships between the business environment and the operations strategy choices made by firms in Ghana. The paper seeks to understand the influence that specific business environmental factors have on the operations strategy choices of low cost, quality, flexibility, and delivery dependability.A survey of manufacturing firms was carried out in 1998. The respondents (production managers in those firms) were asked to indicate the extent to which business costs, labor availability, competitive hostility, and environmental dynamism were of concern to them. They were also asked to indicate their extent of emphasis on the operations strategy choices of quality, cost, flexibility and delivery dependability. This paper presents the result of the analysis of the relationships between the environmental factors and the operations strategy choices. The data indicate that, among firms in Ghana, the two strongest factors that influence the degree of emphasis placed on operations strategy choices are perceived business costs and competitive hostility. Results are presented for both large and small firms, and for firms that are completely locally owned as well as for joint venture firms.  相似文献   

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