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人人都"爱"紧密纺 越来越多的企业都被紧密纺技术深深吸引,它的使用意味着纺纱技术水平的进步、产品高质量和附加值的提高. "溢达的产品主要是高端产品,产品档次比较高,所以紧密纺技术一出来,我们就非常关注,因为他的优势非常明显,能大幅度地减少纤维上的毛羽,提高成纱的强度,改善纱的条干,特别实用于针织,不仅大大减少了针织时单纱的断头率,提速后的成纱,还可以保持针织面料的柔软性.用紧密纺纱织出的织物外观光洁,品质提高.  相似文献   

所谓紧密纺(Compactspinning)技术是在普通锭纺纱技术基础上的一项重要改进,它针对普通环锭纺纱过程中纤维束从前罗拉钳口输出后加捻的同时所形成的纺纱三角区,这个区域脱离了牵伸皮圈、前罗拉的控制,纤维束基本上是游离失控的,造成部分纤维散落形成飞花,有的纤维的头尾端离开三角区形成毛羽。三角区两边的纤维承受张力比中间纤维承受张力大,因此成纱强力主要由两边的纤维负担,不能充分使全部纤维承受同样的张力,因而纺纱强力不高。密实纺纱技术关键在于它在纺纱三角区加装了负压气流及相应部件对纺纱三角区内纤维束进行有效控制,使纺出的纱外观好,纱线结构及有关物理性能得到相应的改进,纱的飞花少、减少了毛羽、强力提高、盐度均匀、纱横截面纤维报数稳定一致,绝大部分纤维被加捻到纱线中,使纤维得到充分利用。  相似文献   

辛蝶 《中国纺织》2009,(5):118-119
紧密纺工艺越来越多地应用于与普梳中高支纱线的生产,从纱线质量的角度来讲,紧密纺技术意味着更高的质量。然而,和传统的普通环锭纺相比,紧密纺技术不仅提高了纱线质量,而且在其他方面的应用也有了很大的进步。这种进步主要表现在增加了纺织厂纤维的利用率和纱线的输出速度,以及紧密纺纱毛羽的减少对下游工序的积极影响。只有青泽紧密纺系统Zinser Comp ACT3能够确保连续稳定的紧密纺纱质量效果。您只需通过轻轻地按键及EasySpin操作系统集中地参数设定,就可纺出满足最终产品需求的纱线。  相似文献   

期盼中国造紧密纺细纱机早日诞生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张勇 《中国纺织》2002,(7):31-32
十年代末期,欧洲一家细纱 机制造厂商首次展出了使用紧密纺技术的棉纺细纱机,2000年底首批紧密纺技术细纱机开始在国外棉纺厂投入使用,到2001年中期紧密纺技术开始成为国际棉纺行业人士谈及最多的话题。据已使用过紧密纺技术细纱机的用户透露,相对传统的纺细纱机,虽然紧密纺细纱机投资较大,但回报丰厚。以良好的市场反馈为基础,紧密纺技术细纱机的制造厂商更是不断增加推销宣传力度,以各种方式将紧密纺细纱机的各项技术优点及市场好评传播至世界纺机市场的每个角落,以至不少业内人士认为,紧密纺技术大有全面替代目前普遍使用的…  相似文献   

临清市鲁西棉纺织厂现有五万锭棉纺能力,主要生产设备有清花联合机组4台套,梳棉机68台并条机34台精梳机8台.粗纱机14台.细纱机120台.自动络筒机5台。年生产棉纱7000吨,市场前景广阔。2002年实现销售收入48002万元.利税3408万元.企业总资产31889万元负债率63.6%。  相似文献   

"从展会一天半的时间来看,今年的人比较多,对紧密纺和高品质纺纱追求的人越来越多,特别是在紧密纺推出之后,在山东今年一季度已经改造10万锭,后面的订单还有很多,特别是这次上海纺机展会之后,展位里的客户已经坐不开了,都是来看紧密纺的,能够明显看出,客户对产品档次的提升需求显著。"这是紧密纺的吸引力,也是日照裕华品牌的吸引力。日照裕华机械有限公司董事长张彦涛在繁忙中接受了本刊记者的采访。  相似文献   

江阴市华方新技术科研有限公司研发生产的HFJA系列紧密纺装置,目前已有80万锭用于棉纺、毛纺行业。改造机型涉及棉纺512、513、502、503、506、507、128、129,毛纺519、583。分别对设备的牵伸、车尾系统进行改造,并加装紧密纺装置。  相似文献   

紧密纺纱技术的现状及发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自1999年巴黎国际纺机展览会上,首次展出紧密纺细纱机以来,由于其独特的纺纱原理、优越的成纱性能、显著的经济效益,受到市场的广泛欢迎,发展极为迅猛。国外有多家纺机企业,如德国Zinser、Suessen公司,瑞士Rieter公司,日本Toyota公司,意大利Marzoli公司等,相继推出了自己的紧密纺细纱机,有的提供整机技术,有的提供普通环锭细纱机的改造。国内的  相似文献   

众所周知,紧密纺能使纤维集束,减少毛羽,特别是3mm以上的长毛羽。紧密纺主要功能是减少毛羽,但部分产品却不适宜减少毛羽,它们没有使用紧密纺的必要性。  相似文献   

Modularity is a means of partitioning technical knowledge about a product or process. When state‐sanctioned intellectual property (IP) rights are ineffective or costly to enforce, modularity can be used to hide information and thus protect IP. We investigate the impact of modularity on IP protection by formally modeling the threat of expropriation by agents. The principal has three options to address this threat: trust, licensing, and paying agents to stay loyal. We show how the principal can influence the value of these options by modularizing the system and by hiring clans of agents, thus exploiting relationships among them. Extensions address screening and signaling in hiring, the effects of an imperfect legal system, and social norms of fairness. We illustrate our arguments with examples from practice.© 2014 The Authors. Strategic Management Journal published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effect of simultaneous implementations of different intellectual property (IP) protection mechanisms on a firm's product innovation performance (PIP). The study categorized seven widely-used IP protection mechanisms (IPPMs) into two groups: formal and informal. Complementarity was then tested within and between the formal and informal groups of IPPMs. The result showed that there existed complementarity when multiple IPPMs were implemented from the same groups. Throughout an additional analysis on the moderating effect of the industrial complexity in technology, it was found that the ‘between groups' combination effect was also existed but varied from even negative to positive concluding that industrial complexity of technology moderates the effects of combinations of IPPMs on a firm's PIP. These results imply that the use of multiple IPPMs is effective but the effect varies by the technological complexity of industry.  相似文献   

服装经营企业知识产权问题的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭燕 《中国纺织》2003,(6):45-48
服装经营企业如何保护其产品的知识产权,目前有多种法律手段可以选择。如运用商标法保护产品商标;运用著作权法保护设计图纸的版权;运用专利法保护具有创新性的服装外观设计等。但我国大多数服装经营企业认为,这些权利的保护要花大量的资金,特别是服装产品生命周期短,与其花精力和资金保护产品知识产权,不如把时间和资金放在扩大市场份额上。  相似文献   

长期以来,人们习惯于对资产和资金进行管理规划,却往往忽视了对于知识产权这种无形资产的协调管理。朱雪忠教授在其主编的《知识产权管理》一书中提出,知识产权管理是指政府机构、高校、科研院所、企业或者其他组织等主体计划、组织、协调和控制知识产权相关工作.并使其发展符合组织目标的过程,是协调知识产权实务的宏观调控和微观操作活动的总和。  相似文献   

In this study we identify the main determinants of perceived strength of intellectual property rights in four developed (Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan) and five emerging (China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand) Asian countries over the period 2003–2016. We use a panel model with additive unobserved individual-specific heterogeneity in a high-dimensional setting. The setting allows the number of time-varying regressors to exceed the sample size. Based on the Cluster–Lasso approach, we found that (1) bribery and corruption (inverse), equal opportunity, administration of justice, knowledge transfer, personal security and private property rights, and qualified engineers are significant determinants of intellectual property rights for developed countries; (2) adaptability of government policy, bribery and corruption (inverse), bureaucracy (inverse), and science in schools are significant determinants of intellectual property rights for emerging countries. Policy makers may use these results to strengthen IP rights and thus encourage indigenous innovation as well as foreign direct investment.  相似文献   

Do stronger intellectual property rights spur inventive activity and foreign direct investment (FDI) in developing countries? What are the characteristics of industries where strengthening patent rights has the most favorable impact? In an attempt to answer these questions, this paper uses the 1986 Taiwanese patent reforms to examine the effects of strengthening patent rights in a developing economy. I find that the reforms encouraged R&D effort across industries. In addition, industries that were highly R&D intensive witnessed a marked increase in their patenting in the United States. The reforms also induced additional FDI.  相似文献   

Foreign firms trying to protect their intellectual property rights (IPRs) in emerging economies are suffering real pressures because these economies usually offer little or no enforcement of IPR. Foreign firms therefore have to resort to approaches unlike those they use in developed countries. This paper explores what managers of foreign firms in China have already tried in their efforts to achieve effective IPR protection – specifically, they have crafted de facto strategies that can protect IPR without using China's legal system or engaging in lawsuits against imitators. These strategies work, and this paper explains how and why, thus offering a potential template for IPR protection in other economies with weak appropriability systems.  相似文献   

Copyright collectives are associations to whom authors transfer copyrights for purposes of exploitation. These collectives grant licenses for the use of works in their repertory, they negotiate and collect royalties which they distribute to their members and they take legal actions against those who infringe the copyrights to which they hold title. This paper investigates the consequences of the formation of collectives on the number of copyrighted works produced and circulation of these works in the framework of a model of joint production. Welfare issues are also addressed.  相似文献   

赵星  张运东  李春新 《国际石油经济》2011,19(1):126-129,137
应对气候变化被认为是当前国际社会面临的紧迫挑战,国际公约确定的减排目标及有关减排制度给发展中国家带来了很大压力。通过联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)国际合作机制,推进低碳技术开发和转移,是发展中国家低碳经济取得快速发展的前提和基础。但知识产权保护对于控制了大部分低碳技术知识产权的发达国家来说,意味着财富的源泉,对于需要先进低碳技术进行减排的发展中国家而言却是致命的瓶颈。在此形势下,为保持和提高企业竞争力、加快低碳发展,中国石油企业除应加大自主研发力度、急起直追外,还需积极应对现有的知识产权制度,为获得低碳领域的先进技术创造条件。  相似文献   

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