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以中国第二重型机械集团公司为例,分析了装备制造企业自主创新能力的形成过程及其知识产权管理策略。研究结果表明:在不同的竞争环境下,知识产权在促进技术后来者创新能力提升和企业绩效提高方面的价值是不同的;技术后来者的知识产权表现为以实用新型专利和技术秘密为核心的知识产权组合;在创新的不同阶段,技术后来者的知识产权能力各不相同,管理重点也存在较大差异;由于知识产权制度特别是专利制度的地域性和时效性特征,后来者有机会掌握核心技术并获得知识产权保护,从而获得持续竞争优势。  相似文献   

中国第二重型机械集团公司的技术能力演化过程与启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文以我国国有装备制造龙头企业——中国第二重型机械集团公司为例,针对其近30年来的技术能力发展,刻画了其在技术引进、技术模仿和自主创新等不同阶段的技术能力特征及其演化过程。研究表明:技术能力水平与企业绩效具有很强的关联性;有效的技术学习和有重点的持续研发相结合,是作为"后来者"的我国装备制造企业实现技术能力跃迁、培育自主创新能力的有效途径;在这一过程中,知识产权管理对企业的技术创新起着重要的激励和保护作用。  相似文献   

区域知识产权竞争力的内涵探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在认知区域竞争力是以知识产权为内核的基础上,运用创新能力、竞争优势等理论,探析区域知识产权竞争力的内涵;以"资源—能力—竞争力"为分析框架,解构区域知识产权竞争力的结构模块,旨在引导区域科学地利用知识产权制度,有效地创造及运营知识产权资源,实现区域发展中产业竞争力及自主创新能力的"双提升",打造区域竞争优势。  相似文献   

知识经济环境下,企业间的竞争已经从技术、创新发展到知识产权能力上的竞争,尤其是高技术企业.我国高技术的发展方式已经严重限制了知识产权能力的发展,因此,对我国高技术知识产权能力进行定性分析和定量评价,剖析知识产权能力影响因素和确定知识产权能力等级,有针对性地制定科学合理的政策,对高技术企业提升知识产权能力获得竞争力有着重要意义.  相似文献   

从动态能力观出发,研究高新技术产业中企业技术创新能力对技术创新绩效的影响,从而找出对企业技术创新活动有重要影响,并能够使企业在变化的环境中保持竞争优势的关键因素。同时,引入行业变量作为控制变量,以便研究不同行业中企业技术创新能力对技术创新绩效的影响。实证研究结果表明,组织学习能力、已有技术机会(产学研合作)这两个具有动态能力特性的技术创新能力以及研发能力对高技术企业技术创新绩效有显著的正向影响。其中,已有技术机会的影响最为显著,而组织学习能力对医药制造企业的影响较为明显,研发能力和营销能力对信息技术企业的影响较为明显。  相似文献   

技术标准、知识产权与企业竞争优势分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郑准  朱孜 《经济论坛》2006,(13):76-77
当前在知识已经成为企业持续竞争优势的源泉的情况下,知识的竞争已经成为企业参与全球竞争的主要方式。知识基础论认为知识以及创造和运用这些知识的能力是企业获得持续竞争优势的根源。事实也正是如此,基于知识的企业全球竞争愈演愈烈,其中,基于知识产权的技术标准的竞争正是这一趋势中的突出表现。国外也有学者认为企业使一种技术成为产业标准的能力是企业拥有长期竞争优势的一个重要决定因素。基于此,本文主要对企业基于技术标准的竞争优势在知识产权制度下构建的可行性进行分析,并探讨企业的技术标准及其形成竞争优势的影响因素及形成过…  相似文献   

本文构建了一个在全球价值链分工背景下的委托代理模型,分析了知识产权保护对一国全球价值链分工收益的影响,并基于跨国行业面板数据进行了实证检验,研究发现:知识产权保护对不同收入水平国家价值链分工收益的影响存在显著差异;就后发国而言,知识产权保护对自身价值链分工收益存在倒U型影响,过高的知识产权保护程度可能成为发达国家链主企业增强价值链利润掌控能力的外在制度性保障;在参与分工过程中,本土企业若能注重技术进步并形成"差别优势",则将显著提升其在全球价值链上的分工收益;进一步研究发现,我国部分高技术行业已经处于知识产权保护的技术进步抑制区间。  相似文献   

企业知识产权竞争优势是一种最有效的优势,要从根本上提高企业竞争力,就必须形成知识产权竞争优势。企业知识产权竞争优势的形成过程即是企业获得和实现其所拥有的知识产权资产价值的过程。因此,企业培育知识产权竞争优势就是要对知识产权价值链的各个环节进行有效的管理,增加知识产权价值链各个环节的附加价值。华为作为中国电信制造商的领头企业,其知识产权竞争优势的培育措施值得借鉴。  相似文献   

创意产业作为一个知识、智力密集型产业,具有非排他性、易于复制传播、超额获利能力等特点,在其发展和创造财富的过程中,必须寻求知识产权保护.成都的文化创意产业将立足于传媒、文博旅游、演艺与艺术、创意设计等4个重点行业优势领域的发展.其目标是将创意产业发展成为经济社会发展的战略取向,成为区域软实力竞争的核心内容.其发展的必备条件是必须将知识产权保护作为创意产业发展的根基,建立并实施自主知识产权保护战略.  相似文献   

知识产权与技术标准关系日益密切,并与技术创新交织在一起,技术标准包含越来越多的知识产权。国内标准与国际标准的冲突导致了市场竞争中一些新问题,这些问题在我国高新科技产品市场已经凸现,并成为我国产业界、政府和学术界关注的焦点问题之一。文章以我国高新技术产业为例,从知识产权国际技术标准化的角度,分析其对企业的技术创新、竞争优势的获得以及对产业发展的影响,并提出了解决国内标准和国际标准冲突问题的对策建议。  相似文献   

We explore the interaction of open innovation and intellectual property (IP) in two Chinese latecomer pharmaceutical firms in their catch-up process. Studying archival data, documentation, and interviews, we found that the two firms exhibited five periods that were characterised by different open innovation activities and R&D capabilities. In their early stages, the two firms lacked R&D functions; thus, they imported technologies and pursued production-oriented strategies. As they gradually entered into collaborations and established their R&D departments, open innovation and IP protection played important and dynamic roles in this process. Thus, a catch-up process involves not only acquiring technological capabilities and innovative competencies but also transforming a firm's capacity to strategies.  相似文献   

As a consequence of economic reforms, the Indian manufacturing sector faces a variety of technology related challenges. It not only has to quickly develop world-class manufacturing capabilities, but also gear up to develop new products and processes. In this paper we analyse the technology strategies of six Indian firms in different product groups which are trying to build competitive manufacturing and technology capabilities. The linkages between corporate, technology, and manufacturing strategies are explored and the role of complementary assets is studied in order to identify patterns through which these firms are building capabilities of various kinds. Specifically, we evaluate the extent to which firms use supply chains to develop product and process technologies. Some links between public policy and firm level technological capabilities are also explored to identify a few key priorities in the current context  相似文献   

清真食品在新疆各族人民的饮食构成中占据极为重要的地位。新疆具有发展清真食品产业的地缘优势和资源优势。然而现阶段,新疆清真食品产业发展面临产业规模小、产业层次低、研发能力较弱以及行业标准国际化发展难度较大等问题。有效的知识产权推动机制可提升企业创新能力,提升产业层次,并有助于形成有影响力的品牌和促进行业标准的国际化发展。今后可从提升创新能力、实施品牌战略、完善法律制度和激励机制等方面,加强对新疆清真食品产业知识产权的保护,进而促进清真食品产业的发展。  相似文献   

Our exploratory empirical study, based on interviews and a survey of firms, addresses a number of questions on the role of formal contracts and intellectual property rights (IPR) in the context of firm-to-firm open innovation (OI). We find that firms active in OI have a very strong preference for the governance of their OI relationships with other firms through formal contracts. Also, despite the open nature of OI, firms still see IPR as highly relevant to the protection of their innovative capabilities. We find the degree of openness of firms, their formal legal attitude, and the competitive dynamics of their product market environment to be related to the preference of OI firms for IPR. Furthermore, the strength of firms’ internal R&D capabilities increases the positive relationship between openness and the preference for IPR.  相似文献   

吴菲菲  李倩  黄鲁成 《技术经济》2014,(6):48-53,66
从应用领域的视角,提出分析技术发展态势的内容和方法,即首先利用专利信息和语义分析方法识别技术应用领域,然后从专利分布、专利权人和知识产权风险3个方面分析技术在不同应用领域的发展态势。以石墨烯传感器技术为例,分析了该技术在中国9个领域的发展态势以及在结构材料和电极领域的知识产权风险情况。  相似文献   

就中国实际的知识产权保护强度与中国经济发展水平适宜度来说。中国目前的知识产权保护水平相对于中国目前的经济发展水平而言已经足够高了。结合中国目前所处的技术等级水平,中国现阶段不宜过分提高知识产权保护强度。同时要将知识产权的保护重点放在“外观和实用新型”专利的保护上。  相似文献   

Firms from several advanced developing countries have successfully upgraded to higher levels of capability and competitiveness on the international stage. This study explores how leading Taiwanese latecomer firms acquired strong capabilities in the display (thin film transistor-liquid crystal display, TFT-LCD) industry. We identify how these firms acquired the technology base to catch up rapidly and move from one set of advanced products and technologies to another, focusing on both the accumulation of technological capabilities and the underlying absorptive capacity of each firm. Empirically, we distinguish three phases of capability building, namely pre-entry, entry, and innovation and diversification. Theoretically, we suggest that the notion of ‘latecomer’ absorptive capacity, centred on engineering and design rather than R&D, might explain both the rapidity of recent technological catch up and the diversification across products and technologies as latecomer firms approach the technology frontier.  相似文献   

论知识产权经济理论的基本架构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭民生 《经济经纬》2007,(3):20-22,84
在知识经济化、经济全球化和知识产权国际化的背景下,知识产权经济正逐步成为一种新的经济形态.知识产权经济理论是知识产权与经济学、管理学和法学的交叉学科.其基本的理论架构应该包括:知识产权经济的要素和功能;知识产权经济的研究对象、范围、目的和方法;知识产权经济的基本理论、产业发展、运营模式、发展战略、人才培养和知识产权文化研究等.  相似文献   

The governance advice that is offered to Africa usually identifies a list of ‘good governance’ goals like stable property rights, a rule of law, low corruption and government accountability as preconditions for development. These goals are difficult to implement not only because they are expensive public goods but in addition their enforcement is typically at variance with powerful interests in the political settlements of developing countries. The historical evidence and much institutional theory suggests that during their social transformations successful developing countries had a different set of ‘developmental’ or ‘growth-enhancing’ governance capabilities that enabled their states to support critical property rights transformations and assist firms in acquiring and learning to use new technology. The institutions and policies they used differed because their political and institutional starting points were different. There are therefore no blueprints for Africa or anywhere else, but certainly the good governance menu is unrealistic. Rather African countries have to experiment and develop institutional and policy solutions that work in their context and which are appropriate for transforming property rights and accelerating technology adoption.  相似文献   

Since the mid 1990s the Indian pharmaceutical industry has emerged as a leading supplier of generic drugs to both developing and developed countries.The movement of the Indian pharmaceutical industry along the R&D value chain represents a remarkable shift from an importer to an innovator of drugs. The Indian government's industrial and technology policies along with changes in regulation of intellectual property rights played a crucial role in shaping this development of R&D capability. Using the 'capability creation model' this paper discusses the learning processes and stages involved in this dramatic accumulation of technological capability. This analysis shows that the Indian pharmaceutical industry has followed a trajectory from duplicative imitation to creative imitation to move up the value chain of pharmaceutical R&D. Finally as a result of changes in patent law the industry is learning to develop capabilities in innovative R&D. The basic and intermediate technological capabilities gained from imitative learning gave these firms a solid base for development of competence in advanced innovative R&D. These findings have implications for government policies as well as firm strategies in other developing countries albeit with some limitations due to global harmonisation of patent laws being promoted by the World Trade Organization.  相似文献   

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