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金融资产管理公司既是我国经济金融体制改革的产物,也是我国金融体系不断自我发展、自我完善的需要。目前金融资产管理公司政策性资产处置工作基本完成,商业化转型将成为未来的趋势。本文基于金融战略视角,借鉴国外的转型经验,从探讨资产管理公司继续存在的必要性入手,结合我国实际情况分析资产管理公司转型的现实条件和转型目标,提出我国资产管理公司商业化转型应该分步实施:第一步,使资产管理公司成功向商业化的综合性资产管理公司转型;第二步,逐渐向现代投资银行过渡;第三步,在现代投资银行基础上向大型金融控股集团公司发展。  相似文献   

本文利用数据包络分析法(DEA)对我国开放式基金2003~2008年的投资管理效率进行总体分析,发现我国开放式基金投资效率很低,基金风格、基金管理公司、规模大小、分红等都会影响其综合技术效率、纯技术效率与规模效率。进一步利用Malmquist生产率指数对其动态效率进行分析表明,开放式基金整体效率存在改善,主要来自于技术进步。  相似文献   

资产配置对基金收益影响程度的定量分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
资产配置是证券投资决策的首要环节,它可分为战略性资产配置及包括选时和选股在内的战术性资产配置.资产配置不但影响了基金业绩沿时间的变化,还对基金之间的业绩差异具有较高的解释程度.本文利用中国的市场数据,度量了资产配置对基金收益的影响程度.  相似文献   

In order to protect fund investors against conflicts of interest with fund management companies, US funds have mandatory independent directors, but this obligation is not required under the European Union Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) Directive. Nevertheless, a considerable number of UCITS funds do have independent directors. Whether independent directors should also be mandatory in Europe has been a topic of ongoing debate. Using a sample of Luxembourg UCITS, we test the hypothesis that more independent boards add value for investors through lower costs and/or better investment performance, but we fail to find supporting evidence, even for funds with a higher risk of conflicts of interest. Oversight by independent depositaries and institutional shareholders does not seem to be effective either. It appears that board attitude and the sponsor distribution model are more important since we find evidence that boards that prioritise cost monitoring have lower costs and that independent sponsor funds have better performance. These results question the effectiveness of self-regulation or formal regulation requiring independent board members.  相似文献   

本文认为,券商资产管理的发展方向应是在对国内理财市场需求深入了解的基础上,有针对性地开发标准化产品和充分发挥自身客户资源优势、业务范围优势有针对性地开发专项资产管理产品。券商标准化资产管理产品面临开放式基金的强大竞争,开放式基金为券商标准化资产管理产品提供了市场需求借鉴。股权分置改革对于券商资产管理提供了难得的契机,发挥券商在投资银行领域的专业优势和客户资源优势进行专项理财产品设计,是券商资产管理业务开拓高端客户的主要方向。  相似文献   

始于2007年的国际金融危机暴露了商业银行过度使用杠杆的弊病和被广泛采用的资产负债管理理论与技术的缺陷。未来商业银行资产负债管理将会在改革中得以持续。对于我国商业银行来讲,由于内外部的原因,尚处于资产负债比例管理阶段,较西方商业银行仍存在很大差距。为逐步加强我国商业银行资产负债管理工作,一方面需要加快外部监管环境的完善,积极推进利率市场化改革和证券市场改革。另一方面,商业银行必须提高认识,健全资产负债管理业务组织体系,坚持并完善资产负债比例管理指标体系建设,不断推进业务和产品创新。  相似文献   

Abstract:  We develop a tournament model of portfolio management and test it on UK investment trusts. Our model extends the literature by analysing middle-ranking funds who aim to beat a benchmark; spanning two periods; focusing on 'extreme' portfolios; and using a signal-extraction framework. We predict that 'losing' managers will adopt extreme portfolios, and increasingly so, the further behind the fund is and the nearer the ranking date. Losing managers will choose high/low market exposure depending both on anticipated market movements and on whether they have sufficient assets to take advantage of a rising market. Our empirical tests support these predictions.  相似文献   

全球行业基金发展状况报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国内基金已基本形成了类似国外较齐全的基金产品线。在现有法律框架下,国内基金可以创新的方向将进一步从原来的概念准绳,大统化向品种细分化、市场细分化的方向发展。行业基金在国外已经比较成熟,并且得到比较大的认同度,无疑是我国基金品种研发和发展的重要方向之一,本文基于全球视野,对行业基金的发展历史、特征、分布、策略等领域进行调查研究,以期对国内行业基金的发展提供比较有价值的参考。  相似文献   

保险资金投资组合整体上受本轮危机冲击不大,其中美国寿险公司通用账户的整体表现最好。其原因有:险资对次贷关联资产风险暴露十分有限且各类安全性指标出淤泥而不染;对受牵连的高风险资产,险资配置股权比例也低且私募股权账面值不受股指下跌拖累;债券方面,风险溢价上升与基准利率下调产生抵消作用,国企债在很多险资企业债中占上风。主要启示包括:险资资产配置要与波动性承受能力相适应,尤其主力资产要坚守传统安全资产、系统重要性资产。  相似文献   

We examine Turkish fund portfolios and identify the role of international investments in their formation. We find that (1) Turkish funds hold a very small fraction of international assets during 1987-2008, (2) the weight of international equity in the funds with an international mandate is smaller than the total weight of domestic asset classes as of 2009, and (3) international stock holdings of Turkish portfolio managers show significant similarity, which can be explained by the fact that the managers tend to hold stocks with which they are familiar. We compare the performance of funds that have the international investment objective with benchmark portfolios and provide suggestions for more diverse funds in the Turkish fund industry.  相似文献   

企业进行金融资产配置,一方面能够为企业提供流动性,缓解融资约束;另一方面也因投机动机而占用企业流动性资源,加剧融资约束,对实体投资造成挤压。这是形成企业金融化的"投资挤出效应"和"蓄水池效应"两种现象并存的内在机制。为衡量这种内在机制,本文使用2007—2018年我国上市公司样本,对金融资产配置的流动性管理效应展开分析。结果显示:非金融企业的金融收益会推动超额现金的持有,通过超额现金的中介效应引致了融资约束程度的缓解;而企业持有金融资产行为则产生相反的效应。进一步研究发现,在典型的公司治理机制中,无论是外部股东的投票机制,还是来自内部的代理成本与高管持股机制,都在一定程度上推动了金融资产配置产生的流动性效应。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes whether real estate investment fund managers use asset valuation discretion strategically to achieve financial reporting objectives. Portuguese real estate investment funds represent a unique opportunity to investigate executive behavior regarding accounting choice, as fund managers may choose to use historical cost, fair value or a mixed system (historical cost with internal revaluations) to value fund properties. We also investigate the factors that influence this strategic behavior. Empirical results confirm that fund managers manage asset valuations in order to avoid net asset value declines, particularly in a period of financial distress. We also observe that funds with a higher level of past unconditional conservatism are more likely to manage asset values. With respect to corporate governance issues, we conclude that audit quality reduces managerial discretion and that the conflicts that may arise between fund management company shareholders and fund participants due to management fees do not seem to have impact on fund managers’ opportunistic behavior.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the ability of US-based Asian mutual fund managers in coping with the 1997 Asian financial crisis. We find that the actively managed mutual funds under-perform with respect to the market portfolio by 1.71% in average monthly return. Such poor performance is caused by fund managers' relative weakness in country selection as well as in stock picking. Fund managers are also found to be more skillful in picking the correct market when the market is going up than going down. Our results are consistent with the literature that asset allocation in Asian mutual funds is a dominating factor relative to selectivity in explaining fund returns during the financial crisis. In addition, there exists a negative relation between asset allocation ability and selectivity of fund managers.  相似文献   

本文运用聚类分析与事件研究法对我国上市公司不同资产出售动机的市场反应进行研究。结果表明:以降低财务风险、改善财务状况、美化报表为动机的资产出售的市场反应是显著消极的;而以经营战略调整为动机的资产出售,在公告日及其之前存在微弱的财富效应。回归分析表明,资产出售规模、Tobin-Q、盈利能力等因素对资产出售的市场反应有显著影响,而投资者对上市公司主动披露的资产出售动机是不敏感的。  相似文献   

公共养老储备基金的资产配置策略是以储备基金的营运目标为导向制定的。设定基准投资组合、分散化的全球资产配置、重视新兴市场与社会责任投资、再平衡策略与动态资产配置策略并重等成为近年来各国共公告养老储备基金资产配置的主要特征。基于全国社会保障基金的投资实践,文章提出了制定差异化的资产配置策略以实现不同阶段目标,投资监管模式和资产配置策略同步创新以实现投资监管与投资实践良性互动,加快资产配置策略的全球布局以实现区域经济套利和人口红利套利,注重储备基金的责任投资导向、凸显养老金绿色投资功能的改革建议。  相似文献   

周月秋  藏波 《金融论坛》2019,24(1):3-11
2017年之后,中国进入强监管、去杠杆的金融新周期,金融周期和经济周期趋向同步演进。资管新规和细则是严监管政策的重要举措,其核心内容是打破刚兑、规范资金池、去除多层嵌套、约束杠杆比例,引导近30万亿元的银行理财净值化转型。通过统计分析发现,2018年年初至二季度,净值型产品发行速度加快,但非净值型理财占新发行产品比重不降反升。说明银行理财业务转型速度较慢,整改空间和挑战较大。未来,银行理财业务转型需兼顾客户端和投资端,采取两端发力、系统推进的策略选择。  相似文献   

我国保险资金运用现状、问题及策略研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
资产负债匹配管理永远是保险资金运用的核心内容。保险资金的合理运用直接影响到保险公司的盈利能力、竞争能力、承保能力和偿付能力。目前国内保险资金运用在资产负债匹配管理、投资结构、资金运用收益率、保险监管等方面存在不足。如果不能得到改善,我国保险业将会出现未来支付缺口的潜在风险。本文从保险资金运用与资产负债匹配管理的基本理论、保险资金运用的国际考察、我国保险资金运用现状及问题和对保险资金运用的策略建议四个方面,对保险资金运用的相关问题进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

This paper examines institutions that underwrite IPOs and have asset management divisions from 1993 through 1998. We provide evidence that these firms use asset management funds as vehicles to help them earn more equity underwriting business. We also show that asset managers affiliated with IPO underwriters use their superior information about their own institution's IPOs to earn annualised market adjusted returns 7.6% above asset managers of firms who did not underwrite the IPO. Superior future returns by asset managers who trade affiliated IPOs are dependent on the information environment for the IPO and the underwriter reputation rank.  相似文献   

资管新规的延期有利于处置存量资产,有助于减轻银行表内压力,有利于降低信用风险爆发概率,有利于平滑理财产品收益,也有助于实体经济应对疫情冲击。但是资管新规延期后,仍然面临着存量资产处置难、新产品发行接受度不高、机构转型动力不足等问题。为了避免资管新规一延再延,维护政策的严肃性、权威性,监管部门应提出退出路径、加强预期管理、明确奖惩措施、统一监管规则,并实行宽严相济、灵活有度的政策,保证资产管理行业转型真正落地生效。  相似文献   

在金融业混业经营、金融风险交叉频繁的背景下,防范和化解保险业另类投资的风险,治本之方是坚持和深化市场化导向的金融改革,实现风险的市场穿透。但在我国金融市场发展程度尚未达到市场穿透所需的深度和广度的情况下,仍需依靠监管和行政的力量实施监管穿透,从而有效地管控交叉性金融风险。本文借鉴国内外穿透原则在偿付能力和资本监管领域的实践经验,尝试构建对保险资产风险的穿透式监管框架,并以40家具有代表性的保险机构作为研究对象,实证分析保险业的资产风险。结果表明:保险业大类资产配置结构和风险组合特性在穿透前后差异不大;保险资金投资结构较为简单、底层资产相对清晰,整体投资杠杆较低,嵌套结构多为实现税务筹划、收益分配、隔离/控制风险等目的,在统计学意义上,未发现保险资金存在放大杠杆、变异风险、空转资金或绕道投资以规避监管等行为。保险机构作为负责任的机构投资者,以价值投资和稳健投资为主,为实体经济提供了长期稳定资金。最后,本文为穿透式监管的后续落地提出了几点配套措施建议。  相似文献   

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