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This paper studies subordinate Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) processes, i.e., OU diffusions time changed by Lévy subordinators. We construct their sample path decomposition, show that they possess mean‐reverting jumps, study their equivalent measure transformations, and the spectral representation of their transition semigroups in terms of Hermite expansions. As an application, we propose a new class of commodity models with mean‐reverting jumps based on subordinate OU processes. Further time changing by the integral of a Cox–Ingersoll–Ross process plus a deterministic function of time, we induce stochastic volatility and time inhomogeneity, such as seasonality, in the models. We obtain analytical solutions for commodity futures options in terms of Hermite expansions. The models are consistent with the initial futures curve, exhibit Samuelson's maturity effect, and are flexible enough to capture a variety of implied volatility smile patterns observed in commodities futures options.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine and compare the performance of a variety of continuous‐time volatility models in their ability to capture the behavior of the VIX. The “3/2‐ model” with a diffusion structure which allows the volatility of volatility changes to be highly sensitive to the actual level of volatility is found to outperform all other popular models tested. Analytic solutions for option prices on the VIX under the 3/2‐model are developed and then used to calibrate at‐the‐money market option prices.  相似文献   

Using positive semidefinite supOU (superposition of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck type) processes to describe the volatility, we introduce a multivariate stochastic volatility model for financial data which is capable of modeling long range dependence effects. The finiteness of moments and the second‐order structure of the volatility, the log‐ returns, as well as their “squares” are discussed in detail. Moreover, we give several examples in which long memory effects occur and study how the model as well as the simple Ornstein–Uhlenbeck type stochastic volatility model behave under linear transformations. In particular, the models are shown to be preserved under invertible linear transformations. Finally, we discuss how (sup)OU stochastic volatility models can be combined with a factor modeling approach.  相似文献   

We consider an asset whose risk‐neutral dynamics are described by a general class of local‐stochastic volatility models and derive a family of asymptotic expansions for European‐style option prices and implied volatilities. We also establish rigorous error estimates for these quantities. Our implied volatility expansions are explicit; they do not require any special functions nor do they require numerical integration. To illustrate the accuracy and versatility of our method, we implement it under four different model dynamics: constant elasticity of variance local volatility, Heston stochastic volatility, three‐halves stochastic volatility, and SABR local‐stochastic volatility.  相似文献   

David  Hobson 《Mathematical Finance》2004,14(4):537-556
The aim of this paper is to study the minimal entropy and variance-optimal martingale measures for stochastic volatility models. In particular, for a diffusion model where the asset price and volatility are correlated, we show that the problem of determining the q -optimal measure can be reduced to finding a solution to a representation equation. The minimal entropy measure and variance-optimal measure are seen as the special cases   q = 1  and   q = 2  respectively. In the case where the volatility is an autonomous diffusion we give a stochastic representation for the solution of this equation. If the correlation ρ between the traded asset and the autonomous volatility satisfies  ρ2 < 1/ q   , and if certain smoothness and boundedness conditions on the parameters are satisfied, then the q -optimal measure exists. If  ρ2≥ 1/ q   , then the q -optimal measure may cease to exist beyond a certain time horizon. As an example we calculate the q -optimal measure explicitly for the Heston model.  相似文献   

We consider a class of asset pricing models, where the risk‐neutral joint process of log‐price and its stochastic variance is an affine process in the sense of Duffie, Filipovic, and Schachermayer. First we obtain conditions for the price process to be conservative and a martingale. Then we present some results on the long‐term behavior of the model, including an expression for the invariant distribution of the stochastic variance process. We study moment explosions of the price process, and provide explicit expressions for the time at which a moment of given order becomes infinite. We discuss applications of these results, in particular to the asymptotics of the implied volatility smile, and conclude with some calculations for the Heston model, a model of Bates and the Barndorff‐Nielsen–Shephard model.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of option replication in general stochastic volatility markets with transaction costs, using a new specification for the volatility adjustment in Leland's algorithm. We prove several limit theorems for the normalized replication error of Leland's strategy, as well as that of the strategy suggested by Lépinette. The asymptotic results obtained not only generalize the existing results, but also enable us to fix the underhedging property pointed out by Kabanov and Safarian. We also discuss possible methods to improve the convergence rate and to reduce the option price inclusive of transaction costs.  相似文献   

In the stochastic volatility framework of Hull and White (1987), we characterize the so-called Black and Scholes implied volatility as a function of two arguments the ratio of the strike to the underlying asset price and the instantaneous value of the volatility By studying the variation m the first argument, we show that the usual hedging methods, through the Black and Scholes model, lead to an underhedged (resp. overhedged) position for in-the-money (resp out-of the-money) options, and a perfect partial hedged position for at the-money options These results are shown to be closely related to the smile effect, which is proved to be a natural consequence of the stochastic volatility feature the deterministic dependence of the implied volatility on the underlying volatility process suggests the use of implied volatility data for the estimation of the parameters of interest A statistical procedure of filtering (of the latent volatility process) and estimation (of its parameters) is shown to be strongly consistent and asymptotically normal.  相似文献   

This paper gives an ordering on option prices under various well-known martingale measures in an incomplete stochastic volatility model. Our central result is a comparison theorem that proves convex option prices are decreasing in the market price of volatility risk, the parameter governing the choice of pricing measure. The theorem is applied to order option prices under q -optimal pricing measures. In doing so, we correct orderings demonstrated numerically in Heath, Platen, and Schweizer ( Mathematical Finance , 11(4), 2001) in the special case of the Heston model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a highly efficient approach to price variance swaps with discrete sampling times. We have found a closed‐form exact solution for the partial differential equation (PDE) system based on the Heston's two‐factor stochastic volatility model embedded in the framework proposed by Little and Pant. In comparison with the previous approximation models based on the assumption of continuous sampling time, the current research of working out a closed‐form exact solution for variance swaps with discrete sampling times at least serves for two major purposes: (i) to verify the degree of validity of using a continuous‐sampling‐time approximation for variance swaps of relatively short sampling period; (ii) to demonstrate that significant errors can result from still adopting such an assumption for a variance swap with small sampling frequencies or long tenor. Other key features of our new solution approach include the following: (1) with the newly found analytic solution, all the hedging ratios of a variance swap can also be analytically derived; (2) numerical values can be very efficiently computed from the newly found analytic formula.  相似文献   

We introduce a new stochastic volatility model that includes, as special instances, the Heston (1993) and the 3/2 model of Heston (1997) and Platen (1997). Our model exhibits important features: first, instantaneous volatility can be uniformly bounded away from zero, and second, our model is mathematically and computationally tractable, thereby enabling an efficient pricing procedure. This called for using the Lie symmetries theory for partial differential equations; doing so allowed us to extend known results on Bessel processes. Finally, we provide an exact simulation scheme for the model, which is useful for numerical applications.  相似文献   

We consider Merton's portfolio optimization problem in a Black and Scholes market with non-Gaussian stochastic volatility of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck type. The investor can trade in n stocks and a risk-free bond. We assume that the dependence between stocks lies in that they partly share the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes of the volatility. We refer to these as news processes, and interpret this as that dependence between stocks lies solely in their reactions to the same news. The model is primarily intended for assets that are dependent, but not too dependent, such as stocks from different branches of industry. We show that this dependence generates covariance, and give statistical methods for both the fitting and verification of the model to data. Using dynamic programming, we derive and verify explicit trading strategies and Feynman–Kac representations of the value function for power utility.  相似文献   

Lions and Musiela give sufficient conditions to verify when a stochastic exponential of a continuous local martingale is a martingale or a uniformly integrable martingale. Blei and Engelbert and Mijatovi? and Urusov give necessary and sufficient conditions in the case of perfect correlation (). For financial applications, such as checking the martingale property of the stock price process in correlated stochastic volatility models, we extend their work to the arbitrary correlation case (). We give a complete classification of the convergence properties of both perpetual and capped integral functionals of time‐homogeneous diffusions and generalize results in Mijatovi? and Urusov with direct proofs avoiding the use of separating times (concept introduced by Cherny and Urusov and extensively used in the proofs of Mijatovi? and Urusov).  相似文献   

In this paper we present some counterexamples to show that an uncritical application of the usual methods of continuous-time portfolio optimization can be misleading in the case of a stochastic opportunity set. Cases covered are problems with stochastic interest rates, stochastic volatility, and stochastic market price of risk. To classify the problems occurring with stochastic market coefficients, we further introduce two notions of stability of portfolio problems.  相似文献   

We consider the pricing of options written on the quadratic variation of a given stock price process. Using the Laplace transform approach, we determine semi‐explicit formulas in general affine models allowing for jumps, stochastic volatility, and the leverage effect. Moreover, we show that the joint dynamics of the underlying stock and a corresponding variance swap again are of affine form. Finally, we present a numerical example for the Barndorff‐Nielsen and Shephard model with leverage. In particular, we study the effect of approximating the quadratic variation with its predictable compensator.  相似文献   

We study the implied volatility K ↦ I ( K ) in the Hull–White model of option pricing, and obtain asymptotic formulas for this function as the strike price K tends to infinity or zero. We also prove that the function I is convex near zero and concave near infinity, and characterize the behavior of the first two derivatives of this function.  相似文献   

Recent empirical studies suggest that the volatility of an underlying price process may have correlations that decay slowly under certain market conditions. In this paper, the volatility is modeled as a stationary process with long‐range correlation properties in order to capture such a situation, and we consider European option pricing. This means that the volatility process is neither a Markov process nor a martingale. However, by exploiting the fact that the price process is still a semimartingale and accordingly using the martingale method, we can obtain an analytical expression for the option price in the regime where the volatility process is fast mean reverting. The volatility process is modeled as a smooth and bounded function of a fractional Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process. We give the expression for the implied volatility, which has a fractional term structure.  相似文献   

We study the asymptotic behavior of distribution densities arising in stock price models with stochastic volatility. The main objects of our interest in the present paper are the density of time averages of a geometric Brownian motion and the density of the stock price process in the Hull–White model. We find explicit formulas for leading terms in asymptotic expansions of these densities and give error estimates. As an application of our results, sharp asymptotic formulas for the price of an Asian option are obtained.  相似文献   

We present some further developments in the construction and classification of new solvable one‐dimensional diffusion models having transition densities, and other quantities that are fundamental to derivatives pricing, representable in analytically closed form. Our approach is based on so‐called diffusion canonical transformations that produce a large class of multiparameter nonlinear local volatility diffusion models that are mapped onto various simpler diffusions. Using an asymptotic analysis, we arrive at a rigorous boundary classification as well as a characterization with respect to probability conservation and the martingale property of the newly constructed diffusions. Specifically, we analyze and classify in detail four main families of driftless regular diffusion models that arise from the underlying squared Bessel process (the Bessel family), Cox–Ingersoll–Ross process (the confluent hypergeometric family), the Ornstein‐Uhlenbeck diffusion (the OU family), and the Jacobi diffusion (the hypergeometric family). We show that the Bessel family is a superset of the constant elasticity of variance model without drift. The Bessel family, in turn, is nested by the confluent hypergeometric family. For these two families we find further subfamilies of conservative strict supermartingales and nonconservative martingales with an exit boundary. For the new classes of nonconservative regular diffusions we also derive analytically exact first exit time densities that are given in terms of generalized inverse Gaussians and extensions. As for the two other new models, we show that the OU family of processes are conservative strict martingales, whereas the Jacobi family are nonconservative nonmartingales. Considered as asset price diffusion models, we also show that these models demonstrate a wide range of local volatility shapes and option implied volatility surfaces that include various pronounced skew and smile patterns.  相似文献   

The problem of robust utility maximization in an incomplete market with volatility uncertainty is considered, in the sense that the volatility of the market is only assumed to lie between two given bounds. The set of all possible models (probability measures) considered here is nondominated. We propose studying this problem in the framework of second‐order backward stochastic differential equations (2BSDEs for short) with quadratic growth generators. We show for exponential, power, and logarithmic utilities that the value function of the problem can be written as the initial value of a particular 2BSDE and prove existence of an optimal strategy. Finally, several examples which shed more light on the problem and its links with the classical utility maximization one are provided. In particular, we show that in some cases, the upper bound of the volatility interval plays a central role, exactly as in the option pricing problem with uncertain volatility models.  相似文献   

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