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Firms have used organizational downsizing strategies for years. But organizational downsizing not only cannot surely improves firm performance, but also harms thousands of employees and their families. A number of scholars investigating organizational change suggest that ‘a responsible downsizing strategy’ can mitigate or solve this issue. As the major stakeholder in downsizing, labor unions naturally negotiate with firms to protect employee rights and benefits. Their negotiation, therefore, may either enhance or mitigate the effect of responsible downsizing strategy on firm performance. This study used a sample of 154 downsized local firms and multinational corporations in Taiwan to examine the research construct, and invited focus groups to have a further validated explanation. The findings show that labor union negotiation may act as either stepping stones or stumbling blocks. The results indicate that firms employing labor union negotiation experience higher downsizing performance than non-unionized firms do. However, labor union interventions can also become stumbling blocks. Labor union negotiation neutralize the positive effect of employee-caring practices on downsizing performance, leading to a decline in downsizing performance when firms increase employee participation and justice consideration in the downsizing process. The research findings provide implications for further scholarly research and management practices in terms of organization change, stakeholder management and labor–management relationship.  相似文献   

Drawing on survey evidence collected between 2001 and 2012, this article examines whether changes in the organising approach of UNISON were reflected in changes in the routes of entry of new members into the union. The article shows that shifts in UNISON policy were marginal to the pattern of entry into the union. The implications of these findings for the concept and implementation of organising are subsequently reviewed.  相似文献   

In contrast to studies of HRM and innovation within hi-tech industries or greenfield sites, this paper uses longitudinal data to analyse the attempts of two mature corporations to shift from business strategies of 'cost reduction' and 'growth by acquisition' towards organizations that compete through innovation. The case studies describe how human resource management interventions and the structure of the HR function itself are used as change levers to support the shift in business strategies. By analysing the different organizational contexts, the paper identifies the complex microprocesses that either facilitate or constrain such organizational change. Its contribution lies in considering strategies concerned with innovation in both product and sales and marketing; in tracking these change processes over time using in depth case studies; and in considering innovation as a strategic trigger for corporate renewal.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the effects of the rewards for organ donation as a promotion strategy, which is part of a campaign to promote organ donation in Korea by the non‐profit organization Korean Network for Organ Sharing. This study examines how the effects of rewards for organ donation differ in terms of reward types, public self‐consciousness, and stages of change. An interaction effect between types of reward, stage of change, and the degree of public self‐consciousness was found. Reward type and stage of change were found to function as moderators of the effect of public self‐consciousness on the intention to register for organ donation. The effect of public self‐consciousness on the intention for organ donation was positive and statistically significant among those who were in the contemplation stage and exposed to non‐material types of reward. On the other hand, the effect of public self‐consciousness on the intention for organ donation was negative among those in the pre‐contemplation stage and exposed to material types of reward. Practical implications for organ donation organizations are suggested. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The choice is between single market and political union over-simplified. Even an effective single market requires some political integration. So too does the management of a single currency, advantageous in itself. Neither requires a 'European economic government.' Beyond this, the peoples of Europe increasingly question the need for further supra-nationalism.'Political union,' in the form which frightens people, will not happen. Britain must play a full part in shaping the EU and its unique institutional structures, and prepare to join the euro-zone as soon as sensibly possible.  相似文献   

Venture migration, in addition to firm entry and exit, affects business stock in a region. This study draws on mainstream entrepreneurship and economic geography literatures to explore the factors explaining net venture migration. Using a data-set on 88 Ohio counties during 2000–2006, it suggests that venture migration is largely a quest for a low-hanging fruit. Relocating firms are drawn to areas with higher sales tax rates that give them access to interest-free financing, higher unemployment rates and better-qualified workforce as well as ample arbitrage opportunities. At the same time, innovative opportunities do not attract migrating ventures.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of air pollution on a firm's capital-labor ratio. We propose the hypothesis that, in dealing with air pollution, a firm responds strategically by using relatively more capital and less labor to contain labor costs and remain competitive in the market. Using a sample of Chinese firms and a satellite-based air pollution metric, we test this hypothesis, and our results confirm it. In addition, we document that the impact of air pollution on the capital-labor ratio is more salient for firms with high economic incentives and close monitoring. Further, we report that to respond to worsening air pollution, a firm uses more capital and substitutes lower-quality labor with more high-quality labor. Finally, after increasing the capital-labor ratio, a firm's value increases, in terms of Tobin's Q, suggesting that the adoption of a higher capital-labor ratio, due to air pollution, is a sound business strategy.  相似文献   

Industrial relations research has traditionally viewed trade unions as the primary mechanism for employee voice. With the decline in unionism in many advanced industrial economies over the past two decades, new direct non-union voice mechanisms have been introduced by employers. This focus on the mechanisms for employee voice, however, fails to take account of employees' perceptions of voice. We suggested that employee perceptions of voice vary between the different levels of an organisation and proposed that trade union membership will be more likely to enhance individual employee perceptions of voice at the wider organisational level. Contrary to our expectations, our analysis of 2,949 employees of a public sector scientific research organisation found that union membership had a significant negative impact on employee voice at the organisational level. The article concluded by offering possible explanations for this unexpected finding and the implications for theory, management and future research.  相似文献   

In this essay it is argued that the dualism between pure inductive and deductive research processes can be overcome by introducing retroduction. Retroduction makes possible a research process that is characterized by the linking of evidence (induction) and social theory (deduction) in a continually evolving, dynamic process. It will be argued that research processes characterized by retroduction have a potential that can be utilized within research on the greening of industry. This research is typically carried out as case studies, with some links to theory. These links can be made more explicit through retroduction and in turn increase our understanding of the contradicting relations between industry and the social and environmental context it is operating within. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

By constructing a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model, which assumes a currency union consisting of two countries with nontradables, we study the importance of fiscal policy cooperation. As shown in the previous studies, we find that the role of fiscal policy is important in maximizing social welfare. However, we have a contrary result for fiscal policy cooperation. While the previous studies highlight that fiscal policy cooperation has a nontrivial effect in maximizing social welfare, we show that fiscal policy cooperation has no benefits, regardless of the share of nontradables. Self-oriented fiscal policy can replicate social welfare under the cooperative setting.  相似文献   

The Makridakis Competitions seek to identify the most accurate forecasting methods for different types of predictions. The M4 competition was the first in which a model of the type commonly described as “machine learning” has outperformed the more traditional statistical approaches, winning the competition. However, many approaches that were self-labeled as “machine learning” failed to produce accurate results, which generated discussion about the respective benefits and drawbacks of “statistical” and “machine learning” approaches. Both terms have remained ill-defined in the context of forecasting. This paper introduces the terms “structured” and “unstructured” models to better define what is intended by the use of the terms “statistical” and “machine learning” in the context of forecasting based on the model’s data generating process. The mechanisms that underlie specific challenges to unstructured modeling are examined in the context of forecasting, along with common solutions. Finally, the innovations in the winning model that allowed it to overcome these challenges and produce highly accurate results are highlighted.  相似文献   

Does mobilisation theory provide telling insights into the collective expression of gendered grievances? By analysing the dynamics of activism on pay inequality in the British local authority sector, this article offers a negative evaluation, calling for a deeper understanding of grass roots agency and third‐party representation beyond the workplace.  相似文献   

This paper considers estimating the slope parameters and forecasting in potentially heterogeneous panel data regressions with a long time dimension. We propose a novel optimal pooling averaging estimator that makes an explicit trade‐off between efficiency gains from pooling and bias due to heterogeneity. By theoretically and numerically comparing various estimators, we find that a uniformly best estimator does not exist and that our new estimator is superior in nonextreme cases and robust in extreme cases. Our results provide practical guidance for the best estimator and forecast depending on features of data and models. We apply our method to examine the determinants of sovereign credit default swap spreads and forecast future spreads.  相似文献   

There is no shortage of literature studying the relationships between the various processes of human resources management, considered individually, and the strategy of the company. Nevertheless, studies that adopt a joint approach are scarce. In this study, working from the universalist, contingent and configurational perspectives, we seek to identify the possible existence of human resources management models and their links with the strategy of the company. Empirical analysis conducted with 130 industrial companies reveals three distinct models of human resources management but with behaviours independent of the strategies followed by the companies. At the same time we find, within each model, orientations of particular processes that are common among them and are thus characteristic of a universalist approach.  相似文献   

This paper, the first of a number of short reviews of nonprofit Internet activity, outlines the nature of the resources that are currently available to nonprofits on-line. It lists a number of sites on the Internet and gives a short summary of what is obtainable on each site. The paper concludes with information about general search engines and recommends perseverance in trying the different engines in order to find the relevant data. Copyright © 1999 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

There is a commonly held view that firms in high‐wage/skill‐intensive sectors will tend to provide wages and working conditions that are above market‐clearing levels. This article empirically examines this claim by analysing the content of all collective agreements concluded in the resource sector in Australia after the enactment in 2006 of the Workplace Relations Amendment (Workchoices) Act. This legislation gave employers unprecedented ability to place downwards pressure on employee entitlements. In the resource sector, however, the quantitative results indicate that firms maintained, in the main, substantive standards but used extensively key regulatory provisions to gain an unprecedented level of control over both functional and numerical flexibility.  相似文献   

Purpose We try to determine the best strategy for entering a market with switching costs that is initially served by a monopolistic incumbent. Findings We show that an offer to undercut the incumbent by a fixed margin (FM) dominates traditional entry with a binding price offer (BO) as this conditional pricing strategy restrains the ability of the incumbent to block entry by limit pricing. Combining FM with a price ceiling (PC) insures customers against future price increases and turns out to be optimal for markets with elastic demand as long as cost uncertainty is not an issue. Conclusion Using a more elaborate entry strategy may facilitate entry in markets with switching costs. However, as these strategies may decrease welfare, they should be closely monitored by antitrust authorities.  相似文献   

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