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During the last two decades public administration and public services have undergone profound changes with far‐reaching impacts on employment relations and working conditions. The paper presents the perceptions and lived experiences of workers affected by liberalization and privatization of public services. In doing so it focuses on workers’ ideas of fairness and dignity at work using the concepts of distribution, recognition and the public ethos of the common good and linking them to fundamental principles of justice. It is argued that the perception of inequalities as fair, while it is shaped by custom, is also being socially constructed during far‐reaching changes. The analysis is based on a series of qualitative interviews conducted in Austria, Germany and Switzerland with postal‐service workers, a sector well suited for the analysis because of the far‐reaching changes in terms of market regulation, ownership of organizations, labour regulation, employment and working conditions.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the role of research and development (R&D) managers in shaping the landscape of public research in Europe. These R&D managers work in the sphere of public research within national government laboratory services. The case we present is of the reconfiguration of metrology research. Metrology is the science of measurement. We examine why scientists and research managers in nationally embedded institutes, which are performing R&D in support of national policy and local industry needs, have chosen to co‐operate in a shared research programme. This means giving up, in part, their national sovereignty over funds and decision making. Furthermore, we examine how they have achieved the shared programme, which was launched as a European Commission (EC) programme through the Article 185 1 initiative, which allows the European Union to participate in research programmes undertaken jointly by several Member States.  相似文献   

The Spartanburg two-way cable project of the Rand Corporation consists of a series of experiments to determine the benefits of interactive cable for the delivery of public services. The work is supported by the Research Applied to National Needs (RANN) programme of the National Science Foundation. Like the other projects funded in the NSF cable research programme, the Spartanburg project is intended to provide data on the costs and benefits of cable television systems that can be used both to receive and send signals from a home, agency, or business.  相似文献   

Earnings volatility has been linked to economic integration only through contradictory conjectures. We assess globalization’s role by examining volatility trends in manufacturing, private services, and public services. If trade increases uncertainty, volatility trends should differ markedly across industries since manufacturing, in contrast to especially public services, is exposed to international competition. We analyze earnings trajectories in Sweden 1985–2003, a country and period evincing accelerating trade, finding no indications of greater volatility increases in manufacturing.  相似文献   

Abstract : Throughout the 1980s, government ministers strongly advocated the decentralization of pay determination in the public services. Despite this exhortation, by the end of the decade rates of pay and salary structures were rarely determined at workplace level. This paper explores the resilience of national pay determination and considers whether it will survive the radical restructuring of public services initiated in the last few years. The analysis focuses mainly on the health and education services, arguing that distinctive organizational, occupational and political characteristics of the services still constrain the devolution of pay bargaining. In the face of tight budgets and the recent introduction of pay restraint, service managers have sought to make paybill savings through unilateral changes in work organization rather than through devolved collective bargaining.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the conditions under which contracting of different types succeeds in the provision of public services to agriculture. It observes that performance contracting has been widely attempted in adjusting countries but generally with little success, since it is demanding of resources, flexibility and motivation in government under conditions where these are scarce. Examples are drawn from agricultural marketing. Given the largely private nature of the services to agriculture currently provided by the state, the long-term reform strategy should be market development. Contracting out and management contracting may have a role in this strategy, particularly in better managed adjusting economies.  相似文献   

Focussing here on local authorities and health services, this paper examines the significance of new technology to unskilled work in the public sector as it is developing and the implications for workplace learning. An argument is developed that new technology is central to a minority of examples of job change, although, significantly, it is more important to staff–initiated change and to workers' ability to fully participate in life beyond the workplace.  相似文献   

采用统计描述和综合评价方法来客观评价我国基本公共卫生服务、 基础教育、 社会保障的供给情况。我国地区间基本公共品供给的差异程度较大, 但差异程度整体上呈下降趋势。 基本公共品供给不均程度最大的是社会保障, 其次为公共卫生和基础教育。 其中, 各地区公共卫生供给的差异程度在逐渐缩小, 而基础教育、社会保障供给的差异程度在逐渐的扩大。 目前要改善基本公共服务的供给状况, 促进公共服务供给均等化, 重要在于增强中国式财政分权的合意性。  相似文献   

This article studies the role of industry conditions as determinants of manufacturing and software firms’ decisions to offer services. It draws on the competence perspective on industry evolution and servitization to theorize and provide empirical evidence on how industry conditions affect firms’ choice to offer two distinct types of services—product‐oriented services and customer‐oriented services. It is argued that firms are likely to offer product‐oriented services in Schumpeterian industry environments to address high technological uncertainty by leveraging and reinforcing capabilities in the existing technology. In contrast, firms are likely to offer customer‐oriented services in non‐Schumpeterian industry environments to address value generation uncertainty by building competences in new technological or market areas. Based on longitudinal data on 410 public firms from manufacturing industries and the software industry, empirical evidence suggests that firms are indeed more likely to offer product‐oriented services in Schumpeterian industry environments, such as in the early stage of the industry life cycle and under conditions of high R&D intensity and competition, whereas they are more likely to offer customer‐oriented services in non‐Schumpeterian environments, such as in the later stages of the industry life cycle and in highly cyclical industries.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate employee perceptions during a lean transformation.1 The combination of case study and survey methodologies was used to define elements influencing the perceived lean success of shop floor employees. According to our findings, belief, commitment, work method and communication all have a considerable direct impact on workers' perceptions of lean success. However, their effects are very different based on the scope and focus of changes that is influenced by process characteristics. Perceptions regarding successful lean transformation during a moderate reorganisation of the company's welding plant, where mainly males work, are affected only by commitment and work method, whereas the deep reorganisation of the sewing plant (populated by female employees) is only influenced by belief and communication.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2014,38(5-6):558-567
In the last 15 years, European countries have invested considerable resources to provide e-government services. Despite of its increasing availability, its level of adoption has not been satisfying. On the other hand, over the last years, coinciding with the web 2.0 trend, the e-government services co-produced by citizens start to appear, often without the support, acknowledgement and even awareness of the government. This trend stems from a well-established tradition of offline co- production of public services, i.e. services provided by the voluntary sector, but brought to an unprecedented scale thanks to the advent of web 2.0. Still, the concept remains not well-defined and its impact is not yet well studied. The paper explores on a limited sets of cases what does it mean to collaboratively deliver online public services; what are the success factors based on the cases under study and what are the incentives for service providers (other than public administration), citizens as users and public administration. The authors propose an ostensive definition of the collaborative delivery of public services: collaborative public services are created and run by government, civil society or by private sector building on the re-use of government data or citizens data. Those services are focused on public goods delivery (e.g. health, education, public transport) and are meant to change the traditional government services by engaging in an open dialogue with public administration about the best way to deliver those services. The analysis of six case studies of innovative collaborative online public services suggests that the online collaborative public service delivery increases its quality with the users׳ growth contrary to the traditional offline service delivery. The study results indicate that the current developers interest lies in delivering complementary services to the government run services rather than substitutive services. The authors propose also the initial list of success factors, enabling conditions, and benefits for all main stakeholders (users, innovators and public administration).  相似文献   

The paper examines the impact of lean production on indicators of the quality of life at work in the automotive industry and finds that it varies across companies and to a lesser extent between countries. The paper explains this by arguing that lean production seeks to impose new employment standards. This is a contested process where management's capacity to shift to new standards and labour's ability to protect its interests vary across workplaces.  相似文献   

Recognising their growing role in public services, this article draws on the notion of ‘enactment’ to argue that the internet and social media (I&SM) need to be understood in particular institutional, organisational and social contexts. Focusing on street‐level bureaucrats who deliver frontline services, we explore efforts to integrate I&SM into youth work with clients who are thought to be ‘digitally savvy’ but also in need of protection from the ‘online world’. As clients can be vulnerable and trust is a key relational component, organisation–practitioner–client boundaries are complex and under continuous renegotiation. However, the layering of new virtual channels of interaction adds extra complexity. This change necessitates the development of innovative routines, practices and protocols, but these are being developed in a wider social context where the norms of using social media have not caught up with practice and the use of these tools is still often surrounded by moral panic.  相似文献   

实现基本公共服务均等化是缓解社会矛盾和解决民生问题的现实需要,是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求,更是市场经济条件下公共服务型政府的首要职责但是由于目前存在着一些认识误区,公共财政体制领域的改革成效不大,仍然存在着政府间财政的严重失衡问题,致使整个社会的基本公共服务均等化程度不高.因此,这就客观要求我们摆脱现有的认识误区,以实现基本公共服务均等化为目标,继续改革和完善公共财政体制。  相似文献   

This article investigates the evidence used in the debate over public‐sector collective bargaining and privatization as US states attempted to resolve their budget problems. Specifically, the article evaluates the research on whether US state and local government workers are overpaid and whether privatization provides a cost‐effective alternative to the provision of public services by public employees. All recent studies find that state and local public employees earn on average lower wages than comparable private‐sector workers and on average receive better health benefits and pensions than private‐sector employees. Most studies find that the better benefits offset lower wages on average, and there is no state and local public employee compensation premium. The research on privatization in the USA indicates that it has reached something of an equilibrium with approximately one‐quarter of municipal public services being provided by private organizations. The major costs of privatization include overhead costs of competitive bidding, monitoring, oversight, and evaluation, which if done properly can often offset any privatization cost advantage, while if privatization is done without adequate controls, it can result in corruption, poor quality services, and then demands for reverse privatization.  相似文献   

长期以来,我国对医疗卫生领域的全行业管制,采取的是一种“方式单一”且“混业管理”的管制模式。即无论是公共卫生还是医疗服务,统统采用一种管制模式和一套管制制度。然而,医疗卫生服务活动可以明确地区分为公共产品、准公共产品和私人产品。可以根据不同产品的产品性质构建不同的供给模式和管制模式。形成“分类-分管”管制模式。即对于公共卫生领域采取公共供给和政府严格管制模式;对于妇幼保健、特殊疾病的预防与治疗等准公共服务采用政府主导管制模式;而对于医疗服务领域则采用私人供给和“有管制的竞争”模式。这有利于提高卫生管制的针对性和专业化程度,提高政府卫生管制有效性。  相似文献   

基本公共医疗卫生服务是基本公共服务的一个重要组成部分,因此它当然是公共财政、民生财政的一个重要建设标的。文章从研究我国基本公共医疗卫生服务实现的限制条件出发,提出公共财政、民生财政支持基本公共医疗卫生服务均等化的理由,进而具体分析公共财政如何从广度和深度上支持基本公共医疗卫生服务均等化。  相似文献   

This case study details the process of determining the economic feasibility of implementing lean manufacturing in a small mass customization manufacturing company in the medical industry. The case study investigates the information required for a lean implementation and proposes a number of changes to the work procedures (including instrumentation) to obtain the data. A large number of enterprise resource planning systems were evaluated for their suitability to track data in the mass customization environment and the top candidates are compared in the article. The current labor and materials costs are estimated to determine the magnitude of potential savings to support the changes. Based on the analysis the recommended solution has a payback period of approximately two years.  相似文献   

随着石油开发企业管理工作的不断深化,提升管理,精细管理,精确做事逐步成为工作主流.如何做好油井护理工作,实现控躺井、延周期、增效益的目标,是石油开发企业的当务之急。为此,石油开发企业应该把工艺设计管理、井下作业质量管理、护理措施管理、新技术新工艺应用管理、全面质量管理等作为提高油井护理质量、提高经济效益的主要途径和方法。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine the implications of the internet for public sector organisations. Although there are considerable barriers to the full implementation of internet technologies, the findings illustrate that the internet presents public sector organisations with the potential to enhance the ways in which they fulfil the needs of users of their products and services.  相似文献   

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