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This exploratory paper empirically examines pre-knowledge and socialization tactics used by Swedish expatriate managers and their immediate Hong Kong subordinates in learning how to get along. It was found that the Swedish expatriates had more pre-knowledge about Hong Kong and its culture than their Hong Kong middle managers had about Sweden and the Swedes also used more socialization tactics than their Hong Kong middle managers. However, this was not significantly associated with how quickly Swedish managers were getting along with their immediate subordinates. On the other hand, despite the lesser use of socialization tactics by the Hong Kong middle managers than their Swedish bosses, it had a strong positive association with how quickly they were getting along with their superiors. Pre-knowledge had no such significant association. Practical implications of these findings are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

We estimate a flexible reduced form dynamic model of schooling choices and labor market outcomes in France. Our analysis focuses on the comparison between second-generation immigrants and their French-natives counterparts. We show that the gap in higher education attainments between those two sub-populations is mainly explained by parents' background, and that schooling investment is the main determinant of the gap in permanent employment. After conditioning on schooling and observed characteristics, we find that ethnic origin explains less than 6% of the gap in access to permanent employment. A test of equality of counterfactual probabilities of accessing permanent employment across ethnic groups (measured at identical individual characteristics) typically fails to be rejected.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study conducted on UK local government workers in which the effects of social and negative exchanges on work-related attitudes and behaviours were assessed. HR practices and organizational climate were used as measures of social exchange. Negative exchanges were based on measures capturing non-supportive management practice and unfair treatment. The findings suggest that, consistent with social exchange theory, positive exchanges lead to enhanced worker attitude and behaviour, with negative exchanges leading to increased work-related stress, reduced motivation and a greater propensity to quit. Negative exchanges, however, did not result in reduced discretionary behaviour. Disaggregating the exchange practices revealed equitable rewards and organizational morale had consistent effects on worker attitudes and behaviours, with team working, employee involvement and trust in managers having significant effects on employee motivation. The implications of these findings are considered in the concluding section of the paper.  相似文献   

商机与谋略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经商和作战,有惊人的相似之处.因而,三国谋略、孙子兵法等斗争的思想结晶,正日益受到关注,并不断从军人的案头走进商人的书房.如何才能像善于用兵、把握战机的军人那样,在缤彩纷呈的商战中敏锐地捕捉商机,并屡获经济效益,是每个营销者倍感兴趣的问题.如今,敢于独辟蹊径,出奇制胜,以超常思维在商战中获胜,已成为现代商人必备的商业素质.这里介绍几个颇具"玄机"的商场营销案例,看看其中奥秘.  相似文献   

Using a sample of final year undergraduates, this article examines how HRM students construct a sense of professional identity over the course of their degree. While students' original decision to enter HR rarely altered at university, their expectations of what ‘doing HRM’ constituted sometimes changed radically from the need to fit their core values with their occupational expectations and learning experiences. The emergence of different ways of achieving this fit yielded several types of HRM identity. The implications of this fragmenting of student identities for the HR profession and HRM teaching are evaluated.  相似文献   

赵海波  况娥  王刚  吴锋  万正敏  段全良 《价值工程》2012,31(17):322-323
为了妥善处理医疗纠纷,积极探索人民调解委员会在湖北省十堰市医疗机构调解医疗纠纷应用,进行分析、总结;人民调解处理的模式对于医疗纠纷处理有着积极的作用,有良好的发展趋势。  相似文献   

一、上海上市公司的现状和发展中的问题 截止2002年底,经过12年发展,上海上市公司数量已由最初的老八股发展到现在的140家,增长了16倍之多,占了全国上市公司总量的11.5%,居各省区上市公司数量之首。从公司  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore alternative relationships between perceived investment in employee development (PIED), perceived supervisor support (PSS), and employee outcomes in the form of attitudes (affective commitment and turnover intention) and work performance (work effort, work quality and organisational citizenship behaviour). A cross-sectional survey among 331 employees from a Norwegian telecommunications organisation showed that the relationship between PSS and employee attitudes was partially mediated by PIED. In addition, PSS was found to moderate the relationship between PIED and three self-report measures of work performance. The form of the moderation revealed a positive relationship only for high levels of PSS. These findings suggest that line managers are of vital importance in implementing developmental HR practices, either because they influence how such practices are perceived by employees, which, in turn, affects employee attitudes, or because positive experiences with both line managers and HR practices seem to be needed in order for developmental HR practices to positively influence employee performance.  相似文献   

This article provides a life-stage development theory perspective that is used to examine the relationship between age and the motivation to use influence tactics in work organizations. It examines how life-stage development sometimes encourages, and at other times discourages, the propensity to use influence tactics in a workplace. Thus, this article examines the quantitative, more versus less, use of influence tactics, rather than looking at specific tactics used as one grows older. Also, the work setting is extended to include both traditional organizations and distributed work environments. Research propositions, implications for practice and directions for future work are also discussed.  相似文献   

我国正经历着快速的城市化过程,城市人口剧增,建设用地外延性扩展的趋势越来越明显.许多学者与主管部门已经意识到这个问题,但目前对其负面影响还没有有效的对策.西方发达国家的城市化过程早于中国,通过总结国外城市化的经验和教训,我们可以找到些许我国对类似问题的对策.论文以巴黎都市区空间增长为例,考察了法国战后城市空间增长的模式与机制,以期对我国快速城市化进程提供参考.  相似文献   

经商中,处处给人面子,保持一团和 气,并不一定能赢得胜利。因为很多情况 下,越是这样,生意对方就会越强硬,越傲 慢。要想解决这个问题,一个很有效的方 法就是运用双簧这个超级经商策略。 经商中的双簧,不是舞台戏剧,一个 在前台装模作样,一个在后台装腔作势, 而是一个表演白脸,一个表演红脸。这种 经商策略,能够轻松地迫使对方就范。因 为其构思复杂,路子新颖,收效奇特,所以 相比普通经营术来说,是一种超级经商策 略。  相似文献   

本研究结合自我决定理论和工作特征理论,将共享领导和员工创造力引入分析框架中,以心理所有权作为中介变量、任务重要性作为调节变量,构建了一个跨层的有调节的中介模型.通过对13家企业、74个团队的401个样本进行实证研究发现:(1)共享领导与员工创造力显著正相关;(2)心理所有权在共享领导和员工创造力之间发挥中介作用;(3)任务重要性增强共享领导对心理所有权的正向作用,并正向调节共享领导对员工创造力的间接作用.本研究拓展了共享领导的跨层研究,同时通过关注员工个体心理感受,丰富了共享领导对创造力的中介机制及其边界条件研究,并对员工创造力管理实践具有重要的管理启示.  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of mediation in industrial disputes, and examines the British experience of using this form of third-party intervention since the establishment of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service in 1974. The Author concludes that there is scope for the development of mediation in dealing with particular types of industrial disputes.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a model of bargaining in which two parties use a mediator who sequentially makes random proposals until agreement by both parties is reached. I show that as the cost of delay shrinks to zero, the subgame perfect payoff converges to the asymmetric Nash bargaining solution with weights determined by the relative discount rates of the players. I also establish conditions for the uniqueness of the subgame perfect equilibrium for arbitrary discount rates.  相似文献   

作为一个上海企业家,你是幸运的。你从不缺乏商机。上海这个太平洋东岸最具成长性的城市经济体,在国家发展中拥有无可置疑的战略地位,在世界产业分工体系中正在聚集愈加高端的发展资源,而这一切也在使你的施展平台无限延伸。 正如德鲁克一再提醒的,对企业管理者。重要的不是有没有商机。而是如何洞察并且有效把握商机。你今天的眼界,决定了你明天的成就。  相似文献   

垃圾填埋的生态环境问题及治理途径   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对城市固体废弃物的处理,无论是采用焚烧法、堆肥法、卫生填埋法,还是土地填埋法,都会或多或少地对周边的生态环境造成负面影响.而此其中,又尤以土地填埋法的负面影响最为严重.对垃圾填埋生态问题的处理,既可以充分利用生态恢复与生态改良方面的技术,也可在制度创新方面多下功夫.生态恢复与生态改良在处理城市固体废弃物时虽有许多优点,但不利的影响也不少.如焚烧法易造成对大气的严重污染;堆肥法与卫生填埋法不利于大规模推广;土地填埋法能大规模推广但并不代表真正的卫生填埋.而制度创新虽有利于从制度方面规范对城市固体废弃物的处理问题,却又缺乏技术上的针对性.因此,只有将两者结合起来,治理的效果才会更好.  相似文献   

职业经理人由于其职业的特殊性,从而表现出明显的职业特征,同时也要求具有相应的职业素养.本文从从社会职业分工类型、企业(公司)治理结构和企业规模因素等方面考察和分析了职业经理人的职业特征;在对职业经理人职业素养界定的基础上,解析了职业精神、职业价值观、职业道德、职业作风、职业心理等五个构成要素.  相似文献   

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