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The paper examines the development of the labour movement in Indonesia in the context of trade unionism elsewhere in the area of the Asia-Pacific region. The Indonesian labour movement is shown to exhibit a dual nature; consisting of an official sponsored and legal form of unionism, and an independent, quasi-illegal form of unionism. The two have a conflicting yet symbiotic relationship, where the state plays a very significant role in determining the parameters for behaviour in industrial relations. Although the form of state intervention in Indonesia may be different from state intervention in other comparable countries, its aims are broadly similar. In this context the Indonesian independent labour movement is shown to have had some measure of success in resisting the restrictions placed upon it in its attempt to advance its members' terms and conditions of employment.  相似文献   

国际劳工标准的本土化探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际劳工标准,狭义而言是国际劳工组织制订的一系列公约和建议书的总称,是国际法的重要组成部分,也是国际社会推动世界劳动权益保障发展的主要力量,它的产生对世界范围的人权保护和民主政治发挥了巨大的作用。近年  相似文献   

Child labour persists in alarming proportions in third world countries inspite of the adoption of elaborate legislative measures to combat it. here the author attempts to delineate the reasons for the poor performance of these measures and suggests ways in which the process of combating child labour might be hastened.  相似文献   

This study empirically investigates the impact of economic, demographic, and political factors on the size of emigration from the Philippines. In 2007, overseas workers from the Philippines sent remittances in excess of US$14 billion annually to their families back home. Although these remittances are an important source of foreign exchange and play an important role in economic development, the determinants of emigration in the Philippines are not well established. A simple unrestricted error correction model of migration was specified and estimated using data spanning the period 1975–2005. Results indicate that the level of unemployment, adult literacy and population density are the key determinants of emigration in the Philippines. The result also indicates that government instability impacts negatively on emigration in the Philippines. The policy implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the potential consequences of MNCs' globalizing strategies for the management of labour, drawing on findings from a survey of employee management among MNCs operating in the UK. It finds clear evidence of transnational forms of management organization, including in the personnel sphere. But it also underlines that moves to globalism are uneven. Structures and policies to develop international management teams were found primarily among certain types of MNC. Most striking was the extent to which MNCs are actively engaged in the management of non-managerial employees at international level. Seven out of every ten companies monitored labour performance across sites in different countries. The broader significance of this finding lies in the business decisions which flow from the use of such information. As MNCs develop continental production strategies, pressures on local workforces, keen to attract future investment, for performance improvements are likely to intensify. These developments pose considerable challenges for labour which remains primarily local and national in its organizational focus.  相似文献   

中国审计的国际化选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济全球化已成为当今世界经济发展的主旋律。经济全球化必然导致审计环境发生巨变,进而引发各国审计的对接、整合。审计国际化是大势所趋,是中国审计的必然选择。一、审计国际化带来中国审计的全新课题1、审计目标移位,审计效能强化。审计目标是审  相似文献   

While there is now considerable scholarship concerning Japanese management practices in their overseas production operations in Europe and North America, little is known about Japanese investment in other parts of the world, especially in Asia. This paper draws on on-going research into the nature and operations of Japanese manufacturing investments in China. The paper focuses on interviews primarily with Chinese managers in twenty plants in three locations within China, to examine their personnel polices and practices, and draw from this their overall industrial relations strategies. The main findings were, first, that, despite claims of cultural similarity between China and Japan, personnel management practices were generally not transferred from Japan to the plants in China. Second, practices that may appear as Japanese inspired were often informed by local practices. Third, there was diversity in the forms of practices used, indicating neither sophistication nor a singular recipe of management methods. Thus, the paper seeks to challenge proponents of Japanization who claim, essentially, that Japanese management techniques are predicated on the construction of particular forms of social relations around work that allow sophisticated, and integrated, production-management systems to function. Instead, depending on a complex interrelation between location industry and the history of each plant, managers sought to use various local and 'universal' (generic to capitalism) strategies and practices to control and utilize labour.  相似文献   

The article discusses the current transformation of Chinese labour relations. The Labour Contract Law implemented in 2008 provided the legal framework for China's adjustment to individual labour relations; it also hastened the evolution of collective labour relations. The article discusses how two different aspects of the Chinese labour movement—top‐down and bottom‐up—have been interacting. Implications are drawn from the experience of the strike wave of the summer of 2010. It is argued that further legal intervention could facilitate the development of China's labour policy, but that the reform of collective labour law will require the strengthening of the collective rights of workers and the nurturing of institutions which can focus collective consciousness and organisation.  相似文献   

中国城市化:水平测算与国际比较   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
城市化水平是衡量一个国家或地区城市化进程程度的一项重要指标,由于这一指标在测算我国城市化水平时,未能考虑我国隐性城镇人口,往往导致我国的城市化水平普遍低于世界其它国家.本文在充分考虑我国隐性城镇人口的基础上,对普遍意义上的城市化水平测算公式进行修正,并具体用于测算我国的城市化水平.通过与世界其它国家城市化水平的比较,得出我国的城市化水平并不滞后的结论.  相似文献   

有限风险再保险作为一种复杂的风险管理工具,在迅速发展的同时也有可能产生一定的道德风险。本文对有限风险再保险监管的国际经验进行了分析,得出了对我国有限风险再保险监管的有益启示。  相似文献   

This article looks at industrial relations changes, conflict and control in higher education, particularly among university academics. It suggests a tendency towards proletarianisation, and a focus on the academic labour process is useful in explaining growing conflict. An apparent HRM agenda and (reluctantly) increasing managerialism are forms, not causes, of change which is driven by funding pressures similar to those affecting other HE systems.  相似文献   

While much has been written about the potential impacts of the European Single Market there is little survey evidence concerning the issue of labour mobility. Based on a large sample of employers in Scotland this article looks to address this subject and comment on what these findings mean for manpower planners and recruiters in the coming years.  相似文献   

While there is widespread agreement that tripartite industrial tribunals are the most appropriate way of handling individual rights at work, the case for extending the system to embrace collective labour law is much more controversial and complex. Nevertheless, despite the problems and risks involved, the author favours moves in this direction.  相似文献   

本文以我国石油天然气会计准则和国际采掘业会计准则为研究对象,采用判定分析法和平均距离法测量我国石油天然气会计准则的国际协调度.测量结果表明,我国石油天然气会计准则与国际采掘业会计准则仍存在一定差异,且勘探与评价项目的协调度高于矿区权益处理项目的协调度.  相似文献   

银行并购是金融市场的必然现象.从19世纪末以来,全球银行并购已经历了五次浪潮.上世纪90年代中期以来的第五次浪潮,规模巨大,形式多样,从以强并弱转向强强联合;从单一横向并购转向纵横交织的混合并购;从敌意并购转向主动合作.这次并购浪潮,对全球金融业影响巨大.  相似文献   

在地球之上的中国,有一群造车的"大象",以踏实和坚韧向全球市场冲击。勇往无前是中国造车人的执著,"大象"的驱动为和牵引力,更是驱动整个汽车产业前行的动力。大象起舞,就是振兴民族工业的梦想,更是中国汽车选车人翘首的自信。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速发展,汽车产业作为支柱产业的地位在我国已初步形成,在此背景下,开展汽车售后服务认证工作具有重要意义。本文在对汽车售后服务认证工作的意义进行分析基础上,梳理了国际以及我国汽车售后服务认证工作的现状,最后结合我国实际,提出了开展汽车售后服务认证工作的政策建议。  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is interpreting, from an evolutionary perspective, recent developments of work organization and human resource management policies at Fiat Auto, one of the world's largest automobile manufacturers, which achieved a successful restructuring in the early 1990s. Building on a heritage of adversarial labour relations and ‘mass production’ organizational principles, Fiat developed an original and to some extent hybrid version of ‘lean’ human resource management practices (teamwork, flexible compensation, multi-skilling, etc.).

The paper analyses this process of organizational change from an evolutionary perspective based on the concept of dynamic capabilities. From this standpoint, IR. HRM and work organization practices are the result of a learning process, based on original development, imitation, analogical replication, combination and selection of organizational capabilities; organizational capabilities have a cumulative and path-dependent nature; workplace innovations are also rooted in organizational absorptive capacities, that is, the ability of firms to exploit new (and often extramural) organizational and HRM developments; the existence of complementarities among organizational competencies, assets and choices in term of HRM are likely to push toward the adoption of a set or system of (rather than single and insulated) innovations in work organization, HRM practices and industrial relations policies.

The data provided in the paper show that the process of innovation of workplace practices at Fiat Auto (summarized by the concept of the Fabbrica Integrata) is curiously non-linear. The newly designed HRM policies have, on the one hand, been resisted by the unions (who have not been involved in the design process) and by segments of the work-force; on the other hand, they have been hindered by existing organizational features and personnel practices which, in turn, were key success factors during the 1980s. This inertia is significantly lower at the new greenfield plant of Melfi. On the whole, the restructuring process was successful from the competitive and financial standpoint, and represents the basis on which management and the unions can develop a new co-operative model of industrial relations.  相似文献   

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