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研究发现中国出口企业生产率在特定行业与所有制中低于非出口企业,存在"出口企业生产率之谜"。本文通过对2000—2006年企业—海关数据的分析表明,这一现象完全是由中国大量的加工贸易企业导致的。在中国,近20%的出口企业完全从事加工贸易,这些企业的生产率比非出口企业低10%~22%。剔除加工贸易企业的影响就能使我们回到出口企业生产率更高的传统结论中。本文说明区分加工与非加工贸易企业对于正确理解中国出口企业的表现至关重要。  相似文献   

This paper documents a relationship between international trade and environmental performance at the plant level. Using a panel of establishment‐level data from 1990–2006, I estimate the relationship between export orientation, import competition and pollution emissions. I find a robust relationship between international trade and pollution levels. Exporters emit 9% to 13% less after controlling for output, but there is significant heterogeneity across industries. Import competition is associated with the exit of the smallest, most pollution‐intensive plants. There is no evidence that this result is caused by polluting firms relocating to countries with low levels of environmental regulation and importing back into the US.  相似文献   

1.前言国际贸易和外国直接投资(FDI)一直以来都身居全球增长最快的经济活动之列。2003年,全球货物出口额直逼73,000亿美元,全球商业服务出口额将近18,000亿美元;同时,全球FDI流入额也接近5,600亿美元。然而,在1990年到2001年跨国公司海外分支机构营业收入的扩张速度甚至要比全球货物出口和非要素服务出口的迅猛增长快得多。服务业FDI前所未有的扩张是该增长的一个显著特点:1990年,服务业FDI流入累积额为9,500亿美元,而到了2002年,该数值已增加到40,000亿美元。2001-2002年,投资到服务业的FDI占总FDI流入额的2/3。  相似文献   


This new feature seeks to provide regular reports on the current activities and thinking of key agents of contemporary global governance. The reports will thus range over major global organisations, major civil society actors and major corporate institutions. Our thinking in initiating this feature is that, whilst the need to understand the role of such players in global governance is obvious and pressing, the task is actually difficult, in some cases because the sheer range of material available on the web is so great as to make the prospect of absorption forbidding, in other cases because of the reverse, namely, the notable lack of publicly available material. These Global Monitor reports should at least providea factual basis from which subsequent analysis and debate can flow.  相似文献   

This study examines China's World Trade Organization (WTO) accession commitments and assesses their implications for China and the world using a model reflecting the importance of duty-free intermediate inputs in China's exports. The WTO agreement built on earlier reforms that introduced competition into the trade regime, eliminated nontariff barriers and exchange rate overvaluation, and reduced tariffs. The reforms associated with accession were conservatively estimated to increase global real incomes by $74 billion per year, with $29 billion accruing to China and the remainder primarily to those countries trading directly with China. Some lower-income developing countries faced greater competition from China in third markets.  相似文献   

The rise in trade tensions and launch of a trade war by the USA is in part a result of World Trade Organization (WTO) working practices that have impeded the ability to use the organization to address the underlying sources of conflict through dialogue, analysis, and rule‐making. Open plurilateral agreements between the major protagonists offer an avenue for revitalizing the ability of the WTO to resolve trade conflicts. More generally, reform of WTO working practices is needed for the organization to be more effective in providing a platform for members to cooperate on trade policy matters.  相似文献   

发达国家行业组织比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡萌 《经济纵横》2003,(7):24-26
发达国家的行业组织出现很早并一直发挥重大影响。随着经济管理体制改革的深入 ,我国行业组织的发展和培育被提上日程。本文对主要发达国家行业组织的比较研究 ,旨在为这一问题提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

As John R. Commons understood, the role of the firm in providing employment and income distribution is a form of public power (Munkirs and Knoedler 1987). This public power of firms is supported by the laws of the state, which protect private property and enforce market transactions. The Global Production Network (GPN) is a new form of the firm, influenced by information technology to lower “transaction costs” (Coase 1937), as well as international trade regimes, such as the Washington Consensus to improve the ease of world trade and investment. The GPN is globe-scanning, yet private and able to shape the economies and policies of countries. Under the banner of branded products, the lead firm in a supply chain exercises considerable power over subsidiaries, contractors, workers, communities, and countries. By influencing trade relations, GPNs also influence international finance, foreign currency reserves and exchange rates, as well as trade deficits and “race to the bottom” of taxes and environmental protection. Drawing on interdisciplinary research, this topic benefits from an alliance of sociology, business, history, law, and international as well as institutional economics in the AFEE tradition. I draw on the work of leading scholars in the field (Antras 2016; Baldwin 2016; Gereffi 2013; Milberg and Winkler 2013) and analyze the implications for the world trade system, as well as the ongoing political resistance to globalization. These GPNs are no longer “of” their country of origin (Tyson vs. Reich).  相似文献   

We investigate the environmental impacts of Russia's World Trade Organization (WTO) accession with a computable general equilibrium model incorporating imperfectly competitive firms, foreign direct investment and endogenous productivity. WTO accession increases CO2 emissions through technique (?), composition (+) and scale (+) effects. We consider three complementary policies to limit CO2 emissions: cap and trade, emission intensity standards and energy efficiency standards. With imperfectly competitive firms, gains from WTO accession result with any of these policies. If we assume perfectly competitive market structures, the negative environmental impacts of WTO accession are smaller and no net gains arise when environmental regulation involves energy intensity or efficiency standards.  相似文献   

邓强 《经济与管理》2008,22(11):27-31
组织资本的本质是信息的流动方式,即组织成员间的信息交易。通过将第三方约束的侵占效率概念引进委托代理模型,建立组织资本与信息交易的联系,组织通过组织资本的投资减少自然状态下的侵占效率,从而达到组织在竞争中的胜出。  相似文献   

In this paper, we modify the standard neoclassical model by incorporating financial intermediation in order to deliver returns consistent with the observation that capital primarily flows to middle income countries. We build a static contracting framework where costly intermediation together with an adverse selection problem have quantitatively important effects on capital flows. When intermediation costs are ignored, the model behaves like the neoclassical model in terms of capital returns. However, when intermediation costs are considered, returns to capital in middle income countries could exceed those in poor and rich countries—high costs of intermediation cause poor countries to concentrate their investments in projects with low returns, while the standard neoclassical effect lowers returns in capital-rich countries. When we embed the return function from the static analysis in a two-country dynamic model, there is capital outflow from a poor country that removes capital controls and becomes open. Even though the closed economy dominates in terms of capital employed in production, it is the open economy that dominates in terms of income, consumption and welfare.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the essentials of economic globalization, as well as the major institution that has recently gotten much of the credit and blame for it, the World Trade Organization (WTO). It first defines globalization, which is just the increasing economic integration of the world economy. It then asks who gains and loses from globalization, drawing primarily upon economic theory to identify its benefits and costs, and who within and among the world's economies get these benefits and costs. That part of the discussion concludes by asking briefly what can and should be done about globalization. The second half of the paper turns to the WTO, which was the focus of so much negative attention at its Seattle meeting in December 1999. The authors try to clarify several misperceptions about what it does, and why. Some groups gain and some lose from the WTO, some simply as a byproduct of its role in facilitating globalization, but others from particular WTO rules and procedures. The paper suggests what might be done to change both the WTO itself and the public's perceptions of it.  相似文献   

多产品出口企业在国际贸易中扮演着至关重要的角色。基于多产品企业假定的异质企业贸易模型同时强调企业间和企业内的自我选择机制,基于此框架剖析多产品企业内产品转换行为的影响因素和作用机制,对于解读出口增长的微观异质性力量和诠释出口贸易利得具有重要的指导意义。本文首先对基于多产品企业假定的异质企业贸易理论予以梳理;然后,从多产品企业出口产品范围和企业内产品转换行为两个角度对相关经验研究进行总结与归纳;最后,基于对文献的总结与评述,我们指出现有研究的局限并从中发掘未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

一、引言“全球化”这一说法是最近才开始流行的,而我们这些贸易经济学家对它的研究历史却有几十年甚至上百年了;世界贸易组织(WTO)也是最近才成立的,而国际贸易方面的法律专家对它和它的前身--GATT的研究也已近五十年了。在前面的两种情况中,国际贸易方面的专家都会强调世界经  相似文献   

本文根据外资银行和国有商业银行向在中国境内的外资企业提供的外币贷款和人民币贷款的数据 ,对金融中介及关系银行进行了实证研究。我们的主要结论有两点 :第一 ,企业与银行建立起来的金融业务关系越长久 ,那么其所获得的外币贷款利率就越低。这是对金融中介理论的支持。另外 ,外资控股、第三方担保等因素 ,也具有降低外币贷款利率的效应。第二 ,人民币贷款的利率随着外资企业与更多的银行建立和保持合作关系而降低。人民币贷款主要是由我国商业银行提供。如果商业银行间的竞争仅仅是用来作为信贷定价的主要决定因素 ,而不是用来推进金融创新 ,提供高质量的金融产品和服务 ,那么这将会损害我国商业银行的获利能力并进而影响金融系统的健康发展。  相似文献   

Liquidity Preference and Financial Intermediation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We examine the characteristics of optimal monetary policies in a general equilibrium model with incomplete markets. Markets are incomplete because of uninsured preference uncertainty, and because productive capital is traded infrequently. Rational individuals are willing to hold a liquid asset—"money"—at a premium. Monetary policy interacts with existing financial institutions to determine this premium, as well as the level of precautionary holdings. We show that inflation is expansionary, and that the optimal inflation rate is positive if there is no operative banking system (the Tobin effect). Otherwise, efficiency requires that money be undominated in its rate of return (the Friedman Rule).  相似文献   

This paper shows that the pricing behavior of exporting firms exhibits a “forward‐looking” nature with sticky prices. As a result, the expectations of future exchange rates affect current prices at both the product level and firm level. We find evidence by employing both highly disaggregated Harmonized System (HS) 10‐digit product‐level import data of the USA and firm–product level customs data on China's exports to the USA. These findings provide evidence for a previously unexplored micro‐level forward‐looking nature of trade price adjustment as response to future exchange rates, and suggest a potentially important factor in helping explain incomplete exchange rate pass‐through.  相似文献   

Research has called into question the impact of the World Trade Organization (WTO) on trade. This research, however, has been called into question on both modeling grounds for and failing to utilize comprehensive fixed effects. Others have found that when these factors are accounted for, imports rise by significant amounts. This paper seeks to reconcile these findings. I find that the WTO has a larger, though uneven, impact on exports than imports. The results indicate that the WTO frequently causes imports and exports to move in opposite directions negating any increase in overall trade. The regressions with and without fixed country effects generally demonstrate pattern consistency for generalized results that are robust to change. Owing to the finding that imports rise modestly or even fall without country effects while exports rise, the results imply that countries may not be as interested in liberalizing trade as selling to the world.  相似文献   

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