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We study shortfall risk minimization for American options with path‐dependent payoffs under proportional transaction costs in the Black–Scholes (BS) model. We show that for this case the shortfall risk is a limit of similar terms in an appropriate sequence of binomial models. We also prove that in the continuous time BS model, for a given initial capital, there exists a portfolio strategy which minimizes the shortfall risk. In the absence of transactions costs (complete markets) similar limit theorems were obtained by Dolinsky and Kifer for game options. In the presence of transaction costs the markets are no longer complete and additional machinery is required. Shortfall risk minimization for American options under transaction costs was not studied before.  相似文献   

The connection between optimal stopping of random systems and the theory of the Snell envelop is well understood, and its application to the pricing of American contingent claims is well known. Motivated by the pricing of swing contracts (whose recall components can be viewed as contingent claims with multiple exercises of American type) we investigate the mathematical generalization of these results to the case of possible multiple stopping. We prove existence of the multiple exercise policies in a fairly general set-up. We then concentrate on the Black–Scholes model for which we give a constructive solution in the perpetual case, and an approximation procedure in the finite horizon case. The last two sections of the paper are devoted to numerical results. We illustrate the theoretical results of the perpetual case, and in the finite horizon case, we introduce numerical approximation algorithms based on ideas of the Malliavin calculus.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of partial hedging of derivative risk in a stochastic volatility environment. It is related to state-dependent utility maximization problems in classical economics. We derive the dual problem from the Legendre transform of the associated Bellman equation and interpret the optimal strategy as the perfect hedging strategy for a modified claim. Under the assumption that volatility is fast mean-reverting and using a singular perturbation analysis, we derive approximate value functions and strategies that are easy to implement and study. The analysis identifies the usual mean historical volatility and the harmonically averaged long-run volatility as important statistics for such optimization problems without further specification of a stochastic volatility model. The approximation can be improved by specifying a model and can be calibrated for the leverage effect from the implied volatility skew. We study the effectiveness of these strategies using simulated stock paths.  相似文献   

Motivated by numerical representations of robust utility functionals, due to Maccheroni et al., we study the problem of partially hedging a European option H when a hedging strategy is selected through a robust convex loss functional L(·) involving a penalization term γ(·) and a class of absolutely continuous probability measures . We present three results. An optimization problem is defined in a space of stochastic integrals with value function EH(·) . Extending the method of Föllmer and Leukerte, it is shown how to construct an optimal strategy. The optimization problem EH(·) as criterion to select a hedge, is of a “minimax” type. In the second, and main result of this paper, a dual‐representation formula for this value is presented, which is of a “maxmax” type. This leads us to a dual optimization problem. In the third result of this paper, we apply some key arguments in the robust convex‐duality theory developed by Schied to construct optimal solutions to the dual problem, if the loss functional L(·) has an associated convex risk measure ρL(·) which is continuous from below, and if the European option H is essentially bounded.  相似文献   

This paper is a follow‐up to “Valuation and Hedging of Defaultable Game Options in a Hazard Process Model” by the same authors. In the present paper we give user friendly assumptions ensuring that the general conditions in the previous paper are satisfied. We also give a systematic procedure to construct suitable intensity models of credit risk, and, in the Markovian case, we provide a variational inequality approach to the pre‐default pricing problem. We finally illustrate our results on a study of defaultable convertible bonds.  相似文献   

This paper presents hedging strategies for European and exotic options in a Lévy market. By applying Taylor’s theorem, dynamic hedging portfolios are constructed under different market assumptions, such as the existence of power jump assets or moment swaps. In the case of European options or baskets of European options, static hedging is implemented. It is shown that perfect hedging can be achieved. Delta and gamma hedging strategies are extended to higher moment hedging by investing in other traded derivatives depending on the same underlying asset. This development is of practical importance as such other derivatives might be readily available. Moment swaps or power jump assets are not typically liquidly traded. It is shown how minimal variance portfolios can be used to hedge the higher order terms in a Taylor expansion of the pricing function, investing only in a risk‐free bank account, the underlying asset, and potentially variance swaps. The numerical algorithms and performance of the hedging strategies are presented, showing the practical utility of the derived results.  相似文献   

We present a valuation framework that captures the main characteristics of employee stock options (ESOs), which financial regulations now require to be expensed in firms' accounting statements. The value of these options is much less than Black–Scholes prices for corresponding market-traded options due to the suboptimal exercising strategies of the holders, which arise from risk aversion, trading and hedging constraints, and job termination risk. We analyze the combined effect of all of these factors along with the standard ESO features of multiple exercising rights, and vesting periods. This leads to the study of a chain of nonlinear free-boundary problems of reaction-diffusion type. We find that job termination risk, vesting, finite maturity and non-zero interest rates are significant contributors to the ESO cost. However, we find that in the presence of vesting, the impact of allowing multiple exercise rights on ESO cost is negligible.  相似文献   

We develop a structural risk‐neutral model for energy market modifying along several directions the approach introduced in Aïd et al. In particular, a scarcity function is introduced to allow important deviations of the spot price from the marginal fuel price, producing price spikes. We focus on pricing and hedging electricity derivatives. The hedging instruments are forward contracts on fuels and electricity. The presence of production capacities and electricity demand makes such a market incomplete. We follow a local risk minimization approach to price and hedge energy derivatives. Despite the richness of information included in the spot model, we obtain closed‐form formulae for futures prices and semiexplicit formulae for spread options and European options on electricity forward contracts. An analysis of the electricity price risk premium is provided showing the contribution of demand and capacity to the futures prices. We show that when far from delivery, electricity futures behave like a basket of futures on fuels.  相似文献   

In this paper, we obtain a recursive formula for the density of the two‐sided Parisian stopping time. This formula does not require any numerical inversion of Laplace transforms, and is similar to the formula obtained for the one‐sided Parisian stopping time derived in Dassios and Lim. However, when we study the tails of the two distributions, we find that the two‐sided stopping time has an exponential tail, while the one‐sided stopping time has a heavier tail. We derive an asymptotic result for the tail of the two‐sided stopping time distribution and propose an alternative method of approximating the price of the two‐sided Parisian option.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel method to price discretely monitored single- and double-barrier options in Lévy process-based models. The method involves a sequential evaluation of Hilbert transforms of the product of the Fourier transform of the value function at the previous barrier monitoring date and the characteristic function of the (Esscher transformed) Lévy process. A discrete approximation with exponentially decaying errors is developed based on the Whittaker cardinal series (Sinc expansion) in Hardy spaces of functions analytic in a strip. An efficient computational algorithm is developed based on the fast Hilbert transform that, in turn, relies on the FFT-based Toeplitz matrix–vector multiplication. Our method also provides a natural framework for credit risk applications, where the firm value follows an exponential Lévy process and default occurs at the first time the firm value is below the default barrier on one of a discrete set of monitoring dates.  相似文献   

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