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This article investigates the time‐varying correlation between the EU12‐wide business cycle and the initial EU12 member‐countries based on Scalar‐BEKK and multivariate Riskmetrics model frameworks for the period 1980–2012. The paper provides evidence that changes in the business cycle synchronization correspond to major economic events that have taken place at a European level. In the main, business cycle synchronization until 2007 had moved in a direction positive for the operation of a single currency, suggesting that the common monetary policy was less costly in terms of lost flexibility at the national level. However, as a result of the Great Recession of 2007 and the subsequent Eurozone Crisis, a number of periphery countries, most notably Greece, have experienced desynchronization of their business cycles with the EU12‐wide cycle. Nevertheless, for most countries, any questions regarding the optimality and sustainability of the common currency area in Europe should not be attributed to a lack of cyclical synchronization.  相似文献   

Business Cycle Correspondence in the European Union   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines whether there exists a close correspondence in the business cycles of the EU economies. We focus on the timing and magnitude of business cycles and propose criteria for defining close correspondence. We suggest that any correspondence that does exist is confined to the EU core and that, contrary to some of the existing literature, there exists a clear core-periphery distinction. This makes us less optimistic about the prospects for EMU if it is not accompanied by institutional arrangements that take into account the differences between EU economies.  相似文献   


The debate has been reignited in recent months by both defenders and opponents of the CFA franc, about its benefits or the lack thereof. The objective of this paper is to join the conversation in an objective, and quantifiable way, by investigating the optimality of the currency area. A trivariate SVAR comprising world output, domestic output for each one of the eight countries that make up the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), and changes in their price levels, represented by their respective CPIs was estimated. Annual data ranging from 1980 to 2017 was obtained from the IMF 2017 World Outlook. I also investigated endogeneity within the Union, by dividing the data into two samples, one from 1980 to 1993, a period that predates the WAEMU, and one from 1994 to 2017. The results show more synchronization of business cycles during the second period than during the first. I examined the role of trade in the near perfect synchronization of business cycles in the WAEMU, and found it to be the driving force behind the symmetry.


Most studies of business cycle synchronization in the EMU identify a core set of counties with high synchronization and a periphery set of countries with low synchronization. Using a structural VAR with model uncertainty, we identify spillover effects from shocks that originate in the United States, the EMU, and the rest of the world to test whether external influences can explain the existence of the core and periphery. Most countries typically found in the core respond to external spillovers in similar ways, leading to more synchronized business cycles. The response to external influences in the countries traditionally found in the periphery, on the other hand, help explain their exclusion from the core.  相似文献   

This paper views German Monetary Union as a sequence of large asymmetric shocks to the European economies. As such it can be analysed with a large, new-Keynesian macro-econometric model of the relevant economies such as NiGEM. The ‘news’ in the sequence of shocks is assessed by analysing contemporary, NiGEM based, forecasts, and important events are then ‘peeled-off’ in reverse order. The resulting counterfactual history analyses the effects of the collapse of the Soviet economy on the EC and Scandinavian economies, and it is argued that the recession in countries such as Finland was not primarily caused by trade effects. The costs of support programmes for East Germany are then removed, creating a negative fiscal shock. Finally the paper analyses the overall effects of the set of shocks. In each part of the counterfactual history, individuals from forward looking expectations and the authorities operate fiscal solvency rules and target monetary aggregates.  相似文献   

Optimal economic reactions of European policy-makers on exogenous shocks are determined by simulating a global macroeconomic model under different institutional arrangements. In particular, it is investigated whether discretionary or rule-based policies and whether non-cooperative or cooperative policies for Europe result in a better performance as measured by intertemporal objective functions. The results show that the answers to these questions depend strongly on the nature of the shock to which European economies are exposed. For a negative supply shock, rule-based policies dominate, whereas for a negative demand shock, cooperative fiscal policy-making within the European Monetary Union gives the best results.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the effect of the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) on the extent of business cycle synchronization across its member states. A dynamic latent factor model is used to identify the ‘regional’ effect of the euro area on output growth and inflation dynamics across European countries. The results of variance decomposition analysis confirm that both output growth and inflation tended to be more synchronized among European countries during the run-up to the EMU, but there is no strong evidence to support the argument that the ‘regional’ effects prevailed after 1999.  相似文献   

The article empirically analyses the motivations and long-run economic outcomes of remittance inflows into the West African Economic and Monetary Union. Using Westerlund’s (2007) ECM for panel time series and data spanning 1975–2011, the results show that there is no evidence of a long-run impact of remittances on income per capita in the region. The inflows seem to be motivated by investment, but the money may be used to promote consumption instead. This phenomenon could be characterized by information asymmetry between migrants and the recipients.  相似文献   

In this article we present a simple real business cycle (RBC) model, in order to show that these models capture many of the features of business cycles in the real economy. While these models are very abstract, we argue that they are a useful way of thinking about the macro-economy. RBC models have also been influential in refocusing attention on supply issues in macroeconomics, after a long postwar focus on aggregate demand management in Australia and most other western economies. Policies such as structural reform and labour market reform are clearly aimed at influencing the supply side of the economy and productivity, and can be understood within the framework of RBC theory. RBC models have developed rapidly recently, yet there remains a good deal of misunderstanding about the methods and aims of these models. In this article we present a review of the literature and examine a simple model, using graphical techniques, to clarify some issues. We also argue that these models, while having limitations, have caused a fruitful re-examination of supply issues in economics, after the almost exclusive focus on aggregate demand in macroeconomics until the late 1970s.  相似文献   

本文采用2002年、2007年和2010年中国30个省区区域间投入产出表,就国内价值链对区域经济周期协同性的影响进行了全方位考察。结果表明,国内价值链贸易增强了中国地区间经济周期的联动性,而在控制国内价值链贸易之后,区际贸易却降低了两地区产出的协同程度,区际贸易具有的Frankel-Rose效应主要是国内价值链贸易的作用结果。在引入省区官员交流等工具变量控制内生性后,结果仍是稳健的。同时,国内价值链贸易的传导效应不仅受价值链分工地位差异的影响,而且呈现出显著的危机前后时段特征和东部与中西部内外空间特征。进一步纳入全球价值链后发现,全球价值链贸易对国内价值链贸易的正向经济周期协同效应具有放大作用,而传统国际贸易对传统区际贸易的负向经济周期冲击存在叠加效应,国内价值链联结的区际分工网络是保证中国经济外向型发展过程中各地区之间经济紧密联动、协同共进的重要力量。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the determinants of business cycle (BC) synchronization across 21 (old and new) countries of the enlarged European Union (EU). It utilizes international data to evaluate the linkages among bilateral trade in goods, bilateral foreign direct investment (FDI) flows and BC co‐movements. The paper contributes to the current literature by examining the relationship using the latest available data (sample range: 1998–2011), and thus taking into account the European sovereign debt crisis period. It also examines the role of FDI, which though increasingly important in the flows of international production factors, is currently neglected by the literature. Preliminary results show that FDI has no direct effect on BC synchronization while international trade helps to synchronize BCs but only before the recent financial crisis (pre‐2008) and only for the traditional EU countries.  相似文献   

东亚货币一体化的再考察:一个多变量的结构VAR方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文建立了一个三变量的结构VAR模型,分别从经济冲击的对称性、经济冲击的规模和经济体对潜在经济冲击的调整速度,以及实际有效汇率对各种冲击的响应三个方面,考察了东亚国家和地区组建最适度通货区的经济可行性。实证研究发现,目前东亚经济体并不满足建立一个全面单一的最适度通货区的条件,但是分别在日本和泰国,以及韩国、马来西亚和中国台湾组建子通货区却是可行的。  相似文献   

This paper considers the persistence puzzle documented by V. Chari, P. Kehoe, and E. McGratten (2000, Econometrica68, 1151–1179). Specifically, it addresses a claim by T. Andersen (1998, European Economic Review42, 593–603) and K. Huang and Z. Liu (1999, “Staggered Contracts and Business Cycle, Persistence,” Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Discussion Paper 127) that staggered-wage models are better able to generate persistent real responses to monetary shocks than are staggered-price models. The paper argues that this result hinges on the assumption of homogeneous factor markets and shows that by assuming firm-specific factor inputs the staggered-price model is as capable as the staggered-wage model is of generating persistent real responses to monetary shocks. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: E24, E31, E32  相似文献   

Monetary Stabilisation Policy in a Monetary Union: Some Simple Analytics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We do two things in this paper. First, we look at some simple models of monetary decision making in a monetary union and ask how much more variable a country's output and inflation is likely to be if it joins the union. We answer this analytically and then go on to 'calibrate' the simple model. The model has few structural equations, but it is useful in allowing us to examine how the variability of output and inflation are likely to change as key parameters change. Our conclusions on this front are likely to be sensitive to model specification. However, we also identify a second best issue concerning the optimal make–up of the monetary union which is likely to be more robust: namely that only when all members of the union have the same structural parameter values (and shocks are perfectly correlated) will it be optimal for a new member to have these same structural parameter values.  相似文献   

After a brief review of the main differences between New andOld Keynesian economics from the sixties this paper focuseson a tension between traditional sluggish measures of potentialoutput commonly used by policymakers and the New Keynesian (NK)notion of this variable which conceptualizes it as the levelof output that would have been produced under perfect competitionhad all prices and wages been flexible. The paper shows that,under monopolistic competition, NK potential output is oftenmore volatile than the level of output produced under stickyprices and wages implying either of the following. Real lifepolicymakers mistakenly target smooth versions of output or(since actual economies are monopolistically rather than perfectlycompetitive) the flexible price and wage equilibrium does notnecessarily maximize welfare. The paper shows, that dependingon the shape of the utility function and of the distributionof productivity shocks either case is possible and proposesa criterion for discriminating between them. (JEL E3, E4, E5,E6)  相似文献   

Ilian Mihov 《Economic Policy》2001,16(33):369-406
I discuss possible problems engendered by loss of national monetary policies, and study them from three empirical perspectives. First, are business cycles sufficiently synchronized across EMU member countries? The evidence suggests that economic activity in those countries has become increasingly correlated in the 1990s, and that policy co–ordination has played a role in generating that outcome. Second, are there asymmetries in the mechanisms through which policy affects economic activity? The paper documents that policy transmission was indeed heterogeneous in the member countries, and that structural and financial factors were sensibly related to cross–country differences in the response of output to a monetary policy shock. Third, how is policy implemented in an environment of diverse business cycle fundamentals and transmission mechanisms? Estimation of monetary policy reaction functions finds that the European Central Bank is closer to an aggregate of the central banks in Germany, France, and Italy than to the Bundesbank alone.  相似文献   

Differential requirements for seigniorage provide a weak case for retaining monetary independence. As regards adjustment to asymmetric shocks, nominal exchange rate flexibility is at best a limited blessing and at worst a limited curse. Absence of significant fiscal redistribution mechanisms among EU members is not an obstacle to monetary union. Neither is limited international labour mobility. Convergence of real economic performance is irrelevant for monetary union. A common currency is the logical implication of unrestricted capital mobility. The Maastricht criteria need not hinder monetary union provided the political will exists to adopt a flexible interpretation of the fiscal criteria.  相似文献   

Traditional specifications about imports have their foundations on the symmetry of the cycle. However, the wide debate about the asymmetric character of the cycle has aroused much interest in nonlinear dynamics due to the cyclical state of the economy. Economic theory maintains a linear long-run relationship linking imports, GDP and relative prices. This paper analyzes whether short-run deviations from this equilibrium display any kind of nonlinear behavior related to the state of the cycle. Nonlinearities will be captured by an error correction smooth transition regression (STR). Empirical evidence, focused on Spanish imports of goods, supports that short-run deviations of this variable from its linear equilibrium state display a nonlinear behavior. As it is demonstrated, this evolution is caused by the cyclical state of the economy. A previous version of this article has been presented at the 65th International Atlantic Economic Conference (Warsaw, Poland, April 9–12, 2008). The authors would like to thank the conference participants and an anonymous referee for their comments.  相似文献   


Argentina’s GDP increased 30% between 2002 and 2005, prompting optimistic assessments that the country had finally left behind its secular stagnation. However, this strong performance followed a sharp decline in economic activity and therefore could be the manifestation of a bounce‐back effect with no lasting impact on Argentina’s mediocre long‐term growth rates. The paper examines this conjecture with the quantitative discipline imposed by a Real Business Cycle methodology and concludes that the 2002–05 expansion was not only a rebound, but also considerably weaker than the model predicts, a finding not consistent with upbeat views about the country’s long‐term prospects.  相似文献   

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