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We examine how much children and the responsibilities related to them contribute to the divergence of men's and women's wages, and consequently, to the formation of the gender wage gap. To derive the relative contribution of gender‐specific parent gaps to the overall gender wage gap, we provide a modification of the Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition and include simultaneous corrections for selection into employment and parenthood. The results show that the fatherhood wage premium contributes most significantly to the gender wage gap, especially in Poland. The motherhood penalty is also significant, while the role of the gender gap among childless individuals is small. 相似文献
ABSTRACTWe propose to estimate the Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition by a single-equation model augmented with interactions between the group membership and other predictors. The relative importance of predictors on the discriminatory wage gap is examined by the interaction coefficients, which may lead to very different conclusions than the usual percentage calculations using the detailed decomposition method. Comparisons are made between the traditional interpretations and those suggested here using wage data from Finland. The decomposition analysis suggests that the discriminatory male-female wage gap is largely related to work experience, while our preferred model points to the importance of family gap and working industry. 相似文献
In this paper we re-examine the link between subjective perceptions and objective measures of wage discrimination by estimating
the mean and several quantiles in the conditional wage distribution of men and women in order to decompose the gender wage
gap into the part attributed to different characteristics and the part attributable to differential returns to these characteristics
at points other than the conditional expectation. In the process we take into account the endogeneity of educational choice
and the participation decision of women. The results suggest that the absolute wage gap and the component of the latter that
can be attributed to different returns to characteristics increase over the wage scale. 相似文献
This paper examines the relationship between automation technology and wages. In the model, producers either choose automation or non-automation technology, whichever is more profitable. Furthermore, when producers introduce automation technology, they must pay fixed costs, which differ between industries. The main results of this paper indicate that the increased productivity of automation technology promotes automation, decreases labor income share, and also decreases wages when the level of automation diffusion is sufficiently high. 相似文献
Edward C. Norton Olena Nizalova Irina Murtazashvili 《Journal of Comparative Economics》2018,46(3):736-753
The profound economic and political changes of the 1990s had detrimental social effects in many domains of life in post-socialist countries, including diminishing life expectancy and growing unhappiness. Despite economic improvements in the second decade of transition, research has documented that happiness lagged behind. We test whether past unemployment experience can explain this ”transition happiness gap in the context of Ukraine”, a country with a painful delayed transition from planned to market economy. We analyze unique longitudinal data for the period 2003–2012. Current unemployment substantially reduces subjective wellbeing, and the effect is roughly 50% larger for men than for women. The effect of past unemployment is significant, but small in magnitude compared to the effect of current unemployment. However, it does correspond to around 8% of the “transition happiness gap” found by Guriev and Melnikov (2017), suggesting that past unemployment experience can be considered as a partial explanation. 相似文献
Edward C. Norton Olena Nizalova Irina Murtazashvili 《Journal of Comparative Economics》2018,46(4):1104-1121
The profound economic and political changes of the 1990s had detrimental social effects in many domains of life in post-socialist countries, including diminishing life expectancy and growing unhappiness. Despite economic improvements in the second decade of transition, research has documented that happiness lagged behind. We test whether past unemployment experience can explain this “transition happiness gap in the context of Ukraine”, a country with a painful delayed transition from planned to market economy. We analyze unique longitudinal data for the period 2003–2012. Current unemployment substantially reduces subjective wellbeing, and the effect is roughly 50% larger for men than for women. The effect of past unemployment is significant, but small in magnitude compared to the effect of current unemployment. However, it does correspond to around 8% of the ‘’transition happiness gap” found by Guriev and Melnikov (2017), suggesting that past unemployment experience can be considered as a partial explanation. 相似文献
In this paper we analyze the distribution of the gender wage gap. Using microdata for Switzerland we estimate conditional
wage distribution functions and find that the total wage gap and its discrimination component are not constant over the range
of wages. At low wages an overproportional part of the wage gap is due to discrimination. In a further analysis of specific
individuals we examine the wage gap at different quantiles and propose a new measure to assess equal earnings opportunities.
These additional results reveal that it is primarily low education that causes the large discrimination component at low wages.
First version received: April 1999/Final version accepted: July 2000 相似文献
We study the mechanisms that are associated with the gender education gap and its reversal in Germany. We focus on three outcomes, graduation from upper secondary school, any tertiary education and tertiary degree. Neither individual and family background nor labour market characteristics appear to be strongly associated with the gender education gap. There is some evidence that the gender gap in upper secondary education reflects the rising share of single parent households which impacts boys’ attainment more than girls’. The gender education gap in tertiary education is correlated with the development of class sizes and social norms. 相似文献
We use rich firm-level data and national input–output tables from 17 countries over the 2002–2005 period to test new and existing hypotheses about the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the efficiency of domestic firms in the host country (i.e., spillovers). We document that backward linkages have a consistently positive effect on productivity of domestic firms while horizontal and forward linkages show no consistent effect. We also examine how the strength of spillovers varies by sector, FDI source, institutional environment (corruption, red tape, level of development), firm’s distance to the technological frontier, and other firm- and country-specific characteristics. 相似文献
This paper empirically examines the decisions of individuals to enrol in a course of tertiary education in Bangladesh, focussing on the period 1999 to 2009. Of particular interest is whether the wage premium―the gap in wage earnings between tertiary and secondary school graduates―is associated with decisions to enrol in tertiary education. The analytical framework used here is the human capital theory, which is tested through a discrete choice model. Using data from Bangladesh Labour Force Surveys, empirical results suggest that the wage premium is positively associated with decisions of males to enrol in tertiary education, while for females there appears to be no such association. A battery of robustness tests supports our results. 相似文献
How did post-communist transformations affect people's perceptions of their economic and political systems? We model a pseudo-panel with 89 country-year clusters, based on the aggregation of about eighty thousand interviews conducted in 14 countries between 1991 and 2004, to identify the macro and institutional drivers of the public opinion. We find that: (i) When the economy is growing, on average people appreciate more extensive reforms and dislike unbalanced reforms. They dislike reforms when they are associated with higher unemployment. (ii) Nostalgia for the past regime increases when worsening income distribution or higher inflation interact with more privatizations of state enteprises. (iii) Cross-country differences in the attitudes towards the present and future are largely explained by differences in the institutional indicators for the rule of law and corruption. (iv) Cross-country differences in the extent of nostalgia towards the past are related to differences in the deterioration of standards of living. 相似文献
Tobias Kronenberg 《Spanish Economic Review》2008,10(4):303-320
Traditional wage setting models assume that unions maximise the total income of workers, whereas actually they should maximise worker utility. These models implicitly equate utility with income, but this is not valid if workers’ utility depends on their sense of fairness and includes a non-pecuniary benefit from work. This paper presents a model combining efficiency wages with bargaining theory, drawing inspiration from the gift-exchange approach by Akerlof [Q J Econ 97(4):543–569, 1982]. It shows that the mutual gift exchange between firms and workers generates a non-pecuniary benefit which contributes to the workers’ utility in a non-monotonic way depending on the strength of workers’ sense of fairness. The model shows that if an employment subsidy is paid to workers it generates more jobs than when paid to firms. This paper is based on research which was performed while the author was employed at the University of Maastricht (The Netherlands). The author wishes to thank Thomas Ziesemer, Erik de Regt, Sabine Fuss and Kristin Vetter for many helpful comments and assumes full responsibility for any remaining flaws. 相似文献
Suresh P. Sethi 《Economic Theory》1996,8(2):307-319
Summary This paper discusses an explicit necessary and sufficient condition on the dividend stream of a publicly traded company, under which the price of the company's share is equal to the present value of the future dividends that will accrue to it. When it is not, the share price equals the present value of the future per share dividend plus the limiting per share value of the company at infinity. It uses a well-accepted generalization of the Miller-Modigliani framework, and assumes that the firm is an infinite horizon firm which may engage in repurchasing its own shares. It develops a proper dividend approach that can value such a firm for any dividend stream. The paper concludes by clarifying some remarks in the Miller-Modigliani paper.For helpful discussions and comments, I thank Laurence Booth. Mike Gordon, Robert Jarrow, Raymond Kan, Rajnish Mehra, David Quirin, and Rishin Roy. Support from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada is greatly appreciated. 相似文献
Recent studies find that women are less competitive than men. This gender difference in competitiveness has been suggested
as one possible explanation for why men occupy the majority of top positions in many sectors. In this study we explore competitiveness
in children, with the premise that both context and gendered stereotypes regarding the task at hand may influence competitive
behavior. A related field experiment on Israeli children shows that only boys react to competition by running faster when
competing in a race. We here test if there is a gender gap in running among 7–10 year old Swedish children. We also introduce
two female sports, skipping rope and dancing, to see if competitiveness is task dependent. We find no gender difference in
reaction to competition in any task; boys and girls compete equally. Studies in different environments with different types
of tasks are thus important in order to make generalizable claims about gender differences in competitiveness. 相似文献
《China Economic Journal》2013,6(2):227-236
Based on the existing literature, this paper discusses the relationship between economic transition and corruption, and argues that economic transition is one of the main roots of the spread of corruption in transitional China. It divides economic transition into four parts, and examines various channels by which economic transition breeds corruption opportunities. By applying the case statistical analysis method to analyze 594 major corruption cases, it finds the most corruption-prone areas, and provides some empirical evidence on the existence of such channels. 相似文献
《Games and Economic Behavior》2013,77(2):582-595
We study the problem of risk sharing within a household or syndicate. A household shares risky prospects using a social welfare functional. We characterize the social welfare functionals such that the household is collectively less risk averse than each member, and satisfies the Pareto principle and an invariance axiom. We single out the sum of certainty equivalents as the unique member of this family which is quasiconcave over riskless allocations. 相似文献
Daniel Fairchild 《Forum for Social Economics》2013,42(1-2):31-42
Conventional economics frequently employs abstract analysis, including questionable assumptions regarding human behavior, together with highly quantitative methodology. While these techniques do not provide a full picture of economic life, conventional economic analysis has provided important insights and predictive power, at least during certain historical periods. The effects of minimum wage laws have been analyzed extensively by conventional economists over the past quarter century. That analysis, much of it empirical, has produced important insights into the effects of the minimum wage on the poor. In this article, I survey that vast body of research and address whether the poor are better off due to the minimum wage. I conclude the minimum wage does not unambiguously help the poor, and may do more harm than good to this segment of the nation's population. 相似文献
A theoretical analysis and several econometric tests have beenundertaken to examine whether the trickle down effect took placein rural India over a long time period. We found little evidenceto suggest that the trickle down effect had occurred at all;our analysis suggests that the emergence of capital-labour substitutionwas primarily responsible for preventing growth from reducingpoverty. The decline in poverty and a higher growth rate thattook place during the late 1970s and 1980s were largely a resultof government anti-poverty measures teamed with the more equitabledistribution of credit and inputs to smaller and marginal farmers. 相似文献
Christopher S. Brunt 《Applied economics letters》2018,25(7):493-498
This article examines the relationship between federal, state and municipal minimum wage laws, local cost-of-living (COL) and the unemployment rate. It finds a strong statistically significant positive relationship between minimum wages and unemployment once COL is taken into account. Our results suggest that federal minimum wage policy is likely to have more harmful effects in rural/low cost areas. 相似文献
César Alonso-Borrego 《Applied economics》2017,49(50):5074-5091
This article studies the effect on the risk of female victimization of the employment status of the woman and her partner. We use individual-level data from the violence against women surveys for Spain, which also provide information on income and a rich set of sociodemographic characteristics. To address the potential endogeneity of the binary employment indicators, we exploit exogenous geographical information on the employment and unemployment rates by gender and age, within a multivariate probit framework. Our estimation results show that male partner employment plays a major role in the risk of physical violence, while female employment only lowers it when her partner is employed too. The lowest risk appears for more egalitarian couples in which both partners are employed. 相似文献