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We study optimal trade execution strategies in financial markets with discrete order flow. The agent has a finite liquidation horizon and must minimize price impact given a random number of incoming trade counterparties. Assuming that the order flow N is given by a Poisson process, we give a full analysis of the properties and computation of the optimal dynamic execution strategy. Extensions, whereby N is a Markov‐modulated compound Poisson process are also considered. We derive and compare the properties of the various cases and illustrate our results with computational examples.  相似文献   

We consider the non‐Gaussian stochastic volatility model of Barndorff‐Nielsen and Shephard for the exponential mean‐reversion model of Schwartz proposed for commodity spot prices. We analyze the properties of the stochastic dynamics, and show in particular that the log‐spot prices possess a stationary distribution defined as a normal variance‐mixture model. Furthermore, the stochastic volatility model allows for explicit forward prices, which may produce a hump structure inherited from the mean‐reversion of the stochastic volatility. Although the spot price dynamics has continuous paths, the forward prices will have a jump dynamics, where jumps occur according to changes in the volatility process. We compare with the popular Heston stochastic volatility dynamics, and show that the Barndorff‐Nielsen and Shephard model provides a more flexible framework in describing commodity spot prices. An empirical example on UK spot data is included.  相似文献   

We study the risk indifference pricing principle in incomplete markets: The (seller's)  risk indifference price        is the initial payment that makes the  risk  involved for the seller of a contract equal to the risk involved if the contract is not sold, with no initial payment. We use stochastic control theory and PDE methods to find a formula for       and similarly for      . In particular, we prove that  where    p low   and    p up   are the lower and upper hedging prices, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper uses the existence of secondary markets for debt instruments with default risk (e.g. corporate bonds) to define default insurance along the lines of financial economics. It examines whether, in the case of several risk-neutral measures, characteristics of default can be uniquely determined by the prices of contracts involving default-prone securities.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of option replication in general stochastic volatility markets with transaction costs, using a new specification for the volatility adjustment in Leland's algorithm. We prove several limit theorems for the normalized replication error of Leland's strategy, as well as that of the strategy suggested by Lépinette. The asymptotic results obtained not only generalize the existing results, but also enable us to fix the underhedging property pointed out by Kabanov and Safarian. We also discuss possible methods to improve the convergence rate and to reduce the option price inclusive of transaction costs.  相似文献   

We consider a consumption and investment problem where the market presents different regimes. An investor taking decisions continuously in time selects a consumption–investment policy to maximize his expected total discounted utility of consumption. The market coefficients and the investor's utility of consumption are dependent on the regime of the financial market, which is modeled by an observable finite-state continuous-time Markov chain. We obtain explicit optimal consumption and investment policies for specific HARA utility functions. We show that the optimal policy depends on the regime. We also make an economic analysis of the solutions, and show that for every investor the optimal proportion to allocate in the risky asset is greater in a "bull market" than in a "bear market." This behavior is not affected by the investor's risk preferences. On the other hand, the optimal consumption to wealth ratio depends not only on the regime, but also on the investor's risk tolerance: high risk-averse investors will consume relatively more in a "bull market" than in a "bear market," and the opposite is true for low risk-averse investors.  相似文献   

This paper defines an optimization criterion for the set of all martingale measures for an incomplete market model when the discounted price process is bounded and quasi-left continuous. This criterion is based on the entropy–Hellinger process for a nonnegative Doléans–Dade exponential local martingale. We develop properties of this process and establish its relationship to the relative entropy "distance." We prove that the martingale measure, minimizing this entropy–Hellinger process, is unique. Furthermore, it exists and is explicitly determined under some mild conditions of integrability and no arbitrage. Different characterizations for this extremal risk-neutral measure as well as immediate application to the exponential hedging are given. If the discounted price process is continuous, the minimal entropy–Hellinger martingale measure simply is the minimal martingale measure of Föllmer and Schweizer. Finally, the relationship between the minimal entropy–Hellinger martingale measure (MHM) and the minimal entropy martingale measure (MEM) is provided. We also give an example showing that in contrast to the MHM measure, the MEM measure is not robust with respect to stopping.  相似文献   

The general equilibrium model with incomplete markets is here extended to infinite horizon economies populated by a finite number of infinitely lived agents. the crucial issue that divides the infinite horizon setting from the finite horizon setting is in the nature of borrowing constraints, which added to spot constraints, define a plausible budget set for individual agents. the paper relates seven alternative definitions of equilibrium and states corresponding equilibrium existence theorems when assets are one-period and purely financial.  相似文献   

The Gaussian Affine Term Structure Model (ATSM) introduced by Duffie and Kan is often used in finance to price derivatives written on interest rates or to compute the reserve to hedge a portfolio of credits (CreditVaR), and in macroeconomic applications to study the links between real activity and financial variables. However, a standard three‐factor ATSM, for instance, implies a deterministic affine relationship between any set of four rates, with different times‐to‐maturity, and these relationships are not observed in practice. In this paper, we introduce a new class of affine term structure models, called Bilinear Term Structure Model (BTSM). This extension breaks down the deterministic relationships between rates in structural factor models by introducing lagged factor values, and the linear dependence by considering quadratic effects of the factors.  相似文献   

For a relaxed investor—one whose relative risk aversion vanishes as wealth becomes large—the utility maximization problem may not have a solution in the classical sense of an optimal payoff represented by a random variable. This nonexistence puzzle was discovered by Kramkov and Schachermayer (1999) , who introduced the reasonable asymptotic elasticity condition to exclude such situations. Utility maximization becomes well posed again representing payoffs as measures on the sample space, including those allocations singular with respect to the physical probability. The expected utility of such allocations is understood as the maximal utility of its approximations with classical payoffs—the relaxed expected utility. This paper decomposes relaxed expected utility into its classical and singular parts, represents the singular part in integral form, and proves the existence of optimal solutions for the utility maximization problem, without conditions on the asymptotic elasticity. Key to this result is the Polish space structure assumed on the sample space.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate growth optimal investment in two-asset discrete-time markets with proportional transaction costs and no distributional assumptions on the market return sequences. We construct a policy with growth rate at least as large as any interval policy. Since interval policies are ε-optimal for independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) markets ( Iyengar 2002 ), it follows that our policy when employed in an i.i.d. market is able to "learn" the optimal interval policy and achieve growth optimality; in other words, it is a universal growth optimal policy for i.i.d. markets.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive the implications of the absence of arbitrage in securities markets models where traded securities are subject to short-sales constraints and where the borrowing and lending rates differ. We show that a securities price system is arbitrage free if and only if there exists a numeraire and an equivalent probability measure for which the normalized (by the numeraire) price processes of traded securities are supermartingales. Also, the tightest arbitrage bounds that can be inferred on the price of a contingent claim without knowing agents'preferences are equal to its largest and smallest expected normalized payoff with respect to the supermartingale measures. In the case where the underlying security price follows a diffusion process and where short selling is possible but costly, we derive partial differential equations that must be satisfied by the arbitrage bounds on derivative securities prices, and we determine optimal hedging strategies. We compute the arbitrage bounds on common securities numerically for several values of the borrowing and short-selling costs and show that they can be quite sharp.  相似文献   

This paper studies asset price bubbles in a continuous time model using the local martingale framework. Providing careful definitions of the asset's market and fundamental price, we characterize all possible price bubbles in an incomplete market satisfying the “no free lunch with vanishing risk (NFLVR)” and “no dominance” assumptions. We show that the two leading models for bubbles as either charges or as strict local martingales, respectively, are equivalent. We propose a new theory for bubble birth that involves a nontrivial modification of the classical martingale pricing framework. This modification involves the market exhibiting different local martingale measures across time—a possibility not previously explored within the classical theory. Finally, we investigate the pricing of derivative securities in the presence of asset price bubbles, and we show that: (i) European put options can have no bubbles; (ii) European call options and discounted forward prices have bubbles whose magnitudes are related to the asset's price bubble; (iii) with no dividends, American call options are not exercised early; (iv) European put‐call parity in market prices must always hold, regardless of bubbles; and (v) futures price bubbles can exist and they are independent of the underlying asset's price bubble. Many of these results stand in contrast to those of the classical theory. We propose, but do not implement, some new tests for the existence of asset price bubbles using derivative securities.  相似文献   

This paper extends the work of Ross (1976; Q. J. Econ. (90)1, 75–89) to multidate security markets. First, we show that if a primitive security separates states at the terminal date, then there exist multiperiod European options on that security generating dynamically complete markets. Second, we show that if a primitive security conditionally separates states at the terminal date, then there exist multiperiod European options on that security generating generically dynamically complete markets provided that certain conditions hold. Third, we show that there are economies for which the minimum number of multiperiod European options on a primitive security generating generically dynamically complete markets is relatively large. Finally, we show that in these economies, a relatively small number of multiperiod European options on possibly different portfolio strategies of primitive securities generates generically dynamically complete markets.  相似文献   

This paper provides a unifying approach for valuing contingent claims on a portfolio of credits, such as collateralized debt obligations (CDOs). We introduce the defaultable (T, x) ‐bonds, which pay one if the aggregated loss process in the underlying pool of the CDO has not exceeded x at maturity T, and zero else. Necessary and sufficient conditions on the stochastic term structure movements for the absence of arbitrage are given. Background market risk as well as feedback contagion effects of the loss process are taken into account. Moreover, we show that any exogenous specification of the volatility and contagion parameters actually yields a unique consistent loss process and thus an arbitrage‐free family of (T, x) ‐bond prices. For the sake of analytical and computational efficiency we then develop a tractable class of doubly stochastic affine term structure models.  相似文献   

We study the uniqueness of the marginal utility-based price of contingent claims in a semimartingale model of an incomplete financial market. In particular, we obtain that a necessary and sufficient condition for all bounded contingent claims to admit a unique marginal utility-based price is that the solution to the dual problem defines an equivalent local martingale measure.  相似文献   

The extant literature provides sound guidance for applying appropriate supply chain strategies to address conventional market structures and supply chain objectives. However, our knowledge of the unique objectives, characteristics, and elements of supply chain development by nascent technology firms in new markets they have helped create is more limited. We outline the strategy for this “emergent” phase of a firm's development of their supply chain. This strategy emphasizes establishing market legitimacy and a basic structural foundation through a core of strong collaborative relationships. The strategy also maximizes organizational flexibility and iterative market intelligence gathering through continuous experimentation with potential markets and through potential partners. The strategy is contrasted with extant supply chain strategies and implications and directions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

Linear factor models, where the factors are affine processes, play a key role in Finance, since they allow for quasi-closed form expressions of the term structure of risks. We introduce the class of noncausal affine linear factor models by considering factors that are affine in reverse time. These models are especially relevant for pricing sequences of speculative bubbles. We show that they feature nonaffine dynamics in calendar time, while still providing (quasi) closed form term structures and derivative pricing formulas. The framework is illustrated with term structure of interest rates and European call option pricing examples.  相似文献   

We propose a fast and accurate numerical method for pricing European swaptions in multifactor Gaussian term structure models. Our method can be used to accelerate the calibration of such models to the volatility surface. The pricing of an interest rate option in such a model involves evaluating a multidimensional integral of the payoff of the claim on a domain where the payoff is positive. In our method, we approximate the exercise boundary of the state space by a hyperplane tangent to the maximum probability point on the boundary and simplify the multidimensional integration into an analytical form. The maximum probability point can be determined using the gradient descent method. We demonstrate that our method is superior to previous methods by comparing the results to the price obtained by numerical integration.  相似文献   

Working within the Heath-Jarrow-Morton framework and using the theory of stochastic equations in infinite dimensions, a useful multifactor Gauss-Markov model for the movement of the whole of the yield curve is derived. Swaptions are priced. They are hedged by eliminating random terms between the semimartingale representations of the swaption and hedging instruments. Hedging efficiency is analyzed. the model is fitted to the swap/cap strips in Australia. Computation times on a 20-MHz laptop computer are acceptable.  相似文献   

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