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The traditional model of urbanization, in which the key assumption is that economic opportunity governs migration, is examined in the light of recent U.S. experience. The author suggests that the traditional theory does not adequately explain either shifts in forces affecting urbanization over time or the current trend of turnaround migration away from urban areas. It is shown that the determinants of migration differ substantially between growing and declining metropolitan areas and among the time periods examined.  相似文献   

This article retraces the emergence and shows the implications of current regulative frameworks in the field of urban drug policy. Framed by an analytical perspective that is based on the concept of urban governance, the article focuses on the processes by which cooperation and coordination between various conflicting governmental and non‐governmental agencies are achieved to address drug‐related problems in the major agglomerations of Switzerland, as well as in the metropolitan areas of Amsterdam, Glasgow and Frankfurt am Main. In the first part, it is shown that these problems are structured and debated along a conflict between advocates of the public‐health approach and those of the public‐order approach in the field of drug policy, as well as, to a lesser extent, a conflict between core cities and fringe municipalities about spillover effects related to the provision of services for users of illegal drugs. It is argued that this stems from a general tension between the goals of an attractiveness policy aimed at enhancing local economic development, and the necessities of social policy needed to address urban social problems. The second part examines the emergence of mechanisms of governance aimed at addressing drug‐related urban problems. It is argued that a ‘social public order’ regime emerged to regulate drug‐related urban problems, controlling urban practices of drug users by a combination of police and social work. In addition, it is held that in Switzerland, where social policy is traditionally confined to municipalities, these mechanisms of governance contributed to the emergence of metropolitan regions as new territorial actors in the field of drug policy. Cet article retrace l'apparition et les implications des cadres régulateurs actuels dans le domaine de la politique urbaine contre la drogue. Dans une perspective analytique fondée sur le concept de gouvernance urbaine, il s'attache aux processus qui permettent coopération et coordination entre divers organismes antagonistes, gouvernementaux ou non, pour traiter des problèmes liés à la drogue dans les principales agglomérations suisses, ainsi que dans les zones métropolitaines d'Amsterdam, Glasgow et Francfort‐sur‐le‐Main. La première partie démontre que ces questions sont organisées et discutées au sein d'une opposition entre partisans de l'approche de santé publique et ceux de l'ordre public en matière de politique de lutte contre la drogue, ainsi que, dans une moindre mesure, au sein d'un conflit entre les villes centrales et les municipalités satellites sur les retombées des services mis en place pour les consommateurs de drogues; cette situation résulte d'une tension globale entre les objectifs d'une politique d'attraction visant à favoriser le developpement économique local, et les nécessités d'une politique sociale obligée de traiter les problèmes urbains. La deuxième partie étudie l'émergence de mécanismes de gouvernance en réponse aux problèmes urbains liés à la drogue; ainsi, un régime ‘d'ordre public social’ a vu le jour, les pratiques urbaines des consommateurs de drogue étant sous le contrôle combiné de la police et des travailleurs sociaux. De plus, en Suisse où la politique sociale est par tradition du ressort des municipalités, certaines zones métropolitaines sont devenues, grâce à ces mécanismes de gouvernance, de nouveaux acteurs territoriaux de la politique publique de lutte contre la drogue.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the sources of industry employment growth in each of five metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). The objective is to understand the relative importance of aggregate disturbances versus local sectoral shocks in generating observed employment fluctuations at the MSA level. The empirical evidence presented in this paper derives from structural vector autoregressions (SVARs), estimated for each of the five MSAs. Estimations use monthly employment data covering nine one-digit industrial categories for the period 1951:1–1999:8, as well as two variables that capture the influences of aggregate (i.e., national) shocks on MSAs. We find that within-MSA industry shocks explain considerably more of the forecast error variance in industry employment growth than do aggregate shocks. Sectoral shocks account for between 87 and 94% of the 36-month-ahead forecast error variance. Among individual local sectors, shocks to MSA-specific government, manufacturing, and service sector employment growth are the predominate sources of variability.  相似文献   

大都市带:中国城市化的方向   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
大都市带也称大都市连绵带 ,此概念最初是由法国地理学家戈特曼 (J .Gottman)提出的 ,称为Megolopolis,指由在地域上集中分布的若干大城市和特大城市集聚而成的庞大的、多核心、多层次城市群 ,是大都市区的联合体。其实质是由各等级城市形成的相互串连、高度集中的经济中心地带。大都市带是由于科技进步、集聚经济效益促使产业与人口在空间上集聚与扩散运动的结果 ,交通运输和信息化的高度发展是大都市带发展的主要动力。大都市带在空间结构上具有以下特点与功能 :( 1)城市人口规模大 ,可达 0 35~ 2 .5亿 ,人口密度至…  相似文献   

This paper is an empirical study of effects of central city problems on population and employment suburbanization. It is widely believed that high crime, high taxes, and large minority groups in central cities are important causes of rapid suburbanization of U.S. metropolitan areas. A large set of density functions is estimated for population and employment in U.S. metropolitan areas in 1960 and 1970. Thus, relative central city and suburban measures of crime, taxes, etc., are used in an interactive model to explain population and employment suburbanization. It is found that only racial minorities have an effect on suburbanization.  相似文献   

针对我国城市对于大都市区、都市带、城镇群等相关概念混淆不明、都市区外围大量"灰色空间"缺乏空间管制、交通和经济产业联系匮乏、运作效率不高等现状问题,以《重庆大都市区空间范围划定研究》为例,通过开展相关经济地理学理论分析,重点借鉴了巴黎、东京、北京、上海等城市大都市区的空间圈层关系,结合重庆市的发展实际,采用区域联系强度(关联度)综合数据叠加分析法,通过识别重庆主城与周边区县在用地空间拓展、功能关联度、交通关联度、产业关联度等方面形成的一体化发展态势,为重庆市划定大都市区的范围和空间层级关系,提供了重要的理论依据与技术支撑,也为我国其他城市编制大都市区规划和相关的城镇群规划,提供一定的实例参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

在全球化背景下,以多个城市政府共同联合参与的都市圈或城市群作为基本单元融入国际竞争与分工成为我国大都市地区现阶段发展的趋势和必然.本文以空间功能要素集聚与扩散特征为判据,将都市圈的演化过程分为四种状态、三个阶段,并依据于此对济南都市圈的空间结构演化特征和空间矛盾进行了量化分析,认为济南都市圈处于由“中心城市绝对集中的空间状态”向“中心城市相对集中的空间状态”转变的转型期,即都市圈发展雏形阶段的后期,并将进入都市圈成长阶段.最后针对济南都市圈核心都市区实力不强、都市圈功能不密、资源整合利用效率低等三大核心空间问题,提出了空间优化调控的机制.  相似文献   

在区域一体化逐渐强化的背景下,发达地区的都市圈已经成为区域创新协同的重要单元,都市圈层面的各类创新空间的格局特征成为新的专业化区域功能空间类型。以南京都市圈为案例,梳理出都市圈创新空间由"大空间"到专门性空间、再到企业类小微空间所呈现出的精细化与系统化发展脉络;将创新空间分为"知识型"和"产业型"两种类型,并对各类创新空间的承载内容进行了比较分析;分析了创新空间在都市圈层面的分布格局与相互联系特点,并提出其在空间组织、发展方向和行动重点三个方面的发展趋势以及对应的三个发展引导方向,为我国创新型都市圈研究提供案例经验参考。  相似文献   

This paper presents estimates of land value change and other measures of real estate value change for the Boston area's 78 towns and cities over the past 100 years. A flattening of the real estate value gradient over time is demonstrated. Given the pattern of land ownership in the Boston area, a higher rate of value increases at greater distances from the center is shown to imply a regressive distribution of capital gains with respect to wealth among the homeowner population. Returns to homeowning are compared with returns to alternative business assets indicating some possible factors in the persistence of wealth inequality.  相似文献   

Attempts at understanding the urbanization process in Southeast Asia have, in recent years, focused on the emergence of extended metropolitan regions around primate cities. Many have argued that with a landscape of intensively mixed ‘rural’ and ‘urban’ activities, such regions represent a distinctive Asian form of urbanization and a challenge to the conventional urban-rural dualism. The implication, both in theoretical and policy terms, is that such regions of mixed land use form new ‘urban’ landscapes that will persist into the future on the basis of balanced ‘agro-industrial’ development. Drawing on fieldwork in a town on Manila’s agricultural periphery, this paper argues that such understandings present a static view of these regions, limited by macro-level data and analysis. A more ethnographic understanding of the social processes of ‘everyday urbanization’ at the interface of the ‘urban’ and the ‘rural’ dispels any sense of a stable rural-urban landscape or balanced development. The evidence points to an incompatibility of functions leading to the gradual ‘squeezing out’ of agriculture due to a changing economic calculus in agricultural households brought on by labour market shifts; environmental conflicts between agricultural and urban-industrial activities; social and cultural transformations in rural society; a political framework of bureaucratic corruption in the regulation of urbanization; and the influence of personalized power relations in agrarian society. — Ces dernières années, les efforts pour comprendre le processus d’urbanisation en Asie du sud-est se sont concentrés sur la naissance des régions métropolitaines étendues autour des cités centrales. Beaucoup soutiennent que ces régions, avec leurs paysages d’activités ‘rurales’ et ‘urbaines’ intensivement mélangées, représentent une forme d’urbanisation typiquement asiatique et mettent la dualité traditionnelle urbain-rural en question. L’implication, théoriquement et politiquement, est que de telles régions, avec leur utilisation mixte du terrain, forment de nouveaux paysages ‘urbains’ qui persisteront dans l’avenir sur une base de développement ‘agro-industriel’. Basé sur un travail de terrain dans une ville de la périphérie agricole de Manille, cet article soutient que de telles approches présentent une vue statique de ces régions, limitée par des données et une analyse de niveau macroscopique. Une approche plus ethnographique des processus sociaux de ‘l’urbanisation de tous les jours’ au point de rencontre du ‘rural’ et de l’urbain’ dissipe toute impression d’un paysage rural-urbain stable ou d’un développement équilibré. Les données font ressortir une incompatibilité de fonction causant un ‘écrasement’ graduel de l’agriculture dûà un calcul économique changeant dans les ménages agricoles occasionné par les changements du marché du travail; des conflits de l’environnement entre les activités agricoles et les activités urbaines-industrielles; des transformations sociales et culturelles dans la société rurale; une structure politique de corruption bureaucratique de la réglementation de l’urbanisation; et l’influence des relations personnelles de pouvoir dans la société agraire  相似文献   

Local Hospital Competition in Large Metropolitan Areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper uses origin-destination data to define geographic local hospital markets in large metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). Results support past findings of service rather than price competition, with negative-cost Herfandahl-Hirschman indexes relationships at the market level (and sub-MSA level) and with profit margins negatively related to hospital market competition. The effects of total (direct plus indirect) market competition are unchanged between 1983 and 1988, precisely estimated, robust to estimation techniques, and unaffected by whether the number of direct competitors is included as an explanatory variable.  相似文献   

The application of mathematical functions to population density data within metropolitan areas has become a well-established analytical procedure. The more important functions that have been previously employed in this connection are reviewed, and two additional functional forms are suggested. The proposed functions, together with the earlier ones, are evaluated in terms of their ability to describe actual density patterns, as well as their accuracy in characterizing certain features of metropolitan spatial structure. The evaluation is undertaken in relation to two metropolitan areas of the United Kingdom. While these both possess certain distinctive features, they conform in many respects to metropolitan areas in other western nations.  相似文献   

都市区是一种典型的城市功能地域,都市区内的城市经济社会要素活动范围往往会跨越原有的行政区,城市中心与周边地区、行政区之间联系密切。都市区治理则是与这种跨行政区的联系特征需求相符的多方参与、共同协调管理的方式。以国外典型都市区为例,从都市区治理中的参与者和合作关系入手,分析都市区治理的合作模式及演变特征。国外大都市区的发展和治理经验表明,大都市区往往在国家经济社会发展中占据举足轻重的地位,大都市区治理的参与方主要包括中央政府、地方政府和私人机构,但三者在合作治理结构中的力量对比关系在都市区之间并不相同,并且在不同的发展阶段,合作模式也在发生变化。  相似文献   

"都市区"概念辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者认为国内学术界对于都市区的认识还存在一些不足,需要加以补充和修正.根据西方都市区的本质特征,文章强调了都市区是以劳动力市场来界定的,并说明了都市区是在市场经济条件下形成的一种城市空间组织形态,它可以实现城市劳动市场的高效运作,土地资源的高效利用和交通系统的高效运行.作者认为中国还没有出现典型的都市区,但已具备了都市区的形成条件,应该通过城市规划来促进都市区的发展.文章最后介绍了城市一区域的概念,指出城市一区域是多中心的都市区.  相似文献   

都市圈政策浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
都市圈在处于体制转型的中国迅速发展 ,既有机遇也有挑战 ,文章从政策对都市圈形成、发展的作用出发 ,将都市圈政策进行划分 ,随后论述了在全球化的背景下 ,各类都市圈政策面临的挑战和对策  相似文献   

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