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近年来,随着保险业务纠纷的日益增多,保险诉讼案件成为公众关注的焦点。保险公司败诉的比例较大,其在经营管理中的一些深层次问题逐渐暴露出来。针对保险公司自身制度设计存在的缺陷、诉讼环境不良、内部管理不规范、业务员管理松散等问题进行探讨和分析,并提出相应的解决对策。 相似文献
对能源战略发展的思考 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
一个国家能源战略的制定依赖干该国的自然资源条件、社会经济状况以及世界能源贸易格局等因素。从经济发展程度看,能源大体可分为发达国家的能源战略和发展中国家的能源战略;从能源进出口看,又可分为资源供应国的能源战略和消费国的能源战略。 相似文献
<正>发展新能源产业是落实我国碳减排目标、构建双循环发展格局的有力支撑。借鉴欧洲能源危机期间德国的主要应对措施,可为中国能源发展提供重要参照和借鉴。在俄乌冲突的背景下,以美国和欧盟为代表的西方国家对俄罗斯的能源制裁对世界能源体系产生了巨大影响,使能源安全问题成为焦点。这些问题也让各国重新思考清洁能源与传统能源之间的平衡与取舍。 相似文献
2002年7月8日,全球著名电子商务网站eBay宣布,公司将出资15亿美元,收购在线支付服务商PayPal,PayPal过去一直是eBay网上拍卖交易的主要合作伙伴.随着电子商务巨头的入主,以PayPal为首的网络支付与电子商务服务的融合进入了新的历史阶段. 相似文献
中美第四次战略经济对话将能源作为主题,从一个侧面显示出能源问题对中国的重要性和迫切性。如果中国要维持发展速度、继续做“世界工厂”,能源问题将是一个头号的战略问题。 相似文献
“一带一路”是国家战略之一,包括新能源领域的产能合作,应是“一带一路”战略里面的重要基础和支撑,此战略实施为促进中国与国际能源合作提供了新机遇.而石油企业从1993年就已是“走出去”的先锋.1992年,中共中央提出“走出去”战略,号召国有企业开展国际化经营. 相似文献
ütü 《Futures》1995,27(1)
The Eurasian world around the Caspian Sea is likely to become an important oil and natural gas producer. This region is a gateway to three regions that are of great strategic importance to the West: to the east lies China and the rest of Asia; to the south lies Iran, Afghanistan, and the Islamic world; to the west and north lies Russia, Turkey and Europe. This is a region much larger than Western Europe. Future developments in Eurasia will therefore affect fundamentally not only the security of Western energy supplies, but also the traditional geopolitical equation in that part of the globe. The West needs to address current problems there as well as to pursue a proactive policy of conflict prevention. The European Union already imports half of its primary energy requirements, which will increase to 75% by the year 2020. Mutually rewarding energy cooperation offers the best means for integrating this region into the world family of market democracies. Turkey, a reassuringly Western ally, stands well positioned geographically, politically and economically to act as an energy ‘bridge’ between Eurasia and the West. 相似文献
Oksana Kim 《Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics》2013,9(2):151-169
This study examines the mechanisms through which companies domiciled within the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) overcome market segmentation barriers which are the legacy of the Soviet Union. In contrast to a conventional cross-listing mechanism, leading CIS firms pursue reverse cross-listing or single-listing strategies, selecting the London Stock Exchange (LSE) as their main or only capital-raising platform. This study documents short-term IPO underperformance for single-LSE and dual-listed firms, suggesting that listing in London is risky, and that firms should consider alternative capital-raising strategies. Recent national regulatory reforms, which are expected to both improve capital market conditions and to encourage firms to list domestically, present CIS firms with such an opportunity. Finally, this study shows that CIS blue chips outperform the UK market in the long-run. This effect is more pronounced for dual-listed firms that also outperform the Russian market. 相似文献
Mert Bilgin 《Futures》2011,43(10):1082-1090
This paper adopts a futuristic methodology and analyzes the role of natural gas in European energy security in order to transform economic and policy uncertainties into meaningful scenarios. It implements “trend analysis” to forecast the volume of gas needed until 2020 by elaborating the estimates of the EU Commission and “scenario building” to come up with alternative futures forging different regional implications. The economic analysis stems from four scenarios as introduced by the EU Commission: (1) baseline scenario with average oil price of 61$/bbl; (2) baseline scenario with average oil price of 100$/bbl; (3) New Energy Policy scenario with average oil price of 61$/bbl; (4) New Energy Policy scenario with average oil price of 100$/bbl. The policy analysis is derived from the options, restraints, priorities and strategies of the concerned actors which include the EU Commission, selected EU members, suppliers and transit countries. The analysis on actors results in four policy scenarios: (1) Russia first; (2) Russia everywhere; (3) security first; (4) each for itself. The matrix, which excludes the possibility of unprecedented developments such as a drastic increase in European shale gas production or continuing global recession, clusters 16 contingencies. The paper, within this context, gives an idea on how alternative policy options of European energy security may lead to different futures based on oil prices, environmental commitments and strategic initiatives of the concerned actors. 相似文献
苏联解体后,俄罗斯逐渐步入了市场经济时代。本文以俄罗斯银行体系的现状及问题展开描述与剖析,并对其未来的进一步发展作出了路径选择,笔者相信俄罗斯的银行体系和证券市场将会逐步完善,并在近几年内将成为世界资本市场的一个小小亮点。 相似文献
供应学派的胜利--评述德国税制大改革 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
供应学派对美国90年代以来经济的增长具有极大的作用,并影响到世界各国,最新的德国税制改革就是一个明证.2000年1月11日,德国公布了下一阶段税制改革的草案,这个草案对当前税制进行了极大的修正,包括税率急剧下调、取消转移抵免制度、建立分配者免税制度、公司集团一体化制度、资本弱化规定、加速折旧制度、股利减免制度,可谓是1977年以来德国税制最为激进的一次改革. 相似文献