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肖洪根 《旅游学刊》2001,16(6):16-26
本文是一篇文献综述与理论归纳类文章.文章的第一部分展示了旅游社会学在国外的开展状况;综合评述了主要的思想流派、理论观点、学术著作以及代表人物,具体包括旅游社会学研究的发展演进观、新迪尔凯姆学说、冲突批评理论、功能学派、韦伯主义、形式主义/现象学和民族方法学派,以及符号互动主义等7种理论流派.文章的第二部分尝试性地建构了旅游社会学研究的理论体系;内容包括旅游活动主体类型、旅游系统与发展范式、主客交往、旅游吸引系统特征、旅游影响与社会文化变迁及现代化,以及旅游现象的两重性等旅游社会学研究对象的6大基本属性与范畴.文章对旅游社会学研究的方法、手段和视角也作了简要的讨论.  相似文献   

肖洪根 《旅游学刊》2002,17(1):59-68
本文是一篇文献综述与理论归纳类文章。文章的第一部分展示了旅游社会学在国外的开展状况;综合评述了主要的思想流派、理论观点、学术著作以及代表人物,具体包括旅游社会学研究的发展演进观、新迪尔凯姆学说、冲突批评理论、功能学派、韦伯主义、形式主义/现象学和民族方法学派,以及符号互动主义等7种理论流派。文章的第二部分尝试性地建构了旅游社会学研究的理论体系;内容包括旅游活动主体类型、旅游系统与发展范式、主客交往、旅游吸引系统特征、旅游影响与社会文化变迁及现代化,以及旅游现象的两重性等旅游社会学研究对象的6大基本属性与范畴。文章对旅游社会学研究的方法、手段和视角也作了简要的讨论。  相似文献   

旅游社会学研究初探   总被引:41,自引:4,他引:37  
由于理论体系和方法论尚未成熟,旅游社会学仍处于初期发展阶段。本文在前人研究基础上,对旅游社会学的研究对象、研究方法进行了尝试性探讨,认为旅游社会学的研究对象范围应是旅游者的社会行为和社会关系以及由此引起的相关问题的集合,包括旅游者个体和群体两方面。旅游者个体研究包括旅游者行为及引起该行为的动机、心理、价值取向、审美观念等深层因素,属微观旅游社会学范畴;旅游者群体研究包括社会关系、跨文化交际、社会影响、旅游人流等宏观旅游社会学的层面。此外,本文还对旅游社会学的研究方法进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

赵磊 《旅游学刊》2011,26(2):20-27
文章从新经济社会学视角,分别对旅游系统的社会与经济网络性质、网络结构的嵌入性和网络经济社会建构3方面进行了分析,基本形成了旅游系统网络研究的新经济社会学分析框架。鉴于文章是首次提出旅游系统网络研究的新经济社会学研究范式,仍需从旅游系统网络的社会网络结构、结构洞的竞争优势、旅游市场的社会建构3方面来进行深入分析,从而完善旅游系统网络研究的新经济社会学理论体系。旅游系统网络研究的新经济社会学转向将会为我国旅游学研究提供新的理论研究范式。  相似文献   

文章试从科学技术与社会维度出发,论述旅游社会学研究中的文化交流与汇通现象,阐述旅游社会学与科学技术与社会之间的关联.通过系统分析,研究旅游活动中由于文化融接而产生的具体事例及形成的人与人之间的关系、人类活动规律等相关问题.文章首先基于诠释学的研究视域,通过具体事例论证旅游行为中文化因素对某些旅游事件中人类心理所产生的影响,之后运用事理学学派的心理性个体概念及知行本征机制对旅游个体进行分析.借助科学技术与社会的分析方法,探讨旅游活动中异域文化因素如何影响人类的理解方式,从而实现旅游业和社会科学共同发展,拓展科学技术在解释某些旅游现象中的应用面,以期为旅游社会学提供一个新的研究与诠释方法.  相似文献   

西方旅游社会学研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张进福 《旅游学刊》2004,19(5):82-91
20世纪30年代以来,旅游社会学研究逐渐成为了一个旅游学与社会学交叉且备受关注和争议的领域,研究成果颇丰。文章综合考察了欧美英语国家旅游社会学文献,对西方旅游社会学研究进行大胆梳理,把西方旅游社会学研究大致划分为4个阶段,即(1)早期的起源阶段(“二战”以前);(2)过渡时期(“二战”后至20世纪60年代);(3)形成和发展时期(20世纪70~80年代);(4)系统经验研究时期(20世纪90年代至今)。认为,尽管学科地位仍受质疑,但随着旅游社会学研究范围的扩大、研究对象的明晰、研究内容的丰富、研究方法的成熟,旅游社会学研究进入了系统经验研究阶段,旅游社会学作为独立的研究领域毋庸置疑,旅游社会学作为广为接受的独立学科分支也指日可待。  相似文献   

可持续旅游发展的价值依据比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文追溯了可持续旅游发展观在不同学科中的理论渊源,分析了"可持续旅游发展"的不同价值诉求,探讨了基于功利价值、正义价值或良心价值等不同价值基础之上的"可持续旅游发展".环境与发展经济学、旅游社会学、旅游人类学的部分流派的理论范式和研究方法可以为旅游发展提供现实的、可操作的指导,体现了对功利价值的追求.旅游社会学和旅游人类学的主要流派理论密切关注旅游的社会、政治及文化影响,体现了对正义价值的追求.而环境伦理和生态伦理学则更多地考虑了整个生态系统的和谐发展,体现了对良心价值的追求.  相似文献   

董培海  蔡红燕  李庆雷 《旅游学刊》2014,29(11):115-124
美国著名旅游社会学家迪恩·麦肯奈尔(Dean.MacCannell)的《旅游者:休闲阶层新论》(The Tourist:A New Theory of the Leisure Class)一书是20世纪以来西方旅游社会学研究中最具代表性意义的研究著作。该书以"舞台化真实""景观神圣化""旅游吸引物的符号化"等理论为依据,从旅游者和旅游吸引物的研究着手,将同一时期社会学中盛行的结构功能分析和符号互动的方法引入旅游现象分析,以探讨旅游与现代社会文化结构变迁之间的关系,从理论和研究方法层面为旅游社会学的学科发展奠定了坚实的基础。该书在西方旅游社会学界和人类学界一直享有极高的美誉。近年来,旅游社会学的研究日益得到了国内学者的关注,然而相较于国外,无论是学科体系还是理论基础都显得极为羸弱。在此背景下,通过梳理历史以重拾经典对该书予以系统审视,总结其旅游社会学的学术思想,对于深化国内学者对国外旅游社会学知识体系的认识,构建国内旅游社会学学科发展框架,扩宽其研究路径,进而实现西方旅游社会学研究成果的本土化无疑是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

社会学视角下的旅游文化现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是国家社科基金项目的阶段性成果之一。文章从社会学角度,观察旅游文化现象,介绍了旅游社会学形成的渊源和研究的问题,探讨了旅游行为和社会变迁之间的相互关系。文章认为,现代社会经济的发展和科学技术的进步,增加了社会成员的收入和闲暇时间,使多数社会成员把旅游消费作为日常生活的一部分。同时,旅游者、旅游机构和旅游目的地之间的互动也影响社会政策,改变社会结构,引起社会变迁。  相似文献   

体育旅游体验研究逐渐受到国内外学者的青睐,但系统全面的文献述评尚付阙如。文章运用SQLR方法对2000—2022年学界发表的86篇体育旅游体验文献进行内容分析,主要结论有:体育旅游体验的研究历程分为探索期、缓慢发展期和快速发展期三个阶段,2017年后体育旅游体验在学界得到更多关注;在研究主题层面,体育旅游体验的影响或价值占据主导地位,体育旅游体验的影响因素、体育旅游体验的特征以及体育旅游体验的类型也有较多关注,而体育旅游体验的生成这一主题重视程度不够;在理论和方法层面,目前体育旅游体验的研究应用了心理学、管理学、社会学等跨学科理论;研究方法以实证为主,定量和定性研究相对均衡,且数据收集方式多元。  相似文献   

旅游者安全行为:研究源起与国内近十年研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邹巧柔  谢朝武 《旅游学刊》2013,28(7):109-117
旅游者安全行为研究已成为旅游安全研究的重要领域。文章阐述了旅游者安全行为研究的理论源起,并以2001~2011年的文献为基础,对国内旅游者安全行为的研究进行了系统的梳理,从概念界定、表现特征、影响因素、安全行为管理、不同视角下的安全行为研究等方面阐述了国内旅游者安全行为的研究进展。研究归纳了国内旅游者安全行为研究表现出的理论结构,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Identifying and presenting helpful reviews to customers can significantly affect their purchase decisions. Although review helpfulness has been extensively explored in tourism research, extant studies have not sufficiently emphasized the unique characteristics of tourism products and investigated review helpfulness perceptions from both geographic and social influence perspectives. In this study, drawing on social contagion theory, we developed a theoretical framework to examine the impact of social contagion, specifically geographic and social proximities, on perceived review helpfulness. Our empirical analyses of Yelp restaurant reviews indicated that geographic and social influences have varying impacts on review helpfulness perceptions. Additionally, social contagions significantly moderated the impacts of various review- and reviewer-related factors, and product characteristics further moderated the contagion effect on perceived review helpfulness. This study provides valuable theoretical and methodological contributions to research on review helpfulness, especially in tourism contexts, and lays out the practical implications for various stakeholders.  相似文献   

Research on well-being has experienced exponential growth in tourism studies. However, knowledge about well-being of seniors in tourism is still limited, and thus conceptually underdeveloped, despite the growth of the ageing population and increased research focus on the subject. Consequently, the purpose of this review is to provide a holistic understanding of seniors' well-being in tourism, delineate the current research status, then identify gaps and future avenues for research. A systematic quantitative literature review was conducted, leading to 56 eligible articles extracted for subsequent analysis. By mapping the current state of knowledge, the study indicates a need for a comprehensive theoretical framework based on a holistic view of seniors' well-being in tourism. The findings of the systematic review suggest the need for a eudaimonic approach to the topic and research from residents' perspectives. Suggestions are made to investigate constraints to well-being and cultural differences in conceptions of seniors' well-being in tourism.  相似文献   

Although tourist attractions are fundamental to the very existence of tourism, there have been few attemps to come to terms with the breadth of approaches that have been employed in their study. An examination of research methods used in the study of tourist attractions and the tourist attractiveness of places reveals that most studies can be classified into one or more of three general perspectives: the ideographic listing, the organization, and the tourist cognition of attractions. Each of these perspectives shares a distinct set of questions concerning the nature of the attractions, as expressed through the typologies used in their evaluation. At the same time, all three perspectives make comparisons based on the historical, locational, and various valuational aspects of attractions. This framework can be applied in the comparison and evaluation of tourist attraction related research.  相似文献   

Wellbeing has been a philosophical and sociological concern since the beginning of time, and research has extended over time to disciplines such as psychology, health sciences and economics to name just a few. Tourism studies has also become more focused on wellbeing in the last few decades, both from a theoretical and methodological perspective. After examining the philosophical background of wellbeing from different perspectives, the paper takes a closer look at how these frameworks can inform tourism research and practices. It explores the relationship between diverse terminologies and perspectives as well as the ways in which hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing can be derived through tourism experiences. A spectrum and a model are proposed which outline the relationship between various types of wellbeing, tourism and activities.  相似文献   

Resonating with a growing sense of uncertainty recently, an increasing number of studies have been dedicated to travel risk because risk and tourism are intrinsically connected. However, existing tourism risk literature was criticized for lacking theoretical foundations, which has resulted in fragmented understandings, including contradictory opinions regarding the effect of gender on risk perception. In response to these criticisms, this study systematically investigates tourism risk literature from a gender perspective, with an aim to map out what is known about the gendered travel risk and what needs to be explored further. The review findings suggest that a majority of existing risk and gender studies have prioritized the experience of Western travelers. The findings indicate a lack of a gender- and risk-focused investigation and theoretical framework, and a dearth of an interpretive and reflexive approach. A plethora of evidence of gender difference in tourist risk experience has been identified.  相似文献   

This study attempts to identify the salient factors affecting tourist food consumption. By reviewing available studies in the hospitality and tourism literature and synthesising insights from food consumption and sociological research, five socio-cultural and psychological factors influencing tourist food consumption are identified: cultural/religious influences, socio-demographic factors, food-related personality traits, exposure effect/past experience, and motivational factors. The findings further suggest that the motivational factors can be categorised into five main dimensions: symbolic, obligatory, contrast, extension, and pleasure. Given the lack of research in examining tourist food consumption systematically, the multidisciplinary approach adopted in this study allows a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon which forms the basis for further research and conceptual elaboration.  相似文献   

The study of tourist behaviour has become an active and significant contributor in the overall analysis of tourism. This paper considers recent research work at James Cook University, an institution whose researchers have had a long interest in tourist behaviour topics. A review of a number of recent research projects in tourist behaviour by the Australian research team is provided and the value of four integrating concepts linking this research is specified. The four concepts highlighted are the travel career ladder which is an approach to tourist motivation, cognitive steps and mindfulness, which are conceptual organisers of how people think and process information and social situations which provides an integrative view of key factors to consider when describing social behaviour. The paper concludes by highlighting some recent commentary on tourist behaviour trends by prominent tourism analysts noting that the specific stream of tourist behaviour studies reported in this article do not fully support the general trends noted by the commentators. The potential value of tourist behaviour studies as a benchmark for understanding tourism futures is noted  相似文献   

Economic, environmental and social forces have changed the way we are developing our cities. A range of theoretical constructs have been explored to provide direction for contemporary analyses of urban tourism experience. This paper engages with a feminist perspective in our understanding of the way tourists explore and experience cities. It achieves this by expanding current sociological frameworks that assume the tourist is simply a wanderer in the urban environment. Drawing on interactionist and post-structural critique and Wearing and Wearing’s (1996) theoretical framework of the flâneur and choraster, this paper demonstrates how a more feminized conceptualisation of the tourist experience as a creative and interactive process could have a transformative effect on our understanding of tourists’ experiences of cities.  相似文献   

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