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The use of public lands and waterways is often subject to environmental regulations designed to limit the depletion of resource stocks. Such regulations may influence expectations of quality, destination choice, and consumer surplus. This paper examines the effects of environmental regulations on recreational anglers. The empirical application develops a joint model of expected catch and expected harvest in conjunction with a random utility model of site choice. Findings for Maine anglers indicate that regulations have sizable effects on catch and harvest, site choice, and welfare.  相似文献   

The Nested PIGLOG Model: An Application to U.S. Food Demand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new demand system is introduced, the Nested PIGLOG model, nesting thirteen other demand systems including five that are also new. This new model and its nested special cases are applied to models of U.S. food demand that include food-at-home (FAH), food-away-from-home (FAFH), and alcoholic beverages. Although nested tests and out-of-sample forecasting performance favor generalizing models to a certain degree, statistically insignificant improvements to in-sample-fit and even poorer out-of-sample forecast accuracy undermine further generalizations. Based on a subset of preferred models, FAFH is found to be price and income elastic compared to FAH which is price and income inelastic.  相似文献   

Despite a number of significant advances in count data modeling during the last two decades and the growing popularity of these models in recreation demand analysis, standard count data models are inadequate to address the fast decay process of the dependent variable and the associated long tail. This article demonstrates how one and two-parameter alternative count data models can be used to properly model the fast decay process and the associated long tail commonly observed in recreation demand analysis. Econometric results from an illustrative application suggest satisfactory performance of four of the eight alternative count data models proposed in this article.  相似文献   

Data used in recreation demand modeling are characterized by the facts that trip frequencies are non-negative integers and that consumers are often faced with alternative destinations. This paper considers these features by estimating a multivariate recreation demand model that accounts for trip frequency and choice among alternative recreation sites using a mixed multinomial-Poisson hurdle distribution. The specification of the Poisson hurdle distribution at the aggregate level accounts for participation and trip frequency, and avoids the restrictive mean-variance property of the basic Poisson model. The model is estimated using data from Bighorn sheep hunters in Alberta, Canada. Simulation results suggest that changing price and quality variables cause substitution among sites. The welfare implications of changes in these variables are also examined.  相似文献   

This article develops a structural econometric consumer demand model for goods, which have time and monetary costs, and where time spent obtaining the goods also enters into the utility function. The model is used to analyze customers' decision to buy pick-your-own versus preharvested strawberries at North Carolina pick-your-own fruit operations. The analysis distinguishes the effect of time as a resource constraint and time that provides utility. Demand for strawberries sold at the operations is price elastic, and demand for pick-your-own strawberries is less price elastic than demand for preharvested strawberries.  相似文献   

林凌 《农村经济》2007,(12):3-5
国家发改委在关于国务院批准重庆和成都为全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区的通知中要求,改革要在重点领域和关键环节率先突破,而重点领域和关键环节之一是农民市民化,农民市民化需要"三保障"、"两放弃",两者互为条件,同时也可做为一种可供选择的统筹城乡改革模式.以此为基础,通过重庆、成都的实地考查,认为"三保障"、"两放弃"需解决四大问题.  相似文献   

Do rural households in developing countries make market participation and volume decisions simultaneously or sequentially? This article develops a two-stage econometric method to test between these two competing hypotheses regarding household-level marketing behavior. The first stage models the household's choice of whether to be a net buyer, autarkic, or a net seller in the market. The second stage models the quantity bought (sold) for net buyers (sellers) based on observable household characteristics. Using household data from Kenyan and Ethiopian livestock markets, we find evidence in favor of sequential decision making, the welfare implications of which we discuss.  相似文献   

小农户参与农业全产业链是"实现小农户和现代农业发展有机衔接"的有效途径。本文基于山东省339户小农户的入户调查数据,采用选择实验法,建立混合Logit模型分析了小农户参与农业全产业链的选择偏好和偏好异质性来源。研究结果表明:相对于与龙头企业合作,小农户更愿意通过加入农民专业合作社参与农业全产业链,而且稳定紧密的利益联结机制、提供生产技术和市场信息服务及补贴政策会显著提高小农户的参与效用。研究也表明:小农户参与农业全产业链的选择偏好存在异质性,异质性偏好主要来源于小农户的兼业程度、家庭年纯收入和收入在村中所处水平三个因素。小农户兼业程度越低、年纯收入越低、收入在村中所处水平越低,越偏好参与农业全产业链经营。  相似文献   

Consumers’ attitudes, perceptions, personalities and motives play important roles in shaping their food choices. These factors are not fully observed by analysts, so they should be treated as latent variables. A number of economic studies treat such variables as direct measures of consumers’ food choice behaviour, even though this might introduce measurement error and endogeneity bias. We investigate the latent link between consumers’ preferences and food choice motives (FCMs) in an African context. We use an integrated choice and latent variable (ICLV) model specification for data analysis to recognise the latent nature of the FCMs and address the measurement and bias problems. The data originate from an incentivised discrete choice experiment conducted in Kenya to elicit consumers’ preferences for insect‐based foods. Our findings show that consumers’ preferences and choices are influenced by their latent motivational orientation. The results illustrate the benefit of the ICLV approach in accounting for consumers’ latent preference constructs in food choice and valuation research.  相似文献   

基于WIOD数据库,运用多区域投入产出(MRIO)模型测算1995-2011年日本的生产侧能耗、消费侧能耗、外需能耗及国外能耗四类指标,并对其变化趋势进行分析。分析日本外需能耗的主要国别流向和部门来源及其变化趋势。结果显示,日本是典型的产品隐含能耗净输入国,日本等发达国家以贸易的方式使发展中国家为其生产了大量隐含能耗的产品。  相似文献   

研究目的:以公众参与理论和程序公平理论为基础,基于中国人民大学2019年“千人百村”调查数据,实证分析征地补偿、征地程序以及征地用途等对农户征地满意度的影响。研究方法:问卷调查法和多元Logit模型。研究结果:(1)保障农户知情权和参与权(特别是政府就补偿安置办法与农户进行协商),能够显著提升农户征地满意度;(2)在政府就补偿安置办法与农户进行协商的前提下,征地补偿水平越高,农户征地满意度才越会显著提升;(3)非公益性农地征收比公益性农地征收更需要政府与农户协商,缺乏协商的条件下,非公益性征地补偿水平增加不会提升农户征地满意度。研究结论:事先知情和事中协商是被征地农户参与征地的重要环节,是确保征地程序公平的重要途径,也是提升农户征地满意度的关键因素。因此,建议在确保农户参与和程序公平的前提下提高征地补偿水平,尤其是对非公益性征地。  相似文献   

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