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United Airlines has been voted the "Best American Airline Serving China" in the inaugural Business Traveller China travel awards. The award comes after United was voted in September "Best North American Airline" by Business Traveller China's sister publication, Business Traveller Asia-Pacific.  相似文献   

United Airlines (OTCBB:UALAQ.OB) was named Best Transpacific Airline by the annual OAG Airline of the Year Awards during an awards ceremony in London. OAG is a content management company specializing in travel and transport, which selected winners of the awards based on the votes of a worldwide audience of business travelers.  相似文献   

(BEIJING) Dragonair was announced as winner of the Best China Airline category in the Business Traveller Asia-Pacific 2005 Annual Travel Awards today. The magazine asked subscribers who were frequent travellers to vote for an airline based on 17 criteria, including cabin staff, comfort, route network and scheduling.  相似文献   

The best in premium, full-flavoured Chinese teas from renowned tea company Fook Ming Tong are now available to all Dragonair passengers on all the airline's routes.  相似文献   

Recently, Singapore Airlines launched its latest suite of cabin products designed to deliver the most luxurious and stylish travel experiences. The suite of products and services include new Singapore Airlines First, Business and Economy Class seats, the next generation KrisWorld inflight entertainment system and an enhanced service delivery. These next generation products will set new standards of excellence for premium air travel, and reinforce the Airline's product leadership in the airline industry.  相似文献   

In China‘s post-WTO luxury sedans market.the fewmajor foreign brands like mercedes-benz.  相似文献   

Dragonair‘s loyalty club, The Elite, which marks its fifth anniversary this year, has welcomed its 100,000th Member, a businessman fromShanghai.……  相似文献   

Upon the recovery of the domestic and international aviation industry,Albert Yau,General Manager Northern China of Hong Kong Dragon Airlines(Dragonair),has currently received an exclusitve interview by our reporter in Beijing.  相似文献   

本文从宏观制度层面,对后配额时代5年来全球纺织服装贸易(T&C)的整体格局和相关贸易政策的影响,进行了全面而深入的分析。本文认为,2005年至今全球T&C贸易格局的整体走势包括:中国体现竞争优势,但不会处于垄断地位;买家整合采购渠道,服装出口将取决于纺织品生产能力;以及区域性T&C贸易主导地位逐步被削弱。本文同时认为,判断未来全球T&C贸易格局的进一步走向,应关注"中国+1"模式的发展以及一些主要T&C贸易政策对弱势发展中国家所产生的"意外"负面效应。本文的研究内容和结论,对于我国相关政府部门和企业把握全球T&C贸易发展的大方向,具有重要的参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

酒店员工忠诚度培养探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
酒店员工流动问题的核心在于员工对酒店忠诚度低下,加强对员工忠诚度的培养是减少员工流动的关键。员工忠诚度的影响因素有个人因素、酒店内部环境和外部环境等。应树立以人为本的管理理念,建立合理的薪酬体系和有效的激励体制;推行公平的竞争机制,给予员工更多的参与机会,以提高员工对酒店的忠诚度。  相似文献   

基于忠诚度的饭店员工管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄蔚艳 《商业研究》2006,(8):173-175
人是企业经营发展的资本,尤其是饭店作为劳动密集型、技术含量低的服务性行业,在个性化服务呼声越来越强烈的21世纪,员工的经验与工作心态直接影响饭店对顾客的服务质量。因而,对饭店的核心竞争优势———人力资源,应给以充分认识,重视员工忠诚的价值,重视对员工忠诚度的培养与提升,以保证饭店的可持续发展。  相似文献   

《反垄断法》实施5年来,反价格垄断执法工作取得了积极进展,查处了一大批价格垄断案件,有力地促进了市场经济健康发展,但在执法工作中还存在一些问题.全面贯彻落实中共十八大精神,反垄断执法工作任重道远.要创新工作方法和手段,努力在破解难点问题上取得新进展,不断开创工作新局面.  相似文献   

随着我国商业银行业市场改革的深化,随着加入W TO以后外资商业银行巨头进入我国银行业市场步伐的加快,我国银行业市场的竞争必将愈演愈烈。商业银行之间的竞争将在资金、技术、人才等各层面展开,但归根到底将是对顾客资源的竞争,赢得顾客忠诚将是商业银行在竞争中胜出的关键。顾客忠诚的内涵可以从两个角度来理解。首先可以从行为角度即从顾客的重复购买次数、购买行为的持续时间以及购买比例等方面来理解,如学者Jacoby和Chestnut(1978)就认为高频度的购买即顾客忠诚;其次可以从心理角度来理解,心理忠诚是指顾客对某品牌的产品或服务具有…  相似文献   

影响网络顾客忠诚度因素探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,影响我国网上顾客忠诚度的制约因素,主要包括产品价值、服务质量、网络环境、市场竞争等因素.企业在提高网络顾客忠诚度时,应从提高顾客对企业的满意度,加强顾客数据库的应用,实施网络个性化营销,构建舒适的网络购物环境,加强顾客对网络企业的信任,为顾客做好全过程服务等方面入手,提高网络交易质量,推进我国网上交易的健康发展.  相似文献   


This study examines from simulation the effects of the privacy sensitivity of customers, the personalization practices or standards of retailers and the difficulty in locating favorable sites on the loyalty of consumers to a Web site. The key finding of the study is that customer privacy sensitivity is a critical success factor that significantly impacts loyalty to a retailer. Customers have higher loyalty to sites that request the least information, while they have lower loyalty to sites that request the most information. Web retailers considering expanded personalization of products or services to customers, through increased personal information, need to rethink their practices. The study also found that difficulty in locating a favorable site is a success factor that impacts retailer loyalty, and that customers have higher loyalty to difficult to locate favorable sites on the Web. These findings are important at a time when consumers are empowered with Web technology to immediately shop competitor sites.  相似文献   

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