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针对2010年以来铁路繁忙干线集中修、大规模铁路建设、郑西高速铁路运营等带来的严峻挑战,郑州铁路局坚持源头治理,保证安全管理科学规范;严格过程控制,保证安全管理高效顺畅;加强激励约束,保证安全管理落实有力。截至2010年8月31日,郑州铁路局实现了安全生产804天,创铁路局直管站段以来历史最好成绩。  相似文献   

铁路安全信息管理系统模型设计及优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为加强铁路安全管理建立了“铁路安全信息管理系统模型”。在介绍系统设计方案的基础上,重点介绍了决策支持系统的功能,为实现无纸化办公,提高工作效率,提出数字签名技术的应用。针对铁路生产网的现状,提出公钥体系的建立办法和管理步骤。系统的应用有效实现了安全生产问题的过程管理和结果管理。  相似文献   

羊城铁路总公司根据ISO 9000族标准,实施运输安全有序可控管理,运用系统论、控制论、目标管理、人本原理等现代管理科学理论,建立健全各项安全管理和作业控制标准,强化车机联控、安全控制点和结合部等安全管理工作,同时加大经济考核力度,构建了铁路运输安全管理新模式,并使其具有良好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

调度所是铁路安全生产的主体,班组是调度所最基本的生产单位,通过全面提升值班主任的安全管理水平,强化班组安全自控机制建设,贯彻以人为本的安全方针,加强关键人员、关键作业、关键时间和关键岗位的卡控,切实加强班组安全建设,提升调度人员保安全的自觉性,实现铁路调度指挥安全有序。  相似文献   

在整顿安全基础工作中,羊城铁路总公司通过抓五个重点(狠杀三个主义、狠抓职工两纪、抓整章建制、强化班组建设、抓设备质量),并通过抓控制点、抓重点班组、抓车机联控、抓调车隧控和干部查岗查哨等措施,使安全走向稳定,促进了运输生产,提高了经济效益。  相似文献   

为适应我国安全生产形势,规范安全生产活动,国家颁布实施《安全生产法》,这对加强我国安全生产,防止和减少生产中事故的发生,保障国家财产和人民生命财产安全具有重大意义,各行各业必须结合各自的生产实际及有关法规认真贯彻执行。《安全生产法》充分体现了“三个代表”的重要思想,规定了安全生产管理工作“安全第一,预防为主”的总方针和基本任务,以及发生事故的责任追究制度。为此,铁路行业提出了“规范管理、强基达标”的总要求,就是要求铁路所有劳动者都要把安全生产作为头等大事,充分发挥安全生产管理部门的功能,搞好铁路安全生产,切实保障铁路运输安全畅通。  相似文献   

铁路行车安全及管理机制的实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在考虑国外铁路发展过程中对行车安全采取措施的基础上,结合我国铁路安全生产现状,提出采用相对安全的概念,突出以人为本,实施安全管理7项机制,充分调动广大职工的积极性,通过“四个转变”,实现“规范管理,强基达标”,使安全生产有序可控,基本稳定。  相似文献   

我们羊城铁路总公司多种经营起步于国家改革的大潮之中,成长在铁路“七五”大包干期间,加速发展在“八五”深化改革之时,从1984年起步,经历了十年艰苦创业,生产经营已初具规模,目前,总公司多种经营已建立起10个行业,87个企业网点,使只占公司职工总数4%的多经人员,年创利1.8亿元,它已成为我们总公司经济发展的重要支柱,给总公司经营结构带来了深刻变化,在铁路运输企业走向市场进程中起到先导和推动作用。  相似文献   

在铁路基层单位实施“安全屏障”工程,是党组织在铁路跨越式发展过程中围绕安全生产的创新政治工作。对构筑安全屏障工程,确保生产安全,从筑牢超前预防关口、拓展创优示范防线、强化克难攻坚阵地和打造逐级强责的基础等4个方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

安全是交通运输领域必须坚持的首位原则,更是铁路产业可持续健康发展的生命线。全面改善铁路行业领域安全生产状况,在落实当前铁路运输安全各种应急措施的同时,需要从安全质量体系、安全制度体系、安全文化体系三个方面,着力构建铁路安全生产的长效机制,为我国铁路产业可持续发展提供保障。  相似文献   

安全工作必须从基础抓起,抓住主要矛盾,还要强化安全规范管理,构建有效的安全质量保证体系;坚持抓小防大,从严管理;此外还要在设备投入上下功夫,不断提高设备质量。  相似文献   

This article examines changing architecture in Itacaré, Brazil, as it transitions from a fishing village to an international tourist destination. Tourism, as an assemblage of practices and perspectives, recreates places in specific ways that structure social and environmental relationships. Through an examination of historical architectural styles, tourist architecture, and popular architecture in Itacaré, this article analyses the ways a tourist economy has physically and socially rebuilt the city. Socially, the changing architecture marks and creates differences between class, racial, and regional identities while also providing an idiom through which public conversations about these changing economic systems and demographics are articulated. At the same time, the expansion of the city has led to racial-, regional-, and class-based segregation. Environmentally, tourist architecture creates new relationships to nature through re-imagining Itacaré’s position in relation to other rural and urban places and a new emphasis on the aesthetic value of nature.  相似文献   

The field of aviation research is entering the era of big data. While data-driven advancements in aviation have clearly brought about applicable models and results with immediate implications, we argue that the influx of aviation data should be better characterized and documented to enable more efficient and standardized usage. To this end, we examine 200 well-cited research articles from sub-disciplines ranging from revenue management to air traffic control published on or after 2010 in order to analyze the diversity, availability, tractability, applicability, and sources (DATAS) of data utilized in aviation research. We find high levels of data diversity within aviation research, with 16 data categories ranging from air traffic flow management-type data to data from distributed sensors in line with the Internet-of-Things (IoT) paradigm. We identified a dominance of proprietary, non-public data in aviation research, with 68% of the 200 research articles utilizing solely proprietary data in deriving their results, and a further 8% utilizing a mixture of proprietary and publicly available data. The pervasiveness of proprietary data has implications on reproducibility and extending research results. We also highlight the increasing tractability of the data by surveying the computational power required to process the data sets, and present vignettes of applications and results that stem from these data-driven studies. Finally, we propose several recommendations regarding standardizing data source nomenclature as well as increasing the availability of and usage of publicly available data.  相似文献   

International volunteers often travel to destinations (low- and middle-income countries) that carry a greater chance of being involved in a road-related injury and a possible fatality. Within this cultural exchange, tourists move from safe roads and cars to those that are potentially unsafe. Is this all part of the adventure of volunteering or should the tourist industry take some responsibility? This paper highlights the intersection between tourism and road injury and fatality risks (as pedestrians or in vehicles) with special attention to the longer term volunteer traveller. Social science theory underpins some of the discussions around risk and travel. A brief consideration of the international road traffic death and injury crisis and the emergence of the recognition that this impacts upon tourist safety is explored as backdrop to discussions. Tourism relies upon the ability for people to travel in and around the countries they travel to, often taking on the local travel arrangements prevalent in their destination. These local travel arrangements enable leisure tourists to explore their destination and volunteer travellers to live and work as locals. Is it time to consider and further the research on road risks as a growing feature of tourism?  相似文献   

As cost of search for consumers decreases with the spread of the internet; researchers question whether this trend will lead to lower price or higher product differentiation. This paper examines a sample of offered fares to see if an airline choosing not to distribute its tickets via a channel where competitors' offers are directly observable may attempt taking advantage of potential customers. We find this to be the case. Our study suggests that the US airline industry appears to be evolving toward more product differentiation in the internet age.  相似文献   

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