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大地震使北川县审计局遭受惨重损失,全局15名职工,幸存9人,下落不明6人,职工家属死亡3人,下落不明8人,办公设施设备损毁殆尽。然而,幸存的北川审计人没有被吓倒,没有被压垮,没有沉浸在悲痛之中,而是从废墟中爬起来,暂放痛失战友和亲人的痛苦,冒着强烈的余震和山体滑坡危险,坚持  相似文献   

广州特派办金融审计在打击金融犯罪、维护经济秩序方面硕果累累。自2000年以来,相继组织和参与了对广东四大国有商业银行的审计,共查出各项违纪违规金额590多亿元,上缴财政及罚没款近3亿元。上报审计简报、要情共58篇,其中有14篇被国务院领导批示。由审计发现线索并被司法或有关部门立案处理、查处的案件有11起,共抓获犯罪嫌疑人50人,116人受到行政处分,其中,厅局级干部6人。2000年、2001年连续两年获全国金融审计业务一等奖,2001年“14家关联企业骗贷3亿元案”被审计署评为大案要案二等奖,2002年“中国银行广东省分行”审计项目获审计署全国优秀项目嘉奖,2003年“建设银行广东省分行”项目获署优秀项目奖。此外,为褒奖审计人员的突出贡献,原金融审计二处处长朱惠红同志2002年被审计署荣记个人二等功,原副处长刘丹同志被审计署授予2001年全国审计系统先进个人荣誉称号。  相似文献   

王中信 《中国审计》2003,(18):43-45
随着国家审计的不断发展,审计职业化已成为审计发展的趋势.所谓审计职业化就是将审计作为一种职业看待,无论是审计组织、审计人员资格认定、审计业务的取得、审计程序的执行、审计证据收集、审计结果和审计评价意见的发表等一系列工作,都必须按职业化标准要求形成一种职业特征.  相似文献   

从民族传统中走来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施肇祖1935年生,浙江省慈溪市人,汉族,四川美术学院教授。施先生在长期担任美术教学的同时,十分喜爱我国古代传统壁画和民间绘画艺术。擅长人物画,以工笔见长,构思新颖,设色典雅,作品以表现藏族风情与佛教题材为主。代表作有反映藏族人民牧羊生活细腻秀美的工笔重彩画《丹珠玛》,反映藏族生活具有汉砖拓片与西画点彩派粗  相似文献   

汽车,承载着我们太多的梦想与渴望,车展,距离梦想最近的地方。每一届上海车展都是中国汽车工业进步的一个缩影。透过车展,我们不断提醒和丈量着汽车梦想与现实的距离。  相似文献   

社会聚焦审计,审计走近百姓。2004年,是全国审计工作者又一个难忘之年。对坚守在西部大开发前沿阵地的成都特派办(以下简称成都办)人来说,在2004年这短暂的时空里,更是留下了一个个难忘的脚印。记者撷下了该办年终盘点的一串数据:——据已审结的项目统计,共查出违纪违规金额59.  相似文献   

这是一个比较好的效益审计报告!这个报告凝聚着审计人胸怀全局、服务于宏观的心血,诠释着审计人求实创新的理念。正是这个报告,引起了温家宝总理的重视,在作出了154个字的批示之后又专门召开现场办公会。也是这个报告,受到国务院领导的重视,这将为资源型城市的可持续发展创造一个良好的政策环境。  相似文献   

2000年11月15日,全国审计系统计算机开发应用成果展示会在南京举行.来自古城西安的审计署西安特派办以<为审计插上信息技术的翅膀>为主题的展示汇报博得了与会同行的赞扬.审计同行在赞扬西安办征服驾驭高新审计信息技术动作快、效果突出的同时,不禁在问:这个办的信息技术普及运用在7个月前还是比较后进的单位,是如何这般迅速甚至奇迹般地跻身全国审计机关信息自动化技术运用先进行列的呢?  相似文献   

他是一个智人,只有高中学历,但却被大家称为技术权威; 他是一个能人,只用不足200万元投资,每年就可创出上千万元的效益; 他是一个奇人,只要用耳一听,就能知道哪个设备运转不正常,哪段工艺要出问题:  相似文献   

the coming boom     
Russell Lewis, features editor of Economic Affairs , confounds the doom merchants with an explanation of why the world economy can expect a long-run boom.  相似文献   

近两年来,不论是大型医药企业对外的兼并重组,还是大中型企业之间的强强联合亦或抱团取暖,都无不印证了国内医药市场加快整合的态势。2010年,我国医药市场刮起了一股并购风潮,共完成41起并购交易,同比增长高达310%。其中披露金额的36起并购案例共涉及金额7.28亿美元,同比增长336.3%。不论并购案例数量还是并购金  相似文献   

The economic centre of the world is shifting to South East Asia, says Russell Lewis. We should not fear this development but learn and profit from it. But if we in the West respond negatively we may foster our own decline.  相似文献   

往事并不如烟。未有改革前,中国已经有经济学者为改革而坚持和抗争的身影。顾准被称中国经济学发展史中提出市场取向改革的第一人,上世纪50年代中期即提出社会主义经济存在的问题是废除了市场制度。千规律,万规律,价值规律第一条,1964年,孙冶方在被批斗时,依然如是坚持。文革结束前后,顾准与孙冶方相继离世。老一辈的经济学家以自己的生命在敲开改革开放的经济大门,孙冶方经济科学基金会副秘书长冒天启,在《中国企业家》杂志主办的改革开放三十年颁奖盛典上如是感慨。  相似文献   

"这段时间真有点忙,今天还没到11点,我就带了两个客户去看房了."春节后,就在记者采访的过程中,北京链家地产黄寺门店经纪小刘的手机一直没停过,虽然有些疲惫,但他脸上仍有种掩饰不住的兴奋.在经济寒冬中这种久违的忙碌,让京城各大房地产中介的经纪们感到了一丝春意.……  相似文献   

The 1990s will be a decade of increasing dramatic and traumatic change for hospitals. Reimbursement, technology, and consumers, either alone or in concert, will be the forces that will shape hospitals in the future. At the end of the 1990s we will have hospitals that offer technology to the critically ill, outpatient surgical services, and comforting care for those in the late years of life. Material management will be important to hospitals because expense control will be as important as ever. However, I believe the role of a material manager will diminish as the services provided change and as the role is folded into the responsibilities of those who manage one of the three critical business areas hospitals will be in. This new hybrid of today's manager will still apply all of the concepts to the distribution of supplies in a hospital as today's material managers do but will use them as only a part of their overall management responsibility.  相似文献   

Canada, and to a lesser extent the U.S.A., must look at technological innovation with a feeling of urgency. Although there is wide agreement about the pressing need for increased innovation in industry, especially in these times of decreasing productivity and growing imports of foreign high-technology products, there is no unanimity about the best ways to achieve a better posture in national and international markets for new technology. Yet, surely one of the keys lies in the upbringing of a larger flow of competent and highly imaginative technological innovators. This poses a singular challenge for universities whose pattern of higher education has followed traditional disciplinary lines, with little attention paid to the anatomy and the dynamics of the innovation process as it applies to the real world. To this date, four universities in the U.S.A. (M.I.T., Carnegie-Mellon, Oregon and Utah) and two in Canada (Waterloo and Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal) have tried to address this problem through the development of innovation centres situated on their campus and making use of university personnel and facilities to further their objectives. In one form or another, all of the centres strive to acquire deeper insight into the innovation process itself while attempting to develop a methodology to enhance innovation, both from an educational and managerial point of view.A methodology for innovation must improve both the effectiveness of new idea generation and innovation development and the yield of the dialogue between the innovator and the financial supporter of the project. When translated into education and training, this methodology systematizes the content of the innovator's subconscious and organizes his mental building blocks to produce a body of transferable knowledge, i.e. transforming intellectual property into a manageable and profitable asset. In contrast to traditional engineering or business education where knowledge is organized into disciplines and other logical formats to facilitate teaching, the structure of education in design and innovation is built on elemental physical configurations and system behaviours.Whereas the information flow in professional management is essentially financial in nature, in innovation management the information flow is more related to ideas than money, even though financial aspects underlie the whole structure as well. While the former operates in closed feedback loop fashion, the latter is an open-ended addendum to the usual company operations. It is aimed at future growth.Coaching innovators to excel in world market competition bears resemblance to the drilling of athletes for the Olympic Games. The Olympic contestant must have a tremendous amount of willpower, in addition to skills and physical fitness. The comparable behavioral element for innovation is motivation, with related entrepreneurial skills and technological competence. This motivation must be shared also by the other members of the innovation team. Thus, not only must there be a methodology to teach innovation but ways and means must be found to create the necessary motivation and nurture the entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

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