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  • Handbook of Organizational Culture & Climate
  • Achieving Success Through Social Capital
  • The Compensation Handbook, Fourth Edition
  • Money‐Tree Marketing
  • Effective Competency Modeling & Reporting
  • Innovations in International and Cross‐Cultural Management
  • Corporate Culture and the Quality Organization
  • The Leadership Investment
  • Best Practices in Leadership Development Handbook
  • Measuring Team Performance
  • Auditing Your Human Resources Department—A Step‐by‐Step Guide
  • The Inner Works of Leaders
  • Developing Global Business Leaders
  • Digital Game‐Based Learning
  • The Radical Team Handbook
  • Suppressed, Forced Out,and Fired: How Successful Women Lose Their Jobs
  • Psychological Contracts In Employment
  • The Origins of Cultural Differences And Their Impact On Management
  • The Challenge of Front‐Line Management: Flattened Organizations in the New Economy
  • Becoming a Better Value Creator

  • Emotions in the Workplace
  • The Compensation Handbook—A State‐Of‐The Art Guide To Compensation Strategy and Design
  • Managing Power Through Lateral Network
  • Effective Competency Modeling & Reporting–A Step‐By‐Step Guide For Improving Individual & Organizational Performance.
  • Leading Organizations Through Transition–Communication and Cultural Change.
  • Managing Strategy Implementation.
  • The Leadership Investment–How the World's Best Organizations Gain Strategic Advantage Through Leadership Development
  • The Adaptive Organization–Landscapes, Learning, and Leadership in Volatile Times.
  • Managing In The New Economy
  • Building Trust at the Speed of Change–The Power of the Relationship‐Based Corporation
  • Stopping the Train–The Landmark Victory Over Same‐Sex Harassment in the Workplace
  • The Accelerated Learning Handbook
  • Training Public Administrators Around The World
  • Value Driven Management—How to Create and Maximize Value Over Time for Organizational Success
  • The Market's Measure–An Illustrated History of America Told Through The Dow Jones Industrial Average
  • Down To Earth–Applying Business Principles to Environmental Management
  • Suppressed, Forced Out and Fired–How Successful Women Lose Their Jobs
  • Psychological Contracts in Employment–Cross‐National Perspectives
  • Serious Play–How The World's Best Companies Simulate to Innovate
  • Organising Work Processes–Engineering Work & Managing Workers

  • Leading Organizations Through Transition–Communication and Cultural Change
  • Managing Strategy Implementation
  • Shaping The Adaptive Organization–Landscapes, Learning, and Leadership in Volatile Times
  • Managing In The New Economy
  • Building Trust at the Speed of Change–The Power of the Relationship‐Based Corporation
  • Stopping the Train–The Landmark Victory Over Same‐Sex Harassment in the Workplace
  • The Accelerated Learning Handbook
  • Training Public Administrators Around the World
  • Value Driven Management–How to Create and Maximize Value Over Time for Organizational Success
  • Down to Earth–Applying Business Principles to Environmental Management

文章介绍了广西投资集团有限公司坚持把“加强领导班子建设,发挥核心引领作用”作为党建工作的重点,通过“建机制、建队伍、建环境”,为企业发展注入了强劲动力,有效促进了企业的科学发展。  相似文献   

  • eLeadership—Proven Techniques for Creating an Environment of Speed and Flexibility in the Digital Economy
  • The Flexible Workplace—A Sourcebook of Information and Research
  • Achieving Success Through Social Capital
  • New Challenges for European Human Resource Management
  • A Future for the Excluded—Job Creation & Income Generation by the Poor
  • Organizational Stress—A Review and Critique of Theory, Research, and Applications
  • Anatomising Embodiment & Organisation Theory
  • The Contingency Theory of Organizations
  • Retaining Valued Employees
  • The Time Management Workshop—A Trainer's Guide
  • Becoming Dynamic—Creating and Sustaining the Dynamic Organisation
  • International Management Behavior
  • The Human Face of Corporate Governance
  • Person‐Centered Leadership—An American Approach to Participatory Management
  • Training in the Workplace
  • Human Resource Management—Perspectives for the New Era
  • Stalking,Harassment,and Murder in the Workplace—Guidelines for Protection and Prevention
  • The Challenge of Front‐Line Management—Flattened Organizations in the New Economy
  • Winning the Talent Wars—How to Manage and Compete in the High‐Tech, High‐Speed, Knowledge‐Based, Superfluid Economy
  • Mediation in the Workplace—A Guide for Training, Practice, and Administration

文章介绍了广西投资集团有限公司坚持把加强领导班子建设,发挥核心引领作用作为党建工作的重点,通过建机制、建队伍、建环境,为企业发展注入了强劲动力,有效促进了企业的科学发展。  相似文献   

Retraction: The following article from the Journal of Leadership Studies entitled “Leadership behaviors that really count in an organization's performance in the Middle East: The case of Dubai” by Mohamed Behery, published on July 28, 2008, on Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ) and in Volume 2, Issue 2 (August 2008), has been retracted by agreement between the author, the Editor, Jake Burdick, and Wiley Periodicals, Inc. The Editorial Office of the Journal of Leadership Studies has concluded that the article did not contain precise references to support direct quotations and significant paraphrases from other articles. Although the Editorial Office felt a retraction was necessary, it wishes to note its belief that the author acted in good faith and that Mr. Behery has not been accused of any misconduct with respect to the contents of the article. Jeremy Moreland Editor‐in‐Chief, Journal of Leadership Studies Jake Burdick Editor, Journal of Leadership Studies  相似文献   

  • Selling The Work Ethic
  • Money‐Tree Marketing
  • A Future for the Excluded—Job Creation & Income Generation by the Poor
  • China's Workers Under Assault
  • Emotional Impact
  • The Emotionally Intelligent Workplace
  • Researching Organizational Values and Beliefs—The Echo Approach
  • A Step by Step Guide—Auditing Your Human Resource Department
  • Partnering for Performance—Unleashing the Power of Finance in the 21st‐Century Organization
  • An Introduction to Human Resource Management—Theory and Practice
  • Evaluating, Improving, and Judging Faculty Performance in the Two‐Year Colleges

  • eLeadership—Proven Techniques for Creating an Environment of Speed and Flexibility in the Digital Economy
  • The Flexible Workplace—A Sourcebook of Information and Research
  • Organizational Stress—A Review and Critique of Theory, Research, and Applications
  • Retaining Valued Employees
  • Becoming Dynamic—Creating and Sustaining the Dynamic Organization
  • The Human Face of Corporate Governance
  • Training in the Workplace
  • Human Resource Management—Perspectives for the New Era
  • Winning the Talent Wars—How to Manage and Compete in the High‐Tech, High‐Speed, Knowledge‐Based, Superfluid Economy
  • Mediation in the Workplace—A Guide for Training, Practice, and Administration

  • The purpose of the study was to identify differences between male and female donors of athletic programmes in order to improve fundraising effectiveness. Simple random techniques were used to gather data for the study.
  • The total sample size was 387 from which 115 were female and 272 were male donors of the athletic programmes of a large eastern state university.
  • The classification with discriminant analysis results showed that motives (priority seating and professional contacts), annual contribution, personal and household income, attendance of sport events and years of sport experience significantly discriminated between female and male athletic donors.
  • The athletic fundraising practical implications are explored.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • Smoking levels among prisoners are much higher than amongst the UK population as a whole. Our research focuses on the development and implementation of a pilot smoking cessation project:
    • Using a social marketing process combined with the Health Behaviour Model, 159 participants, drawn from four prisons, undertook a smoking cessation programme.
    • Data was collected using a case study approach, with a variety of research methods: primarily depth individual and mini‐group qualitative interviews, but also document analysis and observation.
    • The findings draw on prisoners' perspectives in the context of the marketing mix in elements of the strategy design, implementation and evaluation.
    • The discussion identifies the need to maintain a consumer perspective, feeding into the marketing mix, and to identify and promote aspects of mutually beneficial exchange over and above basic health and monetary costs.
  • The positive outcomes and insights gained show that using a social marketing strategy, as part of a smoking cessation programme, has important policy and practice implications. Lessons could be applied to other health issues and in similar settings such as forensic mental health.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • This paper provides a comparative study of the giving behavior of current donors (CDs), lapsed donors (LDs), and non‐donors (NDs) in a Catholic diocese in New England. Focus groups were conducted and surveys were administered to Catholics to compare the attitudes and behaviors of lapsed and active donors as well as those who had not given to a recent diocesan annual campaign. The results show significant differences between the groups. Active donors indicate a much greater level of satisfaction with the church, are more aware of its programs, and feel they are more recognized for their gifts than do lapsed or NDs. These findings suggest that relationship fundraising, and creating trust, are critical to forging and maintaining valued donor relationships. The program implemented by the diocese as a result of the study is described.
  • Marketing for religious organizations
  • Lapsed donors
  • Nonprofit marketing
  • Marketing for churches
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The differences which have characterized various marxist analyses of the state are to a large extent due to an inability to envisage simultaneously the four major levels of reality of the state, that is:
  • 1 The state defined as a ‘developed form of the socialization of the process of production’.
  • 2 The state as instrument of domination and hegemony at the service of the dominant class.
  • 3 The state as the place of confrontation and unstable balance between antagonistic social classes.
  • 4 Finally, the state as a place of rupture or transition between a declining dominant class and a rising dominated class—to take up Gramsci's formulation.
Applied to the analysis of urban capitalist policies, such a dialectical method should enable one to grasp, in all its contradictory aspects, the intervention of the capitalist state in the process of production-consumption. Instead of opposing or isolating these four levels of analysis, it should on the contrary lead to demonstrating how the state apparatus can be understood at the same time as:
  • 1 Process of financing and spatial organization of the means of collective consumption.
  • 2 Process of social segregation at the profit of the dominant class.
  • 3 The place of confrontation between classes with antagonistic interests, confrontation being the result of political concessions to the dominated classes, the nature of these concessions—their real impact—varying according to the historical period considered, and consequently according to the margin of economic man?uvre available to the capitalist class.
  • 4 The place of formation of a counter-hegemony which will produce a revolutionary social movement made up of a new rising class, which will bring with it a new urbanistic model as well as a new project of society.

In Part I of this paper,2it was suggested that a concern for the social responsibilities of large business enterprises had received far less explicit attention in Britain than it has in the United States. In the latter it has preoccupied corporate managers, business critics, scholars, trade unionists and the general public for more than a generation. My analysis of the reasons for the comparatively lower degree of British concern with the social role of business enterprise stressed the importance of the following seven factors:
  • 1 There exists in Britain (relative to the United States) greater reliance on publicly owned enterprises about which the public policy debate concerning the social role of business institutions has been focused.
  • 2 British acceptance of corporate size and market dominance is greater than in the United States.
  • 3 A long-standing governmental involvement in economy and society has characterized Britain's political economy.
  • 4 A pre-emption of societal leadership functions by non-business élites has occurred in Britain.
  • 5 The impact of Britain's social structure has produced an informal Clite consensus regarding a limited social role for business.
  • 6 There is a British tradition of according privacy to business and other social institutions.
  • 7 There is a lesser degree of‘professionalism’ in management practice–both in terms of substance and style–in Britain when compared with the United States.

《Economic Outlook》2016,40(Z3):1-48
Overview: Markets rally but risks still to the downside
  • Our growth forecast for 2016 is steady this month at 2.3% but the forecast for 2017 has been cut again, to 2.7% from 2.9%.
  • The near‐term growth outlook has been supported by a decent rally in financial markets. Since mid‐February, world stocks have gained around 8%, US high yield spreads have narrowed around 140 basis points and a number of key commodity prices – including oil – have also risen.
  • Another supportive trend is still‐healthy consumer demand in advanced economies including the US and Eurozone. Although there has been some slippage in consumer confidence, it has been modest compared to either 2012–13 or 2008–09.
  • So overall, the global economy still looks likely to avoid recession and strengthen a touch next year. But risks to the outlook remain skewed to the downside.
  • Despite the recent market rally, world stocks still remain below their levels at end‐2015 and well below last May's peak. Financial conditions more broadly also remain significantly tighter than in mid‐2015, and inflation expectations somewhat lower.
  • And there are still negative signals from incoming data. The global manufacturing PMI for February showed output flat while the services PMI showed only very modest growth – both were at their lowest since late 2012.
  • Economic surprise indices for both the G10 and emerging markets also remain in negative territory, and our world trade indicator suggests no improvement from the dismal recent trends.
  • Notable growth downgrades this month include Germany, Japan, the UK, Canada and Brazil.
  • In our view, policymakers still have scope to improve the outlook. The latest ECB moves – more negative rates and more QE – will help a little. Widening of QE to corporate bonds also hints that more radical policy options are coming into view. But policies such as central bank equity purchases or money‐financed fiscal expansions will probably require global growth to weaken further before they become likely.

《Economic Outlook》2016,40(Z2):1-54
Overview: World growth cut as financial woes persist
  • This month sees our world GDP forecast for 2016 cut to 2.3%, from 2.6% previously. Our new forecast implies this year will be the weakest for the world economy since 2009.
  • Our 2016 growth forecast was over 3% in mid‐2015. But the economic backdrop has worsened markedly since, with steep drops in stock markets, slumping commodities and widening credit spreads.
  • We flagged the risks from the financial market sell‐off last month and conditions have improved little since. Worse, there are some signs that weakness in the real economy may be broadening.
  • This month's global downgrade partly reflects familiar factors such as worsening emerging markets: we now expect even deeper recessions in Brazil and Russia.
  • The US forecast has also been downgraded again, to 2% from 2.4% last month. This in part reflects a soft Q4 GDP reading, one worrying detail of which was a weaker performance by consumer spending.
  • Signs of a slowdown in services were also visible in the PMI surveys for January in the US and Eurozone. Partly as a result, our Eurozone growth forecast has been cut this month to 1.6% from 1.8%.
  • With world industry already stagnant, signs of weakness spreading to services are unwelcome. We are particularly concerned that the financial market slump will create a negative global credit and confidence shock.
  • Another concern is that the collapse in world stock prices is starting to have ‘negative wealth effects’. For most consumers, wealth effects are more likely to be generated by house price moves. In this respect, there is some room for optimism – house prices are still growing in most of the main economies.
  • But housing is weakening in some emerging countries and world house and stock prices have tended to move together since 2007.
  • Pressures on policymakers to act remain strong and are increasingly focused on using negative interest rates – as in Japan and Sweden in the last month.

This Briefing Paper attempts to explain the economic forces behind the decline of the coal industry. The main findings (presented in the order in which the argument is developed) are:
  • 1 Coal output has been declining throughout this century. This decline accelerated in the 1950s and 1960s when coal was faced with competition from oil.
  • 2 The decline was arrested by the the oil price increases of the 1970s which have allowed coal to establish and maintain a price advantage over alternative fuels. Despite this, coal has not increased its market share over the past decade.
  • 3 Because of energy conservation, in response to the price increases of the 1970s, total energy demand has fallen over the past ten years.
  • 4 With coal holding a stable share of a static market, the output projections for the industry drawn up in the 1970s including those in the 1974 “Plan for Coal” are now totally outdated.
  • 5 Even if total energy demand were to expand, there would not necessarily be increased demand for British coal, which is more expensive to produce at the margin than alternative sources of supply (from the US, South Africa and Australia).
  • 6 Home-produced coal enjoys some natural protection from overseas competition because of high transport costs. In addition there is a tax on fuel oil and informal restrictions on imports. These partially insulate the domestic price of coal from changes in the world price.
  • 7 The cost of producing coal has risen substantially in real terms since 1973-4, despite a major investment programme. Productivity has risen slightly faster than the national average, but wages and non-wage costs have risen very much faster.
  • 8 The upward pressure on costs has come partly from the mineworkers' climb from twelfth to first or second place in the wages' league; and partly from the failure to close non-economic pits fast enough.
  • 9 This pressure on costs meant that by 1981-2 less than half of the industry's total output was produced at profitable pits, which employed only 65,000 mineworkers.
  • 10 There is a large tranche of marginally uneconomic pits which may be unprofitable one year but profitable another, and there is a strong case for keeping such pits open.
  • 11 The number of pits which are profitable at the margin is very sensitive to movements in costs. I f mineworkers' wages had risen only in line with the national average for manufacturing over the period 1973-4 to 1981-2, the number of jobs in profitable pits would have been 95,000 rather than 65,000.
  • 12 The subsidy per man in the most inefficient pit in 1981-2 was of the order of £14000. The subsidy per man in the marginal pit at break-even point for the industry as a whole was nearly £5000.
  • 13 Under a cash limit system every pound spent on subsidising miners is a pound less available to spend elsewhere. Subsidising coal miners is a costly way of preserving jobs compared with alternatives.

  • Marketing in cultural institutions is a field that has rarely been studied in French-speaking Switzerland so far.
  • Therefore this paper explores the way in which visitors-clients appreciate qualitatively their contacts with cultural institutions concerned with the visual arts in comparison with the communication strategy of the curators and directors of museums.
  • A survey has been conducted amongst 20 museums and over 200 visitors of French-speaking Switzerland to evaluate the way visitors perceive the marketing of cultural institutions and behave accordingly or not.
  • The paper concludes with recommendations to improve the knowledge of the visitors' background and expectations.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2016,40(Z1):1-54
Overview: 2016 – unhappy New Year?
  • 2016 has got off to a shaky start, with sharp declines in global equity markets and renewed jitters about China and its currency. Recent asset market trends have prompted some observers to suggest a high risk of a global recession this year.
  • A glance back at recent history suggests why. Since last May, global stocks and non‐fuel commodity prices have both dropped by 12–13%. Over the last forty years, such a combination in a similar time frame has usually been associated with recession.
  • There have been exceptions to this pattern; there were similar sell‐offs in stocks and commodities in 2011, 1998 and 1984 without associated recessions. Notably though, in at least two of these cases, expansionary US policy helped reverse market movements – but US policy is now headed in the opposite direction.
  • More heart can be taken from the relative resilience of real economy developments in many of the advanced economies over recent months. There are few signs, for instance of sharp declines in consumer or business confidence, or in property prices.
  • Policy settings also remain expansionary in the Eurozone, Japan and China – where broad money and growth has moved higher in recent months.
  • Industry remains the problem area, both for commodity price‐sensitive extractive sectors and manufacturing. The global manufacturing PMI continues to suggest very subdued output growth.
  • Services output remains more robust, and should be supported during 2016 by tightening labour markets – December's strong US payrolls release was encouraging in this regard.
  • But there are downside risks to services, too, should stock price declines hit consumer spending. Our Global Economic Model suggests a 15% fall in world stocks may cut global GDP by 0.4–0.7%.
  • As a result, there is a real danger that our global growth forecast of 2.6% for 2016 proves too optimistic with growth instead slipping below last year's already‐modest 2.5% reading.

  • Currently charities have to depend more on individual donors and less on the government for funding. Hence, understanding the individual donor and what motivates them to contribute to charities is something, which has been of increasing interest to nonprofit marketers. In this article, a path model for the charitable donation process of a religious individual is developed and tested. The variables that are used in the model are religiosity, attitude towards helping others (AHO), attitude towards charitable organizations (ACO), attitude towards the advertisement (Attad) and behavioral intentions (BI). The results suggest that AHO by itself does not cause BI. Altruistic people need to be targeted with an appropriate advertisement message. Since religiosity is an important causal variable for AHO, segmenting and targeting individuals who are religious would be pertinent. Attempts to build favorable ACO would also be worthwhile.
  • Religiosity
  • Charitable donation intentions
  • Charity advertisements.
  • Path model for predicting intentions to donate.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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