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This paper investigates the effects of the financial system on a firm's investment decisions using data from 404 Brazilian firms over the 1998–2006 period. We also use country-level data and classify firms as financially constrained and unconstrained according to the KZ and WW indexes. The results show that financial development has a significant impact on a firm's investment. Furthermore, the financial structure has an effect on the investment behavior of constrained firms even after controlling for the level of financial development. This finding points to a market-based financial system in order to reduce the constrained firms' dependence on internal resources.  相似文献   

We treat the parameter estimation problem for mean‐field models of large interacting financial systems such as the banking system and a pool of assets held by an institution or backing a security. We develop an asymptotic inference approach that addresses the scale and complexity of such systems. Harnessing the weak convergence results developed for mean‐field financial systems in the literature, we construct an approximate likelihood for large systems. The approximate likelihood has a conditionally Gaussian structure, enabling us to design an efficient numerical method for its evaluation. We provide a representation of the corresponding approximate estimator in terms of a weighted least‐squares estimator, and use it to analyze the large‐system and large‐sample behavior of the estimator. Numerical results for a mean‐field model of systemic financial risk highlight the efficiency and accuracy of our estimator.  相似文献   

In this paper, we test whether financial system affects the export performance of R&D intensive industries. We consider four different dimensions of financial system: (1) financial development, (2) financial liberalization, (3) financial integration and (4) foreign banks. Our results show that financial development and financial integration increase exports relatively more in R&D intensive industries. These effects are highly robust. Financial liberalization and foreign banks do not have such effects. Our results also show that the positive effect of financial integration disappears when the quality of institutions and the level of financial development are low. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first study that examines the effects of different dimensions of financial system on exports through R&D channel.  相似文献   

The external business environment is a major determinant of which sources firms select to obtain financial capital. We examine how the regulatory, political, and financial dimensions of the institutional environment influence the extent to which firms rely on informal sources of financial capital. The analyses of data from 2869 firms in twenty-six transition economies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) indicate that ineffective regulatory system, underdeveloped financial system, and government corruption are strong determinants of firms' reliance on informal channels for financial capital. We also find that smaller firms are more vulnerable when the local financial system is underdeveloped and the regulatory institutions are less effective in these transition economies. A subgroup analysis of firms' forms of establishment shows that private firms are sensitive to the level of development of the local financial system and state-owned enterprises are particularly sensitive to the degree of corruption.  相似文献   

本文认为,目前我国社会整体信用情况严重缺失,企业与银行之间陷入信任危机,证券信用诚信意识淡薄,诚信度不高,保险信用不规范,金融租赁欠租现象普遍,存在着严重的信用危机。我国应建立健全金融评估体系,由中国人民银行牵头,国家有关部委及商业银行、金融资产管理公司等共同参与,建立相应的规章制度,如听证会制度、公示制度等;同时建立借款人资信评估机制,设立民办公助的信用调查机构,对企业和个人的经济行为进行商业性的信用调查服务,制定银行对借款企业会计报告审核的常规性行为规范,及早发现借款人的不良信用行为,形成示警制度。  相似文献   

We study the sensitivity of credit supply to bank financial conditions in 16 emerging European countries before and during the financial crisis. We use survey data on 10,701 applicant and non-applicant firms that enable us to disentangle effects driven by positive and negative shocks to the banking system from demand shocks that may vary across lenders. We find strong evidence that firms' access to credit was affected by changes in the financial conditions of their banks. During the crisis firms were more credit constrained if they were dealing with banks that experienced a decline in equity and Tier 1 capital, as well as losses on financial assets. We also find that access to credit reflects the balance sheet conditions of foreign parent banks. The effect of positive and negative shocks to a bank is greater for riskier firms and firms with fewer tangible assets.  相似文献   

We argue that greater availability of financial support by the family for creating a new venture entails stronger financial and non‐financial obligations. Cognizant of these obligations, potential founders anticipate negative performance implications for the planned firm and threats to the family system in the case of their non‐fulfillment. We thus postulate that the formation of actual entrepreneurial intentions is less likely the greater the available financial support. We confirm this by studying a sample of 23,304 respondents from 19 countries and find the negative relationship to be dependent on family cohesion and on individual entrepreneurial self‐efficacy.  相似文献   

Our exploratory study aims to examine individual factors that may differentiate young adults’ trust in banks and financial institutions. We use a longitudinal data set compiled during two, timed surveys, before and after the collapse of the nation’s financial system. Participants (N=748) were classified into three groups distinguished according to their differing levels of trust. Findings based on ANOVA and three-group discriminant analyses indicate that several individual factors – self-reported well-being (overall well-being, financial well-being, subjective financial knowledge) and financial status (determined by parents’ socioeconomic status and total debt level) – significantly influence young adult consumers’ level of trust in banks and financial institutions.  相似文献   

现阶段银行系统面临的网络金融风险包括:网络金融技术风险、网络金融业务风险、网络金融制度风险,这些风险的产生源自于计算机网络技术支持落后、银行内部控制制度存在缺陷、银行监管不力等方面。可通过加大力度研发具有自主知识产权的信息技术、构造全面的计算机系统防御机制、健全银行网络金融系统安全管理体系等措施防范风险。  相似文献   

河南农村金融改革初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南省农业现代化发展亟需金融支持,但是正规金融体系支农服务不到位、民间资本支农服务渠道不顺畅、农村资产入市缺乏盘活机制。推动农村金融改革,河南省政府应以农村产权制度改革为重点,积极推进改革试点工作,大力发展农村金融市场;完善农村金融组织体系,加快农村金融产品创新;加大金融惠农支持政策,提高农村金融服务水平;构建与河南省情相适应的多层次、多元化农村金融体系,使金融业成为推动河南农村经济发展的主要动力,实现农村金融改革的稳定有序发展。  相似文献   

杨捷 《商业研究》2004,(3):44-47
我国的金融创新已取得一定的成绩 ,但也存在一些不足和问题 ,认识并解决这些问题是关系到金融的深化改革和经济发展的重要课题。随着经济体制改革的深入 ,以金融体制改革为核心的金融创新也逐渐展开。金融制度、金融市场、金融技术和金融工具创新 ,都取得了长足的发展。新世纪我国的金融创新应借鉴国际经验 ,以风险防范为前提 ,以引导与监管为保证 ,以促进经济发展、提高金融效率为目标 ,坚持市场主导、兼顾国际通用性与国情特殊性相结合的原则 ,进行整体把握和科学引导。  相似文献   

Until two years ago, it was believed that the financial system as a whole was self-correcting and that modern tools of stabilization policy—monetary policy in particular—were sufficient to prevent severe economic contractions. We now know that we need a robust system of regulation and supervision that will recognize and prevent financial excesses before they lead to crisis, while at the same time maintaining an environment conducive to financial innovation. This address traces the causes of the crisis and the role of the Dodd-Frank Act in providing a framework for preventing recurrence. It then describes what must be done to identify emerging systemic financial risk, the tools and implementation of macroprudential financial supervision that must be developed, and the role of coordination between monetary policy and macroprudential supervision. Prevention of crises will not be easy—particularly because it will be necessary to walk a tightrope between prevention of catastrophe and keeping too tight a hold on the financial system.  相似文献   

Customer satisfaction contributes to firm financial performance, but does it contribute to top executives' pay? Our empirical evidence shows that it may not. Customer-satisfying executives tend to have lower pay than their productive peers, even if both satisfaction and productivity contribute to firm financial performance. Thus, customer satisfaction is underappreciated, which may result in both less societal welfare and worse company performance. We propose a board myopia mechanism to account for this phenomenon. In facing short-term financial performance pressure from investors, and the asymmetric information availability between accounting-based and market-based assets for compensation decisions, the board of directors may be myopic, underappreciating executives who invest in market-based assets such as customer satisfaction that drive long-term returns. We examine this satisfaction underappreciation phenomenon empirically using 23 years of panel data that detail firm productivity, customer satisfaction, firm financial performance, and executive compensation. The longitudinal data are analyzed using fixed-effect panel models and a simultaneous system of panel vector autoregression equations with interactions to assess the direct effect of firm financial performance and its carryover effect to executive compensation across executives who are productive, customer-satisfying, or both. The results confirm that customer-satisfying executives are underappreciated: being productive is financially rewarding for both firms and executives, while being customer-satisfying is financially rewarding for firms but not as much for executives. We further demonstrate that using total shareholder returns to benchmark firm financial performance and reward executives with a higher proportion of stock compensation can encourage a long-term focus that alleviates this customer underappreciation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the risk-taking behavior of banks in emerging economies in a context of international capital mobility. Our paper highlights a new channel through which depositors can exercise pressure to control risk-taking. Depositors can reallocate their savings away from their home country to the more protective system of a developed economy. We recover a classical result according to which increased competition resulting from more international financial openness induces banks to take excessive risks. We find however that sufficiently high financial openness is necessary for a positive link between financial transparency and safe risk management. Finally, we test the relationship between disclosure, financial openness and bank risk-taking for a panel of 258 banks from the MENA region and Turkey.  相似文献   

基层人民银行支持新农村建设要把贯彻执行货币信贷政策与支持社会主义新农村建设有机结合起来;充分发挥六大服务功能,为社会主义新农村建设提供优质、高效的金融服务;以大力支持农村信用社改革为重点,加强对辖内金融改革的指导,重构支农金融体系;加强农村金融生态环境建设,为社会主义新农村建设提供良好的金融生态环境;加强调查研究和监测分析,找准切入点,努力探索基层人民银行支持新农村建设的新思路和新方法;进一步加强金融稳定工作,为社会主义新农村建设提供稳定的金融保证。  相似文献   

从系统的角度、以金融效率为落脚点、重新廓清金融结构、功能与效率之间的逻辑关系,是深入研究上述要素的可循之径。本文在超越“系统观”的基础上,基于系统科学的新视角,将金融结构、功能与效率整合在金融系统内(简称SFE框架)进行研究,最终提出了构建SFE框架的若干要义:金融结构与环境共同决定金融功能与效率、整体观是金融功能观的理论基础、金融适应效率是关键、系统综合是实现从微观到宏观金融效率的有效途径。  相似文献   

In this study we investigate the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in conflicts of financial intermediation for financial access. The empirical evidence is based on contemporary (or current values) and non-contemporary (or lagged by a year) quantile regressions in 53 African countries for the period 2004-2011. The main findings are: First, the net effect of ICT in formalization for financial activity in the banking system is consistently beneficial with positive thresholds. The fact that corresponding, unconditional and conditional effects are persistently positive is evidence of synergy or complementary effects. Second, the net effect of ICT in financial informalization for financial activity in the financial system is negative with a consistent negative threshold. Hence, the positive (negative) complementarity of ICT and financial formalization (informalization) is an increasing (decreasing) function of financial activity. Policy measures on how to leverage the synergy or complementarity between ICT and financial formalization in order to enhance financial access are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study the tail systemic risk of the Brazilian banking system is examined, using the conditional quantile as the risk measure. Multivariate conditional dependence between Brazilian banks is modelled with a vine copula hierarchical structure. The results demonstrate that Brazilian financial systemic risk increased drastically during the global financial crisis period. Our empirical findings show that Bradesco and Itaú are the origin of the larger systemic shocks from the banking system to the financial system network, the real economy, and the region. The results have implications for the capital regulation of financial institutions and for risk managers' decisions.  相似文献   

影子银行作为正规金融体系的有益补充,是发展直接融资的有效渠道,在我国金融业助力双循环新发展格局构建中的作用不容忽视。目前,与其他主要经济体相比,我国影子银行资产规模占GDP比重排名比较靠后,整体体量较小,未来发展空间很大。不过,我国影子银行长期处于监管盲区,传统监管体制无法实施及时而有效的监管,既不利于我国金融系统安全稳定,也不利于双循环新发展格局的构建。特别是金融业内外循环扩大了法律关系模糊带来的消极影响,放大了刚性兑付带来的金融资源循环受阻问题,增加了监管缺乏带来的金融系统不稳定因素,导致我国影子银行监管缺位问题进一步凸显。影子银行是金融系统性风险的一个重要来源,尽管我国已经建立了以中国银行保险监督管理委员会为主体的影子银行监管体系,但分散管理的弊端依然比较明显。为充分发挥影子银行积极作用,助力我国双循环新发展格局构建,应从顶层着手设计有效的监管制度,规避影子银行可能带来的风险。具体而言,一是建立科学完善的全面统计制度,掌握内外循环中的金融家底;二是建立健全规范而有效的管理架构,防范内外循环中的金融风险;三是积极主动参与国际规则制定,实现国内与国际规则的全面接轨以及内外循环规则的连通;四是引入监管负面清单制度,平衡金融创新保护与金融风险防范。  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to describe the link between financial performance and the level of sustainability. In a novel approach, the paper classifies firms based on past financial success to address a potentially reciprocal relationship. For the groups of better and worse performing firms and for the entire sample, the above link is then tested, also accounting for non‐linearity in the relationship. We show that environmental management system (EMS) implementation as a proxy for a firm's sustainability level is only positively associated with the financial performance of financially well‐performing firms. Conversely, it has a negative association with the performance of less good firms. We show that this implies that firms cannot change from good to bad performance, and vice versa, solely through the implementation of an EMS, and also that the result remains when introducing non‐linearity in the link. Based on this result, we discuss implications for the direction of causality.  相似文献   

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