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Although it is the second largest country in Europe, Ukraine is still at an early stage in its transition to a market economy. Given its strong long‐term potential, it is a key country to monitor on the changing global landscape. This article provides a comprehensive review of Ukraine's historical development, political structure, economy, investment and foreign trade environment. It aims at being a useful source of information for foreign businessmen and investors interested in doing business in Ukraine. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A frequently overlooked component of succesful international trade involves the efficient distribution of products. The present paper looked at international freight forwarder perceptions of the easiest and most difficult countries for arranging international freight operations. The forwarders overwhelmingly indicated that Great Britain was the easiest country for arranging international freight operations, which China emerged as the most difficult. Study results could be helpful both as competitive benchmarks and in formulating public policy.  相似文献   

When we saw the amount of foreign capital currently being invested in China's real estate market, we realized that much like its foreign counterparts, China has been very active overseas as well. With encouragement from the "walking out" strategy, more and more Chinese investors have begun to focus on overseas real estate developments. There have been a variety of investments.  相似文献   

在人们的印象中,联合国是个开会的地方,实际上,联合国也是个大市场。联合国采购蕴涵着巨大的商机,但中国企业在抓住这个商机方面,却远远落后于其他国家。一旦成为联合国指定供应商,意味着企业诚信俱佳和有完善的电子商务系统,由此可获得长期稳定的订单,还能获其金融支持,无论在国内外生意场上,“联合国指定供应商”都是“特别通行证”。对于入世后的中国企业,特别是广大中小型企业来说,是一条尽快登上国际舞台的捷径。  相似文献   

Unethical business in India became a recognized phenomenon during the second World War. Academic/journalistic/legal concern with ethics has become visible only during the nineties. Corruption-of-the-poor and corruption-of-the-rich need to be distinguished – especially in the context of globalization. The danger of attributing unethical practices to system failure is recognized. It is also important to bring to bear on intellectual property rights the more fundamental principle of natural property rights. Consciousness ethics will be more crucial than just intellectual ethics.  相似文献   

Based on personal experience, interviews, and numerous anecdotal evidence documented in the press, this paper analyzes current practices and focuses on future challenges of business development in Ukraine. In particular, the most recent developments in evolution of business relations and ethics are studied. Business ethics practices are viewed within the current political, economic, and social context. A unique combination of three factors: old communist mentality, new "mafia-style" capitalism, and Ukrainian nationalism have created a situation where applying internationally accepted ethical concepts may not lead to success. The new entrepreneurial spirit and privatization windfalls against the background of cronyism, bureaucracy, and organized crime have produced the new rules of doing business. Business ethics reflect a peculiar combination of the above factors and make them difficult for the outsider to comprehend.  相似文献   


Japan has a reputation for being a non-litigious society. In Japan, the law and the minutiae of a written contract are not the guiding principles of relationships, but rather something to reluctantly fall back on if business people cannot act reasonably and fairly of their own accord. Under such a view, litigation serves only to make society more confrontational, less harmonious, and less orderly. An examination of the reactions of most Japanese in business settings can yield productive suggestions for those desiring to do business with the Japanese.  相似文献   


This paper provides a systematic review of challenges to doing business in Africa. It complements the extant literature by answering two critical questions: what are the linkages between the ease of doing business and economic development; and what are the challenges to doing business in Africa? In providing answers to these questions, the nexus between the ease of doing business and economic development is discussed in six main strands, namely: wealth creation and sharing; opportunities of employment; balanced regional and economic development; Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and GDP per capita; standards of living and exports. Moreover, challenges to doing business are articulated along the following lines: (i) issues related to the cost of starting a business and doing business; (ii) shortage of energy and electricity; (iii) lack of access to finance; and (v) high taxes and low cross-border trade.  相似文献   

电子商务对国际贸易的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目前,电子商务正在全球范围内蓬勃发展,发达国家把它作为国际贸易领域的新手段不断扩大其应用范围。预计到2003年,世界电子商务交易额将增加到近1.5万亿美元,“因特网经济”将成为世界经济的主角。这种新兴贸易方式的发展为国际贸易的发展提供了更为便捷自由的手段和工具,使国际贸易的许多方面都发生了令人瞩目的积极变化。  相似文献   

Using a manually collected dataset on the overseas experiences of directors of Chinese listed firms, we examine the effects of returnee directors on firms’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagement. Our results show that returnee directors significantly improve their firms’ CSR engagement. The positive relationship between the percentage of returnee directors and CSR engagement is more significant when a firm is in a competitive industry, when a firm has no government ownership, when a firm’s CEO is not politically connected, and when a firm’s CEO is older. Furthermore, we find that only long-term foreign professional or academic experience matters, whereas short-term visiting experience does not. Finally, our results are robust after controlling for endogeneity. Therefore, this paper offers clear policy implications by suggesting that hiring more returnees as corporate directors is an efficient way to enhance firms’ CSR, which may be of particular interest to regulators in emerging markets.  相似文献   

The author critiques the expedient application of market valuation principles by the transnational corporations and other large firms in the Indian pharmaceutical industry on a number of issues like patents, pricing, irrational drugs, clinical trials, etc. He contends that ethics in business is chiseled and etched within the confines of particular social structures of accumulation. An ascendant neo-liberal social structure of accumulation has basically shaped these firms' sharp opposition to the Indian Patents Act, 1970, government administered pricing, etc. The author contends that the practice of neo-liberal economics is strongly associated with a "one dimensional" ethics that privileges market valuation principles over all others. This seems to inevitably generate a social counter-movement that struggles for social protections. He critiques neo-liberal business practices from a perspective that derives from the work of the economic anthropologist Karl Polanyi. Before the present phase of liberalization in India, markets were "managed", but without a "welfare state" in place. Moving toward deregulation of the markets without a welfare state in place is unethical. Keeping the debilities of the institutional framework of public policy in mind, the author adopts a Polanyian perspective that places its trust and hope in the growing social legitimacy of the counter-movement in opposition to both neo-liberal business practices and the degenerate behavior of state agencies.  相似文献   

商务专业学生和经理们在面对国际商务时不仅需要一定的跨文化沟通技巧和能力,也需要清楚地意识到形成他们不同行为的各种复杂的认知过程以及偏见。计划行为理论(TPB)为分析民族成见和民族距离对国际贸易意愿的影响提供了一个可行的研究框架。TPB理论背后的态度—行为关系对教育者很重要,因为他们会培养未来的商务领袖。但是,成见(定势思维)非常微妙,它可以被激活,但却很难应用,因为这需要多种多样的行为控制。在这种情况下,没有很多经验甚至没有任何实践经验的商科学生却可以用来作为评估所谓的"纯粹的"民族成见和民族距离的标准,以及民族成见与民族距离对他们开展国际贸易的意愿的影响力,同时也可作为态度和行为之间的一个介质。本文的主要目的是测试商务专业学生对某个特定国家的民族成见和民族距离,以及这样的民族成见和民族距离是否对进行国际贸易意愿有着决定性影响。本文的研究结果显示了在国际商务环境中民族成见对意图行为起到的交互性作用,特别强调了成见激活和成见应用的区别。更强的情感信念通过民族距离与民族划分以及民族仇恨(民族主义)的联系更紧密。  相似文献   

叶海春 《国际市场》2001,(11):10-11
长期给世界留下贫穷落后印象的印度曾一度是中国向南亚次大陆出口产品的主要市场.如今,已有越来越多的国家开始关注这个人口众多,拥有巨大的市场潜力的国家;尤其是自今年4月印度取消进口数量限制后,不少国家纷纷与印度建立经贸关系,扩大对印度的出口.一场群雄逐鹿印度,抢占市场的争夺战正在酝酿之中.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the structure of the international business curriculum through a questionnaire-based survey among current students and young managers who are studying or have studied international business courses in one of the top B-Schools of India. Respondents have the opinion that international business is more than internationalization of different functional areas and is to be treated as a separate academic discipline. In the context of pedagogy, respondents feel the need for more elective courses on international business and prefer learning through different methods such as foreign country visits, simulation, and role playing activities.  相似文献   

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