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Research in economics and finance documents a puzzling negative relationship between stock returns and inflation rate in markets of industrialized economies. The present study investigates this relationship for the developing markets of Peru and Chile. Fama's model of linkages between inflation and real economic activity constitutes the theoretical framework of this paper. The study tests whether the negative relationship between equity returns and inflation is a result of a ‘proxy effect’, namely, a negative relationship between inflation and real economic activity. The evidence for Peru and Chile does not provide strong support for Fama's hypothesis. It is shown that the negative relationship between the real stock returns and unexpected inflation persists after purging inflation of the effects of the real economic activity. The long‐run equilibrium between stock prices and general price levels is weak, as indicated by the findings of the Johansen and Juselius co‐integration tests. However, in both economies, stock prices and general price levels seem to show a strong long‐run equilibrium with the real economic activity. These findings suggest that in the long‐run, Fama's propositions A and B are supported for Peru and Chile. The disparity between traditional regression and co‐integration test results suggest that it may be prudent to re‐examine the proxy effect in the framework of a long‐run relationship before denying its validity. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article investigates the time-frequency causality and dependence structure of Chinese industry stock returns on crude oil shocks and China's economic policy uncertainty (EPU) across quantiles over the period from January 2001 to June 2021. We use wavelet-based decomposition series to establish a multiscale causality-in-quantiles test and a quantile-on-quantile regression approach to reveal the complicated relationships involving crude oil, EPU and stock returns. Our empirical results are as follows: First, the predictability of crude oil and EPU on industry stock returns is significantly strong under extreme market conditions. Second, the explanatory ability of EPU on industry stock returns in the long term is stronger than EPU’s ability to explain short term returns. Third, the impacts of crude oil and EPU on industry stock returns remain remarkably asymmetric across quantile levels. Finally, nonenergy-intensive industries are also affected by crude oil shocks, but less than energy-intensive industries. Overall, these empirical findings can provide implications for policymakers to stabilize stock markets and investors to hedge the potential risks from crude oil and EPU.  相似文献   

Firm size is commonly used in numerous empirical asset pricing models as a determinant of expected stock returns. Yet there is little consensus over the magnitude and stability of the size premium. In fact, some researchers even question whether firm size should be used as a pricing factor. We collect 1746 estimates of the slope coefficients capturing the association between firm size and stock returns reported in 102 published studies and conduct the first meta‐analysis on the size premium. We find evidence of a strong bias toward publishing statistically significant negative slope coefficients. After correcting for the bias, we find that the literature implies a difference in annual stock returns on the smallest and the largest New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) market capitalization quintiles of 1.72%. For the time periods covered in the sampled articles, we find that the size premium was larger in earlier years and that the intensity of publication bias has been decreasing over time.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the unbiasedness hypothesis between spot and forward volatility, using both the actual and the continuous path of realised volatility, and focusing on long-memory properties. For this purpose, we use daily realised volatility with jumps for the USD/EUR exchange rate negotiated in the FX market and employ fractional integration and cointegration techniques. Both series have long-range dependence, and so does the error correction term of their long-run relationship. Hence, deviations from equilibrium are highly persistent, and the effects of shocks affecting the long-run relationship dissipate very slowly. While for long-term contracts, there is some empirical evidence that the forward volatility unbiasedness hypothesis does not hold – and, thus, that forward implied volatility is a systematically downward-biased predictor of future spot volatility – for short-term contracts, the evidence is mixed.  相似文献   

This paper provides a robust statistical approach to testing the unbiasedness hypothesis in forward exchange market efficiency studies. The methods we use allow us to work explicitly with levels rather than differenced data. They are statistically robust to data distributions with heavy tails, and they can be applied to data sets where the frequency of observation and the futures maturity do not coincide. In addition, our methods allow for stochastic trend non-stationarity and general forms of serial dependence. The methods are applied to daily data of spot exchange rates and forward exchange rates during the 1920s, which marked the first episode of a broadly general floating exchange rate system. The tail behaviour of the data is analysed using an adaptive data-based method for estimating the tail slope of the density. The results confirm the need for the use of robust regression methods. We find cointegration between the forward rate and spot rate for the four currencies we consider (the Belgian and French francs, the Italian lira and the US dollar, all measured against the British pound), we find support for a stationary risk premium in the case of the Belgian franc, the Italian lira and the US dollar, and we find support for the simple market efficiency hypothesis (where the forward rate is an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate and there is a zero mean risk premium) in the case of the US dollar.  相似文献   

There is strong empirical evidence that long-term interest rates contain a time-varying risk premium. Options may contain valuable information about this risk premium because their prices are sensitive to the underlying interest rates. We use the joint time series of swap rates and interest rate option prices to estimate dynamic term structure models. The risk premiums that we estimate using option prices are better able to predict excess returns for long-term swaps over short-term swaps. Moreover, in contrast to the previous literature, the most successful models for predicting excess returns have risk factors with stochastic volatility. We also show that the stochastic volatility models we estimate using option prices match the failure of the expectations hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the puzzling time series relation between risk premium and conditional volatility by proposing a flexible risk-return trade-off that allows for a variety of possible shapes and incorporates potential nonlinearities inherent in excess return dynamics. We derive this flexible risk-return relation using the decomposition approach of Anatolyev and Gospodinov (2010), which splits excess returns into the product of absolute returns and signs. Using this decomposition strategy, we study four major international financial markets. The empirical results support a significant and positive risk-return trade-off that is driven by conditional volatility, market timing and the interdependence between the two components, which is generically related to return skewness.  相似文献   

The bond default risk premium, measured by the spread between higher and lower grade bond returns, is often estimated with univariate time series procedures and used as an input in financial models. In this paper, time series properties of the historical default risk premium are analyzed and forecasting results from univariate time series models are compared. An autoregressive model with an overreaction component provides the best statistical fit for the bond default risk premium series. A random walk model exhibits the worst fit. The findings are robust over a variety of model specifications and measurement choices. For all forms of the time series process the univariate time series models explain a small percentage of the variation in the default risk premium, raising questions about traditional approaches to estimating the expected default risk premium.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide further empirical evidence on the relationship between political cycles and stock returns. While previous empirical results on the Democrat premium and the presidential cycle effect are limited to the U.S., we investigate both anomalies using an international dataset covering 15 countries. The database allows us to apply a panel framework, in addition to an empirical analysis of the individual countries. Our results show that the Democrat premium and the presidential cycle effect are not strikingly pervasive global phenomena. This finding is robust and valid after controlling for business-cycle conditions. The panel regressions do not support either of the two anomalies.  相似文献   

In this study, we used informational advantage in the options market to investigate whether the option-implied equity risk developed by Chen, Chung, and Tsai (2016) - viewed as a type of time-varying beta - can help explain both the Hou and Moskowitz (2005) price delay premium and post-earnings announcement drift (PEAD). Our empirical results revealed a clear association between quintile portfolios with greater price delay premiums and higher option-implied betas, while the Fama-MacBeth regressions showed that the implied betas are positively related to future delay-based portfolio returns. Regarding the PEAD, we discerned a general increase in the mean of portfolio option-implied betas with standardized unexpected earnings portfolio drift. Our regression results support the notion that a portfolio’s PEAD can be viewed as compensation for the variations in option-implied betas.  相似文献   

The winner's curse hypothesis states that, in any bidding situation, a party which unknowingly overestimates the value of a given object tends to bid higher than its competitors and is, therefore, more likely to win it. In a takeover the magnitude of the winner's curse is defined as the difference between the bid premium of the winning bidder and the maximum offerable premium conditional on the capital market's estimate of expected takeover gains. The magnitude of the winner's curse is predicted to increase with (1) increase in the divergence of opinion amongst acquirers with respect to the size of takeover gains, (2) increase in the degree of competition for control of the target firm and (3) increase in the pre-acquisition profitability of the winning bidder. The empirical results provide support for the winner's course hypothesis.  相似文献   

In contrast to the pattern observed in other developed countries, the Spanish wage distribution compressed between 1995 and 2006 and became more disperse afterwards, so that in 2010 wage inequality was roughly similar to 1995. In this paper, we analyze the role of supply and demand factors when accounting for these facts. We start by decomposing observed wage changes into changes in the composition of the labour force and changes in the returns of workers' and jobs' characteristics. The results indicate that the compression of the wage distribution between 1995 and 2006 is largely explained by changes in returns, and particularly, by a decrease in the returns to education. We show that both the increase in the supply of high‐skilled workers and the increasing weight of low‐skilled occupations are related to the decreasing trend in the skill premium over this period. In contrast, the widening of the wage distribution after 2006 is largely explained by an increase in the relative demand for high‐skilled workers generating an increase in the school premium.  相似文献   

The paper reports simulation and empirical evidence on the finite-sample performance of adaptive estimators in cointegrated systems. Adaptive estimators are asymptotically efficient, even when the shape of the likelihood function is unknown. We consider two representations of cointegrated systems—triangular cointegrating regressions and error correction models. The motivation for and advantages of adaptive estimators in such systems are discussed and their construction is described. We report results from the estimation of a forward exchange market unbiasedness regression using the adaptive and competing estimators, and provide related Monte Carlo simulation evidence on the performance of the estimators. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent empirical evidence from developed markets indicates a negative relation between value premium and firm size. We find that the value premium in small stocks is consistently priced in the cross-section of international returns, whereas the value premium in big stocks is not. Based on US data, we show that the small-stock value premium is associated with business cycle news and reflects changes in macroeconomic, especially credit market related risks. Our results hold true for regional and global equity markets and remain valid after controlling for firm characteristics and prominent profitability and investment factors.  相似文献   

This paper finds a relationship between management compensation and corporate control consistent with the hypothesis that in closely held companies major shareholders engage in monitoring activities that reduce the residual loss portion of agency costs. This result is incosistent with Fama's (1980) suggestion that the wage determination process in managerial labor markets may resolve the agency problem.  相似文献   

借鉴相关研究成果,构建一个综合性的时间窗口分析模型,利用我国境内房地产上市公司在20个城市购置的205宗土地作为样本,设置前向与后向共八个事件窗口,定量考察土地市场价格信号对股票市场的影响。实证结果表明:土地市场与股票市场是两个高度关联的市场,两个市场之间存在信号传递作用,短期内具有正向冲击效应,地价信号在土地出让后能够在短期内影响股票收益率,形成对股票价格的短期冲击效应;土地出让价格信号对股票市场的影响具有时间上的不对称性,地价信号对于股票收益率的影响主要发生在土地成交之后,股票市场对于土地竞拍以前的信息没有明显响应;土地市场所发现的价格信号是关联市场价格波动的信号源,改变竞价人的预期是市场稳定的关键。  相似文献   

It has been observed that utility executives generally argue for inflation-adjusted rate bases while consumer groups advocate original-cost valuation methods. Recent analytical and empirical studies indicate rate-base valuation methods should not and do not account for differences in utilities-accounting-realized rates of return. However, there is evidence that changes in valuation methods may cause changes in realized returns due to over- or under-compensation for the effects of inflation. This study examines the impact of changes in rate-base valuation methods on (1) systematic risk, (2) expected shareholder returns and (3) realized shareholder returns. A unique time series data set and a new statistical procedure are utilized. Overall, the results are consistent with the earlier analytical and empirical studies. However, the results for utilities in one state provide support for the argument that investors fare better under fair-value regulation.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new approach for variance trading. We show that the discretely-sampled realized variance can be robustly replicated under very general conditions, including when the price can jump. The replication strategy specifies the exact timing for rebalancing in the underlying. The deviations from the optimal schedule can lead to surprisingly large hedging errors. In the empirical application, we synthesize the prices of the variance contract on S&P 500 index over the period from 01/1990 to 12/2009. We find that the market variance risk is priced, its risk premium is negative and economically very large. The variance risk premium cannot be explained by the known risk factors and option returns.  相似文献   

This paper offers a contract-based theory to explain the determination of standard hours, overtime hours and overtime premium pay. We expand on the wage contract literature that emphasises the role of firm-specific human capital and that explores problems of contract efficiency in the face of information asymmetries between the firm and the worker. We first explore a simple wage–hours contract without overtime and show that incorporating hours into the contract may itself produce efficiency gains. We then show how the introduction of overtime hours, remunerated at premium rates, can further improve contract efficiency. Our modelling outcomes in respect of the relationship between the overtime premium and the standard wage rate relate closely to earlier developments in hedonic wage theory. Throughout, we emphasise the intuitive reasoning behind the theory and we also supply relevant empirical evidence. Mathematical derivations are provided in an Appendix.  相似文献   

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