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中国城市房地产市场健康标准及实证研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
准确判断房地产市场健康状况是正确实施房地产调控的前提,但国内外并没有一套判断房地产市场健康状况系统的工具,因而关于房地产的发展形势常常引起争议.论文试图从房地产市场与城市总体经济之间合理关系出发,设计一组指标体系,利用房地产与宏观经济对应的相关历史和整体的数据,建立46个经验模型,求得一套房地产市场的多维度健康标准.将健康标准值与城市的实际值进行比对发现:35个大中城市房地产市场均不健康.同时实证研究也较好地验证了研究思路的正确性和健康标准的可信性.  相似文献   

The debate over raising the minimum wage focuses on the wrong point. We should be trying to change the concept of minimum wage to one that reflects what it really is—an entry wage. The real issue in the minimum wage debate needs to be one of clarifying the underlying human/social purpose of the minimum wage concept.  相似文献   

随着中国房地产市场由供不应求向供求平衡转变,房地产行业也将会不可避免地进入品牌时代,但目前中国房地产品牌创建还处在滞后的阶段,一些不利于地产品牌建设的认识还在大行其道,究竞该如何建设房地产品牌已经成为业界所面临的一个紧迫问题。因此,有必要对此作进一步的深入研究。  相似文献   

近年来,我国房地产业飞速发展,但是房地产税收制度相对于市场变化,明显存在政策制定上的滞后性,无法有效地对该产业的资源优化配置作出良性引导。通过界定土地节约集约使用的衡量标准,简述我国房地产业土地开发利用现状;进而从促进土地节约集约的角度,对个人住房征收房地产税的政策效应作出分析,得出相应的结论。  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the impact of financial debt on shareholder value using a new approach that aims: (a) to explain the effect that leverage from debt has on a stock’s systematic risk, or what we shall call here “the systematic cost of leverage,” and (b) to account for default risk in the cost of equity, or what we shall call here “the cost of default.” Our assessment of systematic risk is based on a stochastic approach that is materially different from the one proposed by Hamada: the risk premium remunerates the investor for the probability of equity (expressed as market value) generating a return below that of the risk‐free rate. Furthermore, the approach we use to account for default risk is derived from reduced‐form models, but in this case, (a) we use real probabilities of default and not risk‐neutral probabilities, and (b) we extend the approach to stocks.  相似文献   

崔明欣  李绍萍 《价值工程》2012,31(33):167-169
十多年来经过了蓬勃发展、多轮调控的中国各区域房地产市场未来是会持续平稳发展,还是会陷入危机,除考虑内外部环境因素的变化外,最主要还是取决于当前区域房地产市场是否处于健康状态。从分析房地产市场健康标准入手,首先进行房地产市场健康状况评价指标的初选;其次基于黑龙江省近十年房地产市场的统计数据,利用聚类分析,对初选指标进行分类;最后结合实证分析的分类结果,构建黑龙江省房地产市场健康状况评价指标体系。  相似文献   

For the last half century, trade theorists, development economists, and development practitioners have been calculating what was claimed to be the shadow price of scarce foreign exchange. In fact, what they have been calculating is the social value of the receipt of a unit of a numeraire good from abroad, typically obtained from real models. In our paper, we explicitly deal with a model of a monetized economy, and we develop formulas for the social value of a unit of foreign currency, which, in general, differ from the traditional formulas.  相似文献   

朱兰  肖湘 《物流科技》2004,27(12):21-24
第三方物流(3rd Part Logistics.3PL或TPL)是80年代中后期开始盛行的。据美国物流协会的一份最新报告.企业将物流外包(outsourcing)将平均增加9%的成本.但与此同时能提高15%的企业核心生产力。因而物流外包成为企业降低成本的一个主要途径。然而在国内,第三方物流的起步较晚.企业物流外包的比重并不是很大。笔者通过实地走访国内具一定代表性的两个城市上海和厦门.拜访其主要物流园区的相关企事业单位.了解到各层次第三方物流企业发展的状况.并分析了阻碍其发展的主要原因,  相似文献   

Conclusions Three competing theoretical approaches address the factors determining the low technological capability of the CPEs. One, here called the risk-reward explanation, focuses on the excessive riskiness of innovation to enterprises or the lack of sufficient rewards for taking on additional risk. Another theory, called the zero-price explanation, links their lackluster technological performance to the state's willingness to rescue failing enterprises. Finally, the closed-economy explanation relates the CPEs' incapacity to the autarkic nature of CPE systems.If one restricts discussion to internal matters, the zero price theory appears to be the most plausible. Where a permissive state offers help to any unfortunate or mismanaged enterprise, this weakens interest in efficiency and in pursuing innovations whose purpose is to economize on resources. The risk-reward explanation loses force if one assumes the presence of a permissive (or paternalistic) state because it implies little real risk for managers, which makes the size of rewards for innovative actions rather irrelevant.However, one can scarcely be satisfied with a discussion of the factors behind the lackluster performance of the CPEs that remains within the framework of a national economy. Technological changes in contemporary economies are highly international, so that developments in one country are very dependent on those occurring elsewhere. Therefore, what most undermines the CPEs' efforts is their limited degree of openness to the world market, which reduces enterprises' exposure to foreign competition and limits the inflow of foreign direct investment. Unfortunately, this closedness is not compensated for by their extensive—but bureaucratized—trade with one another in the CMEA.Parts of this article have been presented in Poznanski (1987). The author has benefited from comments by Irena Grosfeld.  相似文献   

A bstract By consuming pop music, people want to express who they are, to which group they belong, what their identity is, People's identity, however and contrary to what many believe, is not strictly individual. Instead, people's identity is highly social and draws on the socio-cultural values (what I here propose to call VALUES) in society - VALUES that become'objectified'or institutionalized and may thus be communicated to others. If such institutionalized socio-cultural values are not conceptualized, and if one is not able to understand how institutions work in signaling people's identity, one is not able to explain a phenomenon such as the advent of pop music. In this paper, I apply and develop ideas taken from institutional and social economics, to understand the consumption of a symbolic good such as pop music.  相似文献   

What is social entrepreneurship? In, particular, what’s so social about it? Understanding what social entrepreneurship is enables researchers to study the phenomenon and policy-makers to design measures to encourage it. However, such an understanding is lacking partly because there is no universally accepted definition of entrepreneurship as yet. In this paper, we suggest a definition of social entrepreneurship that intuitively accords with what is generally accepted as entrepreneurship and that captures the way in which entrepreneurship may be altruistic. Based on this we provide a taxonomy of social entrepreneurship and identify a number of real cases from Asia illustrating the different forms it could take.  相似文献   

从2010年国家开始对房地产市场进行调控以来至今未见有松动迹象,每次调控新政出台都会引发房地产市场的动荡。2013年十八届三中全会召开之际,各地政府出台了更为严格的购房政策。在此情况下,房地产企业应该进行怎样的营销创新应对市场。本文以广州市为例,分析"穗五条"政策带来的营销困境,探讨房地产企业怎么运用4Ps营销策略进行营销创新。  相似文献   

The Market as the New Emperor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years readers of urban studies journals have been regaled with articles on urban development in China. Contrary to expectations, what we read is not a multiplicity of accounts, but instead a repetition of one story: (a) the land market has emerged in China; (b) however, the market is imperfect; (c) therefore the best policy is to define property rights. It is surprising how uncritically scholars have accepted the idea that the land market has emerged, without defining the concept of the market. Perhaps even more surprising is the approval of the recommendation to define property rights, without asking what the ideology behind such a recommendation is and what social and political consequences it might have. This article will examine and criticize studies of this type. First, I will reconstruct what seems to be a new fashion in real estate and urban development studies, and then criticize its weaknesses, which are connected to the ambiguity of the concept of the market, insufficient empirical evidence, and ontological and ideological problems.  相似文献   

A bstract he ontology of marketing, particularly the question of what products and brands are, is still largely unexplored. The ontological status of brands hinges on their relationship with products. Idealists about brands see perceptual or cognitive acts of consumers grouped under the heading brand awarencess' or 'brand image' as constitutive for the existence of brands so that, in their view, tools of the marketing mix can influence relevant mental dispositions and attitudes. Brand realists, on the other hand reject the view of brands as mere marks or names and interpret them as emergent products with properties that afford branding in the sense of Gibson's ecological psychology. Brand strength is a function of the degree to which brands occupy defensible niches in product space. Branding as a process involves changing external or internal boundaries of products. Several arguments are proposed in favor of brand realism. The fragments of an ontology of marketing are developed in a broadly Aristotelian framework. Brand realism has significant implications for a new understanding of issues ranging from the effects of advertising to financial brand valuation, the nature of trademarks, and marketing strategy in general. It permits one to treat brand equity as a real phenomenon not dependent on associations, attitudinal states such as brand loyalty, or spurious constructs such as brand character or personality.  相似文献   

Using evidence from field interviews, this article examines the alternative employment opportunities of thirty‐one sweatshop factory workers in El Salvador and their perceptions about what types of non‐monetary benefits they receive in their current employment. Interview subjects provide insights into the benefits of their own and peers' employments, their next‐best alternative employment, and other aspects of total compensation. We find that workers perceive factory employment to provide more desirable compensation along several margins.  相似文献   

For modern nations, it is recognized as important that temporal and spatial variations in costs for comparable dwelling services are carefully measured. The costs of owner occupied as well as rental housing have important roles to play in both the consumer price index (CPI) and the System of National Accounts (SNA). The 1993 System of National Accounts (SNA93) specifies that a rental value of the housing stock should be included as part of the aggregates for personal consumption, personal income, income of proprietors and value added for the real estate industry. Yet, little attention has been devoted to an underlying commonality of practice: the implicit assumption that housing cost information for either renters or owner occupiers can be used for assessing movements over time and spatial differences in the cost of housing for both renters and owners, after allowing for differences regarding payment for taxes and certain ongoing expenses such as insurance and utilities. But in the real world, are the services that renters and owner occupiers get from their dwellings comparable? Also, for both renters and owner occupiers, are there place-related differences in the services they derive from their dwellings? And if so, what are the implications for official statistics making? These are the questions raised by the empirical results presented in this paper.  相似文献   

房地产开发项目成本控制分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马建国 《价值工程》2010,29(9):31-31
对于如今我国房地产投资的过热表现,房地产的开发企业在其进行房地产项目的开发过程当中并没有科学的进行项目成本的管理也是其中重要的原因之一。而随着地产行业逐渐的进入调整时期,其竞争也越来越激烈。所以房地产开发企业的利润也将日趋减弱。这就要求房地产开发企业提高其竞争力,而提高房地产开发企业在成本管理方面的水平就是其中之一。  相似文献   

Using data from two employer samples, the article develops our understanding of small business employee skill formation and development processes in three main ways. First, it focuses on learning (what employees do) rather than on providing training (what employers do), as it is employee learning which influences individual and organisational performance. Second, it challenges the dominant focus on external training by presenting data on employer enablement of workplace employee learning and their motives for this. The diversity of workplace learning practices and their importance in smaller businesses are highlighted. Third, it situates workplace learning processes firmly within the context of the employment relationship, one in which employers and employees pursue distinctive interests in enabling/participating in learning.  相似文献   

This article develops a framework for analysing region‐building processes as spatiotemporal constructs, involving competing spatial imaginaries and attempts at consolidating these through institution building. Central here is the performative role of what we refer to as ‘soft space imaginaries’ in the ‘phased’ building of regions for planning and economic development over time. We demonstrate how this understanding can be used to examine the phased enactment of successive waves of region‐building by tracing the evolution of multiple soft spatial imaginaries in north‐west England. The analysis exposes the variable logics, alliances of actors, and tactics used to build momentum and secure legitimacy around preferred imaginaries which advocates often promoted on the grounds that they somehow reflected ‘real geographies’ or ‘real economies’. In this context, soft space imaginaries are seen to play an integral role in intellectual case making about the contemporaneous form and purpose of subnational governance. Yet our analysis also exposes the durability of past soft space imaginaries and their continued impact on efforts to build new soft spaces. What emerges is an understanding of soft space imaginaries as more than just superficial representations. They can help determine where government investment is channelled and into what kinds of policies.  相似文献   

Examining university students’ values and perceptions of Social Corporative Responsibility (CSR) are one area that could lead to a better understanding of European university students’ behaviour to social initiatives offered by the firms, and the socialization that their academic institutions collaborate to generate in their students. The purpose of this study is to respond the following research questions: (a) what is the university students’ value structure?; (b) what are the perceptions of students about the CSR performance?; (c) how do personal values affect the perceptions of students’ CSR?; And (d) what is the relationship between CSR perception and the background variables? A sample of 1,060 university students from Social Sciences and statistical methods as multidimensional scaling, cluster analysis, and categorical principal component analysis have been used. Through the findings, this paper expects to highlight that the education in values and social responsibility is relevance not only for Society but also for Companies and even more High-Education Institutions.  相似文献   

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