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王玉栋 《会计师》2010,(8):22-23
<正>本文首先对原准则的合并价差与股权投资差额之间的关系进行分析,并进一步对原准则下的合并价差与新准则下的商誉进行分析,以举例对比的方式更直接地反映商誉的形成过程,进一步加深对新准则下合并报表中商誉的认识。  相似文献   

商誉作为一种特殊的无形资产,形成的原因可能是多方面的,诸如优越的地理位置、超前的经营理念、良好的信誉等,但其实质是具有超额获利能力。由于其价值具有不确定性及具有不可辨认性,往往是和企业整体相联系,故会计准则中一般只对外购商誉确认,对自有商誉不确认。而外购商誉往往是伴随企业生产权交易进行的,  相似文献   

浅议合并商誉问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合并会计被誉为财务会计的四大难题之一,其中合并商誉及其会计处理问题又是其中的难点和热点。根据我国对合并商誉问题的会计处理现状,我们必须尽快颁布合并会计准则和商誉准则,统一相关概念;合理界定商誉的经济内涵,确认和计量商誉初始成本;商誉的后续计量采用以摊为主动、结合减值测试的方法。  相似文献   

商誉理论面面观   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
重构商誉理论的基石是把商誉的性质定义在“能带来超额收益的经济效益的经济资源”上,只要企业存在这种能力就应立即确认,企业的胀表上应及时反映这种能力的变化;负商誉在我国目前有着某些特殊意义。从而,无论是外购商誉还是自创商誉,都必须加以确认和再确认,也必须摊销和这期地或不定期地对它的价值进行调整;合并商誉是企业外购商誉的一种,在我国已经将它埋藏在“合并价差”中,是欠妥的,必须改革。  相似文献   

黄亚发 《会计师》2013,(9):11-12
企业合并的会计问题历来是人们关注的焦点,企业合并相关会计事项的正确处理能够影响企业合并双方的经济利益,甚至决定合并的成败。基于此,笔者以对企业合并的概念、分类及处理方法的分析为基础,指出同一控制下和非同一控制下企业合并相关的会计处理的实务操作,并且由于商誉是企业合并中重要的部分,笔者重点对商誉的会计处理进行探讨,为相关研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

企业合并的会计问题历来是人们关注的焦点,企业合并相关会计事项的正确处理能够影响企业合并双方的经济利益,甚至决定合并的成败.基于此,笔者以对企业合并的概念、分类及处理方法的分析为基础,指出同一控制下和非同一控制下企业合并相关的会计处理的实务操作,并且由于商誉是企业合并中重要的部分,笔者重点对商誉的会计处理进行探讨,为相关研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

合并价差应与股权投资差额同步摊销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998年起执行的《股份有限公司会计制度》和1999年起实施的《企业会计准则———投资》中,开始规定长期股权投资采用权益法核算时,单独核算股权投资差额,并按一定方法分期摊销。但未提及合并会计报表时对合并价差的摊销。那么,在编制合并会计报表时,合并价差究竟要不要摊销呢?已经进行了股权投资差额的分期摊销,再在合并报表时进行合并价差的摊销,是否会引起重复摊销呢?本文拟通过对股权投资差额的产生和摊销,合并价差与股权投资差额的关系,以及在合并会计报表中摊销合并价差的意义的讨论,得出合并价差应与股权投资差额同步摊销的…  相似文献   

对股权投资差额和合并价差的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周丽 《上海会计》2000,(7):11-13
财政部颁布的《企业会计准则———投资》(以下简称《投资准则》)和《合并会计报表暂行规定》(以下简称《暂行规定》) ,对企业投资的会计核算和企业集团合并报表的编制起到了规范作用。本文拟就《投资准则》中股权投资差额和《暂行规定》中合并价差的处理作以下探讨。一、股权投资差额的分析根据财政部颁布的《企业会计准则———投资》指南(以下简称《投资准则指南》) ,“股权投资差额 ,是指采用权益法核算长期股权投资时 ,投资成本与享有被投资单位所有者权益份额的差额。”股权投资差额在“长期股权投资”科目下的明细科目“股权投…  相似文献   

关于商誉问题的争论已经持续了一个多世纪,随着对商誉本质认识的不断深入以及对会计理论研究的不断深化,对于商誉的会计处理问题将会越来越符合其经济实质。本文在分析总结商誉本质的基础上,对我国现行会计准则中有关合并商誉的会计处理规定做了简单分析,并提出自己的一些看法。  相似文献   

The paper examines accounting practices in the treatment of goodwill on consolidation by listed companies in the periods before and after the application of AAS 18. A previous study established that prior to the advent of AAS 18, considerable diversity existed in this area of accounting practice. The accounting profession sought through AAS 18 to seek uniformity in the treatment of goodwill on consolidation. The survey evidence shows there is a high level of non-compliance with this standard, hence substantial diversity continues.  相似文献   

MARTIN BLOOM 《Abacus》2009,45(3):379-389
This article provides a means of resolving one of accounting's ongoing problems—how to account for goodwill in an era where the unidentifiable intangible asset is often an entity's largest value component. Despite the general recognition that, in practice, the two classes of goodwill are indistinguishable in terms of their ability to generate streams of revenue, a distinction is traditionally drawn between internally generated and purchased goodwill. The former should not be brought to account because it is impossible to do so within the accepted rules of double entry bookkeeping and historical cost based accounting. On the other hand, there is no difficulty in bringing purchased goodwill to account, but controversy has always existed as to how to treat the amount once recognized. It can confidently be expected that, as anomalies and practical difficulties manifest themselves in practice, the current impairment regime will, in its turn, be abandoned.  相似文献   

Courts have encountered perplexing questions about the definition and valuation of goodwill which have significant tax implications. This paper compares the treatment of goodwill from accounting and taxation perspectives. It examines two recent Australian court decisions concerned with the concept of goodwill and finds there are still several areas of contention that both cases failed to settle.  相似文献   

Economic and financial markets interpenetrate and national economies are increasingly interdependent. This results in a growing need for comparability of accounting procedures internationally. Accounting for goodwill illustrates this phenomenon. By specifying the recommended asset treatment for purchased, positive goodwill, and the five-year amortization period, IASC has taken a significant step towards harmonization of goodwill accounting. As noted in the article, however, the implications for consolidated income may be quite drastic. This is especially so with respect to the implications of the revised IAS 22 (following IAS ED 32) for potential leveraged corporate buy-outs.  相似文献   

RONALD MA  ROGER HOPKINS 《Abacus》1988,24(1):75-85
The nature of goodwill continues to be misunderstood by most accountants and confusion surrounding the measurement and reporting of goodwill persists. The rejection of official accounting standards on goodwill is a common occurrence. A dynamic open system perspective is used in this paper to re-examine the nature of goodwill. It is found that a meaningful economic interpretation can be developed for internally generated goodwill but not for 'purchased goodwill'. There is an inability to identify the stream of benefits specifically associated with goodwill arising on acquisition.  相似文献   

International Accounting Compromises: The Case of Consolidation Accounting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R. G. WALKER 《Abacus》1978,14(2):97-111

商誉会计研究的八十年:扫描与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了《无形资产论》这一经典名著中有关商誉会计问题的重要学术观点、基本结构及其学术影响,分析了商誉会计研究理论成果在现代各国会计准则中的主要体现方式,结合我国商誉会计研究现状,提出了围绕商誉会计这一主题需要深入研究与值得思考的若干问题。  相似文献   

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