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Abstract Let X 1., X n1 and Y 1., Y n1, be two independent random samples from exponential populations. The statistical problem is to test whether or not two exponential populations are the same, based on the order statistics X [1],. X [r1] and Y [1],. Y [rs] where 1 r1 n 1 and 1 r2 n 2. A new test is given and an asymptotic optimum property of the test is proved.  相似文献   

An improved empirical Bayes test for positive exponential families   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We exhibit an empirical Bayes test δ* n for a decision problem using a linear error loss in a class of positive exponential families. This empirical Bayes test δ* n possesses the asymptotic optimality, and its associated regret converges to zero with rate n −1(ln n )6 This rate of convergence improves the previous results in the literature in the sense that a faster rate of convergence is achieved under much weaker conditions. Examples are presented to illustrate the performance of the empirical Bayes test δ* n  相似文献   

Fixed-width confidence interval estimation problems for location parameters of negative exponential populations have been studied. Three-stage sampling procedures have been developed for both the one- and two-sample situations. Our discussions are primarily concerned with second-order expansions of various characteristics of the proposed procedures including those for the achieved coverage probability in either problem. Some simulated results are also presented to indicate the usefulness of our procedures for moderate sample sizes.  相似文献   

This note contains a characterization of exponential distributions based on the properties of linear transformations of order statistics. This is a certain converse of a well known theorem of Rényi about the distribution of linear combinations of order statistics from exponential distributions. Some statistical applications of the result are indicated.  相似文献   

The problem of sequentially estimating an unknown distribution parameter of a particular exponential family of distributions is considered under LINEX loss function for estimation error and a cost c > 0 for each of an i.i.d. sequence of potential observations X 1, X 2, . . . A Bayesian approach is adopted and conjugate prior distributions are assumed. Asymptotically pointwise optimal and asymptotically optimal procedures are derived.  相似文献   

This paper examines the manager–investor relationship in the case of exponential utility when the manager of investments in real or financial assets has an endowment which can be invested in the risky assets for which he has private information. We obtain a relationship showing trade-offs or hedging behavior among the investments the manager can choose for himself and the principal. Even with the hedging ability of the manager, the well-known first-best solution with ‘no moral hazard’ risk-sharing is obtained among these possible solutions to the manager's problem by specifying a ‘no conflict of interest’, zero investment by the manager of his own endowment in those risky assets for which he has private information. Thus, the agent imputes no disutility to the assignment of the principal's investments and the investor is assured of an investment strategy that he would make if he had access to the manager's private information.  相似文献   

Mukhopadhyay and Padmanabhan (Metrika 40:121–128, 1993) considered the construction of fixed-width confidence intervals for the difference of location parameters of two negative exponential distributions via triple sampling when the scale parameters are unknown and unequal. Under the same setting, this paper deals with the problem of fixed-width confidence interval estimation for a linear combination of location parameters, using the above mentioned three-stage procedure.  相似文献   

The main result of the paper is the following characterization of the generalized arcsine density p γ (t) = t γ?1(1 ? t) γ?1/B(γ, γ)   with ${t \in (0, 1)}$ and ${\gamma \in(0,\frac12) \cup (\frac12,1)}$ : a r.v. ξ supported on [0, 1] has the generalized arcsine density p γ (t) if and only if ${ {\mathbb E} |\xi- x|^{1-2 \gamma}}$ has the same value for almost all ${x \in (0,1)}$ . Moreover, the measure with density p γ (t) is a unique minimizer (in the space of all probability measures μ supported on (0, 1)) of the double expectation ${ (\gamma-\frac12 ) {\mathbb E} |\xi-\xi^{\prime}|^{1-2 \gamma}}$ , where ξ and ξ′ are independent random variables distributed according to the measure μ. These results extend recent results characterizing the standard arcsine density (the case ${\gamma=\frac12}$ ).  相似文献   

The paper develops a method of deriving gravity models from extremal principles. The prototype result yields the most popular gravity flow model characterized by an extremal principle. This principle is also for the first time elucidated as an information-theoretic one of choosing the distribution of interzonal transfers which gives least “information” (in the technical sense) for discrimination against a distribution reflecting the “facility” (reciprocal of the “difficulty”) of travel between zones.  相似文献   

Based on the Cramér-Rao inequality (in the multiparameter case) the lower bound of Fisher information matrix is achieved if and only if the underlying distribution is ther-parameter exponential family. This family and the lower bound of Fisher information matrix are characterized when some constraints in the form of expected values of some statistics are available. If we combine the previous results we can find the class of parametric functions and the corresponding UMVU estimators via Cramér-Rao inequality.  相似文献   

Recent work on social status led to derivation of a new continuous distribution based on the exponential. The new variate, termed the ring(2)-exponential, in turn leads to derivation of two closely related new families of continuous distributions, the mirror-exponential and the ring-exponential. Both the standard exponential and the ring(2)-exponential are special cases of both the new families. In this paper, we first focus on the ring(2)-exponential, describing its derivation and examining its properties, and next introduce the two new families, describing their derivation and initiating exploration of their properties. The mirror-exponential arises naturally in the study of status; the ring-exponential arises from the mathematical structure of the ring(2)-exponential. Both have the potential for broad application in diverse contexts across science and engineering. Within sociobehavioral contexts, the new mirror-exponential may have application to the problem of approximating the form and inequality of the wage distribution.  相似文献   

Accelerated life testing of products is used to get information quickly on their lifetime distributions. This paper discusses a k -stage step-stress accelerated life test under progressive type I censoring with grouped data. An exponential lifetime distribution with mean life that is a log-linear function of stress is considered. A cumulative exposure model is also assumed. We use the maximum likelihood method to obtain the estimators of the model parameters. The methods for obtaining the optimum test plan are investigated using the variance-optimality and D-optimality criteria. Some numerical studies are discussed to illustrate the proposed criteria.  相似文献   

This paper reviews a spreadsheet-based forecasting approach which a process industry manufacturer developed and implemented to link annual corporate forecasts with its manufacturing/distribution operations. First, we consider how this forecasting system supports overall production planning and why it must be compatible with corporate forecasts. We then review the results of substantial testing of variations on the Winters three-parameter exponential smoothing model on 28 actual product family time series. In particular, we evaluate whether the use of damping parameters improves forecast accuracy. The paper concludes that a Winters four-parameter model (i.e. the standard Winters three-parameter model augmented by a fourth parameter to damp the trend) provides the most accurate forecasts of the models evaluated. Our application confirms the fact that there are situations where the use of damped trend parameters in short-run exponential smoothing based forecasting models is beneficial.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce an outlier test for linear processes. It is assumed that an upper bound for the number of outliers is known which is not too big in relation to the sample size. The test statistic bases on the comparison of the observations with certain predictors. We discuss the asymptotical behaviour of the test statistic under the null hypothesis ‘no outlier’ and derive the asymptotic distribution for the case that the distribution of the squared white noise process belongs to a certain subset of the domain of attraction of the Gumbel distribution. Especially the most important case in applications, the Gaussian white noise is included.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of testing for equality of two density or two conditional density functions defined over mixed discrete and continuous variables. We smooth both the discrete and continuous variables, with the smoothing parameters chosen via least-squares cross-validation. The test statistics are shown to have (asymptotic) normal null distributions. However, we advocate the use of bootstrap methods in order to better approximate their null distribution in finite-sample settings and we provide asymptotic validity of the proposed bootstrap method. Simulations show that the proposed tests have better power than both conventional frequency-based tests and smoothing tests based on ad hoc smoothing parameter selection, while a demonstrative empirical application to the joint distribution of earnings and educational attainment underscores the utility of the proposed approach in mixed data settings.  相似文献   

This article introduces a data-driven Box–Pierce test for serial correlation. The proposed test is very attractive compared to the existing ones. In particular, implementation of this test is extremely simple for two reasons: first, the researcher does not need to specify the order of the autocorrelation tested, since the test automatically chooses this number; second, its asymptotic null distribution is chi-square with one degree of freedom, so there is no need of using a bootstrap procedure to estimate the critical values. In addition, the test is robust to the presence of conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown form. Finally, the proposed test presents higher power in simulations than the existing ones for models commonly employed in empirical finance.  相似文献   

Erhard Cramer  Udo Kamps 《Metrika》1997,46(1):93-121
Based on two independent samples from Weinman multivariate exponential distributions with unknown scale parameters, uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimators ofP(X<Y) are obtained for both, unknown and known common location parameter. The samples are permitted to be Type-II censored with possibly different numbers of observations. Since sampling from two-parameter exponential distributions is contained in the model as a particular case, known results for complete and censored samples are generalized. In the case of an unknown common location parameter with a certain restriction of the model, the UMVUE is shown to have a Gauss hypergeometric distribution, which is further examined. Moreover, explicit expressions for the variances of the estimators are derived and used to calculate the relative efficiency.  相似文献   

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