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稳固的政府信任关系不仅能有效促进企业组织力的增强,还能够帮助企业优化治理结构,增强风险抵抗能力,提高组织韧性.保持深入的政府信任关系会使企业注重社会责任的履行,有助于企业形象的塑造,但同时也会占用企业有限的资源.以资源依赖理论、制度理论、信号传递理论、利益相关者理论为基础,选取529个A股上市公司2011-2018年连... 相似文献
社会成就企业,企业回报社会。企业作为社会的一个单元,应承担相应的社会责任。风险是对实现目标产生影响的各种不确定因素,是未来事件发生的可能性及其影响结果的组合,会造成实际结果与预期目标的差异。企业可能因社会责任问题导致经济损失、法律风险、道德缺失等,使企业难以持续发展。本文基于智能风险管理理念,运用先进的风险评估技术,构建了企业社会责任管理框架,并以BJNY集团的环境、健康和安全管理为例,分析了该框架在企业社会责任管理风险控制方面的具体运用。 相似文献
企业社会责任信息披露问题的探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
企业社会责任要求企业在追求经济效益的同时也要兼顾社会利益.为了使企业相关利益者了解企业是否履行了社会责任,企业必须披露有关社会责任信息.我国企业社会责任信息披露还处于初级阶段,缺乏企业社会责任信息披露的意识.因此,在进行企业社会责任信息披露时,应披露能源利用、环境保护、职工利益等方面的内容,并在年报附注中披露社会责任信息,编制企业社会责任白皮书等. 相似文献
企业的社会责任包括对员工的社会责任,员工是企业经济价值的创造者,企业只有全面履行对员工的社会责任,才能实现企业目标。文章以马斯洛需求层次理论为指导,阐述企业社会责任视角下员工责任指标设计的原则,并根据不同的需求层次系统地设计了员工责任指标。 相似文献
近日,西班牙桑坦德银行(Grupo Santander)宣布将在中国启动“桑坦德大学项目”(Santander Universities),该项目是桑坦德银行企业社会责任全球计划的一个部分,将首先建立天津大学、哈尔滨师范大学,佳木斯大学等高校与巴西、墨西哥和阿根廷等拉美国家领先高校之间的联系与合作,今后还会把更多的中国高校纳入其中。中国是桑坦德银行实施这类项目所选择的第一个亚洲国家。 相似文献
本文在利益相关者理论框架下,选取适当的指标测量企业的社会责任履行情况、评价企业财务绩效,同时,设置其他影响财务绩效的因素作为研究的控制变量;选取我国沪深两市A股上市公司2008-2012年5年的面板数据,通过建立个体固定效应面板数据模型,对模型进行描述性统计分析、回归分析与稳健性检验,得出结论:对大多数利益相关者的社会责任能提升企业财务绩效,但企业社会责任对财务绩效的积极影响具有一定的滞后性和长期性.同时,根据研究过程中发现的问题和研究结论,为企业社会责任战略的制定提出了意见和建议. 相似文献
运用理论分析和实证检验的方法从权益资本成本的角度研究我国上市公司企业社会责任信息披露的经济动机.研究发现:上市公司上期权益资本成本越高,本期披露社会责任报告的可能性越大,说明降低权益资本成本是上市公司决定是否披露社会责任报告的重要经济动机;对于首次披露企业社会责任报告的公司,上期权益资本成本越高,本期社会责任信息披露质量越高;但对非首次披露企业社会责任报告的公司来说,披露企业社会责任报告的资本成本动机不显著. 相似文献
嵌入社会责任与扩展公司财务理论 总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11
主流的公司财务理论是社会责任外生型的,其理论渊源是新古典范式的主流经济学。超越新古典范式,从嵌入性立场重新审视企业,则现代企业在性质上是一系列经济契约与社会契约的集合体,并且现代企业是独立于股东的实体而不是合法虚构。从公司实体假说出发,经典的代理理论需要重新解释,并且公司的财务目标函数需要重新修正。与修正的财务目标函数相匹配,公司财务理论需要在决策标准、分配理论和决策机制等方面进行适当地扩展。 相似文献
文章以2011~2012年披露企业社会责任报告的486家上市公司为样本,运用OLS回归方法,实证检验上市公司在发布企业社会责任报告的情况下,公司社会责任对财务业绩的影响。研究结果表明:上市公司多次发布企业社会责任报告能够促进公司财务业绩;公司履行社会责任能够直接促进公司财务业绩的提高;上市公司履行社会责任可以通过发布企业社会责任报告提高公司财务业绩。 相似文献
Corporate Social Responsibility, or “CSR,” has recently become a subject of study by financial economists. While there is no shortage of anecdotal evidence to support all variety of positions, broad‐based statistical evidence about the CSR movement is in short supply. This article presents some new empirical evidence that aims to answer three related questions about CSR: First, are corporations increasing their “investment” in what is considered socially responsible behavior? Second, does corporate investment in social responsibility affect a company's financial performance and shareholder value? Third, why do companies invest in CSR: to increase shareholder value, or to uphold a “moral” commitment to non‐investor stakeholders and “society”? Using a social responsibility metric that measures the net CSR strengths (i.e., strengths less concerns) of each S&P 500 and Domini 400 company, the authors report that the average net CSR for both indexes decreased during the 15‐year period (1991‐2005) of the study—though the Domini 400, as might be expected, experienced a smaller decline. The authors also report that corporate strengths have increased, on average, but at a slower rate than the “concerns,” which suggests that corporate CSR efforts may be aimed at a moving target with steadily rising expectations and requirements. Second, the authors report that companies with more CSR strengths or fewer CSR weaknesses produced higher ROA over the same 15‐year period. The authors' findings here suggest a “circular” causality in which profitable companies are more likely to invest in CSR initiatives to begin with, but then find their performance further improved by such investment. Third, the authors' findings suggest that most companies devote resources to CSR initiatives as a means of maximizing long‐run value rather than out of a prior commitment to stakeholders. More specifically, the study shows that companies appear to invest more heavily to build CSR strengths than to eliminate CSR concerns. And as the authors conclude, this behavior is consistent with a strategy of using CSR as a form of “risk management” that promotes corporate strengths in order to limit the potential negative effects of—perhaps by diverting attention from—their weaknesses. 相似文献
Suresh Radhakrishnan Albert Tsang Rubing Liu 《The International Journal of Accounting》2018,53(4):274-294
Over the past two decades, there has been growing interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) among accounting scholars. As a testament to this growing interest, two review papers on CSR were published last year in accounting journals. Implicitly guiding hypothesis development in CSR studies is the notion of a conflict between shareholders and stakeholders. We define CSR in terms of a win-win situation for shareholders and stakeholders: a CSR framework for strategic business purposes. We provide evidence supporting this outlook for CSR using cases pertaining to specific companies and findings from archival empirical studies. According to our CSR framework, resources allocated for CSR activity also help propel business strategy; as such, it is difficult to isolate CSR inputs and/or outputs due to problems of non-separability and multidimensionality. While measurement is a challenge, our framework nonetheless opens up various promising avenues for future research. 相似文献
Abhishek Mukherjee Ron Bird Geeta Duppati 《Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics》2018,14(3):254-265
The question we raise is what to do when companies fail to keep pace with societal expectations with respect to their corporate social responsibility (CSR). The response of the Indian government was to make it mandatory for large corporations to spend funds on CSR activities. In this paper, we investigate the success of this legislation both for the companies and the intended beneficiaries. We find that the impact of the legislation has fallen short of expectations both in terms of the volume of CSR expenditure generated and the activities to which it has been directed. In particular, we find that the legislation has had a negative corporate profitability which can impact on the willingness of companies to spend in this area. We conclude that greater care must be taken when implementing mandatory CSR if it is to be effective. 相似文献
公司社会责任的立法模式设计首先应从哲学理论基础上明晰其行为法基本定位,肯定其法律化意义以及弹性化设计机理。公司社会责任一般性条款当然应具有行为法的属性,而非仅具有宣示性的作用。从社会整体性、多元性、动态性视角来看,公司社会责任立法设计应采综合立法模式,一方面应当规定一般性条款,另一方面需要设计多层结构以满足社会复杂多元需求等。相应地,《民法典》第86条(《公司法》第5条)作为一般条款,发挥裁判法功能的方式既有借助现有条文进行说理论证,同时也当为行政规章、规范性政策文件乃至行业规则等提供效力支撑。尤为重要的是,公司社会责任的立法内容完善应不断凸显组织法特点,加强公司内部治理,进一步明确责任主体。 相似文献
公司治理与企业社会责任:同源、分流与融合 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
对于公司治理与企业社会责任的融合这一颇具争议的话题,本文从理论溯源入手,指出现代企业的诞生是公司治理与企业社会责任共有的理论源头,责任概念是二者共有的理论内核,并对公司治理与企业社会责任在发展中出现的分流现象进行了分析。当前社会环境的变革与经济发展模式的变迁改变了二者分流发展的趋势,为二者的融合提供了外部条件,而二者共有的理论内核又为这一融合提供了内在必然性。 相似文献
通过对2014-2018年我国A股市场的数据进行分析,发现在股灾危机时期,企业社会责任报告的披露质量与股票收益率呈现正相关关系,且这种关系在社会信任水平较高的地区表现得更加显著.在危机后的较长时间里,企业履行社会责任对股票收益的影响同样显著.因此,企业若能超越短期利益最大化的行为局限,严格履行社会责任,积累声誉和社会资本,不仅能够使企业在危机中获得投资者青睐,而且在长期上也有助于公司财务绩效的提升,这对于在后危机时期稳定股市、重构社会信用体系具有重要的意义. 相似文献
Peter M. Clarkson Jordan Ponn Gordon D. Richardson Frank Rudzicz Albert Tsang Jingjing Wang 《Abacus》2020,56(1):3-34
We employ computer-based textual analysis to examine disclosure patterns for a sample of US corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports from the period 2002–2016. Starting from 466 features commonly used in computational linguistics, our results show that the linguistics or disclosure patterns in CSR reports can be used to accurately predict the actual CSR performance type of CSR reporters. Specifically, we find that the two most commonly used disclosure characteristics, number of words and number of sentences, alone can be used to predict reporting firms’ CSR performance type with 81% accuracy. The accuracy of prediction increases to 96% when the top 50 linguistics features most relevant to firms’ CSR performance are included in the prediction model. In addition, we find that the linguistic features of CSR disclosure identified by our study are incrementally value relevant to investors even after controlling for the actual CSR performance score from the professional CSR rating agencies. This finding suggests that the linguistic features of CSR disclosure can be an important venue for capital market participants in evaluating firms’ CSR performance type, especially when professional CSR performance ratings are not available. 相似文献
企业社会责任会计信息披露的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
王韵 《河南财政税务高等专科学校学报》2010,24(1)
社会责任会计是会计学的一个新分支,它要求企业在追求经济利益的同时,也必须注重社会效益。我国应尽快建立社会责任会计准则和制度,实施企业社会责任审计制度,编制独立的社会责任会计报告,以促进我国经济与社会的和谐发展。 相似文献
公司治理与社会责任:被动回应还是主动嵌入 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
随着社会责任理论与实践的发展,将社会责任落实到公司治理机制中已是大势所趋,然而传统以委托代理关系为核心的公司治理理论体系无法为二者的融合提供坚实理论基础,导致实践中表现为公司治理对社会责任的 "被动回应"。在价值创造导向下重新审视公司治理理论体系,可以突破委托代理关系为核心的局限,将公司治理界定为服务于企业价值创造目标的制度安排,而在价值创造过程中,企业社会责任又是一种日益重要的因素,因此,公司治理与社会责任之间便具有了严格的内在逻辑关系,公司治理应将社会责任 "内生嵌入"于其理论和实践体系中。 相似文献