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人力资本投资理论研究新进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
人力资本投资理论是人力资本理论和新经济增长理论分析的基本问题,它关注的是人力资本的最优投资决策,本质上是投资效率问题。传统人力资本投资理论主要从微观上对个人投资决策进行分析,而现代人力资本投资理论则从微观与宏观相结合的角度对个人动态投资行为进行竞争性均衡的社会福利比较。本文旨在从基本方法和研究思路上对现代人力资本投资理论进行比较分析。  相似文献   

人力资本是经济增长的内在源泉,养老保险制度的产生和发展受社会经济制约,同时,养老保险制度也对人力资本等经济增长的要素产生重要影响,完善的养老保险制度可以促进人力资本积累,提高劳动生产率。我国养老保险制度还有不健全之处,抑制了人力资本的积累,主要体现在退休年龄偏低、制度覆盖面窄和养老保险关系便携性差。文章从这三个方面提出原则性的政策建议。  相似文献   

人力资本投资与可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“可持续发展”的提出使资本的概念拓展到生态和环境领域,形成了可持续发展的资本观。人力资本的自身特点决定了他在经济可持续发展中起着举足轻重的作用。我国要实现经济可持续发展,必须采取有效措施,加强人力资本投资。  相似文献   

王娟 《当代经济》2008,(9):158-159
影响公司或企业持续发展的因素中,除了必要的生产成本,还有一个最重要的因素就是人力资本。人在生产经营过程中创造价值是不容置疑的,很多人却忽略了人力资本投资的风险性,本文就人力资本作为一种投资也会带来收益和风险进行了分析。  相似文献   

反贫困与人力资本投资   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
向恒 《当代财经》1998,(7):15-18

论人力资本投资对经济增长的作用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
人力资本理论认为,人力资本是一种特殊的具有主观能动性的资源,是促进经济增长的强大推动力,对现代高新技术产业的发展和经济增长起着决定性的作用。因此,我们要充分重视人力资本,重视人力资本的形成和积累。人力资本的形成主要在教育,教育投资是人力资本形成的关键。  相似文献   

舒尔茨的人力资本理论改变了传统的经济增长思维模式,注重通过对人力资本的投资推进对传统农业的改造,促进经济的增长。文章根据我国农村劳动力人力资本低下的现状,运用人力资本理论提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

李慧 《经贸实践》2016,(8):96-96
在当今社会,经济发展日益成为一国关注的焦点,而人力资本在经济增长中具有举足轻重的地位。本文就人力资本的重要性,中国人力资本投资现状、存在的问题进行了浅要描述,并就如何更好的发展中国人力资本,从而促进中国经济可持续发展进行了简单分析。  相似文献   

杨军 《当代经济》2002,(10):24-25
80年代兴起的新经济增长理论的研究指出,离开了人力资本,在宏观层面,我们无法解释各国经济绩效的巨大差异;在微观层面,我们无法解释各企业经济绩效的巨大差异。这表明,人力资本同物质资本、技术等一样,是非常重要的生产要素。但是,这种生产要素又与其它要素不同,具有自身属性。  相似文献   

Cao Dong  Wang Yaozhong   《Economic Modelling》2009,26(6):1335-1340
A bifurcation occurs when there is a sudden qualitative or topological change in the behavior of the original system by varying one or more parameters (the bifurcation parameters) of the original system. Bifurcation can cause unacceptable new conditions or instability in the economy system. Its control is done by designing a controller input, thereby achieving desirable dynamical behavior. This paper deals with the control of a bifurcation caused by a rise in information costs in a human capital investment model. By employing the delayed feedback control (DFC) method, unstable fluctuations stemming from the system can be controlled without changing its original properties. In addition, we show the effectiveness and feasibility of the developed methods in the system with explicit functions.  相似文献   

To deal with the financial hardships associated with rising college tuition, many female college students in the U.S. are turning to risqué forms of financing human capital investments, such as agreeing to potentially lucrative ‘romantic arrangements’ with older males, referred to as ‘sugar daddies,’ through the largest Internet-based club in the industry. Yet despite this recent trend, there is a relative paucity of published academic research on the economics of such behaviour. Using data from the more than 220 nationally ranked (by U.S. News & World Report’s America’s Best Colleges) colleges and universities in the U.S., presents results from both Poisson and scaled Poisson estimation suggesting that large, high-cost universities that are located in larger cities or where unemployment rates are higher lead the nation in the number of female students choosing such romantic arrangements in order to fund higher education. Moreover, those institutions that are chosen by more physically attractive female students, and those that enrol a higher percentage of female students, are also generating greater numbers of female student entrants into the sugar daddy industry. Each of these findings has implications for the human capital literature and the growing body of academic literature on the economics of beauty.  相似文献   

高等教育阶段,影响农村人力资本投资的因素很多,包括农村居民收入的低水平循环增长、教育机会的不均等、农村家庭高等教育投资与收益的不对称和农村人力资本高等教育收益率较低等。  相似文献   

Population and economic growth with human and physical capital investments   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We present a two-sector endogenous growth model with human and physical capital accumulation to analyze the long-run relationship between population growth and real per capita income growth. Formal education and investment in physical capital are assumed to be two separate components of human capital production. Along the balanced growth path equilibrium, population change may have a positive, negative, or else neutral effect on economic growth depending on whether physical and human capital are complementary/substitutes for each other in the formation of new human capital and on their degree of complementarity.
Davide La TorreEmail:

Investment is the most volatile component of aggregate demand and it is often considered central to business cycles fluctuations. The responsiveness of business investment to changes in its price is thus crucial to our understanding of economic activity. In spite of the key role played by the user cost of capital in economic analysis, there is little empirical support for the existence of substantial user cost elasticity. However, most of the evidence to date is based on aggregate user cost data, which may have introduced downward biases in the estimated user cost. This paper contributes to the literature by constructing a disaggregated, industry‐specific micro user cost variable and focusing on a special class of firms – the high‐tech firms. To provide a benchmark for the results, the user cost estimates for the high‐tech sector are compared with those for the rest of the manufacturing sector. The results suggest that there is little response of investment to variations in its user cost. The findings also suggest that high‐tech firms’ investment behavior is not, after all, that different from the rest of the manufacturing sector.  相似文献   

Summary. According to empirical studies, the wage differential by skills evolved non–monotonically in the past decades although the relative supply of skilled labor steadily increased. The present paper provides a theoretical explanation for this finding. In our setting, technological change intertemporally alters the human–capital investment incentives of heterogeneous individuals. As a consequence of changing incentives, the time path of the relative wage is U–shaped while there is a rise in the share of skilled workers. Received: November 28, 2000; revised version: January 30, 2001  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between international migration, remittances, and human capital investment in Kenya. We use household‐level data from the 2009 Kenya Migration Household Survey (which was part of the Africa Migration Project) to test our hypothesis and uncover a positive and significant relationship between the amount of international remittances a household receives and the amount of expenditures allocated to education (for all levels of education). We consider various robustness checks and find that our results hold up to various specifications, including an instrumental variable approach.  相似文献   

This paper studies an urban growth model where learning through personal contacts could be more effective in a denser locale, whereas the effectiveness of learning through impersonal means of communications depends principally on the technology of communications rather than on the locale in which learning takes place. As a result of advances in communications technology, cities would be larger, and workers would spent more time on learning through personal contacts but may cut time on impersonal learning if the two kinds of learning investment are complements. Otherwise, cities could become smaller, while workers would spend more time on impersonal learning at the expense of time on learning through personal contacts. In a multi-sector economy, urban industrial diversity tends to increase or fall together with city size.  相似文献   

I document that workers in newly tradable service occupations possess more occupation-specific human capital and are more highly educated than workers in previously tradable occupations. Motivated by this observation, I develop a dynamic equilibrium model with labor market frictions and specific human capital to study the labor adjustment process after a trade shock. When calibrated to match the increase in U.S. trade between 1990 and 2010, the model suggests that (1) output increases immediately after a trade shock and converges quickly to the steady state; (2) labor market institutions likely play a larger role in the adjustment process than specific human capital; (3) the short run distributional effects are small if the labor market is flexible, even in the presence of specific human capital.  相似文献   

Growth and social security: the role of human capital   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper studies the growth and efficiency effects of pay-as-you-go financed social security when human capital is the engine of growth. Employing a variant of the Lucas model [Lucas, R.E., 1988. On the mechanics of economic development. Journal of Monetary Economics 22, 3–42.] with overlapping generations, it is shown that a properly designed, unfunded social security system leads to higher output growth than a fully funded one. Furthermore, the economy with an unfunded social security is efficient, while the other one is not. These results stand in sharp contrast to those obtained in models where the reason for economic growth is physical capital accumulation.  相似文献   

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